All Heavens: I haven’t been a human being since Storm Red

Chapter 355 Evil Sword Immortal VS Demon Zunzhenglou

Shushan was very efficient. Zixuan and Shenggu came that night.

The holy aunt was also carrying a basket, and inside the basket was a ball of extremely pure blue water. It was clearly rippled by the light, but it also looked like ice, as if something was wrapped in it.

Everyone gathered in the square outside the main hall.

"Huh?" Head Qingwei looked at the basket in surprise, "The pure and extremely pure water spiritual power, the water spirit beads are in here, right?"

Zixuan paused and said nothing, but when she glanced at Xu Changqing, she was filled with a thousand words.

Looking at the descendant of Nuwa who stared at him with affectionate and resentful eyes, Xu Changqing felt confused for some reason. He seemed to have lost many important memories in his mind. No matter how he recalled it, it was of no avail. The ambiguity was extremely tormenting.

"Not only Shui Lingzhu, but also Qing'er." Shenggu replied calmly. As she spoke, she looked at Chu Xin more than once, with unconcealable shock in her eyes.

Because her intuition told her that even as a god, she might not be his opponent.

Is this still a five-poison beast that can only detoxify?

Head Qingwei glanced at Zixuan, who was over a hundred years old but her appearance remained in her twenties, shook her head and said, "That's it."

At this time, Chu Xin spoke and said to Zixuan: "Do you still remember the deal between you and me? You owe me a favor."

"Of course!" Zixuan replied with a smile on her face as if she were the descendant of Nuwa.

"I need water spirit beads." Chu Xin made the request simply.

Zixuan instantly withered, and asked with lack of confidence: "Why do you need Shui Lingzhu now? Aren't Jingtian and the others already in the God Realm?"

"It must be to deal with the Evil Sword Immortal!" Jingtian answered for Chu Xin first.

The holy aunt looked at Qingwei in confusion. Even she didn't know that the five spiritual beads could also fight against the evil sword immortal. Could it be some kind of Shushan secret method?

"I don't know." How could the head of Qingwei not understand the meaning of her eyes, "Friends of the Five Poisons have great supernatural powers and their actions are beyond the will of God. It's better to just believe in the previous letter."

"But the Water Spirit Pearl has other great uses and I can't give it to you." Zixuan said hesitantly.

"Seal Qing'er with water spirit beads and fix her age forever," Chu Xin said calmly, "Because as the next successor of Nuwa grows up, the current successor of Nuwa will begin to age until she dies like ordinary people. Have you ever asked Qing'er's father if he would agree to your behavior like this?"

A paragraph of words changed the atmosphere of the scene drastically. Tang Xuejian and others all showed expressions of eating melon.

The key point was that Chu Xin immediately looked at Xu Changqing, which immediately made several people familiar with the matter sigh with complicated emotions.

They knew that some things could no longer be hidden.

"That's all," Taoist Master Canggu waved his hand, "I don't care."

"Master, elder, what happened?" Xu Changqing was confused.

"Changqing, next I will unseal your memory and remind you of the memories of your previous two lives. Then you will understand everything, and perhaps also be able to untie the complex between you and Miss Zixuan. In the catastrophe in the world, In front of us, the love between children is of no importance." As the leader of Qingwei said, he stretched out his index finger to touch the center of Xu Changqing's eyebrows.

In an instant, the memories of Liu Fang and Ye Ping were poured into Xu Changqing's mind, and the entanglement with Zixuan was vivid in his mind. Both love affairs ended in tragedy, and no one could calm down the regret and dissatisfaction in his heart.

When he looked at the basket again, he realized that the baby Qing'er inside was his daughter in his previous life.

In order to maintain her appearance and renew her relationship with Xu Changqing, Zixuan used the water spirit bead to seal Qing'er, causing her to fall into a vegetative sleep.

"So that's it." Xu Changqing stumbled back as if he was hit hard, but he didn't fall down with Chang Yin's help.

"If the water spirit bead is taken out, Qing'er's life will be in danger. Even if the probability is small, I can't take this risk!" Zixuan said emotionally.

"Then why did you do that in the first place?" Sometimes Chu Xin really felt that Love Brain should go to a psychiatric department for registration.

"I..." Zixuan was speechless on the spot.

"Since it is for the sake of all the people in the world, I can give you the Water Spirit Pearl." The Holy Girl suddenly said.

"No! What if something happens to Qing'er?" Zixuan shouted.

