"xiu! 咻!"

With the sound of two rapid breaking winds, Zhou Chen and Luo Feng flew forward at the same time.

Almost in an instant, the two of them rushed through the gap at the same time.

The opposite of Toya’s black hole is where the universe is.

As soon as he entered the universe, Zhou Chen felt the fog-like Chaos Qi Flow around him, and he immediately felt a faint oppression.

With terrifying existence like Zhou Chen, he has been faintly affected.

It can be seen from this that the coercion generated by the endless Chaos Qi Flow is so powerful that it is simply appalling.

Although these Chaos Qi Flows did not deliberately attack, the natural pressure alone is enough to make an immortal Spiritual God scattered ashes and dispersed smoke.

"Chaos Qi Flow, a source of energy for the universe.

Primitive Universe I am not sure, but the most powerhouses in the universe are all small universes that use this Chaos Qi Flow as energy Source.

The Chaos Qi Flow in the universe has the highest purity, at least much more pure than the Chaos Qi Flow in our human initial universe."

Luo Feng Li Li Above the void, looking at the endless Chaos Qi Flow ahead, slowly introduced.

At the same time, Zhou Chen is also nodded very much.

Be aware that the initial universe is just a small universe, and it is still in its initial state. Chaos Qi Flow naturally has no oppression force.

So even those Human Races that have never reached the immortal level can still be at ease in Primal Chaos City.

"Leaving the Primitive Universe, your trip to the universe and sea has officially begun."

Luo Feng turned his head and looked towards the back, and said aloud with emotion.

At the same time, Zhou Chen also turned around, focusing on the irregular tearing not far behind.

At a glance, I saw that the huge membrane wall diffused towards all around, as if the huge curtain wall that could never see the end, as if it directly covered the entire universe.

"This is the Primitive Universe, the cradle that breeds hundreds of millions of ethnic groups?! It's really extraordinary!!"

There was a flash of surprise in his eyes, Zhou Chen turned to Luo Feng and said with a smile: "Let's go!"

Luo Feng was nodded, and immediately moved with Zhou Chen to teleport directly to a place in the void.

There are thirty-nine distorted space holes listed nearby, all natural wormholes.

Because the size and direction of the wormhole are different, the distance to the wormhole is also different.

This time they want to go to the wormhole, it is the 15th wormhole.

For the existence of the Lord of Universe level, the limit of each teleport is 10,000 light-years.

Fortunately, Lord of Universe's will consciousness can protect extremely high-frequency teleports.

Although the distance limit of Zhou Chen's teleportation has exceeded 10,000 light-years, he is not on his own after all.

So Zhou Chen suppressed his own speed and maintained the speed of walking side by side with Luo Feng.

In an instant, more than two days passed.

Zhou Chen and Luo Feng, who had been in a state of high-frequency teleportation, finally flew out of the 15th natural wormhole.

In the next instant, the scene that came into the eyes of the two of them was a huge celestial body, in the sky that lay ahead.

The huge cosmic membrane wall spreads out diffusely, with no end in sight.

It's just that compared to the Primitive Universe fetal membranes I have seen before, the fetal membranes in this universe are really too broken.

Divine sense glanced away, Zhou Chen immediately found hundreds of broken irregular gaps and huge void cracks.

This makes Chaos Qi Flow almost completely unable to receive any certain barriers, and it travels freely between the universe sea and the damaged universe.

"In the universe, this is the most normal thing.

The peak of powerhouse cultivation is the highest powerhouse in the universe, and the peak of Divine Kingdom development to the highest peak is a small universe.

If the immortal Spiritual God falls, his Divine Kingdom will be barren and ruined.

If the universe’s most powerful house falls, his small universe will naturally follow.”

Looking at the situation in front of him, Luo Feng's eyes flashed with shock. He sighed and said to Zhou Chen: "Let's go, Brother Zhou! Let's take a look at this dilapidated small universe! "

Immediately, Zhou Chen and Luo Feng stepped forward.

While their bodies are in disillusionment, Zhou Chen and Luo Feng have moved to the edge of a crack in the fetal membrane of the universe.

With a slight movement in his mind, Zhou Chen penetrated the broken cosmic fetal membrane with divine sense, and moved towards inside to explore the past.

In Zhou Chen's perception, Chaos Qi Flow within the cosmic fetal membrane continuously bursts and surges, continuously hitting the crack in succession.

This makes the edges of the cracks in the cosmic fetal membranes unstoppable from shaking, and there is even the possibility of continuing to crack between shaking.

Through the cracks that are more than 30,000 kilometers high and hundreds of kilometers wide, countless broken space fragments can be seen inside.

In the space fragments, there are countless continent fragments, a huge mountain range floating in it, and some huge broken divine corpse floating in it.

Looking at the breath of those divine corpse, it is enough to infer the strength and prosperity of this Dilapidated Cosmos in the past.

However, today, the originally tyrannical universe has fallen into such a state of decline.

I have to say that this universe is really dangerous.


Along with a clear cracking sound, a piece of cosmic fetal membrane came off directly in the distance.

Zhou Chen looked at him in a blink of an eye, and the entire universe was in the process of rupture, collapse, and disappearance, and the fetal membranes of the universe would fall off from time to time.

Those space fragments occasionally collide with each other, causing them to split again, causing some continents to become smaller.

Obviously, this universe is constantly collapsing.

Maybe it won’t take long for the entire broken universe to disappear and annihilate.

"Primitive Universe was born and gave birth to hundreds of millions of ethnic groups, and countless powerhouses!

But with the ebbing of time, Primitive Universe will quickly decline after reaching one of the most prosperous Peaks Even the Great Destruction, followed by a new birth!

Every reincarnation will give birth to hundreds of millions of ethnic groups and many geniuses, some of the universe’s most powerhouses, and a large number of Lord of Universes.

Creation, destruction, one by one reincarnation, very long years.

Every reincarnation has a number of the most powerhouses in the universe, and each of the most powerhouses in the universe corresponds to a small universe.

Small universes are floating in the sea of ​​cosmos, drifting farther and farther, many of them have long been beyond the scope of the cosmos sea we have explored.

The small universes that have been discovered alone are 18,022!"

Looking at the continent fragments floating in Chaos Qi Flow and the broken divine corpse, Luo Feng slowly opened the mouth and said some secrets.

"A long time ago, history has been unable to trace a period.

If we say that this cycle we are in now, as the third cosmic age.

Then the reincarnation in front of us is considered the second cosmic age.

The reincarnation before us can be called the first cosmic age.

In fact, in the entire universe, apart from Two Great Holy Lands, only three powerhouses of the cosmic era survive.

The other reincarnations have long been annihilated with the rotation of time and space. .

Today, our Third Universe Age is still in the process of multiplying.

The previous two cycles have gone through a complete cycle of reincarnation, and the number of powerhouses that have been born is natural. Far more than us."

Speaking of this, Luo Feng's expression could not help but give birth to some worries. He continued: "Therefore, our third age can be said to be the weakest in the universe. Times.

In contrast, First Era is the strongest existence."

Hearing this in his ears, Zhou Chen is also nodded in agreement.

Although Human Race belongs to the Peak race in the universe, there are still some races that have survived from First Era and Second Era.

The strength of these races, some of them are even more powerful than the strength of Human Race.

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