All Lords: I Created The Mythical Heaven!

Chapter 25: Legendary Hundreds Of Riders, Conquer The Monster Lair!

To prevent accidents.

Lu Yun first opened all the resources and treasure chests obtained in the battle.

A prop caught his attention.

【Loose cloud beads】

Grade: D grade excellent

Attributes: Disperse clouds and fog, illuminate surrounding areas and broaden vision.

Introduction: Just ordinary props that can disperse clouds, don't expect to be able to disperse fog.

Lu Yun thought deeply.

There are tools to dispel clouds, and there must be rare tools to dispel fog.

You can pay attention to collect props in this area in the future.

He put away the [Scattered Cloud Beads] and hurriedly glanced at all the rewards.


There are no props or items that work at this stage.

There are a lot of various buildings, career changes, and rare props.

He just put them all in his backpack for now.

After killing the stupid bird, come back and take a closer look.

Lu Yun came to the [Heavenly Soldiers Camp] and invested a lot of territorial energy to activate the energy in the [Reincarnation Pool].

"Calling them all!"

Buzz buzz.

The next moment, the reincarnation pool shines with golden light!

This time, there’s no shocking entrance sequence.

More than twenty armored and sharp heavenly soldiers and feather guards appeared quietly.

Nearly two million energy sources were consumed.

"Eighty thousand energy to summon a heavenly feather guard?"

Lu Yun had some calculations in his mind.

He had just completed the settlement of the battle and had more than 40 million in territory energy value, so he was not short of money at all.

Another 18 million energy values ​​were invested.

Summon 80 heavenly soldiers and feather guards again, gathering a team of one hundred people.

The levels of the summoned heavenly soldiers and feather guards have been improved, and hundreds of additional divine horses have been summoned.

"There is a reason why you should be expensive..."

Pa, Lu Yun gently touched his cheek.

What nonsense are you thinking about?

The value of the Heavenly Horse is not inferior to that of the Heavenly Soldier.

"The whole army forms an array!"

"Got the order!"

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"

The dull sound of drums sounded.

The passionate drumbeats carried a vast flavor and spread in all directions.

The sharp spears of the heavenly soldiers and feather guards formed a forest of spears.

Hundreds of heavenly soldiers and feather guards are like a forest of spears and halberds. Under the majesty of the heaven, the lineup is at its peak, and the army is as powerful as a mountain. People dare not look directly at it!

"Very good, this looks a bit like a myth."

Lu Yun looked at the scene in front of him and nodded with satisfaction.

Immediately afterwards.

Lu Yun sat on the Pegasus horse, followed by hundreds of heavenly soldiers and feather guards, chasing Li Zhixuan and others in the air.

"No new commanding general has been summoned."

"But there appeared a drum-beating warrior who was inherited from military strategists."

"This kind of work shouldn't involve the giant spirit god beating the drum."

Lu Yun felt lost for a moment, then cheered up.

But he was just thinking about it.

The giant spirit god was originally the river god who split Huashan Mountain, and later became the general under the heavenly throne of the tower.

When one hundred thousand heavenly soldiers and generals attack Sun Wukong.

The Djinn God is the vanguard general.

The martial arts and magic power are simply not comparable to ordinary heavenly weapons.

During this summons of hundreds of people, a tall, round-waisted, bare-chested drum beater appeared.

【Drum Fighter】

Name: Li Jiu

Level: Level 20

Favorability: 101 (loyalty to the liver and righteousness to the bravery)

Quality: SS level (legendary)

Weapons: Heavenly Soldiers and Feather Guards

Bloodline: [Human Immortal] +1

Talents: [Heavenly Weapons Skills] [Speeding through the Sky] [Army as Strong as a Mountain] [Drums Beating Together] [Brilliant Power of Heaven]

Introduction: I am a heavenly soldier from the North Pole Exorcist Academy. I was invited to Lushan to gather with my friends, so I came here here.

Except for the two heavenly weapon skills.

Drum Warrior also has three buffing effects that can comprehensively improve the morale, combat power, and spirit of the army.

"Oh, my own soldier."

"No wonder the favorability level has exceeded the upper limit. Emotions are my soldiers."

Arctic Exorcist Hospital is under the name of Arctic Ziwei Emperor.

"Silly bird, just wait for me."

"If I don't kill you with my own hands, it will be difficult to satisfy my hatred."

Lu Yun waved his hand and mounted the divine horse.

A team of hundreds of people followed closely behind.

As for whether you can ride a horse or not, let’s look at [Zhongtian Ziwei’s Destiny].

The horse's hooves step straight into the sky.

