All Lords: I Created The Mythical Heaven!

Chapter 50: The World Of Mist, The Soil Of Faith Divided By External Gods.

Lu Yun's vision then entered [Peng Hou Yaoxie]'s resentment.

Sudden elevation.

He saw a towering ancient tree in the mountains.

No one knows how many years it lived.

It just grows day after day, year after year, quietly.

During this time the memory flashes.

There was an immortal walking with a sword, and the great demon in the mountain was so full of blood that he opened his mouth to swallow it.

Over the long days, the ancient trees formed their own essence.

A monster with a human face and a dog body appeared inside the tree.

It seems that due to the influence of the ancient tree spirits, a group of little tree spirits with human faces and dog bodies were born in other trees.

There are other wild spirits living in the mountains and forests, and occasionally a few ghosts wander away.

"The spirit in the mountains, Marquis Peng."

"Pengniao and Penghou Yaxie, as well as skeleton soldiers."

Lu Yun's eyes flickered, thinking about the properties of the plane where his territory was located.

it's easy to see.

It turns out that this is a plane with immortal attributes.

"Then what exactly happened here."

Lu Yun continued to read.

At this time, Peng Hou's temperament gradually became cruel, and he kept killing the creatures passing by in the mountains.

Until a certain day!

A faint black mist emerged from the end of the plane world.


The sound of the plane crystal wall cracking resounded in the hearts of all living beings.

In the dim and chaotic light and shadow turbulence, the Xianxia plane poured into the majestic and surging fog!

Lu Yun's perspective has always been limited to the ancient trees.

[Zhongtian Ziwei] The destiny takes effect.


Lu Yun found his own perspective.

You can switch at will.

All past locations in the entire universe can be viewed at an overview.

Take this opportunity.

Lu Yun quickly mapped out the landforms around the Tiangong territory and near the ancient trees.

Lu Yun quickly located the location of the current territory.

A large number of practitioners in heaven and earth feel the cry of heaven.

The hidden power stood up and set up a magnificent formation in an attempt to resist the invasion of the white mist.

And Lu Yun was caught in this startling glance.

He carefully checked around the territory of the Living Heavenly Palace.

In the past, were there any sects, towns, mines, settlements, etc. around here?

Wait until the tenth day of resource points and the refresh mechanism is turned off.

Both the Heavenly Palace and the Underworld are needed, and they must search and collect resources in the surrounding reality.

in reality.

The plane is filled with fog everywhere, and exploration in every direction requires expensive time costs.

There are currently three places for monster spawning and leveling: the dark banyan forest and two undead planes.


Lu Yun passed the time.

Understand the landforms around the territory and the distribution of sects, monsters, mineral veins, etc.

at this time!

The fairy plane in the past time.

Shrouded in a dark and eerie veil of mist.

Tiandao let out a cry.

The emotion of sadness hangs over the hearts of all living beings in the world, and everyone, whether wise or not, feels the cry.

over time.

A strange black mist covers the entire plane, and the world's heavenly order is gradually extinguished.

Shrouded in fog.

The plane fell into deathly silence, without any sign of life, and strange monsters appeared in large numbers.

Lu Yun wanted the perspective of time passing while moving.

He was not satisfied with just watching the changes in this plane.

Lu Yun wanted to take a look.

What happened outside the plane!

[Five Emperors Yulong] The destiny takes effect.

The field of vision has once again increased significantly.

He saw a plane shaped like an oval egg, with white mist pouring into it riddled with holes.

The sound of crashing tides sounded.

The boundless ocean of chaos is filled with an invisible white mist.

Rough waves crash.

On the boundless sea of ​​chaotic world, the huge waves carry the mist and bring up world planes as many as Hengsha.

Ups and downs, illusions and disillusions.


Incense Faith drops like crazy.

Lu Yun exited from the strange state, his face full of regret, and he still wanted to look further.

at this time.

The incense and faith in him were all used up, and there was no trace left!

"More than 100 million incense beliefs."

"Just a glimpse of the world."

Lu Yun complained.

Level 14 Peng Hou’s Resentment.

