All Lords: I Created The Mythical Heaven!

Chapter 26 The Bloodthirsty Roc Boss, Kill Instantly With One Hit!

Banyan tree canopy.

The harsh screams of violence were heard, and the shouts of the heavenly soldiers and feather guards were heard.

The thousand-meter-long giant bird spread its wings and soared into the sky. Countless branches were smashed into pieces along the way, with eyes that were indifferent to all life.

It stared at the group of golden little people in front of it.


The blood-eating roc looked at a bunch of villains who were no more than level 20.

Not even a glance.

A flutter of wings.

Hundreds of people rushed forward like wild tigers, fearless and fearless.

do not know why.

The drums and drums thundered loudly behind.

The bloodthirsty roc was distraught upon hearing this.

Lu Yun took the lead and took the lead in checking the Boss' attributes.

【Bloodthirsty Dapeng Bird】

Grade: A-level epic

Level: Level 60

Bloodline: Mythical Roc

Skills: [Peng Bird Transformation] [Racing Thunder and Lightning] [Raging Thunder and Gangfeng] [Blood Devour] [Peng Swallow] [Wisdom Ancient Bird]

Talents: Blood Rebirth, Infinite Strength, Sky Speed

Introduction: The Arab traveler Ibn Battuta wrote in his diary: "I thought it was a mountain, but it turned out to be a roc! If it sees us, it will destroy us.

"As long as it's not Kunpeng."

"Foreign birds are easy to bully!"

Lu Yun saw that the introduction was the same as the information given by the Jiutian interviewer.

Completely relieved.

Kill the Peng bird in foreign myths and legends and the Kun Peng in Chinese mythology.

It's not a concept at all.

The former is at most as big as a mountain.

The latter swallowed up a world of thousands of planes.

There's absolutely no way to compare!

As soon as he finished speaking, violent winds blew over, and the rich smell of blood hit his face.

"I wonder how many monsters this bird has eaten."

"It stinks."

Lu Yun covered his mouth and nose, drew his sword and charged.

Behind him are hundreds of heavenly soldiers and feather guards.

Use the heavenly military formation to charge, and the unstoppable military momentum rises!

Only Li Zhixuan stood in the back with the drum beaters.

Tinkering with something mysteriously.

The first one to meet.

The bloodthirsty roc was stabbed to the core by hundreds of spear points!

A violent cry!

There was anger in its eyes, and the ants actually dared to hurt it.

The wings of the bloodthirsty roc stretched for thousands of meters, blocking the sun's rays and forming a huge shadow.

Thunder was rolling in the sky, purple electric snakes were dancing crazily, and fierce winds were roaring.

It is as high as level 60, and its combat power is ridiculously exaggerated when fully activated.

Countless monsters shivered and shrank back into the dark shadow of the banyan tree.

This scene is all too familiar to them, and the shadow of fear that has shrouded it for hundreds of years lingers.

[The Power of Heaven] was judged successful.

[Huanghuang Tianwei] The judgment was successful.

With Li Zhixuan's talent as a commander and the sound of drum beaters, the effect of one plus one is far greater than two.

The mind of the bloodthirsty roc fell into indescribable fear.

Scenes of an awe-inspiring god, holding a magic weapon, slashing and killing the monsters on the Immortal Platform appeared one after another.

The unknown bloodline inherits fear.

Increased the control time for the bloodthirsty roc to be stunned and stunned.

Lu Yun doesn't care about anything.

[Zhongtian Ziwei Destiny] is immune to pressure and fear.

[Destiny to Rule the Stars] Ignore the wind, thunder and lightning in the sky.

As for the heavenly soldiers and feather guards, they are not afraid of the wind, thunder and lightning.

do not forget.

The team leader Li Zhixuan was born in the Thunder Department, and even the heavenly soldiers and feather guards under his command still ignored ordinary thunder.

The speed suddenly increased!

Lu Yun rushed forward to face Pengniao's body, slashing wildly with his broadsword.