The sound of horses neighing in the wind became more and more urgent.

In the vague thick fog, there was a faint gurgling sound like a rising tide.

Half an hour later.

In heavy fog.

Lu Yun and the others saw six running black figures disappearing in an instant.


Lu Yun raised a dense orb, which burst into brilliance!

A strong wind blew, and the thick clouds in the sky were completely blown away like a window screen being rolled up.


Li Zhixuan shouted loudly, holding a spear in his hand, ready to go.

Lu Yun came to the front of the formation surrounded by a group of heavenly soldiers and feather guards.

No small talk and nonsense.

"Li Yi and others, mount your horses and join me in the expedition."

Li Zhixuan and others looked at the hundreds of colleagues in front of them with great joy.

The five people in the team behind each led two horses, and the five people mounted their horses decisively.

The two waves of people gathered together and rushed into the distance.

Two hours later.

The army of heavenly soldiers and feather guards, moving at full speed, finally reached their destination.

"Your Majesty, the destination is ahead."

Li Zhixuan held up the [Cloud Dispersing Bead] to disperse the surrounding clouds and fog, revealing the situation below.

A terrible miasma, full of water beasts and poisonous insects.

The ancient and vigorous black banyan tree is 10,000 meters high, with countless branches hanging down, hiding countless traces of monsters.

In the mist, monsters with terrifying auras flashed past.

A giant elephant as tall as a mountain, a strange rat chewing a lion's head, a three-eyed skeleton drinking blood...

The muscles on the monster's body are surging like a horned dragon.

Lu Yun took a wary look at these monster levels.

Most of them are hovering around level 50.

It is best not to cause them to siege and plunge your own army into endless fierce battles.

Good thing.

None of them have the means to fly, otherwise the bloodthirsty roc would not leave so many monsters at its doorstep.

The nest of the bloodthirsty roc is in the canopy of the tree.

Each time he probably flew far away to hunt for blood food in distant places.

It seems.

The bloodthirsty roc also understands why rabbits don't eat grass near their nests.


The food at the door is kept in captivity to satisfy your cravings!

Regardless of that.

Lu Yun holds the sword in his right hand and the rope in his left hand, pulling the Pegasus at his hip, riding the horse out of the military formation, walking alone.

"Charge with me!"

Taking a deep breath, Lu Yun shouted.

Where the sword points.

Hundreds of heavenly soldiers all burst out with shouts that shook the world, their faces full of uncontrollable fanaticism.

Just ask.

Who is the Arctic Ziwei Emperor?

The Emperor Ziwei of the Arctic holds the latitude and longitude of heaven and earth, leads the stars in the sky, and controls ghosts, gods and thunder.

Zhongtian Ziwei is the emperor’s destiny!

As a high-ranking lord, you can personally conquer the battlefield, which is enough to boost the morale of the heavenly soldiers.

The human emperor Li Shimin who unified the world at that time only shouted the slogan of controlling (controlling) the world's soldiers and horses.

Standing in front of you is:

"Grandmaster of all phenomena, ruler of all heavens, great compassion and great wishes, great sage and great mercy, with the title of Jade Douxuanzun, the Northern Ziwei Heavenly Emperor, one of the six supreme emperors..."

"The fate holder of... is Lu Yun, Lord of Tiangong."

(Popular version: Lu Yun, the future emperor of heaven who rules over billions of sentient beings in the three realms, endless stars and gods, and thousands of ghosts and gods in the underworld.)

All right.

Lu Yun thought to himself that there would come a time when others would truly see him as the supreme Emperor of Heaven!

The mighty drum sounds again!


Hundreds of heavenly soldiers rode forward, shouting at the top of their lungs. The huge sound almost overwhelmed all the sounds around the banyan tree.

In all directions, groups of panicked flying monsters appeared on the banyan trees.

Likewise, the monsters on the ground looked at the gods in the sky in horror.

Worried about not having any scouts to detect the situation?

The telepathic powers of the Nine Heavens Interviewer said that they were not needed at all.

The Nine Heavens Interviewer senses the power of the ten directions and is the most powerful heavenly scout!

The atmosphere is here.

If you don't level this place, you will be sorry to the people of Daxia. It is the tradition of stepping on horses and carving monuments.

(Note: Emperor Ziwei Beiji commands the star gods of the heavens and is the master of all stars. Therefore, he is called "the master of all phenomena and the ruler of all heavens".)

(Note: The Arctic Ziwei Emperor is also known as the Ziwei Arctic Yuxu Emperor; the Fengdu Beiyin Emperor, also known as the Yinsi Emperor, is one of the incarnations of the Arctic Ziwei Emperor.)

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