All Lords: I Created The Mythical Heaven!

Chapter 31 Number One On The Three Lists? ! An Unprecedented Honor.

"Who is second?!"

"Wuxuan Miao."

"Who is this? I've never heard of him."

The regional channels of the new lords were in silence.

Many people have never heard of this person's name.

"The eldest daughter of the Tangzhou Wu family in the Sixteenth Prefecture of Daxia!"

"I was born with the vision of hundreds of phoenixes, the destined phoenix girl of the Wu family!"

"Recognized as the number one beauty in Daxia!!"

The newcomer lords from Tangzhou and other states looked at the name of the second place with fascinated eyes.

That is the beautiful figure that countless people dream about.

Lu Yun nodded.

He had heard of Wu Xuanmiao's beautiful name.

Lu Yun is as familiar with the list of Daxia's top ten beauties as if he were familiar with it.

Tang Wenguang rubbed his eyes.

"My dear, I am number seven!"

"The seventh among the billionaire newcomer lords!"

He happily hugged Huang Wuzi and spun him around in circles several times.

Tang Wenguang never had extravagant thoughts.

He was actually able to successfully defeat the billionaire lord and become seventh on the list.

Huang Chengzi was not surprised at all.

during this time.

Huang Chengzi had long been impressed by Tang Wenguang's luck.

Go out for a few steps and pick up three wonder buildings.

Who dares to believe that such great luck exists.

The land of phoenix.

"How could it be second place?"

Wu Xuanmiao frowned, looking worried.

The introduction of her golden growth destiny [Chao You Feng Xi] is very strange.

【There is a Phoenix in the Morning】: Your territory is under the watchful eye of the unknown empress.

Wu Xuanmiao's destiny is not like a gift from God, but more like a man-made arrangement.

Her own karma and destiny are manipulated.

When entering the era of national lords, a voice came from somewhere.

"I want you to get No. 1 on any list of world lords."

Wu Xuanmiao summoned the S-class hero [Shangguan Wan'er].

She left all matters related to the development of the territory to Shangguan Wan'er to take care of.

Wu Xuanmiao’s sleepless cultivation level.

Only then did he have a level as high as level 45, and ended up ranking second in the world.

List of other buildings and units.

Wu Xuanmiao didn't dare to hope.

There are too many monsters among the billions of new lords. She can stand at the head of a field, which is already superior to others.

"Could it be Lu Yun?"

Wu Xuanmiao felt uneasy when she heard the world announcement in the morning and Lu Yun killed the level 60 boss.

She kept comforting herself.

Perhaps Lu Yun's heroes and troops are strong, but his own cultivation level is slack.


An evil lord who has made many world-class announcements in a short period of time.

Is it really possible to slack off in practice?

Wu Xuanmiao looked at the number one on the list nervously.

Then relief came.

"No. 1 Lu Yun?!"

"It's really Lu Yun! Oh my God!"

"I thought that he would be awesome if he could refresh the construction of the new lord's mansion. I didn't expect that the number one in the lord ranking list would also be Lu Yun!"

"The giant who killed the level 60 over-limit boss on the third day of his arrival!"

"Kneel down to the boss."

"One person cannot hold his head up against the sixteen states of Great Xia and hundreds of barbaric countries."

Zhu Houde's eyes flashed and he engraved this name into his mind.

"There is only one stone for luck in the world. Lu Yun has only eight buckets. I have one bucket. From ancient times to the present, we share one bucket."

Tang Wenguang murmured crazily.

"It's really Lu Yun."

Wu Xuanmiao covered her mouth in disbelief.

The new lords of the major regional channels in the Daxia Dynasty expressed their shock.

"The first place is Lu Yun. Are you kidding? He must have cheated?!"

The lord of Fuso Kingdom said in disbelief.

"God, the mysterious and ancient Eastern dynasty, still firmly occupies the throne that belongs to them."

George Hua of the Lighthouse Country could not conceal his astonishment.

"Look at the other two lists!"

A novice lord finished reading three top rankings.

It was as if he had been struck by lightning, trembling, and he couldn't believe what he saw.

At this moment.

[World Announcement: Number one in the lord level rankings, Daxia Dynasty, Lord Lu Yun of Tiangong (territory)! 】

[World Announcement: Number one in the territory building rankings, Daxia Dynasty, Lord of Tiangong (territory) Lu Yun! 】

[World Announcement: Number one in the territorial military rankings, Daxia Dynasty, Tiangong (territory) lord Lu Yun! 】


The whole world, whether old or new lords, collectively fell into silence.

