All Heavens: I haven’t been a human being since Storm Red

Chapter 356 The Black Demon King is here!

In the Tianshan Mountains, which are covered with ice and snow all year round, the biting cold wind carried ice slag and blew over a man's rough cheeks.

He came here to look for the snow lotus that has lasted for hundreds of years, and wanted to cure his wife who was poisoned by blood.

It was rumored that the pure and flawless mountain peak in front of him was inhabited by ethereal immortals. Where the immortal energy gathered, there must be elixirs everywhere, so he had to risk disturbing the immortals to come and have a try.

But he has been searching hard for several days, and there is not much food left with him. If he does not return, he will become a frozen corpse covered by heavy snow.

"Please gods, please help me. I really have no choice but to bother you. My wife is waiting for me to go back~ I don't want her to die in such pain~"

He knelt on the ground and kowtowed repeatedly, and the tears he just shed were turned into pearls by the extremely cold air.


Suddenly, the white wind blew up.


The man was swept up by the snowy wind, like a small boat in the stormy waves.

Just when he thought he was about to die, he was shocked to find that he had returned to the foot of Tianshan Mountain, and his arms were ice cold.

He lowered his head and saw that it was the Tianshan Snow Lotus he had been looking for!

Seeing this, the man who was reborn cried with joy and kowtowed excitedly towards Tianshan Mountain.

"This life of mortals is so short, so they cherish it. Unlike us, we all live so long that we don't know what year it is~"

"Then you mean you've had enough~"

"Fart, the beauty of immortality will never be enough. I still want to hold an official position in the God Realm!"

"If you ask me, I would rather be a chicken head than a phoenix tail. When we go to the God Realm, we will be one of the hundreds of thousands of heavenly soldiers."

On top of the Tianshan Mountains, within the barrier, several men and women with celestial demeanor were laughing and chatting.

Behind them was a completely different scene from the ice and snow.

Flowers are blooming, birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant, the mountains are undulating with the sound of running water, and pavilions and pavilions are scattered like chess pieces, forming an otherworldly poetic ink painting.

This is the largest fairyland under the gods - Tianshan Fairyland!

Although it is not as famous as Abbot, Penglai, Yingzhou, and Shushan, this place is the seat of authority in the immortal world, and the immortals who live there are also the best among the immortals.

"By the way, that Evil Sword Immortal, isn't it getting more and more excessive? The commotion is so big that I can't stand it any longer." The female fairy who looked like a young girl started the topic.

"Indeed, I have used magic to observe him. He likes to cultivate evil spirits. Moreover, he does not belong to the six realms. His vitality is extremely tenacious. I am afraid it will be extremely difficult to kill relying on the sects in Shushan." The one-year-old immortal frowned.

"Should we take action to suppress it? To be honest, even we may not be the opponents of the Evil Sword Immortal~" the man wearing a feather crown said with a bitter smile.

"No way?" Several young immortals were shocked.

"I saw from the telescope that the Evil Sword Immortal went to the demon world, and after a battle with the Demon Zunzhenglou, he escaped unscathed, and even gained the upper hand!" Feather Crown Immortal explained.

The immortals were silent.

Of course they can't beat the Demonic Tower, let alone one or two people, even all the immortals may not be able to compete with the Chonglou. No matter what magic weapons they use, the Chonglou only needs to be broken with force.

"Well, no matter whether we can win or not, we can't just sit back and watch with cold eyes. Before we became immortals, we were also members of the common people." said a Fairy Piaopiao.

"Snow Lotus Fairy is right, we can't just watch. After the Evil Sword Fairy has solved all the sects, he will definitely attack us!"

"Yes! We old guys haven't made a move in years, it's time to stretch our bodies!"

The more they talked, the more excited they became, and the immortals were eager to roll up their sleeves and have a big fight.

At this moment, a golden light fell from the sky, attracting the attention of the immortals.


A phantom appeared, and it was the Taibai Venus of the God Realm.

When the immortals saw this, they bent down and bowed, with obedient, respectful and flattering smiles on their faces.

"We have all heard your concerns," Taibai Jinxing said slowly, "The Emperor of Heaven ordered me to convey that there is no need to intervene in this matter, everything will be determined by itself. The evil sword fairy will eventually disappear in the face of the determined decision. You can just watch the show leisurely. In addition, Recently, a group of people will be selected to ascend to the God Realm, so please abide by your words and deeds."

After saying that, he left alone, leaving behind a group of stunned immortals.

"Fixed number?"

"It turns out that everything is under the control of the Emperor of Heaven. We are worrying in vain."

