All Lords: I Created The Mythical Heaven!

Chapter 27 The Title Of Climber! Do You Understand What The Technological Explosion Is? !

The bloodthirsty roc bird didn't understand until his death.

Why was the ant one moment killed instantly by the next moment?

[Congratulations, the level of your unit [Myth☆Heavenly General] Li Zhixuan has been raised to level 40, and all attributes have been improved. 】

[Congratulations, your unit [Legendary☆Heavenly Soldier] Li Yi level has been upgraded to level 25, and various attributes have been improved. 】

[Congratulations, your level has been raised to level 50, and all attributes have been improved. 】

[Your level has reached the current territory level limit]

[Before you upgrade your territory level, you will not be able to increase your own level through experience acquisition]

[Privileges of the novice period: The excess overflow experience you gain can be converted into experience bottles and stored. 】

[Kill the boss bloodthirsty roc, the reward is being calculated, please wait. 】

A pleasant voice sounded in my mind.

"We won!"

Lu Yun happily let go of the reins and grinned.

Kill the bloodthirsty roc, and the reward experience pool obtained is very considerable.

The vast majority.

After this battle, the average level of the Heavenly Soldiers and Feather Guards was raised to over 30.

[Congratulations, you successfully killed the level 60 epic boss. Do you want to make a simultaneous announcement around the world? 】


Lu Yun is no longer low-key now.

[World Announcement: In the [Tiangong] territory, Lord Lu Yun led his troops to kill the level 60 bloodthirsty roc boss and received a large number of rare rewards. This announcement is hereby made! 】

[World Announcement: In the [Tiangong] territory, Lu Yun is the first boss lord in the world to kill, and is hereby rewarded with the title Climber (permanent)]

There was an uproar!

All over the world, all regional lord channels are flooded with news like waterfalls.

"Be a good boy, this great master Lu Yun must be cheating."

"Kill the level 60 bloodthirsty roc on the third day?!"

"What is the concept of level 60? I am only level 30 now!"

"This is just cheating. Damn it, I reported it."

"His mythical troops are definitely among the best."

"My twelve-winged fallen angel, a hero of mythical quality, can't go beyond dozens of levels to kill the boss!"

News that Lu Yun killed the level 60 boss on the third day.

The novice lord channel has completely caused a sensation all over the world.

The faces of the second-generation lords who had mythical heroes and mythical troops twitched crazily.

They just can't imagine it.

What kind of evil lord can instantly kill a level 60 boss on the third day?

They rely on family power to develop, and they can't catch up to the extent.

"Could it be Lu Yun who took away my limited-time title?"

Tang Wenguang had a bad premonition in his heart.

He was 100% sure.

This prediction was correct.

Lu Yun first checked the climber title.


Attributes: In your territory, scientific research capabilities are greatly improved. When encountering technical barriers, the probability of breakthrough increases. (Including but not limited to research directions such as technology side, cultivation side, rune side, etc.)

Introduction: Do you understand what technological explosion and technological leap are? !

"The Big Bang of Technology."

Lu Yun rubbed his eyes and opened his mouth.

The moment I saw this title.

Lu Yun felt that all the rewards he had received this time were not as good as this title!

What is the highest title on the technology side? [Climber] is it.

The territory develops to the middle stage.

A level jump in the civilized era is definitely needed.

The Science and Technology Development Summit will improve the territory:

Income production, development cap, defensive bonus, offensive bonus, building level cap.

Later, the Lord's Mansion will also unlock wonder buildings.

The effect of covering the territory is blessed.

[Current novice civilization levels: (Classical Age, Steam Age, Industrial Age, Electrical Age, Information Age)]

[ps: The choice of direction in the civilization era is after the novice stage, including but not limited to technology, cultivation, runes, energy, virtuality, martial arts, etc.~]

The territory of the era of high civilization versus the era of low civilization.

Completely capable of crushing attacks.

Lu Yun carefully put on the title of [Climber].


Lu Yun was not in a hurry to leave.

He found the [Lord Panel] and recorded the coordinate information near the dark banyan tree.

The boss bloodthirsty roc has been killed.

The remaining tall banyan tree.

The poisonous miasma nearby.

Very suitable for leveling up monsters.

Just what Lu Yun was thinking before.

When the resource points in the first ten days of the novice period are reset for a limited time, where will the people of the territory go to develop and level up.

The banyan tree forest is just right.

After wandering around for a while, there were no other over-limit monsters.

Lu Yun went back home with satisfaction, and hundreds of people returned to the territory in a mighty manner.

Just after entering the territory, the boss settlement was finally completed.

[Congratulations, you and your mythical soldiers, the Heavenly Soldiers and Feather Guards, collaborated to kill the level 60 (mythical bloodline) bloodthirsty roc. 】

[Obtain drop rewards: Experience storage pool (A-level epic)*1, Peng bird suit (A-level epic)*1, Bloodline enhancement stone (A-level epic)*2]

Lu Yun clenched his fists, unable to suppress the emotions in his heart.

A golden belt for killing monsters and setting fire.

This is the correct way to develop the territory!

【Experience Storage Pool】

Quality: A-level epic

Attributes: The maximum storage limit is 3 billion experience, and it can only be upgraded below 100 levels.

Introduction: You may have some magical rule props.

The role of the experience storage pool is simple.

After placing it in the territory.

All the experience gained by the people from killing monsters will be divided into points and stored in the experience storage pool.

A-level epic experience pool.

The storage limit is around 3 billion experiences.

The only pity is.

There is a level limit for upgrades below level 100.

Coupled with the experience catch-up mechanism of the title of [Leader].

Lu Yun couldn't imagine it at all.

The speed at which the citizens and troops of your own territory are upgraded.

How fast will it be.


Talents with special attributes can also use the experience in the [Experience Storage Pool].

Upgrade quickly.

Just for example.

Alchemists and doctors are not very capable in combat.

Usually, you can only rely on treatment and alchemy to gain life experience, and the upgrade speed is slow.

With the [Experience Storage Pool], it's different.

The speed of upgrading and development of various talents has been greatly increased.

The benefits don't stop there.

It seems like the level is higher.

Various attributes have improved, and scientific research capabilities have improved.

"My new lord alliance seems to be more feasible."

Lu Yun's eyes flickered.

He still remembered that the system unlocked the [Repair Building] function, and the energy could be used to offset the durability of props and buildings.

Wait until the level of the Lord's Mansion reaches level three.

Unlock alliance features.

Lu Yun can build his own alliance organization.

A man's solo battle.

It is impossible to catch up with those veteran lords who have been there for hundreds of years.

The more friends there are, the fewer enemies there will be.

Establish your own circle to harvest the barrier knowledge of different levels and cope with the development after passing the novice stage.

The territory of the Daxia Dynasty.

It is a territory that has stood in the foggy world for hundreds of years.

Mature luck system, legal network, officials' luck with gods, domestic people's beliefs, etc...

Daxia Yue has a complete operating system.

The deeper the water behind this represents.

It’s scary to think about it...

"Great Xia Yun Dynasty."

Lu Yun's eyes flashed and he clenched his hands.

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