All Lords: I Created The Mythical Heaven!

Chapter 28 Epic Bird Suit! 2.4 Billion Energy Value! !

At the entrance to the territory, there is a tall portal.

Lu Yun looked up and saw the two characters "Tiangong" engraved on the gorgeous and simple jade archway.

The inexplicable Tao rhyme has an indescribable feeling.

A little further.

Lu Yun saw Cui Chaoyang leading teams of strong men to move bricks and build a rune city wall. They were surrounded by tall walls for dozens of miles along the way.

With no threat from fog monsters for the time being, Cui Chaoyang seized the opportunity and cast the rune building.

"Well done, you will be rewarded."

Lu Yun held the reins in his hand and let the horse gallop with pleasure.

I silently praised Lao Cui for his reliability.

Behind the archway.

Facing the breakfast noodle stall was a breakfast noodle stall. The old man under the straw shed was holding an umbrella and shouting hard. There were many diners and passers-by eating there.

There are many stone-paved streets on both sides, with black tiles, pink walls and horse-head walls.

"My lord is back!"

"The lord has returned triumphantly!"

The vast majority of the people stood up and looked longingly at the lord who was galloping on his horse.

Behind him, teams of heavenly soldiers and feather guards, riding heavenly horses, followed Lu Yun's footsteps.

Walked around the territory.

Liu Changqing comforted the injured people one by one. Gao Yun and Wang Le, who had not slept for half the night, finally finished the treatment of the people.

Said hello to each other.

Lu Yun came back and sighed with emotion about Mr. Wang's ability to do things.

When he left the territory, he gave Mr. Wang the permission to [Repair Buildings].

When I came back, the devastated territory was completely new.

It only takes about five hours.

"It seems that we have to find a way to upgrade Mr. Wang's talent."

Lu Yun felt complicated.

With the rapid development of the territory, Mr. Wang's management skills gradually failed to keep up.

However, Mr. Wang is loyal and has worked hard during this time.

So no matter what, Lu Yun will find a way to improve Mr. Wang's talents and abilities.

Of course, if you can't grasp it.

Lu Yun could only ask Mr. Wang to take a back seat.

It really doesn't work.

Let the latter be the chief steward of the lord's mansion and manage the internal affairs of the mansion.

Lu Yungang stepped into the gate of the Lord's Mansion.

"My lord is back?"

The embroiderer asked timidly, holding a handkerchief in her hand, as if she was hiding something.

"came back."

Lu Yun said hello and exchanged a few words without noticing the embroiderer's shyness.

"Brother, brother is back?"

Little Fatty Wang ran over with a strange scream.

Lu Yun smiled and rubbed the chubby face.

Not bad, feels good in hand.

"Sir, this is the peace charm that I worked on all night long."

"Bless you, sir, to eliminate disasters and diseases, and be safe and sound."

The embroiderer mustered up her courage and reached out to hand over a sachet with body fragrance.

Lu Yun was stunned.

This is not the first time he has received a gift from a girl.

When I was at Qingcheng Prefecture College.

Miss Liu, Miss Song, Miss Xu, etc. all made secret glances.

Just the gifts and love letters that Lu Yun received filled the cabinets of the orphanage.

The embroiderer's delicate hands froze slightly and her face turned red.

For the first time, she mustered up the courage to express her true feelings.

"My lord, my lord did not accept it."

This is how to do ah.

The embroiderer was about to burst into tears.

Neither taking it nor handing it over.

"elder brother."

Wang Xiaopang tugged at the corner of Lu Yun's clothes.

After Lu Yun reacted, he put away the sachet and put it in his trouser pocket.

"I was distracted just now, sorry."

"I've been running around all night and I'm tired."

Lu Yun happily accepted the sachet and explained in passing.

The embroiderer's embarrassed look softened.

His eyes were slightly disappointed.

She had no experience in love and was about to stomp away when Lu Yun stopped her loudly.

"Xiu Niang, I'm tired."

"Rub my shoulders for me."

Lu Yun didn't feel embarrassed and lay down on the chair boldly.

Xiu Niang hummed in a low voice, stood behind obediently, and kneaded gently.

"Little Fatty, come here, take these two candies and go outside to play for a while."

"Don't come into this house without my permission."

Lu Yun threw two candies hard.

After Wang Xiaopang caught it, he threw it into his mouth angrily, glared at the two of them unhappily, and ran away happily.

"Sir, the nature of a child's mind."

The embroiderer leaned over and explained.

Lu Yun didn't say a word, lying in the gentle countryside with his consciousness relaxed.

He enjoyed the service life of having a maid.

Lu Yun just threw the two candies to Wang Xiaopang.

It's actually a bloodline enhancement stone.

It has the function of simply refining the lower blood vessels.

Lu Yun didn't ask how much he could improve Wang Xiaopang's bloodline level.

At least it won't be a negative number anymore, and he'll be satisfied.

Lu Yun glanced at the remaining Pengniao suit.

[Peng bird suit]

Quality: A-level epic

Wear: Level 50 (can be worn)

Attributes: [Peng Bird Transformation] [Peng Swallow] [Wisdom Ancient Bird]

Bond: When you meet the person you belong to, your favorability will remain neutral.

Defense: 420 points

Introduction: Wearing it, you can control the size of your body parts as you like, just like the Peng bird.

[Pengniao Transformation]: You can control the size of your body as you wish.

[Peng Tun]: The appetite for eating increases, and the digestion ability also increases.

[Wisdom Ancient Bird]: When thinking about a problem, you will have a burst of inspiration.

“Controlling the size of body parts?”

"Real men don't need this."

Lu Yun silently put on the [Pengniao Suit].

Do not misunderstand.

The effect of [Wisdom Ancient Bird] is in line with Lu Yun's wishes.

"The silly bird thought of sending monsters to besiege the territory. This is probably why."

Lu Yun secretly speculated.

Next, it was time for him to take stock of his gains.

Millions of mist monsters attacked the city, and at the end of the battle, the basic resource gift packs alone totaled nearly 4,000.

The reserves of the territory's warehouses were greatly expanded.

Before Lu Yun left, the order to recruit 10,000 troops and the order to recruit 10,000 civilians were issued on the spot.

The total population of the territory now exceeds more than 30,000 people.

It is impressively the size of a small town.

By the way.

When [Leader] wore the limited-time title yesterday, Mr. Wang ordered the construction of hundreds of large warehouses, which were more than enough to put down these reward items.

Lu Yun stuffed all the experience bottles and stuff into the [Experience Storage Pool].

Waiting for nine o'clock.

He took a look and saw that the refugees in the Lord's Mansion were refreshed. If there were any useful special talents, they could be upgraded.

All spirit stones at the end of the battle will be converted into territory energy value.

(1 top grade = 100 mid grade = 100,000 low grade)

All the spiritual stones produced by the wonders of Mount Lu are included.

Throw away Mr. Wang’s call and repair the energy value of the territory’s buildings.

It works out like this.

Lu Yun still has nearly 2.45 billion energy value left in his hand.

"2.45 billion energy value?"

Lu Yun's eyes widened.

After reading it carefully ten times, it’s still the same number.

Lu Yun's breathing gradually became heavier.

He thought about it.

Millions of fog monsters attack the city, plus the double drop effect of [The Leader].

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