All Lords: I Created The Mythical Heaven!

Chapter 49 Exploring The Nearby Fog And Encountering The Evil Spirit Of Marquis Peng

Lu Yun opened the S-level "Bingwu" inheritance rewarded by the world announcement.

A large amount of knowledge passed down by military strategists came to mind.

a long time.

Lu Yun rubbed his head.

S-level "Bing Wu" comes from one of the four military sects.

The inheritance of skillful masters.

Soldiers and masters inherit techniques for killing enemies, using equipment, and building forts for city defense.


"Bingwu" contains a large number of abilities and skills for fighting and killing enemies.

Immediately afterwards.

Lu Yun sorted out the C-level practice technique "Body Tempering Technique" and the B-level secret book "Utensil Method".

Another B-level martial arts "Bingwu Xue" involves combat skills to kill enemies.

He called Liu Changqing.

He solemnly passed on the cultivation techniques, secret books, and martial arts to the latter.

Lu Yun gave special instructions.

Liu Changqing thoroughly understood the contents before leaving the territory to explore.

"The inheritance of the military strategist is indeed overbearing."

Lu Yun watched and practiced the Body Tempering Technique for a while.

Liu Changqing, who had just finished cleansing the meridians and cutting off the meridians, praised him.

The fists and feet are filled with fierce energy, and the role of military inheritance can be said to be immediate.

Give it time.

All the soldiers in the territory have mastered the martial arts and secret martial arts passed down by military strategists.

When going out to fight other monsters.

One more chance to save your life.

"It's a pity that it has not been released. It is the inheritance of military power and family planning."

"Otherwise, it will be a big mistake."

Lu Yun sighed inwardly.

The four factions of military strategists are divided into four categories: military power planners, military situationalists, military yin and yang experts, and military skill experts.

The military power planner also understands the inheritance contents of the remaining three sects.

Deep in the gray mist.

Liu Changqing led a company of troops to carry out this exploration mission.

He is now a battalion commander.

All 720 people from the six companies under his command spread out to explore the fog surrounding the territory.

There are [Rune Beacons] planted on several hills along each route.

Liu Changqing lowered his head and looked at the short rune flagpole, which was less than knee high.

It is said.

Bachelor Cui Chaoyang received the profession of [Fu Seal Master] given by the lord.

Inspiration broke out on the rune production table in the Nufang Department.

Made to record the coordinates of the foggy world.

All the soldiers on this expedition were informed by Jiutian’s envoys about the characteristics of several common fogs.

While traveling through the fog.

Everyone's direction will be randomly changed by inexplicable forces.

Strange things will happen in the black fog without a light source.

Be sure to return to the territory before sunset, as the evening mist can suck life.

If you encounter the blood-red fog, you must stay away, retreat in time, and report to the lord!

"Sir, do brothers after death really live in another world?"

One soldier couldn't help but ask in a low voice.

The soldiers whispering behind him stopped talking.

Everyone looked at Liu Changqing expectantly.

Before Liu Changqing set off, he specifically told the soldiers to keep communicating in low voices during the march.

He was afraid of the heavy fog. After walking silently for a long time, the people in the team became strange beings.

The "Wen Tao" skill book given by Lu Yun.

Liu Changqing's military literacy and ability have been significantly improved.

"it is true."

"I've seen Jiang Zhou."

Liu Changqing explained calmly.

"Jiang Zhou, Jiang Zhou is awake."

The other soldiers communicated one after another.

Jiang Zhou, who was straightforward and helpful during his lifetime, had a high prestige in the military.

"Well, I'm not carrying this."

Liu Changqing carried a looming wooden box on his shoulders.

If you look closely, it is a vertical rectangular shrine, with a bamboo curtain at the top to block the sun.

There lived a sinister seducer inside.

Master Zoe, who is new to the territory, has given every Yin Division shrine a hidden effect.

"Master Jiang Zhou's longevity card?"

The soldier who was questioning him earlier looked timidly at the niche.

"Another brother who changed his job to become a soul seducer."

Liu Changqing explained.

Pay full attention to the situation around you.

The hundreds of people behind him had blazing eyes, and the stones hanging high in their hearts sank.

Although their lords promised that after their death, they would set up immortality tablets and enjoy the incense in the territory.

