All Lords: I Created The Mythical Heaven!

Chapter 45 City God’S Temple, Early Version Unlocks The Territory Of The Underworld

Wang Xiaopang took Zoe out.

Lu Yun continued to sit in the inn, waiting for the few remaining talents to be recruited.

The effect of the wonder building Lushan [Seeking Taoism and Visiting Immortals] takes effect.

The white light in the center flashed one after another, and three people walked out.

On the far left is a slender, middle-aged man with silver hair and blue eyes, holding a staff elegantly in his hand.

In the middle is a handsome young man wearing a luxurious dress, a single gold-rimmed spectacle on his right eye, and white gloves on his hands.

The old man on the far right, wearing a green robe and a boyish face, looks like a fairy.

"Magic Allen, I have met the Lord."

"Treasure appraiser Hua An has met the lord."

"Alchemist Shen Xuzi, I have met the Lord."

"Welcome everyone to join the Tiangong territory."

Lu Yun looked at each panel.

The levels of the three of them are all around level 10, and their professional skills are nothing particularly eye-catching.

In addition to Magician Allen's talents [Elemental Resonance] and [Magic Enchantment].

Lu Yun thought for a moment.

One can be used to find out whether the people in the territory have magician qualifications.

The other can enchant equipped weapons.

The rune-style weapons produced by the Crossbow Bureau were enchanted by Allen's equipment, and then added new entries through Zoe.

Rune technology, magical power, plus Zoe’s idealistic entries.

Produces three new forms of hybrid weapons.

Including Li Si's talent, there is a 10% chance of mutation when producing weapons.

With any luck.

A weapon can have four layers of buffs stacked on it.

Lu Yun thought for a while, and the three of them arranged their places.

Shen Xuzi arranged to go to Lushan Taiping Palace to serve as the first alchemy elder.

Lu Yun specifically asked Shen Xuzi to wait until dusk to start refining the elixir.

Just enough for free prostitution.

The wonder of Mount Lu [Sunset Incense Burner] has the characteristic of elixir quality +1.

Treasure appraiser Hua An was sent to the plane trading hall and followed Bai Gui to transfer goods.

It just so happens that the plane trading hall lacks treasure appraisal talents.

Finally, the magician Allen was sent to Mr. Wang.

Let Allen have nothing to do and follow the [Census] talented Hu Mukeng around.

Screen the magical qualifications of the people in the territory.

Arrange it all.

Lu Yun walked all the way to the back of Wulao Peak.

The front mountain and the back mountain are completely different.

The front mountain is gentle with lush vegetation. The back mountain is steep and has rugged rocks.

When passing by the nameless stone monument, Lu Yun stopped for a while.

The breeze blows.

Bringing up the clatter of longevity cards.

At this time.

Lu Yun played with a walnut-sized Buddhist temple hall in his palm.

[Duozi Temple]: Seems real but not illusory, praising Black Light Guangsi Tathagata.

After he cleared the copy of Duozi Temple, the toy-sized temple in his hand was the key to re-entering.

Lu Yun selected [Duozi Temple] as the target for granting.

"Do you want to consume one mythical attribute to give it?!"


A familiar invisible force emerges.

After careful consideration, Lu Yun continued to choose the [Taoist Mythology] system.

[Tagoko Temple] rotates at high speed in mid-air.

[Congratulations to the respected lord, your mythical building [Temple of the Earth] was affected by the building wood and mutated into a mythical [City God Temple]! 】

"City God's Temple?!"

Lu Yun wished he could hug Jianmu and kiss him.

The most basic institution in the underworld is the land god (village level), above which is the city god (county level).

Above that is the capital city god and capital land (municipal level)

crucial moment.

The mutated buildings influenced by Jian Mu are so awesome.


A burst of misty black energy appeared in the void, followed by the crisp sound of chains.

The hearts of hundreds of thousands of people throughout the territory.

This sound appears.

The people felt an inexplicable coldness in their bodies, as if something was spreading.

The Milky Way hanging upside down in the sky is filled with water mist and occasionally reflects the sunlight, creating waves of glow.

at this time.

The clouds rolled violently in the sky.

The people felt that the sky was about to fall, and everyone felt a huge sense of depression.

In a daze.

