In the development of the universe, the speed at which the powerhouse was first born was actually not high.

Because of the limitations of the cultivation method, whether it is a secret technique or a mysterious technique, all of these need to be created and perfected.

However, the efficiency of cultivating a powerhouse will naturally continue to improve as time goes on.

To this day, the Third Universe Era may only have half of the cycle, and the first two cycles are complete, and the number of powerhouses is naturally different.

"Three cosmic ages, Two Great Holy Lands, the situation in this cosmic ocean is really surging forward with great momentum!"

Looking at the small fading and collapsing ahead! In the universe, Zhou Chen suddenly smiled heartily and said aloud.

"Brother Zhou's mentality is very calm. In comparison, I feel a little nervous in my heart."

I can hear Zhou Chen’s laughter in my ears. Luo Feng said with a sad expression: "Brother Zhou, you should be very clear. From the more than 10,000 small universes that have been discovered, you can know how many powerhouses have ever been born in the universe.

However, more than ninety percent of the small universes have been ruined.

It is obvious that the most powerful houses in the universe have fallen!"

Immediately afterwards, Luo Feng According to the secrets received from his Master Primal Chaos City, Zhou Chen was introduced to the situation of the Universe Sea.

"In addition to the three major universes, there are two other forces in the universe. They belong to a small universe.

The two small universes should be in the top ten of us. Reincarnation, and even the first one hundred universes, the most powerhouse of the universe before the reincarnation, the small universe bred.

The volume of these two small universes is very huge, the known universe is the most powerhouse small universe, diameter Generally, there are only 100 million light-years at most.

That can be two small universes, one with a diameter of 1.1 billion light-years, and the other with a diameter of 3.2 billion light-years, which are the two largest in the universe. Small universes.

Even the era of reincarnation when these two small universes were born is completely impossible to verify!"

Luo Feng’s voice was a little deep, he said In between, there is a bit of unpredictable depth.

Time is the best proof to test everything.

Countless times of reincarnation have been annihilated, but those two small universes can be preserved. This is definitely not just what luck can tell.

"Three universe ages and Two Great Holy Lands, these are the forces in the endless universe sea.

Of course, every universe age is not united, just like our third universe age , Is also divided into nine super influences, and twelve top powers and so on.

The first universe age and the second universe age are also divided into dozens of forces.

Therefore, in the endless universe, it can be called very chaotic.

Any non-self force is very likely to attack you and me suddenly."

Luo Feng said solemnly. : "Brother Zhou, in terms of your and my cultivation base strength, if it is within the Primitive Universe, then even the most powerful house in the universe, there is not much threat.

After all, the Primitive Universe is not a big threat to the universe.

The powerhouse of the most powerful, there is a great suppression.

But within this universe, the situation is completely different.

Without the limitation, the most powerhouse of the future universe, its The powers are terrifying to the extreme, and they can even be incredible.

Although you and I have Supreme Treasure body protection, but if you really encounter it The most powerful house in the universe, I am afraid that there is not much resistance at all.

In this universe, it is best for you and me to be cautious."

"Brother Luo, you and me I have fought side by side before, so am I the kind of person who doesn’t know the immensity of heaven and earth?!

Looking at the extremely precious look on Luo Feng’s face, Zhou Chen couldn’t help but shook his head and chuckled. He said: "I will have a sense of measure in my heart, don't worry! "

"I am a little more sensitive, mainly because before leaving, Master told me that there are too many Human Race Lord of Universe that have fallen into the universe, so I am a little concerned and confused. NS! "

He could hear Zhou Chen's voice in his ears, and Luo Feng's eyes flashed with a sense of sorrow. He shook his head a bit sorry to say with a bitter smile.

"In fact, Unless it is to compete with the universe's most powerhouse for treasure, or to offend the universe's most powerhouse.

Otherwise, the most powerful house in the universe will rarely take action against Lord of Universe.

For the most powerhouse alone, they fancy the Xeon Supreme Treasure, and the Peak Supreme Treasure is not very attractive to them.

The most powerhouse in the universe with ethnic groups is because of the drag of ethnic groups.

Once they take a shot against Lord of Universe, they are also afraid that they will suffer deliberate revenge from the opponent's most powerful house in the universe.

Speaking of which seriously, in fact, for the Lord of Universe like you and me, the biggest threat to be faced is not from the hostile powerhouse, but from the environment.

This universe is so vast that it is impossible to determine the coordinate position like in the Primitive Universe, so it is easy to get lost.

This is like a tomb, where countless secrets are buried, even if there are countless powerhouses persevering in exploration.

But it is a pity that there are too many places in the universe that have not been explored. Losing is a very terrifying thing, and it is basically impossible to come back again.

So in unfamiliar places, you must never use teleport.

There is one more thing, that is, although your and my cultivation base strength is not bad, there are many dangerous places that can trap or even kill the most powerful house in the universe.

So Brother Zhou, when you and I experience treasure hunt in the universe, it is best to focus on safety and stability. "

Immediately afterwards, Luo Feng once again spoke about the many precautions explained by his Master Primal Chaos City, and said that Zhou Chen knew about it.

Zhou Chen slightly nodded , Smiled and remembered all these things in his heart.

He is not a reckless person, naturally he can listen to Luo Feng’s persuasion.

"Of course, with Brother Zhou Your cultivation base strength, as long as you don't encounter extremely dangerous places such as getting lost, you can still be very relaxed and comfortable in this cosmic sea. "

Luo Feng slowly nodded, he smiled and continued: "Our Human Race can't be considered any Peak forces in the universe, but other forces will definitely not dare to target you easily. I!

Okay, let's continue on our way! "

Immediately, Zhou Chen and Luo Feng used the divine ability to move space together and left this small universe that was collapsing.

Continuous moments in the void Together with the occasional natural wormholes, Zhou Chen and Luo Feng quickly moved towards the gathering place of Human Race in the Universe Sea.

When Zhou Chen and Luo Feng were two On the sixth day of entering the Universe Sea, in the endless air current in front of the two, a strange wave suddenly came out.

"A dangerous place in front is the "Zhensha River"!

Although the Shahe River is far less than the three major Danger Lands, for the general Lord of Universe, there is still a danger of falling into the ground once entering.

My Master once said that even he has to explore it cautiously.

If he dared to teleport around Zhensha River arrogantly, he might also be in danger of perishing. "

Seeing the changes ahead, Luo Feng stood with a solemn face and said vigilantly.

"It seems to be interesting. "

There is a glimmer of light in Zhou Chen's eyes that is fleeting.

For these dangerous places, Zhou Chen is also quite interested.

Coming to the universe Before the sea, Zhou Chen has also seen some records in the virtual universe system, including some descriptions of dangerous places in the universe.

The Zhensha River that happened in front of the two of them now only belongs to One of the most common dangerous places.

"There are more than 3,000 dangerous places in the universe that our human race knows about. As time goes by, the number is gradually increasing. "

Gazed at the changes ahead, Luo Feng chuckled and said: "But the universe is too big. The dangerous places like Two Great Holy Lands are estimated to be more, but they obviously don’t. Will tell us! "

"Who calls someone else's inheritance longer?" "

Hearing this in his ears, Zhou Chen couldn't help but jokingly said: "If Brother Luo, you can live through ten reincarnations, maybe you can create a new Human Race Holy by yourself. Land! "

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