Your own mother-in-law and children can also have pension privileges.

But everyone wants to see their children grow up.

The establishment of the second territory of the underworld, the underworld.

Undoubtedly, all the soldiers in the Tiangong territorial army have the greatest security in their hearts.

If you die, you will die.

When they are in the underworld of the underworld, they will put on a suit of armor.

He is still a hero serving the lord.

"Everyone, put the smile on your face, death is not a good thing."

Liu Shuang, the seducer in the shrine, scolded.

Recently, the Underworld of the Underworld was newly established. Master Jiang Zhou ordered a group of underworld seducers to follow the Tiangong territory army to explore.

If you encounter evil spirits and strange monsters.

The existence of the Soul Seducer is undoubtedly a great security guarantee.

The soldiers continued to press and insert the [Rune Beacon].

The long queue suddenly became much quieter.


Liu Changqing stretched out his hand and made a gesture.

The soldiers behind him ordered and prohibited, and all the rune crossbows in their hands were raised.

Liu Changqing squatted down and looked at the animal dung on the ground. There were messy and unknown footprints in the distance.

The nearby landscape was thick with tall trees, and the soldiers stepped on dry branches and leaves with every step.

Apparently the fog drain drained the life force out of the nearby trees.

"There could be some wild beasts living around."

"Catch him alive and provide better food for everyone."

Liu Changqing had a smile on his face.

In the past few days, on their way out to the resource points to clear their books, they had caught many animals and brought them back to their territory.

Pick and choose those that are not suitable for domestication.

Other delicious and edible beasts were sold to the Longmen Inn, which also provided a large amount of income to the soldiers.

"Be careful, there's something wrong around here."

The reminder from the seducer came from the shrine behind.


Liu Shuang, the charmer, floated out on his feet, holding an iron chain in his hand.

The other soldiers saw the seducer appearing in front of them.

In my heart, I have no doubts about the underworld’s statement.

"What's wrong?"

Liu Changqing raised his rune war crossbow, looked around and asked in a low voice.

He wasn't too nervous.

Before leaving.

Tens of thousands of soldiers in the territory have learned the basic exercise "Physique Tempering Technique".

Even without relying on the rune crossbow.

Even the most powerful ones can survive against skeleton monsters.

Distant in the mist.

Standing was the outline of a human figure, but because of the thick fog, the specific appearance could not be seen.


Liu Changqing felt an indescribable strange feeling in his heart.

[Your subject Liu Changqing encountered the level 14 evil "Peng Hou". 】

Lu Yun hurriedly opened the [Lord Panel] to check the battle situation.

at this time.

A soldier threw a blazing rune torch.

Dozens of people around him pulled the trigger.

A swarm of rune arrows shot towards the rune torch.


The violent explosion sounded, alarming the evil spirits standing in the distance.

Woof woof woof!

"Dogs bark?"

Before Liu Changqing could react.

The wind whistled in my ears.

Upright gray figures floated over quickly.

With the help of fire from the explosion.

The looming upright ghost passed quickly.

After seeing the demon's appearance clearly, all the soldiers shuddered.

The skinned dog had no tail, a human-like face, and brown blood oozing from its eyes.

There was a strong smell of corruption.


Peng Hou (evil)

Level: Level 14

HP: 321 (immune to physical attacks)

Attributes: [Tree Resentment] [Evil Transformation] [Cruelty]

Strength: 70, basic attack damage 100, combo limit 10 (mist mutation)

Introduction: After the tree spirit was invaded by the unknown fog, it transformed into an evil spirit.


Liu Shuang held the soul-binding rope and transformed into chains, which were airtight.

Stop all the ghost Peng Hou who rushes towards you.

The authority of [City God Yin Chai] takes effect.

The ghost Peng Hou rushed over so quickly that he had no power to fight back.

All of them were obliterated by the Soul Seducer's chains.

[Congratulations to your ghost citizen Liu Shuang for killing the evil spirit and dropping the ghost tree essence*1]

[Congratulations to your ghost citizen Liu Shuang for killing the evil spirit and dropping the memory of Peng Hou’s Resentment*1]

"Check the memory of resentment."

Lu Yun wanted to find out.

What happened to this plane of territorial existence, and what kind of horrors there are in the misty world.

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