All Lords: I Created The Mythical Heaven!

Chapter 46 Underworld, Emperor Beiyin’S Order, Your Rules Are The Rules

In the underworld space.

Green smoke lingered and black mist filled the air, making it difficult to see beyond ten feet.

The ancient and magnificent Chenghuang Temple exudes righteousness.

Lu Yun stood on the vast earth, feeling inexplicably at home.

"Your destiny [Ziwei Destiny] has awakened a new destiny effect."

[Order of the Northern Yin Emperor]: Summon the Yin God of the Earth, and summon the Earth Mansion. Your rules in the vast Yin Earth will be the rules of the underworld.

"My rules are the rules?!"

Lu Yun's expression was inexplicable, and countless authorities and powers appeared in his mind.

It seems that there is no need for the City God to return to his throne.

He can also bypass the City God.

Directly use all the authority of the City God Temple.

[Remind the respected lords of the era of national lords. 】

[Please name your second territory immediately. 】

"Named, Hell."

[Zhongtian Ziwei] The destiny effect takes effect.

[Beiyin Emperor's Mandate] The destiny effect takes effect.

Your majesty resounds throughout the vast earth!

All members of the Underworld of the Ten Thousand Realms Plane will send blessings to your territory "Underworld".

"In this world, life is free and floating, all supported by the sun and the moon, the king of yin and yang."

"However, ghosts are walking the path, and they will pay homage to the Yinsi Chapter Watch and the Northern Emperor Quansi's edict."

Congratulations to the ‘Underworld’ territory for receiving the blessing of the continuous effect [Return to Earth after Death and Life].

[The underworld is vast, and there are two realms of life and death. There will eventually be a way back. The people of your territory will not lose their way after death! 】

Lu Yun fell silent for a long time.

A blessing from the stars [When the stars shine]

A blessing from the underworld [return to the land of life and death].

These beings are quite sensible.

I am afraid that my people will die in other people's homes.

[World Announcement: Congratulations to the respected lord, Lu Yun, for opening up the second territory ‘Underworld’ and rewarding one of the four legacies of S-level military strategists, “Bingwu”. 】

Now [Beiyin Emperor's Fate] is still just a fate effect.

It cannot transcend the era of national lords and directly rewrite the underlying operating logic of the world.


Lu Yun can take over the Yinsi territory.

Buildings, units, and heroes are all included in the promotion system of Yinsi.

Lu Yun currently consumes a lot of luck.

You can even directly enjoin all the ghosts and gods in the Yin Division, the Seventy-Five Divisions under the Tenth Palace of Yama.

But I want to directly confer the supreme position of the Queen Tu, Emperor Dongyue and other mythical Yins.

Lu Yun can’t do it for the time being.

The tens of thousands of heroic spirits who died in the battle in the territory gradually accepted the fact of awakening.

They stood together quietly, waiting for Lu Yun to speak.

"From now on, in the underworld territory, you will follow Jiang Zhou's arrangements for the time being."


Tens of thousands of heroic spirits bowed together.

During their lifetime, they only found the Lord to be particularly convincing.

But then go see Lu Yun after they become ghosts.

It's a completely different feeling.

Inexplicably, I felt that there was great terror and majesty in Lu Yun!

Their souls struggled not to tremble, and they almost kowtowed to the ground several times.

Lu Yun was deeply impressed by the young man with a broken arm.

Temporarily leave the management of the territory of the underworld to the other party.

If the huge underworld is to be put into operation, it is essential to prepare for the underworld's differences between armed forces and driving the underworld.

He ordered Jiang Zhou to change his job to [Soul Envoy].

A wisp of authority was projected in the Chenghuang Temple, and the sky was instantly filled with green smoke.

Wait until the smoke clears.

Jiang Zhou's outfit changed completely!

Wearing black uniforms with a chain around his waist, he exuded a sinister and upright air.

Another heroic spirit, Mu Yuan, who died bravely in battle during his lifetime, changed his profession to [Rampant Soldier].

The muscles of his naked upper body were bulging, his eyes were wide open, his eyebrows were like blazing fire, and his teeth were bared.

After the two changed their jobs to become soul seducers and rampant soldiers.

The trembling in his body could no longer be suppressed, and he fell to his knees with a plop.

The two ghosts couldn't look directly at Lu Yun.

Lu Yun walked to the other side, and it took a long time for the two ghosts to get up.

It’s not that Lu Yun wants to show off to them.

The destiny of Lu Yun [Ziwei Destiny] combines part of the power of the Arctic Ziwei Emperor incarnated as the Fengdu Beiyin Emperor.

【Beiyin Emperor Ming】symbolizes the authority of the Beiyin Emperor.

The supreme position of the Yin Division exudes great majesty all the time!


