Swimming in the sea of ​​cosmos, unconsciously, Zhou Chen and Luo Feng have traveled for eight days.

Along with the high frequency along the way, almost continuously shifting time and space, the two of them are getting closer and closer to the gathering place of Human Race in the universe.

"Brother Zhou, soon you will be able to see the "Qingfengjie", one of the three largest Danger Lands in the universe.

When the time comes, you will understand, Compared with Qingfeng Realm, in some other dangerous places in the universe, what can’t be considered simply!"

While speaking, Luo Feng stopped immediately, looking directly at him. Ahead.

At the same time, Zhou Chen also stopped, and stood side by side with Luo Feng in the sky.

Looking along Luo Feng’s line of sight, but seeing that there is a very distant place in front of him, almost where his eyesight is, there is a majestic mountain towering impressively.

Although the high mountain in the distance is towering and tall, its peak is now halfway down the mountain.

It seems that long ago, there was a Supreme powerhouse against the sky, and the whole mountain was cut off by a slash.

"hua! Wow! Wow!"

At this moment, on the smooth main mountain break, there is a huge waterfall pouring down, rushing down the mountainside below. superior.

The water flow filled the surrounding area, submerging the top of the fallen mountain by half.

At the same time, there are countless rubbles flying around the mountain all around continuously.

"That is the realm of Qingfeng!

Qingfeng, Qingfeng, as the name implies, the top of the mountain that falls down."

Luo Feng's eyes are shocking. With a look, he sighed and said: "The origin of the name of this dangerous place, I must not have to explain it."

"Brother Zhou, don't look at the small gravel, but we Now it’s more than 100 million light-years away from Qingfeng Realm."

Immediately, Luo Feng pointed to the countless rubble flying around the mountain, and continued to say with a smile: "Bring you and me." After arriving nearby, you said how big the seemingly fragmented stones would be?!"

Seeing such a situation, Zhou Chen's eyes couldn't help flashing a fascinating color.

Although he has also read the detailed information of the universe recorded by Human Race in the virtual universe system.

There are some introductions about Qingfeng Realm, but how can it be more shocking than seeing it with your own eyes?

The main mountain of Qingfengjie is about 98.02 million light-years high, and the maximum diameter of the truncated peak is 12.22 million light-years.

Outside the mountain, it is an outland, and the risk is low.

But even so, some dangerous places can still make some Lord of Universe whose life-saving ability is weaker fall.

In the mountain, it is an inner domain, which is extremely dangerous.

Rao is the Lord of Universe of High Rank, and it is very likely to fall into it.

As for the deeper core of the mountain, it is said that even if it is the most powerhouse in the universe, I can’t guarantee that I have a perfect solution.

Looking at the towering Qingfeng World in the distance, Zhou Chen unconsciously reached the broken Buzhou Mountain in Hong Desolate World.

Compared with the Qingfeng world in front of us, even Buzhou Mountain, Hong’s Desolate World Heaven-supporting Pillar, is much inferior.

No matter the size of the mountain, or the degree of danger contained in it, this is true.

These terrifying mountains are absolutely impossible at least in Primitive Universe.

A mountain is nearly 100 million light-years high, and even the surrounding rock can be as large as light-years.

Such a shocking thing is possible in the universe that gave birth to the Primitive Universe.

With a sudden movement, Zhou Chen and Luo Feng continued to move forward.

In the strange and dangerous realm of Qingfeng Realm, the two of them easily dare not use the teleport divine ability.

But even so, relying on the cultivation base of Zhou Chen and Luo Feng, it didn't take long for them to have entered the outer realm of Qingfeng Realm.

Passing over a celestial rock flying several times the speed of light, after a while, the two finally landed on a celestial rock with a maximum diameter of about 8.2 light-years.

"There are countless celestial rocks in the outer domain of Qingfeng, which are always flying at super high speed.

On the celestial rocks, you will find that other rocks are relatively static. "

Luo Feng stood on the surface of the celestial mountain, looking at the void around him, and introduced with a smile.

In fact, within Qingfeng realm, the rocks near the main peak fly slowly, and the ones farther away fly faster. This makes the distance between countless rubbles never change.

"Listen to my Master, the founder of giant axe is now in Qingfeng realm, so our human race’s powerhouse in the universe is mainly on Qingfeng realm!"

The source is very extensive Luo Feng, continue to say with a smile.

"The founder of giant axe?! Didn't expect that the most powerful house in the universe is within the realm of Qingfeng."

Heard the words of Luofeng in my ears, Zhou Chen There was a shocking look in the depths of his eyes.

The founder of giant axe is the brawny who sits on the black throne during the previous Human Race summit. He is the cultivation realm of the most powerhouse in the universe.

The most powerful house in the universe is that the realm’s Peak exists in this world.

The total is divided into fourth realm, namely Void True God, Eternal True God, Chaos Sovereign, and finally Divine King.

According to Zhou Chen's speculation, the most powerful house in the universe should be the Great Firmament Golden Immortal of the equivalent to Great Desolate World, and compare the Early-Stage, Mid-term, Late-End, and Peak respectively.

These guesses may not be accurate, but with the power of Luo Feng’s Master Primal Chaos City and Sub Saint, the most powerful house in the universe is also equivalent to Hunyuan Great Firmament Golden Immortal. .

Faced with such existence, Zhou Chen's heart is naturally filled with a certain amount of awe.

"My Master said, this Qingfeng world is stationed in most of the Lord of Universe of our Human Race, so the creator of giant axe naturally chose to sit in the Qingfeng world."

Luo Feng explained with a smile. He pointed to a celestial stone mountain in front of him and said: "The celestial stone in front is the temporary gathering place for our human race.

Go Well, Brother Zhou, let's go and join the other Lord of Universe!"

While speaking, Luo Feng moved towards the depths of the celestial stone mountain and flew in.

At the same time, Zhou Chen stepped forward, closely following Luo Feng's figure.

After a while, Zhou Chen and Luo Feng came to a deep valley among the celestial rocks.

In this gorge as deep as million li, there is a magnificent and simple temple.

When Zhou Chen and Luo Feng arrived, two figures outside the temple were chatting casually.

"Chensu? Yinhe? The two of you are finally here!"

Seeing the arrival of Zhou Chen and Luo Feng, one of them was a little gloomy man with a hoarse voice. said with a smile.

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