All Heavens: I haven’t been a human being since Storm Red

Chapter 358 Thunder covers hands, all ghosts are saved

Perhaps it was the arrival of Chonglou and Kamolo that made the evil demon clan feel a lot of pressure, so they had nothing to do all night.

That's right, in order to differentiate, the various sects call the demon clan who take refuge in the Evil Sword Immortal the evil demon clan.

But that evil storm may also be preparing for the upcoming war. As time goes by, wisps of terrifying black turbulence are like sputtering currents, rendering the surrounding sky extremely oppressive and dark.

"I never thought that one day we would be on the same front as the Demon Lord." Elder Canggu sighed with mixed emotions.

"The female demon next to the Demon Lord is not any weaker than the Demon Lord, but I guess she is here mostly because of the Five Poison Daoist Fellows." Another elder speculated.

"In short, we have a great chance of winning now." Another elder said happily.

"I hope so." Head Qingwei looked at the sunrise in the east, his eyes becoming determined.


When the first ray of sunlight fell, tens of thousands of figures rose from the ground and rushed towards Chang'an City with an overwhelming momentum.

Demon Zhenglou took the lead, pinched a ball of demonic energy bombs with both hands, and threw it fiercely.


The evil storm was blasted into a kilometer-long gap.

In the next second, countless monsters emerged from it, and in the blink of an eye there was a fierce exchange of fire with the army of cultivators.

"Form Shushan Sword Formation!" Elder Canggu used himself as the formation's eye and cooperated with thousands of disciples to form the formation.

Whoosh whoosh!

Immediately, the sword blades transformed by thousands of spiritual powers gathered into a torrent and poured into the endless demon clan, causing blood and flesh to fly wherever they passed.

"People from Lingluan Sect, don't embarrass me!"

"Amitabha, Ten Thousand Buddhas!"

"Form the Taishan Seal and rush in!"

"Huashan Sword Formation, rise!"

"Kunlun Formation!"

"All disciples from Tianshan, Jietian Spirit Realm, don't let any of them go!"

For a time, many powerful combined spells were revealed, forcing the demons to retreat step by step. At the same time, the hole that the Demon Lord had penetrated was torn open, allowing everyone to truly see the lifeless whole of Chang'an City.

The city is full of demons and ghosts, green-faced and fanged tigers are watching eagerly, and the imperial palace in Chang'an City has changed from vermilion gold to cold black gray, lingering with a strong evil spirit. It is obvious that the Evil Sword Immortal is sitting there, but the evil spirit has not dispersed. Everything is stable, it seems that the Evil Sword Immortal does not intend to take action himself immediately.

That's right, let his subordinates fight with various sects. When the city becomes murderous, angry and resentful, won't he be able to absorb and refine it again?

However, in front of the Qianyuan Hall, three figures stood, with their respective elite guards waiting in front of them.

In the middle is the demon emperor, a traitor to the demon world. He is wearing a ferocious armor that only exposes his scaly cheeks. Two pairs of venomous snake-like eyes are arranged up and down, exuding a strong demonic aura.

On the right is the Heavenly Demon Emperor, who is luxuriously dressed, has a strange appearance, and is extraordinary in every gesture and gesture. His mouth is three-quarter cool, three-quarter cruel, and four-quarter arrogant. He is the leader of all demons.

On the left is the Ghoul King, four to five meters tall, as fat as a pig, with a big white belly that looks like it will burst at any time, but he has a kind and smiling face, which is more amiable than the Maitreya Buddha in the temple.

"I'm not what I used to be. The evil elixir you gave me is really mysterious. Not only does my strength skyrocket, I can also use this violent evil power." The Ghoul King said suddenly.

"The demon power combined with evil energy is far more lethal than before," the Heavenly Demon Emperor also said, "Now I am more than two or three times more powerful. I will make those old men look good later!"

"Indeed." The Heavenly Demon Emperor agreed, and released a ball of evil energy containing evil power from his palm.

After occupying Chang'an, the Evil Sword Immortal generously gave hundreds of evil pills that were condensed and refined with pure evil thoughts, which can enhance the user's skill and give birth to the power of evil thoughts that do not belong to the six realms in the body.

As the three leaders of the demons, the three of them naturally obtained the best evil elixirs, and their own combat power was greatly improved.

"Sir, according to the intelligence, it seems that that guy killed the Fire Ghost King."

At this time, a ghost clan came close to the Ghoul King and whispered softly and signaled with his eyes.

When the Ghoul King heard this, his fat and white face suddenly became filled with sinister energy. He pointed at Chu Xin in the sky in the distance and said to the other two people: "Leave that beast to me later. Whoever robs me will be in a hurry."

The story behind it is very simple. The Ghoul King has been pursuing the Fire Ghost King for hundreds of years. However, the Fire Ghost King is a total beauty-obsessed man and doesn't care about him at all. But the Ghoul King doesn't care at all and keeps stalking him like a licking dog.