I can see so many things from the past.

Undoubtedly it is the effect of his destiny and the belief in incense.

A startling glance.

The past time contains a lot of information!


All planes in the universe cannot escape the invasion of fog.

All plane worlds have plane crystal walls.

Protecting each plane from being submerged by the tide of the Chaos World Sea.

"The world's sea of ​​chaos is not a true form of tide."

"What exactly is the fog?"

"What is the connection between the era of universal lords and the fog?"

Lu Yun had more and more doubts in his heart.

a long time.

He recovered.

A thousand miles begins with a single step.

Only when you have established your destiny can you have the ticket to explore the answer.

In the future, you can focus on collecting props that can enter past memories.

"Incense and luck."

Lu Yun sighed quietly in his heart.

Immediately afterwards.

Lu Yun recalled the past time in his memory.

I compiled a copy of the landform information of the surrounding territories and gave it to Mr. Wang.

Take a deep breath.

Lu Yun couldn't wait to go to the territory [Plane Trading Hall].

He wanted to see it in person.

Those plane residents who survive in the fog can learn about information about other planes.

In the plane trading hall.

"Dear Lord, my name is Batulu, from the Gorbadan galaxy."

A middle-aged man from the technological plane said cautiously.

Baturu was originally a hard-working social creature living in the technological plane.

I was selected to enter the plane trading hall the day before yesterday.

The excited Batulu understood that he had received a blessing that could change his life.

"Next, I ask and you answer."

Batulu nodded wildly.

"What is the most powerful weapon in your world?"

"Nuclear bomb."

"Is there any fog in your world?"

"No, my lord."

Suddenly, Lu Yun understood.

This low-level, demon-free technological plane has not yet been swallowed up by the fog.

"Are there ghosts in your world?"

Baturu shook his head wildly.

After a pause, Lu Yun changed his words.

"Are there any legends about the underworld in your world?"


Batulu shook his head hesitantly.

Lu Yun was keenly aware of this.

"Are you talking about the underworld?"

"It is said that after death, people will pass through the darkness of Erebus, pass through the river of pain, and enter the underworld to serve their sentence."

Batulu explained with fear on his face.

He didn't understand why Lu Yun asked this question.

In their world, the underworld is a taboo that must not be mentioned.

After asking several questions in succession.

Lu Yun sent away Baturou who was full of fear and confusion.

Most of the other guests who have come in to trade have been infected by the fog.

And the fog encountered in each plane is different.

"The black mist symbolizes destruction. After passing by, it killed the world's heaven."

"The gray-white fog is more like the black fog dissipating."

"The legacy of 'ordinary' haze."

Lu Yun speculated based on the information from [Peng Hou Xie Nian].


Lu Yun plans to rely on the plane trading hall to spread the belief in the Eastern pantheon.

As a result, the plane trading hall connects all major planes.

They all have their own underworld legends.

The soil of faith.

It has already been divided up by countless gods of the gods.

Names like Apche (the Mayan god of death), Hel (the Norse god of death), Kukui (the Pacific Islands god of death) and so on.

They appear one after another in the information about visitors from the plane.

They firmly hold the beliefs of each plane.

Lu Yun has not yet met the visitor from the plane under the Eastern mythology system.

"Wait for me a little longer."

"The belief in the Eastern pantheon will definitely spread."

Lu Yun drank a cup of spiritual tea, and the tea mist lingered and drifted into the distance.

The tea reflected his eyes.

A certain moment.

Gods, refer to Weibo blogger Tang Lingsheng (authorized by the blogger))

Five tall figures whose figures could not be seen clearly stood behind Lu Yun.

Countless immortals and gods from the Heavenly Palace, the Star Lords all over the sky, and the gods from Fengdu all stood respectfully and stood with their hands down.

There are more than a dozen emperors wearing twelve crowns, solemn on the left and right.

There is also a tolerant figure wearing a golden phoenix crown.


The three old men holding millet beads, Ruyi and cattail fans closed their eyes.

The Dharma is solemn and the gods make pilgrimages!

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