As the news about the Evil Sword Immortal occupying Chang'an spread, all the sects were furious. When many cultivators learned that the lives in Chang'an were in ruins, they could no longer stabilize themselves.

Chang'an is the center of royal power in the human world and represents the prosperity of the human race. But now the life and death of the entire royal family is unknown. Who can not be anxious?

Because Chang'an was enveloped by the monstrous evil spirit, it was like a huge cloud that never dispersed, connecting the world and the world, isolating a world full of death and despair.

Moreover, the enemy's power is getting stronger and stronger. So far, no less than ten demon cultivators have taken refuge in the Evil Sword Immortal.

The situation of all walks of life is precarious!

Therefore, under Shushan's call, almost all the sects of cultivating immortals responded.

Immediately, attack the Evil Sword Immortal faction and save the common people in the world!

The day after Hei Ling powerfully killed the White Demon King, he, Chu Xin, and Shushan went to Chang'an in a mighty manner, leading thousands of demon clan brothers.

"I am extremely grateful to the five poisonous Taoist friends and the Black Ling Taoist friends for their help. I am waiting for this scene. It can be said that the righteous paths of all races have become allies through blood~"

High in the sky, Master Qingwei, who was flying on the clouds, smiled and expressed his gratitude again.

"I have a grudge with the Evil Sword Immortal. He will find me sooner or later, so you don't need to thank me anymore." These words have almost sounded like cocoons in Chu Xin's ears in the past few days.

"On the way from the South China Sea, I saw a lot of demon cultivators of the Evil Sword Immortal burning, killing and looting. This is the first time I have encountered such a level of chaos in the world in so many years. Tsk tsk. Fortunately, I have you, boss, in charge. Otherwise, I wouldn't have come here. I've gone to the west a long time ago when I went to this muddy water. I heard that there are beautiful girls with blond hair, blue eyes and curly hair in those places!" Hei Ling said to Chu Xin without any secret.

"Not only blond hair, but also brown, white, red, and even dark-skinned girls." Chu Xin chatted.

"Wow!" Hei Ling exclaimed curiously and said excitedly, "I can't wait to make friends with them!"

Listening to their conversation, several elders could only smile helplessly. Although the other Shushan disciples did not show it on their faces, they were also very curious in their hearts. After all, unknown things are always full of attraction.

"When this matter is over, you might as well go to the West to make a living, leave a legacy of Taoism in those countries, and promote Taoist culture," Chu Xin said to everyone, "Of course, you can also go east across the sea. Okay, there are two continents waiting to be cultivated there, with countless rich cultivation resources, so don’t let others get there first.”

"Why are you standing there in a daze? Remember!" Elder Canggu turned around and scolded.

Chang Yin quickly took a pen and wrote down what Chu Xin said in a book. It seemed that they did have the idea to explore it afterwards.

After all, the current Chu Xin is powerful and mysterious, and he is not a person who likes nonsense, so what he says has full gold content.

Seeing their serious attitude, Chu Xin nodded happily. If everything goes well, the world structure in a thousand years will change because of his few words today!

As for making changes with his own hands, Chu Xin, who had gone through ups and downs, had no interest.

Next is the journey.

As we get closer to the Chang'an area, the atmosphere becomes more and more tense. All the disciples' faces are wary, and the corners of their mouths are no longer curved.

Moreover, they also met many other sects who responded to the call. They came from all directions, southeast, northwest, and they were all people with the righteousness of the world. Regardless of their strength and origin, at least their conduct was worthy of respect.

Well-known sects such as Taishan, Kunlun, Tianshan, Huashan, Wanfotang, Lingluan Sect, etc. gathered together and camped on a mountain south of Chang'an to discuss major matters of encirclement and suppression.

"Old man Qingwei, what kind of monster is this!" The two-meter strong man with thick eyebrows and big eyes shouted angrily, shouting that he was about to pull out the thick sword from his back.