After learning about the death of the Fire Ghost King, he vowed to avenge her.


The storm clouds surrounding Chang'an City completely shattered and scattered, and a bloody war involving various ethnic groups broke out.

The number of densely packed monsters could no longer be counted, and there were also thousands of human demon cultivators. Perhaps their minds were affected by evil thoughts, and they all launched an offensive with extreme violence.

Although they had the upper hand in numbers, they were still a group of brave and unintelligent stragglers. Facing the orderly attack formations of various sects, they were immediately suppressed and completely failed to take advantage of their home field advantage. They looked extremely embarrassed and made the Demon Emperor look very embarrassed. The last bout of twitching made me feel even more embarrassed.

There is no way, both the Fierce Demon King and the White Demon King, who have real abilities, are dead. The demon clan really has no mainstay who can hold the banner high, and they cannot let him lead the charge in a majestic demon manner.

"Pay attention to me, don't get distracted!" Elder Canggu shouted sharply, and then swung his long sword to kill several invading monsters.

It should be said that after a night of discussions, each sect really has a few brushes.

They seemed to be spread out, but they took care of each other and were on guard in front, rear, left and right, giving the enemy no chance to break through or outflank them.

As strong players from various sects joined the battle, the disciples became more confident and full of fighting spirit, and they all summoned their special magic weapons.

However, Demon Lord and Kamala had no intention of fighting with the shrimp soldiers and crab generals. They remained motionless and stared directly at the Qianyuan Hall.

"The traitor will be handed over to you later. Just kill him." Chonglou snorted angrily.

"What about you?" Kamala asked.

"Of course I am going to cut off the head of that bullshit Evil Sword Immortal with my own hands. No matter how many times he grows back, I will cut him off!" The flames of war in Chonglou became more and more intense, and a red hair actually ignited actual anger. flame.

As soon as he finished speaking, he turned into black light and shot out, carrying billowing black smoke towards the Qianyuan Hall.

Kamala followed closely behind, pulling out two black and purple scimitars from his waist with both hands, and slashed at the Demon Emperor.

"Kill them all, leaving no one behind." The Evil Sword Immortal's sinister and calm voice came out.

The three generals immediately led their respective armies to get up and fly out.

"I haven't seen you for many years. I didn't expect you to be alive. I almost thought you had died at home." The Demon King taunted Kamala with a gun and a stick.

"You are still the same as before, talking nonsense!" Kamala's temperament is very similar to that of Chu Xin, and he started fighting without saying anything.

The Heavenly Demon Emperor flew above the group of demons, looked down at the overall situation from a high place, and angrily shouted: "You bunch of trash, please be smarter! They are swarming over, and they are all rushing to reincarnate!"

With his command, the demon clan's attacks gradually became more orderly, no longer as haphazard as a group fight among spirited young men.

"You were the one who killed the Fire Ghost King, right?!"

Just as Chu Xin was bathing in the sea of ​​blood and corpses of the demon cultivators, the Ghoul King arrived with tens of thousands of ghost soldiers and ghost generals, surrounding him.

Chu Xin glanced at these gloomy guys and switched to [Rey] without saying a word.

To deal with ghosts, thunder is the best.


The field of Dacheng expands!

Thousand Thunder Territory!

Accompanied by lightning and thunder, with Chu Xin as the center, a wild thunder barrier with a radius of five kilometers was instantly formed.

Chu Xin's size also expanded to a height of three meters. With a flick of his right hand, a ten-meter-long thundering halberd condensed in the palm of his hand surrounded by thunder.

The right arm is raised high, the tip of the halberd pointing to the sky.

Call for thunder!

Thousands of thunder and lightning, listen to my command.


In an instant, there was only bright golden light in this 10,000-meter area, and the burst of heat annihilated half of the ground buildings in Chang'an City into ashes.

Under the stunned gazes of both the enemy and ourselves, all ghosts were wiped out in the blink of an eye, and the collective salvation was achieved.


The Ghoul King used the evil energy in his body to resist forcefully, but his fat body was still irreversibly disintegrating.

He soon saw that Chu Xin's left hand rolled out a pure white ball in the void, like a luminous pearl.

"This is the vitality electric light ball." Chu Xin said as he threw it.

"Run, run, run!" The Ghoul King took one look, and all the hair on his body exploded. He immediately turned around and flew towards Qianyuan Hall.

"You have nowhere to run, because it hits 100% of the time." Chu Xin was suspended in the air like a judge of death, watching quietly.

With a "whoosh", the Ghoul King was swallowed up by the rapidly expanding ball of electro-optical light.

And the speed at which the energy electro-optical ball explodes is the actual speed of light!


The white light dissipated, and the majestic Ghoul King disappeared without a trace.

A split second!

There is no complete corpse.

The whole place was dead silent. (End of chapter)

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