All Lords: I Created The Mythical Heaven!

Chapter 47 200 Million Faith Points! Two Hundred Thousand Ghosts! Development Of The Underworld Terr

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Lu Yun looked surprised.

Order Jiang Zhou.

Just let these wild ghosts repair the ghost dwellings on the Yin Earth.

The wandering ghosts in the underworld are different from the refugees in the upper world.

Most of them are hypocritical and cunning, telling lies and believe in strength.

So don't worry.

There will be issues of loyalty among the people of the underworld.

Because of wild ghosts.

There is no loyalty at all!

Lu Yun looked at it first.

There are 40 ghost houses attached to the Chenghuang Temple itself.

Look into the distance again.

A vast barren land.

The authority of [Beiyin Emperor's Order] told him.

The time ratio between the underworld and the Yang world is between 1:1.

"This is different from the saying that one day in the sky and one year in the earth in the previous life."

Lu Yun thought.

When entering the underworld.

Lu Yun searched for traces of the Heavenly Soldiers and Feather Guards.

However, Tianbing Yuwei did not wake up.

Underground, the underworld governs life and death in the mortal world.

The sky consists of the Six Elements of the Nandou and the Seven Elements of the Beidou.

Together they control the life and death of immortals and gods.

The heavenly soldiers and feather guards who died in these battles.

He can only wake up when Beidou Qiyuan appears.

in addition.

A wild ghost who came to seek refuge.

Lu Yun was reminded of another thing.

The underworld of the underworld.

It was born purely based on the Chenghuang Temple.

The City God's Temple in the underworld is equivalent to the Lord's Mansion in the Heavenly Palace.

But the City God’s Temple will not spawn wild ghosts!

The only way to replenish the ghost people is through the capture of seducers.

"I'll try to find ways to gain more reputation later."

"Speed ​​up the refreshment of ghost people."


There is a circular barrier in the sky above the underworld.

A protective barrier for newbies in the territory for thirty days.

It only covers 30 square kilometers of territory.

The actual territorial area of ​​the Heavenly Palace.

In addition, Lushan Mountain covers about 240 square kilometers.

There is no way for the Tiangong territory to enjoy the novice protection barrier.


Lu Yun's two territories both share the bonuses of [Unconscious Lushan] and [Eight Hundred Weak Water].


Is there a protective barrier for newcomers?

It has little impact on the security of the Heavenly Palace and the Underworld territory.

The building effects of the two territories are common, but cannot overlap with each other.

For example.

The people of the Tiangong territory were affected by the wonders of Mount Lushan [The Immortal’s House].

Taoist qualification +2.

Go to the underworld territory after death.

The wonder effect cannot be retriggered.


An important question arises.

Since ancient times, Yin and Yang have been different.

Therefore, the basic resources of the underworld.

Doesn’t work on the underworld!

After unlocking the second underworld territory in the era of national lords.

When you defeat monsters in the Yangjian territory and open treasure chests, basic resources from the underworld will be randomly released.

The realm of the underworld is just the opposite.

Killing monsters will not drop any basic resources in the world!

In addition, the energy value cannot be purchased from the [System Store].


Are you willing to use incense (faith) to generate the basic resources of the underworld and build a house directly with incense.

To a large extent.

Unlock the underworld territory in advance.

This will cause the development of the Yang Realm territory to slow down.

This is also true.

One of the drawbacks of unlocking the underworld territory in the early version.

So generally speaking.

A new lord who basically has the ability to unlock the Yin Earth.

The second territory of the underworld will not be unlocked in advance.

In the early days, who could be so extravagant as to use incense to build a house?


"It seems like I can do that?"

Lu Yun looked strange.

[Beiyin Emperor's Life] Newly unlock the faith function.

The panel shows that the faith value is as high as 200 million!

Lu Yun won three times at the top of the global charts.

The National Era once rewarded the territory of the Great Xia Dynasty to reduce various negative effects.

Therefore, the Great Xia Dynasty had hundreds of millions of people.

I am very grateful to Lu Yun for what he did.

This invisibly gathered a huge amount of faith.

According to common sense.

The Great Xia Dynasty served as a dynasty.

It must have the ability to suppress luck and prevent the outflow of faith.


The Daxia territory has a population base of more than hundreds of millions of people.


