After Zhu Yuyan waited for the people in Demon Sect to enter the main entrance of Cihang Jingzhai, he immediately saw the nuns and monks waiting in line.

The headed person is the master of the Cihang Jingzhai, Fan Qinghui, and the four monks standing side by side with her are the four sacred monks of the current Buddhist sect.

Looking at the whole arena and martial arts, Buddhism has always been famous for Cihang Jingzhai and Jingnian Zen Sect.

However, what few people know is that Buddhism also has the hidden Four Sects, and its power is no different than Cihang Jingzhai and Jingnian Temple.

The Four Sects of Buddhism are Tiantai Sect, Sanlunzong, Flower Garland Sect, and Zen Sect. They are controlled by Wisdom Master, Jiaxiang Master, Dixin Master, and Daoxin Master.

They are not famous in the arena, just because they are really each person against each other, and never involved in the mundane affairs of the arena, so they are not like the heads of Zhu Yuyan and Fan Qinghui. Earthquake martial arts.

However, this definitely does not mean that the strength of the cultivation base of the four of them will be weak.

Back then, these four great monks joined forces to hunt down the Demon Sect, Shi Zhixuan, known as the evil king, but kept the entire Demon Sect lineage quiet out of fear, and did not dare to intervene or provoke it. .

When it comes to the strength of the cultivation base, each of these four holy monks is a grandmaster, and it is not much worse than Monk Kong, who has passed away.

In addition to the master of Cihang Jingzhai who is also the Grandmaster, Fan Qinghui, a total of five Grandmasters gathered on the peak of the emperor, apparently specifically for Demon Sect experts such as Zhu Yuyan .

Fan Qinghui has been in charge of the martial arts of the rivers and lakes for many years. Recently, she is even planning a major event such as the election of the emperor on behalf of the sky. Naturally, she is not a weak woman.

Zhu Yuyan cooperated with the entire Demon Sect lineage to kill the Emperor Trap Peak. She Fan Qinghui assembled the Peak experts of Buddhism and waited for the rabbits, ready to kill the scourge Demon Sect in one fell swoop.

Speaking of Peak battle strength, the five Grandmasters of the Buddha Zong lineage are undoubtedly much more powerful than Demon Sect lineage. After all, there is only Zhu Yuyan at present Demon Sect lineage on the surface. Grandmaster is a superb existence.

But when it comes to the powerhouse of Grandmaster realm, the power of Demon Sect lineage is far beyond that of Buddhism lineage.

It is just a Demon Sect expert arranged by the people in the martial arts of the rivers and lakes. There are eight people in total, and there are many people who are not on the list.

For example, Wei Lianxiang of the Yin Sunflower school and Bian live up to their lives, and Yin Zuwen and the others have lost their affection.

Combining the light and the dark, the Grandmaster expert of Demon Sect lineage has at least surpassed fifteen, which is three times as much as the current Buddha lineage.

The reason why such a huge number gap is formed is that it all lies with Zhou Chen.

Who made the powerhouse of the five Grandmaster realm of Zen Sect? Not long ago, Zhou Chen killed it thoroughly with a single stamp. This naturally opened up the Grandmaster of both Demon Sect and Buddha. The number of realm powerhouses.

Fuzong lineage has an absolute advantage over the top battle strength, and Demon Sect lineage has completely overwhelmed the opponent in the number of Grandmasters.

In this way, based on the strength of the Buddha and Demon alone, it is really difficult to determine whether the two sides will win or lose.

A distance of more than ten feet away, Zhu Yuyan and Fan Qinghui, the two most peak figures of the Demon Buddha, stared at each other fiercely.

In the depths of the two of them, they are full of fierce murderous intention to get rid of each other.


A sharp sword chant came out, and the Divine Sword Sekong Sword in the Jingzhai Divine Sword in the hands of Fan Qinghui broke out immediately, and her voice was quiet and quiet. coldly shouted: "I wish Yuyan, can you dare to fight to the death?!"

"I'm afraid you won't be a nun?!" Slowly rising from the corners of Zhu Yuyan's mouth, she immediately swayed countless afterimages like a ghost, waving her palms directly into Fan Qinghui's heart.

As the life and death battle between the two of them began, the entire two sides of the Buddha and the devil were fighting together.

The conflict between Buddha and demons has existed for thousands of years. The hatred between the two parties is absolutely irreconcilable, the kind that cannot be resolved.

Countless Demon Sect dísciple came forward one after another, and they all showed crazy and excited expressions, and their eyes were full of scarlet Blood Fiendish Qi, and they tried their best to kill the Buddhist nuns and monks. NS.

Not afraid of life and death, not afraid of casualties, these Demon Sect dísciple desperately vented the anger and hatred given to them by this Buddhism.

Demon Sect dísciple fought bloody and bloody battles one by one, and the people in the Buddhist sect are not inferior in the slightest.

Be aware that this is where the mountain gate of Cihang Jingzhai is located. It is one of the thousand-year-old ancient temples in the Buddhist sect. There are countless monks' beliefs here.

In addition to the blood feud with Demon Sect lineage for thousands of years, this has made countless monks completely fight their lives, blood-stained monk robes, and never retreat!

The two sects of the Buddha and the devil could not wait to kill the other side.

The blood of Yin Hong completely dyed this Buddhist Holy Mountain red, the blood of the dísciple of both sides mixed together and descended down the peak, and the blood flow was nothing more than that.

The pungent blood-reeking qi was in the air, and the dísciple of the two sects a of the Buddha and demon fell to the ground, with dead bodies everywhere.

However, right now in the midst of a life-and-death battle, the two sides can't take care of collecting the corpses for their own dísciple, so they can only let them lie in a pool of blood.

The common disciple of the two sects of Buddha and Demon has already been smashed, and the experts of both sides are naturally fighting together.

I saw a middle-aged man wearing a daoist robe, he was holding a Meridian sword in one hand, and he directly moved towards the Tiantai Sect Wisdom Master among the four Great Saint monks and killed him.

Two sword gangs surround the body, sometimes uniting and sometimes splitting, exploding with extremely terrifying power.

Along the way, countless Buddhist dísciples fell under the long and one short sword gang.

This person's name is Zuo Youxian, who is the famous Grandmaster powerhouse in Demon Sect lineage, and is known as the Meridian Sword.

It is worth mentioning that the four Demon Sect classics promised to Zhou Chen by Zhu Yuyan and Houhou, two of which are the classics of true evangelism lineage, namely Jiangang Tongliu and Ziwu Tiangang.

Zuo Youxian’s Jian Gang is terrifying, and the wisdom Master on the opposite side is even more powerful and terrifying.

The palm of his heart, which is almost reaching the realm of transformation, came out, like a golden Buddha waving his palm down the world, each palm falling is a deep pit about several feet.

After the palms were scattered, the Demon Sect dísciple in the pit was completely smashed into a mass of flesh.

Compared with the dísciples of Innate Realm and below on both sides, the power of these Grandmaster realm powerhouses is simply terrifying to the extreme, and it is nothing difficult to crack mountains and rocks between manual moves.

As long as they meet the grandmaster of the other party, these common disciples almost simply have no way to survive.

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