All Lords: I Created The Mythical Heaven!

Chapter 48 The Collapsed Wanyan Gou, The Ancestor Of The Yin And Shang Dynasties, Predicts The Futur

[World Announcement: Congratulations to the respected lord Lu Yun for successfully opening the second territory ‘Underworld’! 】

[Reward "Bingwu", one of the four inheritances of S-level military strategists]

at the same time.

The moment when the world announcement rings.

Billions of newcomer lords around the world have once again fallen into numbness.

"Unlock the underworld territory on the sixth day, bro, are you still human?!"

Xiao Kun made a sharp explosion.

"An enemy defeated by Lu Yun will never be regarded as his opponent!"

“He gave us time to catch up until we were out of sight.”

"Let's take a look at the Lord's Building List. There are a total of 500,000 buildings in Lu Yun's territory?!"

"No, can't we use a sign to increase the number of buildings?!"

George Hua issued an angry question.

He once wanted to use billboards to increase the number of buildings.

"I tried it, and only buildings with an area of ​​more than 200 squares will count."

Master Ji echoed George Ward.

Obviously, there is more than one person in the world who claims to be smart.

"Father Zhong made a mistake!"

Ouyang Zi wailed, his hero reminded him not to unlock the second territory in advance.

"Opening the second territory of the underworld will definitely slow down the development of the underworld."

Tang Wenguang unintentionally unlocked the territory of the underworld, and his development speed was slowed down a lot.

“Can’t the basic resources of the Yang world be used in the underworld?!”

Li Zhen was very curious as to why Lu Yun had a 200,000 building in his underworld territory.

"Unless Lu Yun has a huge amount of incense faith... he can deduct it from the building?!"

Zhu Houde's face turned blue.

Suddenly I understood where Lu Yun’s incense came from.

There are thousands of things to guard against, but the old one is hard to guard against.

Distant plane.

[Southern Liao Territory, Level: LV2]

Hear world announcements.

A second generation lord who came from a wealthy family and was a top newcomer fell into a deathly silence.

"The total number of buildings in the Heavenly Palace and the Underworld territory exceeds 500,000."

Wanyan Gou covered his face and cried.

The indescribable despair in my heart.

Wan Yangou was born in the Liao Kingdom, which was the second outer ring of the Daxia Dynasty.

The scope of influence of Daxia territory is divided into five levels of regional system:

The first ring within the country (dian service), the second ring outside the country (hou service), the third ring of Houwei (guan service), the fourth ring of barbarians (must service), and the fifth ring of mist (wild service).

The inner ring refers to the Daxia territory, which actually governs the core areas of the sixteen states.

(The sixteen states of Daxia, the core territory of the Yun Dynasty.)

The second ring outside the country belongs to the buffer area of ​​Daxia Yunchao and other lords.

The lords who want to leave the Daxia territory.

They have taken root in the Second Ring Road outside the country.

The Houwei Third Ring refers to the Iron Blood Border Great Wall.

Further out.

It does not fall under the actual jurisdiction of the Great Xia Yun Dynasty.

The four rings of barbarians refer to the misty world and the scope of human civilization in other affiliated galaxies.


And it is not limited to countries such as Lighthouse Country, Grizzly Bear Country, Fuso, Vigeland, etc.

The human kingdom surrounded by barbarians needs to pay tribute to the suzerain country of Daxia every year.

Giving includes faith.

and all other resources conducive to development.

In exchange for the blessing of the gods of the Great Xia Yun Dynasty in the misty world.

With Daxia as the core.

It affects human civilization in all directions towards the foggy world.

This is a set.

It belongs to the tributary system of the Celestial Kingdom of the Great Xia Dynasty.

The foggy world is not affected by the Great Xia Yun Dynasty.

The various plane worlds opened up by the new lords are collectively called the Five Rings of Mist.


"Is Lu Yun sick?!"

Wanyan Gou was asleep, but the more he thought about it, the more angry he got, so he got up from the bed and cursed.

The second generation of new lords who came from a wealthy family.

Of course I know how to unlock the second territory of the underworld in advance.

The problem is that.

Parents and elders have repeatedly warned their children.

Don't aim too high.

The newcomer period opens the second territory of the underworld.

To the new lord.

It is tantamount to killing oneself.

After the thirty-day newcomer period, you will have to face the fog monster craze.

Open the second territory and slow down the development of the Yang Realm territory.

What's the difference between seeking death?

Wanyan Gou is now ranked second in the territorial building rankings.

Originally, he was only a little short of catching up with Lu Yun's Tiangong territory!

His lord's destiny is the purple growth-oriented [Architectural Master].

[Architectural Master]: [Guardian] [Prosperous Age] [Song Gong] [Yuan Curse] four destiny.

1. [Defense] When there are no units, the defense and attack power attributes of your basic building will be increased by 200%.