"Could it be the five poisonous beast?"

"I don't know. Even if you become an immortal, you can't predict God's will~"

"Hush! Don't speculate on your own, don't you want to ascend to the divine realm?"

The atmosphere in Shushan tonight was much more relaxed than in previous days.

Many disciples who went out to slay demons came back and enjoyed harmony and tranquility for a long time.

"Thanks to the powerful Senior Five Poisons, otherwise we wouldn't have time to rest."

"Although he doesn't look like a good person, he has the demeanor of a strong man. If he hadn't taken action in time, Junior Brother Xu and I would probably not be able to come back."

"I heard that he stayed in the demon world for a whole year, and his strength is really unfathomable!"

"With his help, our chances of winning will greatly increase!"

"Compared to him and the elders, who do you think is more powerful? Hush, speak in a lower voice!"

"I think Senior Five Poisons is better~"

"I also think that he is probably about the same as the leader. Not to mention his aura and murderous aura, I feel frightened all over when he glares at me."

In the kitchen, more than a dozen disciples were chatting while eating. When Chu Xin was mentioned, they were full of words of praise and words of respect.


Suddenly, the sharp and sonorous sword chant resounded like an alarm bell tearing through the night, suddenly waking everyone up.

In an instant, countless silver swords formed, forming a surrounding formation of ten thousand swords, both offensive and defensive.

Immortal Sword Protecting Sect Formation!

"The enemy is attacking! Disciples meet the enemy!" Chang Yin's voice sounded.

Whoosh whoosh!

In an instant, hundreds of figures rose into the air with swords, looking around with twinkling eyes.

The five Qingwei people also showed up to take charge, standing proudly without fear of wind and rain, to boost the confidence of the apprentices.


Explosions came from all directions, and thousands of fireballs lit up the night sky.

The next second, the sword array automatically intercepted, painting a gorgeous and beautiful picture like the sky full of flowing lights, and at the same time broke the fireballs one by one.

Night attack and defensive battle begin!


Thousands of monsters flashed in the shadows, speeding towards the main peak of Shushan Mountain in unison.

The leader is the most trusted subordinate of the Heavenly Demon Emperor, the Jade Dragon Spirit Lord, the White Demon King!

He is also recognized as the strongest among many demon kings, and his appearance is also extremely handsome. He and the Green Demon King are jokingly called "the most beautiful man and woman in the demon clan" by the demons.

"We are only here to disturb the morale of the troops and make them fearful, not to annihilate Shushan. Stop fighting and retreat at dawn." The White Demon King ordered a few of his trusted subordinates.

Among the four demon kings, his character quality is also the most normal and comprehensive one. He is not as bloodthirsty but ruthless as the blood demon king, not as moody but decisive as the fierce demon king, and not like the sea demon king. So timid and suspicious but calm and cautious.

In short, the White Demon King is a hexagonal warrior and is proficient in music, chess, calligraphy and painting. He often appears in the human world as a romantic young man and has had romantic entanglements with princesses and concubines from multiple dynasties.

Bang bang!



All kinds of sounds that penetrated the clouds and cracked the rocks were gushing incessantly. Countless magic and fairy arts were emerging one after another. They were fighting against each other in a fierce manner.

Under the concentrated fire offensive, the sect-protecting formation gradually became weak.

As the White Demon King swung out a dragon, half of the formation was suddenly broken. Seeing that the dragon transformed by the demon power was about to devour a group of Shushan disciples, Cang Gu Taoist Priest coldly hummed and threw out a sword flower.

The sword energy surged into the clouds, and the sword light illuminated the mountains, stabbing the dragon into holes in the snake skin.

"Sword, come!" Another elder waved his right arm, and the long sword on his back rose up in the storm, turning into a giant sword more than ten meters long. He aimed at the group of demons and slashed them horizontally, killing and wounding all of them immediately.

"Ten thousand swords return to the clan!" Taoist Master Jingming transformed the long sword in his hand into two and two into three. In the blink of an eye, a long river of thousands of swords gathered together, and then he waved the fly whisk to control the movement trajectory of the sword river.

"It's been so many years, but these are still the same old methods." The White Demon King chuckled, still looking down from high in the sky, with no intention of taking action.

If he really wanted to fight, he was not afraid of any elder who was not the leader, and he was confident that he had a 70% to 80% chance of winning. After all, if several elders had not used forbidden techniques, they would not have been able to subdue the rioting demon clan.

"Huh?" The White Demon King suddenly turned his head and looked at the dark night sky, "There is such a fiery and violent demonic energy, who is coming?"


