In the early morning of the next day, Zhou Chen left Daxing City early in the morning and drove straight to the depths of Mount Zhongnan in the south of the city.

Mount Zhongnan, Emperor Trap Peak, here is the mountain gate of Sect Cihang Jingzhai, the leader of the White Road.

When Zhou Chen walked to the foot of Ditafeng Mountain, Zhu Yuyan had already led a group of Demon Sect powerhouses to wait here for a long time.

Demon Sect two factions of Six Paths and countless dísciple clansmen gathered at the foot of the mountain of Emperor Tafeng. They didn't have any intention of covering up their tracks. They were outrageously about to forcibly besiege Cihang Jingzhai.

The entire Demon Sect lineage is all out, and such a huge and mighty momentum simply cannot be hidden.

So Zhu Yuyan simply didn't play any late-night assassination methods, and directly planned to attack Cihang Jingzhai under the broad daylight, and everything was based on true strength to determine the winning or losing.

At this moment, these Demon Sect dísciples are showing crazy colors one by one, and their eyes are full of scarlet blood, and they can't wait to step on the mountain to kill the nuns.

Only to wait for Zhou Chen's help, so these Demon Sect dísciples just besieged and did not attack, standing quietly at the foot of the Emperor Dafeng and waiting.

Seeing Zhou Chen's arrival, Zhu Yuyan will lead her Yin Sunflower sect expert and other powerhouses of Demon Sect sect to usher up.

"Young Master Zhou!"

Zhu Yuyan gave a salute, but she was going to introduce these Demon Sect experts in the field to Zhou Chen.

However, before Zhu Yuyan could speak, Zhou Chen waved her hand and interrupted her.

Although there are a lot of Grandmaster Level powerhouses from Demon Sect gathered in the field, they are also very important figures in the martial arts, but Zhou Chen simply doesn't have the intention to greet them.

As far as Zhou Chen is concerned, it is as simple as taking people's money and people to eliminate disasters.

You Demon Sect publishes the secret collection of books, I will help you, and we don’t need to be close to each other.

I raised my eyes and looked up and down the two stone plaques standing on both sides of the mountain road, and looked at the words inscribed on them: Home is in this mountain, and the clouds do not know where.

The expression on Zhou Chen's face was calm and indifferent. He exhaled a force between his waves, and immediately blasted the two stone plaques to pieces.

Immediately, Zhou Chen stepped forward on the mountain road, and his voice said in a cold voice: "If you have anything, wait until Cihang Jingzhai is gone!"

Look With Zhou Chen's clean and straightforward style of working, Zhu Yuyan does not have any dissatisfaction with the Grandmaster powerhouse of Demon Sect Grandmaster realm behind Zhu Yuyan.

Or even if they are dissatisfied, they dare not put it on the surface at all.

No matter where it is, powerhouse is respected is the most basic law of survival.

Especially for those of them in Demon Sect, weak are prey to the strong is the most vividly and thoroughly embodied.

Why can Zhu Yuyan mobilize the entire Demon Sect two factions Six Paths to besiege Cihang Jingzhai? Except for the irreconcilable hatred between Demon Sect and Ci Hang Jing Zhai.

The most important reason is that Zhu Yuyan’s cultivation base is extremely powerful. She is the superb powerhouse of the Grandmaster and the Demon Sect Number One Person known as the Queen of Yin.

However, Monk Kong, which is similar to Zhu Yuyan’s cultivation realm, has been suppressed and killed by Zhou Chen in the Zen Sect. Demon Sect is much worse than Zhu Yuyan’s Grandmaster. How dare they show the slightest dissatisfaction with Zhou Chen?

Don't say that Zhou Chen is just ignoring them now. Even if Zhou Chen suddenly slapped them, they might smile and send the other face over to let Zhou Chen continue to draw.

For these Demon Sect people who pursue the powerhouse is respected doctrine, as long as your cultivation base is strong enough, your status will naturally become more and more lofty.

even more how In the current situation, the most important thing is to destroy Cihang Jingzhai. After the nuns are destroyed, everything is easy to say.

So after Zhou Chen took the lead on the mountain road, Zhu Yuyan also gently waved the white jade arm and led a group of Demon Sect experts to move towards the top of the peak of Emperor Taifeng, Ci Hang Jing Zhai killed the past. .

From the two broken stone plaques at the foot of the mountain to the main entrance of the mountain gate of Cihang Jingzhai, there are seven wooden doors carved with lotus patterns. This is Cihang Jingzhai's famous seven-fold door.

If it is in the usual situation, the guardian dísciple of Cihang Jingzhai should be stationed between these seven gates to prevent the martial arts activists from trespassing at Cihang Jingzhai Mountain Gate.

However, nowadays, the guardian dísciple between these seven gates has already been in and out of the Inner Sect.

Zhu Yuyan brought the two factions of Demon Sect Six Paths to such a huge momentum. Cihang Jingzhai is not a blind blind, how could they not know the intentions of these demonic path monsters so aggressively.

In order to avoid unnecessary damages and sacrifices made by Cihang Jingzhai dísciple, Cihang Jingzhai simply removed the guarding mountain dísciple stationed near the seven-fold gate, and prepared it in Inner Sect and Demon Sect People fight to the death.

After all, the seven gates are simply not a steep pass, just seven wooden doors with beautiful carvings.

In the past, people in the martial arts of the rivers and lakes might still care about the prestige of Cihang Jingzhai and would not trespass these seven portals.

But right now, the two Demon Sect Six Paths dispatched elites to besiege, and these seven broken wooden doors have no blocking effect at all.

If you continue to keep the guarding dísciple stationed at the Seven Gates, then apart from letting these guarding dísciples die, you can only disperse the strength of Cihang Jingzhai.

At this moment, Cihang Jingzhai has gathered all his strength, and is quietly waiting for the arrival of the people in Demon Sect, just behind the last red front door.

Because of this, Zhou Chen and Zhu Yuyan and the others simply passed through the famous seven-fold door of Cihang Jingzhai unimpededly without being blocked by any slightest interception. In front of the real mountain gate of Cihang Jingzhai.

As long as you pass through the dignified door of the red jujube in front of you, you can set foot in the realm of Cihang Jingzhai.

The slender and white neck was slightly raised, and Zhu Yuyan looked at the simple and solemn four-character Ci Hang Jing Zhai at the top of the door, and the corners of her mouth slowly glowed with a refreshing smile.

"The blood feud between the Yin Sunflower faction and Ci Hang Jingzhai for nearly a thousand years is finally about to come to an understanding. Fan Qinghui, you are a nun who died in a polite manner. Today, great aunt, I will send you to the west to see the Buddha!"

The killing intent deep in the eyes is fleeting. Zhu Yuyan raised her hand and it was a Dao Accumulation with the terrifying True Qi of the heavenly demon force field.了齑粉.

Immediately afterwards, she even split up and in pieces the red portal with a palm, her voice softly but extremely coldly said solemnly: "I want this nun's house up and down. , Even chicken and dog doesn't remain !"

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