2. [Prosperity] When there are no heroes, the effect of your wonder buildings will increase by 140%, and the effect of your livelihood buildings will increase by 100%; the construction time of all buildings will be reduced by half.

3. [Songgong] When you build territory buildings, all required resources will be reduced by 20%.

4. [Yuan Spell]: When your territory has troops and heroes, the resources for basic building construction will increase 45 times, and the difficulty of constructing wonder buildings will increase by 1279%.

Wanyan Gou's [Southern Liao] territory is blessed by three destiny-boosting effects from [Architectural Master].

In addition, the reason for the negative gain of the [Elemental Curse] curse.

Wan Yangou could only use his best efforts to use his people to lure monsters, and shoot with massive advanced defense towers.

It was originally the fourth day.

When Lu Yun won the first place on the three major charts in one fell swoop.

Wan Yangou was still unconvinced in his heart.

He has the destiny of [Architectural Master].

He vowed to trample Lu Yun under his feet sooner or later.

Six days after the arrival of the new lord, the number of buildings in Wan Yangou's territory exceeded the 200,000 mark!

Originally, Wan Yangou's Southern Liao Territory and Lu Yun's Tiangong Territory were just around the corner on the building list!

There are now four days left.

The new lord building list will be finalized.

Lu Yun’s underworld territory has just been unlocked.

Immediately soared to the top of the list of new lord buildings.

The number of buildings in the Southern Liao territory is 200,000.

The total number of buildings in the two territories of Lu Yun is 500,000.

"The advantage is not mine!"

Wan Yangou couldn't help crying.

The gap between the enemy and ourselves is too great.

It’s not that Wanyan Gou doesn’t work hard enough, it’s that his strength doesn’t allow it!

the other side.

Lu Yun was busy dealing with the trivial matters brought about by unlocking the belief function.

The first is the S-level reward [Shen Mian’s Ancestral Artifact] that I got previously.

He activates it directly with 3w faith value.

It's not a small amount of money now.

【Ancestral Artifacts of the Yin and Shang Dynasties】

Quality: S-level glory

Attribute: [sacrifice][guidance]

Introduction: Yin people respected gods and led the people to serve ghosts, putting ghosts first and then etiquette; artifacts from the Yin and Shang dynasties.

The sacrificial attribute is simply to store and store beliefs.

[Guide]: Consume 20 million faith to obtain the result of a branch timeline deduction that predicts the future (within three days).

(Warning: The results of this future branch do not represent the actual final results.)

"Deducing the future results within three days?"

Lu Yun thought carefully.

Spend 20 million incense faith and obtain the result of a future deduction.

Gains and losses are worth it and not worth it.

It's hard to quantify.

But deducing future information is equivalent to obtaining a large amount of possible real information in advance.

for the development of a territory.

Lu Yun has enough manpower to eliminate and correct the real gains and losses.

Jiutian Interview uses the power of [Psychic Induction] to directly eliminate erroneous information when the time comes.

A lot of real information combined together.

Rounding The future is now.

Another thing that requires faith is the Guhun bloodline.

It is the easiest to deal with the bloodline of Yili Valley Soul.

When going to the fields, carve Yili's portrait on the farm equipment.

Ask the people to look at it twice every day and remember Yili's name.

A bunch of big and fat men, looking at beautiful women to amuse their eyes.

Even if you add up a little, you still have faith!

In addition, Lu Yun ordered Mr. Wang to regularly organize tomb-sweeping activities in the Tiangong territory.

Such a big event as the establishment of the underworld territory.

Lu Yun announced the news in the Tiangong territory.

More than 100,000 people fell into a frenzy of visiting the tombs of their relatives and worshiping themselves with immortality cards.

The practice of setting up shrines for living people.

He was quickly ordered to stop by Bai Gui, and after his death, he could not receive his own incense and faith.

A huge waste of territory development resources.

At the same time, ghosts are divided into good and evil.

Good ghosts include ancestor ghosts, family guardian ghosts, etc.

Evil ghosts include hungry tuberculosis ghosts, wild mountain ghosts, stick-headed ghosts, etc.

If the people in the Tiangong territory worship evil spirits in the temple, it will easily lead to the exodus of their own beliefs.

So the magician Allen and the [Census] talented Hu Mukeng are two people.

Has a new mission.

While regularly collecting census files, it is necessary to conduct inspections on the processing of evil ghost sacrifices.

Good thing.

Jiutian Interview has the power of [rewarding good and punishing evil], and can help organize the catalog of the people of Tiangong.

(Compare the wealth and longevity of heaven and man, and the sins and blessings of living beings)

As for the compilation of the files of the ghost people in the underworld territory.

On the contrary, it is the simplest.

There is a "Registration of Life and Death" in the Chenghuang Temple, and it is clear at a glance who are the legal ghost citizens of the underworld territory.

It is not due to the issue of population records.

Extremely busy.

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