All Lords: I Created The Mythical Heaven!

Chapter 51 The Jiafang Department Upgrades The Baijiang Gongfu, A Sign Of Temperature Changes

The seventh day of Advent came quietly.

Lu Yun was so obsessed with listening to music last night that he didn't pay attention to the time.

Until three poles in the sun.

Lu Yuncai got up from the bed and simply washed his face.

After washing up.

He started doing it every day.

Check in to clear the rewards!

The first is the system’s E-level basic resource gift package.

Replenish the Tiangong territory with a population of 2,000 and 1,000 low-grade spiritual stones.

Immediately afterwards.

Lu Yun checks the building output and population refresh.

[Taipinggong alchemy output: Physique Pill*30 (Level B). 】


"Eating it increases the force attribute by 30 points. It's a good thing."

Lu Yun immediately took a body pill.

There is a warm feeling all over the body, and the muscles in the body are more obvious.

"The elixir prepared by Master Shen is pretty good."

Lu Yun took the remaining 29 pills.

They were given to Liu Changqing and other sergeants in the army who were well trained in the "Physical Refining Technique".

[Chenghuang Temple: Faith value 12033. (View details)]


Lu Yun frowned.

He did not order the erection of monuments for show in the underworld.

Where did these more than 10,000 beliefs come from?


Lu Yun investigated clearly.

The source of belief in the City God Temple.

The reverence of the ghost people in the underworld for the city god.

Because the City God has not returned to his throne.

In addition, Lu Yun [North Yin Emperor Ming] has the highest position in the Yin Division.

The belief generated by the Chenghuang Temple naturally belongs to Lu Yun.

After thinking about the reason clearly.

Lu Yun continued to check various prompts on the [Lord Panel].

Dragon Gate Inn, Newcomer Lord's Mansion, and Refugee Thatched Cottage.

No talents with special attributes have been refreshed.

Lu Yun set talent refresh prompts for these three buildings respectively.

So as not to fall behind in talent development.

[Plane Trading Hall: Fine Slate*3490, White Jade Ceramics*24, Sandalwood Desk*23...]

Lu Yun glanced roughly.

The plane trading hall traded some basic resources yesterday.

The resource output of buildings such as Nufang Department and Jiafang Department.

Lu Yundu left it to Old Man Wang to make arrangements.

Reward after clearing.

Lu Yun arranged what to do today.

Thousands of acres of spiritual land.

"I've met my lord."

Niu Dali, who was busy harvesting crops, saw Lu Yun and quickly put down his work and said hello.

"How many days does it take for spiritual energy crops to ripen now?"

"Return to my lord."

"Lingmai ripens once every three days, and spiritual grain ripens once every five days."

The cow rubs its rough fingers vigorously and calculates the maturity time of the crops.

"It's cooked once in three days."

Lu Yun touched the ears of spiritual energy wheat and found that the grains were large and plump.

"The 10,000 acres of spiritual land cultivated are barely enough to support the territory's population."

Thinking of this, Lu Yun ordered Old Uncle Wang again.

Arrange all the 2,000 people who have just joined to reclaim wasteland.

There is the existence of [Jianmu] in its infancy and [Dongtian Spiritual Vein] in Mount Lu.

Don't worry about not having the chance to transform into a spiritual field.

at this time.

Lu Yun noticed the farm tools in the field next to him.

A plow shaped like a curved shaft plow is covered with rough refinement restrictions.

The other side is engraved with densely packed small twisting runes.

"Your Majesty."

Niu Dali looked at Lu Yun and explained.

"This is the plow sent by Mr. Li Si."

“We have used it to increase farmland efficiency several times.”

As he spoke, Niu vigorously used the demonstrator.

I saw.

Niu Dali gently pressed the button of the plow.

The rapid plow plows the land quickly and automatically according to the set route, with the character "quick" flashing all over its body.

About 10 minutes.

Plowing and sowing were completed.

The efficiency of farming is not unpleasant.

Seeing this, Lu Yun thought back.

