All Lords: I Created The Mythical Heaven!

Chapter 29 The Wonder Of Pixiu Totem, Talent Drawing Card! Massive Harvest

After relieving shoulder fatigue.

The dizzy Xiu Niang happily threw herself on the bed.

The girl is pregnant and ignorant.

The beginning of a first love affair is always caught off guard.

It's a pity that it is destined to be fruitless.

On the way back to the house.

Wang Xiaopang's face turned red and his head was steaming.

"The bloodline promotion has begun."

Lu Yun smiled and used [Personal Panel] to take a few photos of Wang Xiaopang.

"Very good, this guy will be the one to talk to next time he gets older."

"Show his girlfriend a look."

Lu Yun's dark side preserved the child's dark history.

Very thoughtfully created a folder.

The cold sun gradually climbed into the sky.

For the first time, Lu Yun felt that the cold sun was so pleasing to the eye.

inside the house.

Lu Yun was lying on the bed comfortably, without any restraints.

Lu Yun continued to check the additional rewards from the last battle.

[Punishment Order]: Lock a lord and start the territory war mode between both sides, fight to the death!

"nice one."

"Whoever messes with me in the future, I will really follow the network cable and pull him over."

"You will suffer the same consequences."

Lu Yun smiled knowingly and put the thing away.

14 A-level epic treasure chests are opened separately:

[Trading Hall] Architectural Drawings, [Pixiu Totem] wonders.

[Talent Extraction Card] Props*5, [Props Building Level Breaking Card]*5, [Nine Yang Alchemy Furnace]*1.

[Flowing Cloud Vestment] manufacturing blueprints, [Psychic Technology] manufacturing blueprints.

The buildings and props that come out of the treasure chest are all of A-level epic quality.

3 S-level Brilliant Treasure Chests are released: [Territorial Relocation Order] props, [Territorial Teleportation Altar] building, [Lord Mansion Promotion Card] props.

18 treasure chests, huge explosion!


[Pixiu Totem] Wonder Attribute: No thefts will occur in your territory.

“Great building!”

Without saying a word, Lu Yun immediately built this wonder building near the warehouse.


He is also worried about encountering small predators and thieves in the future when his family's business becomes big.

As the saying goes, don't be afraid of thieves stealing, just be afraid of thieves missing you.

Pixiu was also called "Tianlu Beast" in ancient times.

It means blessings from God.

According to legend, it is an auspicious beast specially designed to protect the treasures of emperors.

The moment when the wonder of Pixiu Totem was built.

Lu Yun felt that he had slept soundly.

[Trading Hall]: You can connect to unknown places and exchange for what you want. (Details will be reviewed after completion.)

[Liuyun robe]: A weapon refining robe from the cultivation civilization.

[Psychic Technology]: After opening it, you will randomly get a processing production line drawing of a psychic civilization.

"Trading floor."

Lu Yun's eyes flickered, and his plan to build a "player alliance" became more and more complete.

He suppressed these thoughts for the time being.

"Floating Cloud Dharma Clothes."

The equipment is pretty good, nothing to say.

The issue is.

There is no weapon refiner for this thing, and there is no way to forge it in the territory.

The [Psychic Technology] processing and production line at the back solved Lu Yun's urgent need.

The territory has a population of more than 30,000, and the coverage of weapons, equipment and production tools has not reached 20%.

[Jiafang Department] and [Nufang Department] only rely on the manual workshop production model.

It can no longer meet the production needs of the territory.

This processing production line.

Came just in time.

Lu Yun usually sends props and buildings such as drawings to the Jiafang Department.

It looks like a D-level painting screen wall or an F-level goblin reincarnation pool.

They were also sent over together.

Now in Lu Yun’s territory, his family is big and his business is big.

There are abundant resources of all kinds, so there is no need to worry about not being able to find the corresponding materials.

"Speaking of this."

"The construction materials for the Ping An Inn have also been collected."