The Holy Aunt ignored her and continued: "There are not only five spirit beads in the world, but there is also a more special existence called the Holy Spirit Bead. Although it is not as pure as the five spirit beads in terms of purity of spiritual energy, it contains five kinds of spirit beads. Spiritual power can replace the water spirit beads to warm and nourish Qing'er, so that her life will not be in danger during her awakening. However, this also means that Qing'er will become the next successor of Nuwa, and you, Zixuan, will also face Destined destiny, birth, old age, sickness and death.”

"Old age~" Zixuan touched her smooth and white cheeks unacceptably, not daring to look directly at Xu Changqing.

"I don't care, no matter what you become, you will always be Zixuan." Xu Changqing suddenly said, speaking from the truth, but also for the sake of the world.

Zixuan looked at that all-too-familiar face and seemed to have made a decision. She smiled bitterly and said, "As a descendant of Nuwa, I should care about all living beings. Now that I think about it, it's really irresponsible. Okay, I can hand over the Water Spirit Pearl." , but it must be under the premise of getting the Holy Spirit Orb!"

"Okay." Chu Xin didn't care too much. To put it bluntly, his collection of the five spiritual beads was just a bonus. He was just curious about what the stone ax was.

That's it.

Both Shenggu and the head of Qingwei knew the location of the Holy Spirit Pearl, so Jingtian, Tang Xuejian, Long Kui, Zixuan, and Xu Changqing went to complete this task.

As for Chu Xin, he would not waste time by running away, but he did not stay in Shushan to recuperate. Instead, he started from Yuzhou City and planned to clean up the demon clan in Bashu.

Demonic world.

Chonglou looked down at his city and couldn't help but wonder if the battle with Feipeng had damaged his brain, causing him to lose his memory and misremember where his home was.

Otherwise, where would such a big city go?


The stream breeze swept up to the sky and told Chonglou the whole story.

Zhonglou was very angry at first, but when he heard that Chu Xin had killed the Nine-Headed Dragon of Chiyou, the Earthline Troll, and even slightly defeated Garmodo, Zhonglou suddenly ignited a fierce fighting spirit and actually laughed and said: " Hahahaha, today's world can actually produce such a strong person, and there is such a thing as the Evil Sword Immortal, it is really a good era, I don't have to worry about having no one to fight with me!"

Xi Feng was stunned for a moment. Was there something wrong with Chonglou's reaction? Shouldn't he get furious and deal with Chu Xin in a hurry?


Another figure came from far to near. Looking at the fiery arc of ten meters tall, it was Kamala.

"Oh~ seeing the scars on your body, I really want to fight with that guy." Chonglou said in surprise.

"He is an interesting guy, and an enemy worth making. When you really fight him, you will find that you don't want to kill him at all. After all, there are few enemies like that in the world, just like Feipeng who makes you miss him." Jia Mo Luo gave extremely high praise and also told Chonglou in disguise that "you are not allowed to kill him."

Hearing this, Chonglou couldn't hold it anymore and wished he could find Chu Xin right away for a hearty, hard-hitting, bloody collision. Unfortunately, he was injured in the fierce battle with Feipeng, and he never liked being injured. Fierce fighting will, after all, affect the fierce fighting experience.

"Huh? Some shady guy broke in." Chonglou frowned slightly and looked in the direction of the nearest demon world passage.

"Could it be that guy again!" Xifeng's heart trembled subconsciously.

"It's not him, it's an extremely evil aura that makes me feel sick." Kamala said in disgust.


The black wind swept across in bursts, making the demons fearful and scream in their hearts.

Just as they had sent away a natural disaster on their front legs, another terrifying entity came on their back legs. When had the dignified demons ever been so aggrieved? It also allowed them to experience the feelings of the humans who were killed by the demons back then.

"It's the Evil Sword Immortal." Chonglou said without any panic, and took a step forward to protect the demons behind him.


I saw an overwhelming black mist composed of countless flies.

"He is indeed a demon with a great reputation. He is not timid at all when he sees me, unlike those cowards from the demon clan~" Evil Sword Immortal smiled conspiratorially.

The black mist dispersed, revealing a humanoid figure.

An ugly and shadowy cheek is topped by a smooth bald head, and a black robe exudes a ghostly black evil energy from top to bottom. In terms of appearance and temperament alone, he is not as good as Zhonglou by a hair, but he releases a heavy pressure. Not to be taken lightly.

"Why did you come to my demon world?" Chonglou asked.

"I heard that the demon world suffered from natural disasters and that people were in mourning everywhere. With the spirit that cannot be wasted, I came to absorb a little bit of your resentment and anger. By the way, I will lead you demons to take revenge and unify the six realms with me!" Evil Sword Immortal replied with a smile. road.