After a while, a dark red color like the sunset appeared in the southeast.

Gradually, the dark red became more and more dazzling, like the sun rising into the sky.

In the fiery red center, there was only a figure flying towards me at a very fast speed.

Wearing a black robe.

"The Black Demon King is here!"

The visitor let out a sharp whistle, a pair of black wings bloomed amid the faint cries of birds, and the majestic and ancient evil energy surged into the sky.

"This aura? It looks like a demon but not a demon, it's the blood of a divine beast!" The White Demon King looked shocked, realizing that the person coming was either a friend or an enemy, "Suzaku~"


The black robe swept away like an afterimage, twisting its body to attack the White Demon King, its wings flipping over at high speed to create sharp blade airflow.

In an instant, the entire fiery red sky was distorted, and everything was concentrated on the black robe.

"whispering sound!"

With just one strike, the White Demon King was forced to stand ready. With a pinch of his magic technique, he launched a dragon seal.

However, the huge mark lasted less than a second before it was torn apart, and the black robe immediately kicked the White Demon King in the chest.

With a "bang", the White Demon King flew out upside down, and the clothes on his upper body were instantly burned to the ground. His chest and even his abdomen were burned to black, almost charred!

After spitting out a mouthful of blood, the White Demon King transformed into his original form.

A four-clawed white dragon that is one hundred meters long!

He twisted his body and sprayed ice breath towards the black-robed figure who claimed to be the Black Demon King, but was instantly melted away.

"You and I are both from the demon race, why should we help the human race to increase its prestige!"

The White Demon King continued to dodge, but his slender body was really difficult to dodge. If he didn't pay attention, he would be severely clamped by the Black Demon King's transformed beast-like claws, like an eagle catching a snake.

The flames ignited, and the dragon's body bent and struggled like an earthworm roasted by fire. The White Demon King couldn't help but let out a cry of pain.

"I only work for my boss. I don't care what you are. Besides, why are all the birds and beasts like you compared to a little snake in the mud?" What the Black Demon King said almost made the White Demon King furious to death on the spot.

As soon as he finished speaking, the Black Demon King also revealed his true form.

It was a gigantic black crow whose whole body was burning with red flames, with a wingspan of nearly two hundred meters!

"Do you really have Suzaku blood in your body?" The White Demon King saw that something was not going well and wanted to retreat.

But come to think of it, how could the Black Demon King, who had learned from his boss and be so ruthless, show mercy.


Blood sprayed like a rainstorm.

It turned out that it was the Black Demon King who tore the White Demon King into two pieces.

The White Demon King's resistance became more and more fierce, but he was restrained by the powerful Black Demon King and could only try to escape in vain.

"Sunshine Suzaku Flame!"

The Black Demon King's wings spread wide, and the Suzaku statue connecting heaven and earth emerged, illuminating every shocked face.


The White Demon King was roasted alive and turned into dried eel, and he was too dead to die.

Throwing the body of the White Demon King casually, the Black Demon King waved his hand towards the darkness in the distance and laughed triumphantly: "Boss! I'm not bragging, I can kill him alone within ten moves!"


Chu Xin slowly appeared, "Yes, with this attitude, he will be able to become the Black Demon Emperor soon."

The Black Demon King chuckled, "Then I have to rely on the boss to appreciate me! It's just an evil sword fairy, boss, just tell me the truth, a few moves can kill you in seconds!"

The Black Demon King is the crow spirit Hei Ling who went to take revenge.

He killed his enemy and offended the Siren King, one of the four demon kings. He was once hunted to the point of death. He survived the most difficult days relying on half of the supplies Chu Xin gave him at that time. As the saying goes, good fortune and misfortune depend on each other, and Black Ling As time went by, I accidentally obtained the bloodline of Suzaku, one of the four holy beasts, in a cave, and gained a glimpse of Suzaku's inheritance.

Although it was just a few drops of ordinary Suzaku blood, Hei Ling was reborn and his strength improved by leaps and bounds. After some hard training, he killed the Sea Demon King and was regarded as the Black Demon King by the demon clan there!

"Everyone, don't leave once you're here." Chu Xin's plain voice reached the ears of every escaping demon clan.

With his hand, his spiritual power transforms into thousands of simple and unpretentious edges.


In less than five seconds, no one from the demon clan that attacked Shushan at night survived, and the disciples all over the mountain fell silent.

The corner of Hei Ling's mouth twitched twice, "Boss, you are a professional in this matter." (End of Chapter)

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