Name: Jiang Zhou

Quality: C grade rare

Level: Level 2

Belongs to: Yinsi City God (unnamed)

Weapon: Seducer

Path: Promotion (Impermanent Ghost)

Kung Fu: "The Sutra of Evoking Souls" (Level C)

Authority: [Traveling Yin and Yang] [City God Yin and Yang]

Abilities: [Hook up the living souls], [Detain the dead souls]

Magical weapon: Soul-binding rope (D-grade sophisticated)

Introduction: Responsible for picking up the dead people in the world of ghosts.

The talent and authority of the seducer are consistent with the legendary Yinsha.

Since then, Jiang Zhou has the ability to travel between the underworld and the Yang world, and capture the souls of the living and the souls of the dead.

Lu Yun looked at the introduction of [Cheng Huang Yin Cha] emphatically.

[City God Yinzai]: Ordinary ghosts are unable to move when they see Yinzai and fall into a state of immobility.

"No wonder the legendary underworld can capture people's souls effortlessly."

The power of the Yin Division gives the Yin Chai the ability to capture living and dead souls.

【rampant soldiers】

Name: Muyuan

Quality: D grade excellent

Level: Level 4

Belongs to: Yinsi City God (unnamed)

Weapon Type: Rampant Soldier

Path: Promotion (Yue Bing)

Kung Fu: "The Rampant Soldier Sutra"

Authority: [Driving Yin and Yang]

Abilities: [Fire], [Shock], [Brave]

Introduction: The imp who guards the City God's Yin Division.

After looking at the attribute panels of the two, Lu Yun probably had an idea.

The seducers belong to the grassroots staff of the Yin Division.

Non-staff personnel outside the gangster system.

The number of rampant soldiers in the underworld is like stars, and they are low-class brats.

When a Taoist priest performs the ritual, he can invite five powerful soldiers and horses, so the grade is bound to not be too high.


Because of the destiny influence of [Beiyin Emperor's Life].

The two arms of Yinsi City God have very clear promotion paths.

The upper level of the Seducer is the Impermanent Ghost.

The superior of Rambing is Yue Bing.

In mythology, there are three supreme gods in the Yins, namely Emperor Beiyin of Fengdu, Emperor Dongyue, and Empress Houtu.

Yuebing was under the jurisdiction of Emperor Dongyue.

Think about it.

Lu Yun arranged for 3,000 heroic spirits to be transferred into [Educators].

They are responsible for the reception of births, old age, sickness and death in the territory.

The other eight thousand or so heroic spirits have all been transferred to [Rampant Soldiers].

This way.

Lu Yun's subordinate Yin Tu has the armed forces capable of watching the show.

"By the way, there seem to be a lot of Yin-type copies nearby."

Lu Yun remembered the information from Jiutian's interviewer.

Because I didn’t have the ability to step into the Yin Earth before.

These Yin attribute resource points.

Lu Yun didn’t pay too much attention.

"Is it already the sixth day?"

Lu Yun was shocked.

There are still four days left, and the newbie period benefits will be over.

(Resource points are no longer refreshed and reset)

He hurriedly sent Mu Yuan to lead the rampant soldiers to brush monsters and level up.

Jiang Chen and the others have a special job in upgrading their Soul Seducer profession, which requires them to constantly catch ghosts.

But with the protection of rampant soldiers, there are no particularly big upgrade problems.

The Yinsi military system also adopts the division of squad, platoon, company, battalion, regiment, brigade, division and army.

far away.

Within the scope of the underworld.

It used to be a village where some lonely ghosts gathered.

"It's a disaster, it's a disaster."

"The man above my head has established an underworld!"

Several old ghosts with hunched bodies were on the verge of collapse. Yelling.

"Sooner or later."

A few little ghosts were jumping around and smiling playfully.

"We want to share some incense but there is no way."

A kid with a big head and a small body sighed.

It's not like they haven't thought about touching the Heroic Spirit Monument under Wulao Peak.

The rich scent of incense on it seemed to be overflowing.


Whenever this group of hungry lonely ghosts wants to occupy the dove's nest.

The immortal gods sitting in Lushan Mountain had an invisible force that directly beat them to death.

Over time.

No wild ghost dares to think wrong thoughts anymore.

"Why don't we throw ourselves over and follow that gentleman?"

A thought arises.

All the lonely ghosts seem to feel that there is a way out.

"Let's go."

Hundreds of tall, fat and thin lonely ghosts were flickering and floating.

"What the hell?!"

A group of soldiers with strict military disciplines and several seducers surrounded them directly.

"Sir, please spare my life!"

"The little devils are here to join the adults!"

[Dear Lord, your second territory ‘Underworld’ has 209 wild ghosts. 】

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