Everyone stared.

The entire new lords in the era of national lords have made a mess.

The top three new lords list!

This is an honor that has never been achieved in the history of the lords for hundreds of years.

Could it be that the data is wrong? !

Wait for other new lords to see the rankings of their own units and buildings.

Without exception, they all began to doubt life.

"I, the S-class Brilliant Soldier - Golden Behemoth, am not ranked among the top one thousand."

Xiao Kun fell into confusion.

At this moment, millions of new lords were wailing at the same time.

Because they are all territorial troops with S-level glorious quality.

"SS level legendary quality, six-winged holy angel, only ranked 500?"

Tang Wenguang's eyes were dull.

He didn't know what kind of monsters were in the top 100 of the territory's military types.

"Is the Daxia Imperial Army of mythical quality only ranked fifth?"

Zhu Houde also fell into self-doubt.

What kind of monsters are the first 4 newcomer lords?

Daxia Dynasty.

No, it’s the Daxia Yun Dynasty to be precise!

It took hundreds of years for the royal mythical army to be cultivated with the strength of the whole country, but it actually only ranked 5th on the list.

A hundred years of dragon and tiger national fortunes have irrigated the country, and hundreds of millions of people in Daxia have faith in it.

Ranked fifth on the list of territorial troops? !

Daxia Royal Forest Army, level 2 mythical star.

Winter Dawn territory.

"Mythical quality - Gray Knight, only ranked 4th?!"

Bondarev was also in disbelief.

Because of the special nature of his golden growth destiny [Dawn Revolution].

Only Bondarev can summon the existence of the [Gray Knight].

[Dawn Revolution]: In your territory, the ideology is extremely stable and cannot be shaken by any external force, and cannot recognize any divine civilization.

The more you know.

Bondarev became more and more frightened by the indestructible faith of the summoned [Gray Knight].

According to the military description.

[Gray Knights] are the last armed guard force from the unknown multiverse to protect the empire from infringement.

The ultimate macho warrior that even demons fear.

The most terrible thing is.

Bondarev only enjoys employment regulations for the summoned [Gray Knights], and they have no loyalty to him at all.

Because the Gray Knights have dedicated their loyalty to the Emperor they call him!

Gray Knight level myth 2 and a half stars.

"Mythical quality - Arcane Mage, ranked third."

Liu Xiu smiled bitterly.

His golden growth destiny [Guangwu Xuantian].

Effect of Destiny: The talent of a natural magician is at full level.

Because of this, Liu Xiucai had the opportunity to summon the arcane mage.

Arcane mages learn magic through study and study.

They thumbed through musty ancient tomes, debated magical theories with other wizards, and delved into the applications of magic.

strictly speaking.

The mythical level [Arcane Mage] unit is a special unit that can be used in the late stages.

For arcane mages.

Seeking the existence of truth is their lifelong pursuit.

This is a group of mythical beings who have built floating cities and pushed open the door to truth.

Such a top-level unit of magical civilization ranks third in the list of territorial units.

Arcane mage level myth 3 stars.

R'lyeh Territory

"Mythical quality - Thos people, ranked second."

"The great military force of the old clan is only ranked second?!"

Carter couldn't wait to step forward and tear apart this slanderous list.

The more I understand, the more crazy I become.

Carter's shadow.

Under the illumination of light, it shows super changeable forms.

It has a vague outline of a human, but has a head with many tentacles like an octopus.

The murmuring voice gradually became deeper and deeper, leaning towards disorder and chaos.

"Sanity is gone again."

Carter's thirty-ninth personality mocks the fragility of the thirty-eighth personality.

within his territory.

There are giant octopus-like monsters entrenched in the void, and the great shore above the stars gives new instructions.

The surrounding fog creatures were frantically avoiding Carter's territory.

Carter's Purple Destiny [Endless Personality]: A monster who always has a split personality and is watched by the old rulers and alien gods.

(The Thosians come from the Star Spawn, which belongs to Cthulhu, one of the Old Dominators.)

Soth's level of myth is 4 stars.

"Lu Yun's military unit - the Heavenly Soldiers and Feather Guards. What level of military unit is it?!"

Countless people have doubts and questions in their hearts.

Through communication on the channels of new lords in various regions.

They found that the quality of S-class brilliance could not be ranked on the list at all.

SS-level legendary quality can only be ranked in the bottom five hundred, and it can't be any higher.

What kind of military unit can be ranked first? !

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