Zhou Chen’s voice sounded very gentle, but the movements of his hands frightened Hou Hou so much that she jumped up directly from the chair. , Hurriedly flashed aside.

Immediately, Houhou only felt a terrifying wind on his head.

If she was hit by this palm, Houyu could guarantee her fate, I'm afraid that Shifeixuan's little nun won't have to be strong.

I didn't dare to hesitate and hesitate at all, Houhou went barefoot to the floor, and the whole person immediately left the place with a ghost-like silhouette, and dodged where Zhou Chen was just now. Location.

Until this moment, Houhou was sighed for a long time.

"This stone-hearted man!"

Houhou wrinkled his little nose and cursed inwardly in his heart.

However, on the surface, Houhou looked towards Zhou Chen with a bright smile, only to hear her whimper and say: "little brother, you are scaring people again!"


The voice of Houhou can be heard in the ears, and the smile on the corner of Zhou Chen's mouth has become more gentle. He once again slowly raised his palm, and said softly: "Guess you can hide with this palm. Is it in the past?!"

Houhou, hearing this, quickly reduced his smile, and didn't dare to continue joking with Zhou Chen.

She knows the horror of the master in front of her, and the Grandmaster powerhouse that died under his opponent's hand can't be counted with one hand.

The palm just now means that the other party made a joke. If not, how could she, who is still not enough for the Grandmaster realm, be able to react.

If you continue, it will really make the other person feel unhappy, and her small body can't hold the other person's palm.

Thinking about this, Houhou couldn't help being lightly coughed, and his expression solemnly said: "Zhou little brother, my Holy Sect expert has surrounded the Emperor Ta Peak round and round, and then we can go straight to Ci Hangjingzhai is gone."

Speaking of which, Hohoro hurriedly stepped forward and unwrapped the floral wrap, revealing the two cowhide classics contained in it.

Slowly pushing the two classics in front of Zhou Chen, Houhou opened his mouth and said: "This is the secret temple of the inheritance in my Holy Sect, "Demonic Path Caprice Record" and "Ziwu Tiangang". ", is the deposit you made earlier by your little brother.

As for the remaining two "Heavenly Purple Qi Net" and "Sword Gang Flow", after they are done, Hirobori offered them with both hands. "

slightly nodded, Zhou Chen's eyes flashed with a clear look.

No wonder the group of nuns from Cihang Jingzhai didn't come to trouble him. It turned out to be surrounded by people in Demon Sect.

Anyway, Zhou Chen and Cihang Jingzhai have already forged an enmity, and now Houhou has also paid the deposit that he said before, so Zhou Chen also took advantage of this opportunity to completely wipe out The group of nuns.

But before that, Zhou Chen still has some things to talk to Houhou.

After all, Houhou is only Innate Realm, she does not have the qualifications to represent the entire Demon Sect lineage.

With a flick of his sleeve robe, Zhou Chen immediately took the two cowhide classics into the palm of his hand, and then put it into the placket of his chest.

Immediately, I saw Zhou Chen remain calm and composed while handling pressing affairs and said: "You have seen the sincerity of Demon Sect.

Joined to encircle and suppress Cihang There is no problem with Jingzhai.

However, as a little girl, you are not enough to represent the entire Demon Sect lineage. Let’s ask you Master Zhu Yuyan to come out!"

The divine sense spread to the entire Inn. Zhou Chen was able to find that there was a very powerful aura in the Inn's lobby, which was not much weaker than Monk Kong when the mantra was not broken.

It was a woman who was dressed elegant and poised, with long hair crossed and black cloak, showing a mature charm.

If nothing else, she is today's Demon Sect Number One Person, Zhu Yuyan, Sect Master of Yin Sunflower School, and a grandmaster known as the Queen of Yin.

As soon as Zhou Chen's mouth fell, the elegant and poised woman also got up from the lobby downstairs and walked over to Zhou Chen's room upstairs with lotus steps.

After walking to the door, the corner of the woman’s mouth was drawn with a fascinating smile, and she said in a charming voice: "I have heard about the prestige of Young Master Zhou for a long time, and I saw it today. It’s extraordinary."

Zhu Yuyan has been coordinating Demon Sect lineage recently to besiege Cihang Jingzhai. After Houhou returned to her side that day, she told her the deal with Zhou Chen. In the future, she plans to come and meet Zhou Chen in person.

If Zhou Chen is not as powerful as the legend in the martial arts, then there is no need to continue this transaction. After all, the value of the four Demon Sect secret classics is definitely not small.

As a result, who would have thought that following closely from behind came the news that Jing Nian Zen Sect was destroyed under the hands of Zhou Chen, and Monk Kong and Four Great Vajra went to see the Buddha in the west.

This news immediately strengthened Zhu Yuyan's desire to come to meet Zhou Chen. Previously, she was holding the idea of ​​testing Zhou Chen, but now it is changed to sincere sincerity.

This horrible powerhouse, which is enough to suppress and kill the Grandmaster, came to assist them in the Demon Sect lineage. Although there are trading conditions, it is enough for Zhu Yuyan to come to welcome the reception in person.

It’s just that Zhu Yuyan met Zhou Chen for the first time, so she stayed in the lobby on the first floor of the Inn and waited, and did not directly go upstairs with Huhou to meet Zhou Chen.

After she heard Zhou Chen's voice, she went upstairs to meet with Zhou Chen.

Looking at the elegant and poised beautiful woman in front of him, Zhou Chen didn’t mean to be polite with her. He chuckled and said, “Since the deal has been concluded, I don’t know how What plans do you have in the future?! When will you start with the group of nuns from Cihang Jingzhai?!"

As for Zhou Chen's directness and insolence, Zhu Yuyan did not feel any dissatisfaction with her. In her heart Instead, there was endless excitement.

Zhu Yuyan probably hates the group of nuns in Cihang Jingzhai more than Zhou Chen. For decades, she has been thinking about completely killing Cihang Jingzhai.

Now Zhou Chen is more eager to attack Cihang Jingzhai, which naturally fits Zhu Yuyan's thoughts better.

At the moment, Zhu Yuyan has also completed the overall planning and scheduling of Demon Sect lineage, and can start the siege of Cihang Jingzhai anytime, anywhere.

For a long time, the plan of my heart is about to succeed, Zhu Yuyan is naturally unwilling to delay too much, she directly nodded and said: "Starting tomorrow morning, what does Young Master Zhou think? "

Zhou Chen has nothing to do with him. He uses the cheat sheet to do things, and the other party has already paid the deposit, so he naturally has to cooperate with the other party.

He directly nodded complied and said: "Tomorrow morning, I will arrive at the peak of Emperor Tai on time to meet the Queen of Yin!"

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