The domineering Qi is blessed by the Dragon Yu Dao Sutra.

The light of the knife was like a sharp blade peeling tofu, scraping out blood all over Pengniao.

at the same time.

Hundreds of celestial soldiers and feather guards rode on celestial horses, their muzzles piercing the bird one after another, leaving wounds that could not be healed.

Li Zhixuan's commanding talent [Heavenly Thunder and Vientiane], the attribute of Heavenly Punishment has the effect of suppressing evil and punishing evil.

After a long time.

Along with it, there was a shrill scream and a roar on the ground.

The behemoth, which was more than a thousand meters long, fell to pieces and fell to the ground.

Experience pool rewards for killing monsters.

With the average level of the Heavenly Soldiers and Feather Guards, it has reached around level 25.

There was no sound of the boss killing for a long time.

Lu Yun thought of the bloodthirsty Pengniao's talent for blood rebirth.

Decisively led people to rush down.

The monsters in the shadows ran away in panic, and there was a scene of birds flying and beasts walking.

A drop of blood kept moving.

Countless amounts of blood and minced meat gathered together.

The bloodthirsty roc, which had shrunk a lot and was no more than a hundred meters long, still had an indelible dead silence in its eyes.

The bloodthirsty roc's [Blood Devour] skill is activated.

I saw.

The bird opened its mouth wide.

The body of the slow-running monster was shattered into pieces, and the bodies were all mangled with blood. Balls of dirty blood were squeezed out, dripping on the ground.


They were all swallowed into the mouth by the roc, and even the body's injuries recovered somewhat.

It looked at the little golden people wandering in the sky with fear.

The average life is less than level 20.

The highest level is no more than a level 49 leader.

How could there be such terrible damage output?

Especially the level 49 villain.

The damage caused by the overbearing true dragon's aura is as hard to erase as the gangrene attached to the bone.

It can't figure it out.

It tried to use the skills of the Peng bird to resist them!

"After the blood drops are reborn, the damage is also reset."

Lu Yun felt bad.

The bloodthirsty roc bird level 60 boss monster template is simply too strong.

Kill once and all negative status will be reset.

"Keep charging!"

Not even waiting for them to land.

The howling of the wind!

Carrying the roc bird hundreds of meters high.

The bird flying high in the sky changed completely!

The forehead is higher than the mountains.

The roc's eyes held a hint of human mockery. Its body continued to grow, and its wings gradually exceeded 10,000 meters in width!

The true power of mythical bloodline monsters.

Show it now!

Lu Yun did not panic at all and was confident.

"Sir! The sacrifice is completed!"

Li Zhixuan shouted loudly.

The heavenly soldiers and feather guards who were fighting with the bloodthirsty roc immediately dispersed and hid far away.

A crisp sword sound sounded.

A streak of sword light crossed the unknown timeline and passed through this place.

There seemed to be a breeze blowing across the eyes of the bloodthirsty roc.

When the sword light flashed.

The bloodthirsty roc bird was struck by Pi Lian's sword energy without even reacting!

The body of the thousand-meter-long Pengniao exploded into pieces!

The blood of the roc was all over the sky, twisting and squirming, and the shadows of small rocs were in the blood.

It wants to use the blood rebirth talent to recover.


This is the nine-day interview with the true king who monitors all spirits, monitors the three realms, and punishes all evil.

The sword energy inherited from the lower realm is given protection by the emperor!

A sword energy slashed straight towards the past!

Level 60, level 34, level 23, level 10, level 4...

Until the moment when the Peng bird had just broken out of its shell, a subtle sword energy struck it.

It had no time to react, no time even to fear.

The bloodthirsty roc bird was completely destroyed on the spot! !

The skill of the Sword of Nine Elements [Purge the Universe] takes effect.

Sacrifice three animals, worship Jiuchen, and worship the sky.

Pull a wisp of the pulse of Jiutian Interview and pray to the Lord of Jiutian Interview to take action from afar.

Come to the dock and ask the boss.

There is someone above us!

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