"Fellow Daoist Kuodao, don't be anxious. This is Daoist Daoist Five Poisons, not an enemy..." the head of the Huashan Immortal Sect dissuaded and explained to him.

"I can't defeat fellow Daoist Five Poisons." Master Qingwei's calm words passed by lightly.

"What! Brother Wudu, forgive me for not being able to see the truth. I almost offended you and made a big mistake. Please don't remember the faults of villains. Don't remember them in your heart!" Lord Kuodao immediately gave up. A rough face instantly looked decades younger.

This plot has been repeated several times. After all, anyone who sees the demonic appearance of Chu Xin will tremble in their hearts, and behind Chu Xin there are thousands of ferocious demons such as Hei Ling.

Hei Ling watched with amusement, "These immortal cultivators have lived for more than a hundred years, and all of them are cunning and cunning~ But if they have the courage to come to this place where they have a narrow escape, they are still a role."

"Tomorrow morning will be the time for a fight to the death. Fellow Taoists, you have a good rest tonight, but you must not take it lightly. Those monsters and ghosts may be restless." Head Qingwei said loudly, showing the calmness and calmness of a righteous leader, adding to the enthusiasm of the disciples of each sect. Gained a lot of confidence.

At this moment, the top of the mountain was already full of people, and all the way down the hillside were tents. The sect flags were fluttering in the evening breeze, adding a rare sense of leisure to the atmosphere that was getting stronger with the smell of gunpowder.

But when people set their sights on the northern world, they can't help but tremble in their hearts.

There are no stars and moons hanging high in the sky, and there are continuous lights. What is there is just a dark storm that cannot be seen through. It is condensed and evil, like an extraterritorial virus that has eroded the world here.

"Dude, do you think we can survive this?"

"I can't guarantee that those leaders are probably not confident that they can survive this disaster."

"I heard that the Five Poison Demon Immortal is very powerful, and the leader of Qingwei personally admitted it."

"Alas, no matter how powerful he is, what can he do? It's better not to have any hope of turning the tide on his own."

"Huh? Look over there!"

Gradually, heads one after another raised their eyes to look out, their expressions solemn.

Where the sight is focused, there are two shooting stars streaking across the night sky, from far to near.

The devilish energy is strong!

"It's the Demonic Respect Tower!" Elder Canggu yelled.

In an instant, nearly ten thousand people were on collective alert, all kinds of magic weapons were ready to go, and all kinds of brilliance were about to burst out.


The leader of Qingwei took the lead and jumped into the sky, asking sternly: "Is it possible that the mighty Demon Lord has also surrendered to the Evil Sword Immortal!"

"What a joke!" Chonglou retorted, "What qualifications does a mere evil thought have to make me surrender? We are here today to kill the evil sword immortal, as a reward for your face."

When the leader of Qingwei heard this, he immediately smiled and said, "That's it. It seems that I am stupid and short-sighted. I would like to thank the Demon Lord for his understanding of justice!"

Chonglou hummed: "I don't care at all what you do, but the Evil Sword Immortal offended me and tried to occupy the demon world, which is unforgivable."

The tall and graceful figure next to him fell in front of Chu Xin amidst the astonished eyes of everyone.

Kamala smiled and raised his eyebrows and said, "What a coincidence."

"It's really a coincidence~" Chu Xin actually wanted to say that it was a coincidence.

"I'm here to help you, how are you going to thank me?" she said.

"I'll have another fight with you after I'm done." Chu Xin answered simply and directly.

"But I want it now, do you care about other people's eyes?" Kamala looked around and said frankly.

"The battle is about to begin, so save some energy," Chu Xin pointed in the direction of Chang'an, "I can feel that there are a lot of troublesome guys there."

"The truth is wrong~" Kamala muttered in a low voice, "Okay! After this incident, you must accompany me to have all the fun!"

The corners of Hei Ling's mouth raised crazily upon hearing this, and he touched his chin and looked at Chu Xin and the two of them suspiciously, "There is a problem, there is definitely a problem~" (End of Chapter)

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