Last night, Li Si reported to him that the weapon refiner's inheritance mentioned a hundred skills.

Lu Yun didn’t pay much attention at that time.

Li Si'an couldn't bear the itching of his hands.

After a busy afternoon, Li Si improved a large number of tools and farm implements in the territory.

Coupled with Cui Chaoyang, the 'disease' rune in the Fu Seal Master's inheritance.

Finally created together.

[Fast Plow] that combines runes and weapon refining skills.

Lu Yun greeted Niu Dali, left Lingtian, and walked aimlessly in the territory.

"Nufang Department and Jiafang Department."

Earlier, when Lu Yun got the A-level [Building Level Breaking] prop.

Priority was given to upgrading the Jiafang Department and Nufang Department.

Lu Yun calculated.

Two days passed.

The upgrade should be almost successful now.

[D-level Jiafang Department→A-level Baijiang Gongfu]

"Countdown 00:00:03"

[D-level crossbow workshop → A-level weapons workshop]

"Countdown 24:20:01"

Talk about Cao Cao, Cao Cao arrives.

Baijiang Gongfu was the first to complete the upgrade.

【Baijian Gongfu】

Level: Level 1

Attributes: [Craftsman Skills] [Great Country Craftsman] [Rating]

Output: A small amount of various utensils.

Inheritance: "Creating the French Style" (refreshed every week)

Introduction: In the examination of civil work and civil affairs, the pros and cons must be investigated, and the past and future will be connected, benefiting the future.

After the Jiafang Department was upgraded to the Hundred Craftsman House, a new inheritance assessment function was added.

A craftsmanship inheritance is randomly generated every week.

The other three attributes of Baijiang Gongfu are all linked to the craftsman's skill and sophistication.

in short.

It means producing utensils with high quality and quantity.

The emergence of craftsman heritage.

It has undoubtedly enhanced the talent base of the territory.

Lu Yun was somewhat impressed by "Creating French Style".

During the Northern Song Dynasty, the architectural master Li Jie was responsible for compiling an architectural design and construction specification book.

"You can arrange for Zhang San to learn about the craftsman heritage."

Lu Yun became active.

He also wanted to experience it.

The use of official craftsmen from the Northern Song Dynasty created architectural luxury.

Just imagine that various palaces, temples, and gardens are built one after another, with luxurious and exquisite shapes.

"The legacy of great craftsmen."

"It just produces a small amount of utensils, and I'm very dissatisfied."

Lu Yun looked at the output column and complained.

He looked at Baijiangfu again and upgraded it to level 5.

Building materials required:

"Population*148, dishes*1280, refined stones*2414, excellent wooden boards*2141, 142211 energy points, plus D-level craftsmanship*241."

Including the spiritual stones consumed, it is only 10,000 low-grade spiritual stones.

Lu Yun discovered a problem.

Poor D-level ingenuity.


Lu Yun naturally has his own methods.

Find Zoe directly and activate the [Practice Fake Turns into Reality] rule against more than 200 stones.

At the cost of consuming 241 hairs.

Under Zoe's resentful eyes, Lu Yun left angrily with D-level ingenuity.

"First upgrade the Baijiang Gongfu to the full level."

[Countdown: 4 hours and 30 minutes (-50%)]

at this time.

Liu Changqing and others spent a whole morning exploring outside the territory.

Bringing back bad news.

The temperature around the territory is gradually dropping.

When other sergeants went out to explore in various directions, they found that monsters along the way were dormant.

The frost that had not thawed in the morning covered the surrounding wilderness.


Lu Yun raised his head and glanced at the sun in the sky, and suddenly realized something.

In the gift of knowledge from the stars.

Mentioned an update change to the universal lord system.

The tenth day after the arrival of the lord.

Not only turns off the refresh reset of resource points.

And the length of day and night in the foggy world.

It is also gradually changing.

Until the length of day and night reaches 8 hours of daytime and 16 hours of darkness.

Extreme temperature changes will become the second new lord assessment content after monster attacks.

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