People seem to see an illusory space appearing.

The earth in the world is dark, a gloomy ghostly air blows through, and there are shrill ghostly fires floating in the distance.

Black chains appeared out of thin air, quickly restraining the ghostly faces.

The illusory space is bounded by the Milky Way and slowly emerges under the clouds.


The illusory space suddenly plummeted!

Li Zhixuan and other Heavenly Soldiers and Feather Guards hurriedly rode the Pegasus into the sky, tracking the movement of the black chain.

The entrance of Longmen Inn.

"What happened?"

Du Qiuniang looked at the sudden changes in the territory with a worried expression.

The newly joined Zoe and several others hid in fear.

"The Yins have appeared."

Only the Jiutian interviewer raised his eyes and then closed them.

Nine Days Interviewer was not surprised that the underworld would appear in the territory.

After all, one of the incarnations of the Arctic Ziwei Emperor.

But the supreme god of the underworld - Emperor Fengdu Yin!

Under Wulao Peak.

A magnificent City God's Hall fell to the ground silently.

"I...I wasn't wiped on the neck by a skeleton soldier."

The soul of the young man with a broken arm floated out from the longevity card.

beside him.

Tens of thousands of heroic spirits who died in battle awakened from the darkness.

The offering of longevity tablets.

It only protects the heroic spirit’s true spirit from death.

Their groggy consciousness has long lost the concept of time.

【City God's Temple】(Influence of construction)

Quality: Myth☆

Architectural God: [City God] (to be returned to his throne)

Architectural complex: Judge Temple (seal) Wuchangsi (seal)...

Architectural characteristics: [Cut out evil and eliminate evil] [Protect the country and ensure peace and stability] [At the request of others] [Supervise the officials and the people] (all sealed)...

Architectural effects: [Gathering Soul][Residing Soul][Yinshou][Yinyang Road]

Building arms: rampant soldiers, seducers...

The Yin Side of the Territory: A small underworld created based on Jianmu. The scope is the same as the territory in the Yang World.

Note: You must have the City God to run the entire underworld yamen system.

Originally, what was conjured by the myth was an earth temple.

As a result, Jianmu was under the influence.

The Tutu Temple became the City God Temple.

It was a completely unexpected surprise for Lu Yun!

[Soul Gathering]: Retain the consciousness of dead people in your territory.

[Retention]: Preserve the souls of the people in your territory.

[Yin Shou]: The Yin Shou function will be activated for the people who have died in your territory.

[Yin Yang Road]: As a lord, you have the right to enter the underworld territory at any time.

at the same time.

Lu Yun’s [Territory Panel] has updated the column [City God’s Temple].

He can check the longevity of his dead people through the [City God's Temple].

And you can use the [City God's Temple] to communicate with the people in the underworld.

The three architectural effect attributes of the City God's Temple are actually very simple.

Dead people can become souls that retain consciousness.

At this time.

Lu Yun noticed the longevity of the heroic spirits.

It is also affected by Bai Gui's attribute [Duolu increases longevity].

Every year, the life span of all the ghost residents in the underworld will be increased by 1 month.

In this way, Lu Yun recovered from his heart disease.

The heroic martyrs who died in the territorial battle can continue to survive in the underworld.

The promise he made that day came true.

And the existence of the City God Temple.

It belongs to several versions in advance and unlocks the lord's underworld territory in advance.

As far as Lu Yun knows.

The underworld in the misty world is extremely chaotic and lacks a complete reincarnation mechanism.

In the underworld.

Daxia Yinting is also a famous existence.

For a lucky dynasty, it is unjustifiable that there is no Yin Ting.

The state has national laws, and the clan has clan rules.

Not only countries have courts in the underworld.

A powerful lord family in the sixteen states of Daxia.

There are also family spiritual realms standing in the underworld.


Why do you think the lords value the existence of luck so much?

The destiny of the country and the destiny of the family are the foundation for continuing the inheritance in the underworld.

At this moment.

Lu Yun's eyes stayed on the column of construction units.

[Rampant Soldiers]: Guards and horses of the City God’s Temple (heroic spirits can change their profession)

[Seducer]: A messenger responsible for attracting dead people from the underworld (heroic spirits can change their profession)

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