All Lords: I Created The Mythical Heaven!

Chapter 30 Ranking Of New Lords Around The World, Grizzly Bear Country Is Ecstatic.

at this time.

It happened to be nine o'clock in the morning on the fourth day.

A pleasant sound sounded, followed by continuous prompts.

Lu Yun quickly checked.

[In the era of national lords, I would like to remind the respected new lords: the third day of your arrival has passed. 】

[Daily evaluation (yesterday): MAX level myth]

[On the third day of the world, you ranked first in the daily evaluation of all lords. 】

[You will receive: 1000 high-grade spiritual stones, 2 million energy points, 3000 luck points, MAX level mythical treasure box (click to receive), unlock the title of [Leader] (permanent),]

[Note: The daily evaluation of lords is a limited-time event. It ends on the third day and will no longer be counted in the future. 】

All new lords have unlocked the following functions at this stage:

1. Lord level ranking list (the top 1000 are on the list, and the top 100 have additional rewards)

2. Territory building rankings (the top 1,000 will be listed, and the top 100 will have additional rewards)

3. Ranking of Territory Arms (the top 1,000 are on the list, and the top 10 have additional rewards)

4. Resource points will be reset the next day (limited to 5 days, 14 hours, 59 minutes and 10 seconds)

[Note: The lord level rankings and territorial troop rankings are currently only open to world-class rankings. 】

[Note: The number of lords on the list is related to the national destiny of a country, so major countries and dynasties should cherish it! 】

[Note: Lords, please cherish the novice welfare period! ! ! 】

[Countdown to Mist Craze: 25 days 14:59]

In an instant.

Countless new lords felt the shock!

"What the hell, personal evaluation is a limited time event?!"

"Help, I don't know how much information is missing!"

Countless civilian lords howled.

They have no idea about this approach at all.

It is worth noting.

Territory building rankings are not only ranked worldwide, but also have rankings in all major regions.

Restricted by the fact that the new lord regional channels are not interoperable.

They actually don't know anything about the development of new lords in various major regions.

The emergence of worldwide lists.

It undoubtedly points a bright light forward for ambitious people.

The barbarian lords outside Daxia are even more energetic and want to compete for the first place on the list.

The gold content of the first place is enough to give them territory to the country and seek huge benefits.

Lu Yun was equally curious.

Among the billions of new lords in the world, where can he rank?

at the same time.

Zhu Yuan, the lord of Daxia, and the leaders of other countries stared intently at the ranking list of newcomer lords.

It is about the fate of a country.

There is no room for them not to pay attention.

In addition, the sixteen states of Great Xia and the Mist are expanding their territory, and all the top lords and families are doing so through their own channels.

Paying very nervous attention to the list of the fourth day.

The more descendants of your own lords on the list, the more luck will be fed back to the family territory.

They spare no effort to let future generations receive the blessing of the "Dragon and Tiger National Fortune" in the "National College Entrance Examination".

This is for this, the new lord’s luck feedback reward.

Ranking list of new lords.

[Fuso Country] Major regional channels.

"The Lord Ranking List is finally open!"

"Goddess of Tianjin, please bless us, Fusang, to win first place!"

"Master Ji must be number one!"

[Lord Level Ranking No. 297]

[Territory (Muchuan Shogunate), Lord: Master Ji]


"The son of the shogunate is only ranked 297th?!"

"The name of Fuso is only 297?"

"We still have a long way to go before we can catch up with the Lords of Daxia!"

The new lords of Fuso Kingdom were all dejected.

I thought that Master Ji's purple destiny could impact the status of the new lord of the Great Xia Dynasty.

did not expect.

Master Ji's world ranking of new lords is only 297th.

(Fuso daimyo: refers to the lord.)

(Tianjin God: Japanese pantheon of gods.)

[Greece] Major regional channels.

"Goddess of Wisdom is above, bless the children of the city-state and achieve good results."

“It’s great to see someone on the list.”

[Lord Level Ranking: 100th]

[Territory (city-state of Athens), Lord: Abbas]

"Number 100!"

"In all the city-states, a heroic lord has finally appeared on the list of new lords!"

"Abbas, our hero!"

The Greek city-states were in a state of carnival.

Countless citizens spontaneously walked out of their homes and gathered together.

What is horrifying is that the faces of these citizens are more or less filled with a look of death.

There is no lucky means like [Dragon and Tiger National Luck] to bless you.

The people of other countries in the fog are living in extremely dire straits.


These countries are eager for their new lord to achieve a good ranking.

Feedback to the territory where your country is located.

[Lighthouse Country] Major regional channels.

"We, the Lighthouse Nation, are truly number one in the world!"

"George Hua will definitely win first place."

"Defeat the ancient mysterious dynasty in the East."

[Lord level ranking 38th]

[Territory (Free Lighthouse), Lord: George Hua]

"Oh my God, why is George Hua only ranked 38th?!"

"The Sixteen States of the Great Xia Dynasty, can we not even compare to the Sixteen States of the Eastern Mysterious Dynasty?!"

Humans with blue skin, red skin, purple skin, black skin and other skin colors gathered to form the Lighthouse Country.

strictly speaking.

The Lighthouse Country is actually a large territorial country composed of human survivors from other planes in the misty world.

【Grizzly Bear Country】

"What is the highest ranking of a new lord in our country?"

"have no idea."

[Lord level ranking 10th]

[Territory (Winter Dawn), Lord: Bondarev]

"10th place?!"

"A true evil genius has appeared in our Grizzly Bear Country?!"

Grizzly Bear Country is full of joy and the whole country is celebrating.

What a huge honor it is to be ranked among the top ten in the era of national lords!

An unprecedented legendary feat!

The mysterious dynasty of the East has had a profound impact on the world.

[Daxia Dynasty] in all major channels.

"There are hundreds of millions of new lords in the world, but only a thousand are on the list?!"

"My darling, these are the best among people from all states and provinces."

"I see that most of the names on the list are the names of new lords from Great Xia."

"It's smaller, the structure is smaller, you're a billionaire newcomer lord."

"Who is Zhu Houde, the son of the ruler of Daxia?"

"I checked and it's ranked third?!"

The uproar sounded from channel to channel.

Everyone can't believe that there is actually a new lord who can suppress the prince of the Great Xia Dynasty? !

The leader of Daxia who single-handedly established the largest territory in the world.

His prince is only ranked third? !

Lu Yun nodded silently and wrote down the name.

He was so obsessed with studying that he had no idea what famous people were outside Qingcheng Mansion.

I only know that the Daxia Dynasty belongs to the Zhu family.

Plain landform.

"Third place?"

Zhu Houde looked at the lord level list in disbelief.

His lord's personal level is as high as level 40.

He was born with a purple destiny, and his destiny as a lord is golden and growth-prone [Imperial Dominance].

With his identity as the son of the Lord of Great Xia, he has no shortage of secrets and resources in countless territories.

Zhu Houde started the game with an unknown number of new lords ahead.

"Li Yulong from the Li family in Tangzhou?"

"Zhao Dezhu of the Zhao family in Songzhou?"

"Liu Xiu from the Liu family in Hanzhou?"

"The winner of Qinzhou wins?"

Zhu Houde thought of dozens of names in his mind, all of them were evil geniuses born in the summer with a purple destiny.

He went straight to look at the list and his face was completely stunned.

"It turned out to be her."

A beautiful shadow seemed to flash before Zhu Houde's eyes.

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