Lu Yun sent this drawing to Zhang San again.

"You can make armor, lay a foundation, and build a building."

"It shouldn't be a big deal."

Lu Yun ordered Zhang San and Li Si without any bottom line.

[Nine-Yang Alchemy Furnace]: Take the fire from the earth's veins and turn it into the Nine-Yang Extraordinary Fire. It has miraculous effects in refining elixirs.

Lu Yun took a look at the attributes of the alchemy furnace.

Throw the [Nine Yang Alchemy Furnace] directly into the [Lushan Taiping Palace].


An alchemy talent was born in the territory.

He thought about it again and sent someone to make the elixir for use.

The current territory is a combination of [Nine Yang Alchemy Furnace] and the [Himu Incense Furnace] that comes with Lushan Wonders.

Three-piece alchemy set: alchemist, alchemy furnace, and vision.

All he needs is a new alchemy talent.

Lu Yun was not too impatient.

The architectural effects of the wonders of Mount Lu are [House of Immortals] +2 qualifications for seeking Taoism and +4 +4 qualifications for alchemy [People Go to Lucun].

As the population increases, the qualifications of the next generation of citizens will increase.

Maybe there will be a talented monster suitable for alchemy.

No matter what.

[Seeking Taoism and Visiting Immortals] Increases the attraction of talents from Taoist forces by 30%.

With the title of [Gathering Talents], the probability of talents appearing among the refugees in the territory is 40%.

Jiang Taigong is fishing. Those who are willing to take the bait will not be impatient.

Immediately afterwards.

[Talent Draw Card]: Randomly draw the talent you want in a certain field.

[Prop Building Level Breaking Card]: Break through the quality of props and buildings (below level A).

"Giving one talent card to Mr. Wang."

"The prop building is broken, let me think about it again."

Lu Yun was a little embarrassed and didn't think too much about it.

Previously, Lu Yun was still considering improving Mr. Wang’s management talent.

The [Talent Draw Card] opened from the treasure chest just solves this problem.

"Get some energy."

Lu Yun had special feelings in his heart for the old man who followed him.

He doesn't want anyone to fall behind and fail to keep up with his own development.

The platform built by Lu Yun will fully support the first batch of meritorious elderly people.

If you really can’t keep up with your talent and ability.

These meritorious elderly people can only move to second- and third-line positions to take care of themselves.

Here comes the point.

[Territory Relocation Order]: Move the territory as a whole to another area randomly, and all buildings and people will not be damaged.

"You won't need it for now, so keep it for now."

Lu Yun scratched his head.

The surrounding areas of the territory are now developing well, and there is no need to relocate.

Except for the 30 resource points and the area near the big banyan tree, other areas have not yet been explored.

Later, when the [Trading Platform] in the era of universal lords opens, it would be a good idea to keep it and sell it to other lords.

[Territorial Teleportation Altar]: Enter a string of coordinates to teleport to a fixed area.


It is a key building for the successful completion of the novice period assessment.

Generally speaking.

Only by building a territory teleportation altar and entering the coordinates of the Daxia territory will the novice assessment end.

(The lord can choose both ways, return to Daxia and return to his territory.)

[Lord’s Mansion Promotion Card]: Unconditionally promoted to the Lord’s Mansion once (below level 7)

These things.

It is still a great late stage prop.

If you kill the boss and open the treasure chest, there is a very small chance of dropping it.

If it were placed in the Great Xia Dynasty, there would be tens of billions of spiritual stones, and people would rush to buy these S-level radiant items.

Lu Yun saved them all for later, and it will be very useful to save them now.

(Astronomy: The next star to reach the North Pole is Vega.

Currently, Vega is close to the North Pole...

The North Star can be said to be the Ziwei Star, but the Myrtle Star in mythology is not the North Star...

Therefore, there is a reason for the attachment and admiration of the embroiderer and the weaver girl, and why she appears (ㆀ˘・з・˘))

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