Bringing Lu Yun a huge amount of faith.

"No wonder entering the underworld unlocked the fourth destiny."

Lu Yun pondered.

Even though the destiny of [Ziwei Destiny] has swallowed up the faith of many people in Daxia.

Lu Yun now holds the incense of faith in his hands.

Still an astronomical sum.

【Ghost Residence】

Grade: E grade

Attributes: Reduce the rate of loss of Yin life, protect the ghost people.

Construction method 1: 30 faith, ghost crystal*100, Yin stone*40, ordinary Yin wood*70, ordinary Yin stone*100.

Construction method 2: 400 faith can be used to offset the above materials.

Introduction: Provide simple accommodation for 6 ghosts.

Duration: 60 minutes.

"Build 200,000 ghost houses first to prevent people from looking down upon you."

Lu Yun waved his hand, very proudly.

The faith value dropped loudly.

Stop when there are 120 million left.

In the vast, desolate and silent earth.

Black light pillars appeared one after another.

Lu Yun was vaguely visible inside.

A series of ghost houses filled with a cold atmosphere have risen from the ground.

[Construction countdown: 00:59:59]

The viewing angle is elevated.

It is a huge and well-organized underworld city!

The black light pillar gradually became transparent and illusory as time went by.

The gray light mist escaping around it merges with the underworld.

"At this point, the underworld has begun to take shape."

Lu Yun muttered.

Immediately afterwards.

Lu Yun thought about another question.

The underworld wants to develop the power of the underworld.

You must rely on rampant soldiers to farm Yin attribute resource points.

The breath of the heavenly soldiers of the heavenly realm of Yuwei.

Entering the underworld is equivalent to nuclear weapons destroying the underworld.

There are no tricks.

Let the Heavenly Soldiers and Feather Guards help you level up monsters.

"There are no absolutes."

Lu Yun thought about how to quickly lead the underworld soldiers to level up.

Currently within the Tiangong territory.

In addition to Li Zhixuan, there are three divine heroes.

Jiutian Interviewer, Bai Gui (God of Wealth in Northwest Literature), Wang Xiaopang (Taotie bloodline).

The Jiutian interview envoy was stationed in the Tiangong territory to increase the number of spiritual stones and could not get away.

Bai Gui's status as the God of Wealth has not been unlocked.

Think about it.

Only Wang Xiaopang is suitable.

"Let Wang Xiaopang lead the underworld soldiers to level up."

Lu Yun decided.


The biting wind blowing from the netherworld.

As long as a little bit of it is touched by a living person, it can dissolve the flesh and corrode the bones.

For Lu Yun, all this is like a spring breeze.

"I don't know about Taotie's bloodline."

"Can I move around in the underworld?"


Lu Yun used the authority of the City God's Temple to move Wang Xiaopang from the newcomer lord's mansion.

Even if the Taotie bloodline cannot adapt to the Yin earth environment.

He was also completely sure that Wang Xiaopang would not be injured.


Wang Xiaopang tore into the beast meat with big mouthfuls.

Immerse yourself in the delicious food.

When he opened his eyes, he was stunned and looked at his surroundings in confusion.

The screams of ghosts could be heard all around.

There are flickering ghosts and ghosts in the darkness.

Lu Yun reacted with a thought in his mind.


"The ghost fires and ghost cries of the Yin Division have temporarily dissipated."

[Beiyin Emperor's Mandate] The destiny is in effect.


The flickering ghost fires and shrill ghost cries in the surrounding dark earth disappeared.

"elder brother?"

Wang Xiaopang regained his clarity and after seeing the face clearly, he couldn't help blurting out.

Lu Yun stood on the Yin soil.

The whole person's divine light shines for dozens of miles.

"Little Fatty."

"I need your help with something."

Lu Yun had a gentle smile on his face.

After telling Wang Xiaopang all the reasons.

Wang Xiaopang happily agreed.

Lu Yun watched Wang Xiaopang, surrounded by groups of rampant soldiers, go to the limited-time resource point to level up.

"The new lord has arrived on the sixth day."

"There are still four days left, and the list of the three new lords will be finalized."

"Newcomer benefits, limited time resource points will no longer be refreshed."

"And enable the new lord [trading platform] function."

Lu Yun's eyes were dark and unclear, and he had other thoughts in his heart.

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