"You know what you are talking about! What a loud tone!" Xifeng scolded angrily.

"It's just a cooperation and alliance. The Demon Lord and I are on equal terms. After all, I can't be sure that I can beat the Demon Lord." The Evil Sword Immortal still smiled dangerously.

The implication is, if you don't submit, you will be beaten!

"Noisy." After Zhonglou finished speaking, he turned into a flash of blood, and the blades popped out from the sides of the wrist guards of both arms, and he cut crosswise.


The cross flashed with blood.

"If you don't want to drink wine as a penalty, let me try how powerful the evil thoughts I have absorbed these days are!" The Evil Sword Immortal's arms swung up, and the evil energy spurted out, forming a huge black sword and swinging it out.

He is not a being from the Six Realms, and the evil power he uses is not within the scope of the Six Realms. It belongs to an unknown force in this world.


How could Chonglou, who was experienced in actual combat, know how to fight in a turn-based manner? After releasing a blow, he flashed behind the Evil Sword Fairy and launched a series of heavy punches from a distance. Dozens or hundreds of punch marks fell like a meteor shower.

"As expected of the Demon Lord, it seems I must be more serious~"

The Evil Sword Immortal was wandering leisurely in mid-air, his fingers dancing wildly as he condensed one black giant sword after another that contained the power of infinite evil thoughts.



Whether it was a cross slash or a fist seal, they were all broken or bounced away by the giant sword.

When the fist seal hit the ground and the mountains, there were immediately shocking super potholes. Not long after, a mountain range dozens of kilometers away was abruptly interrupted.

"You have some skills," Chonglou's expression suddenly became serious, "Try this trick!"

Buzz buzz~

Raising his hands above his head, he instantly threw a pure magic energy bomb with a diameter of a thousand meters.


An explosion comparable to a nuclear explosion.

Crisp, simple and direct, without any bells and whistles, just plain and simple to play!

"Hahahahahaha, this blow was really powerful. To tell you the truth, I almost thought I was going to die. But, oh! It turned out that I underestimated myself. Thank you so much for letting me know how powerful I am. powerful!"

Accompanied by wild laughter, the demonic energy of the explosion quickly gathered, revealing the evil sword immortal with his mouth wide open.

The next second, the Evil Sword Immortal's mouth expanded three or four times as if tearing apart, and like a real Godzilla, he sprayed breath rays mixed with evil power and devilish energy toward the building.

Chonglou quickly formed a shield without any decorative patterns in front of him.


He held on to his shield and was blasted a hundred thousand meters away, but he quickly tore the ray apart with his bare hands and pushed forward with his physical body, breaking up its branches.

Accumulate your strength and punch!


The Evil Sword Immortal was hit firmly on the head, and his head exploded on the spot.

But in the blink of an eye, a new head sprouted with a mocking smile.

"Are you injured?" The Evil Sword Immortal dug into Zhonglou's heart with evil intentions, and his sharp fingers sank into his flesh, injecting evil power that the demonic energy could not erase.

"Uh~~" Even a tough guy like Chonglou couldn't help but let out a painful whisper.

The Evil Sword Immortal was not a man of martial ethics, and all subsequent attacks focused on the injured part of Chonglou, and this injury was caused by Fei Peng.

"Don't look at me like that, I'm just trying my best to kill you, so what if the means are despicable?" Evil Sword Immortal sneered, increasing the output of his hand.

"Despicable person, you are destined not to achieve great things!" Chonglou was particularly angry. The main reason was that the tricks of the Evil Sword Immortal were too insidious and cunning. He always used his strengths and avoided weaknesses and refused to confront Chonglou head-on. Nine out of ten moves were targeted at him. of injuries.

"Facts speak louder than words. I came into being at the right moment, destined to change these six realms!" Evil Sword Immortal said with a ferocious smile, raised his hand to use the Ten Thousand Sword Art, and launched another attack.

"Get out of the demon world!" Chonglou suddenly erupted with huge demonic energy, converging into a black arm that was 10,000 meters long. He first slapped away the thousands of evil swords that were coming, and then grabbed the one that could not break free for a short time. The Evil Sword Immortal stuffed it into the transmission channel between the human and demon worlds.

Then with a vigorous flick, the Evil Sword Immortal was thrown back to the human world.

"You coward! Keep fighting me if you dare!" The Evil Sword Immortal belatedly cursed.

"Seal!" Chonglou made a hand gesture with blood flowing from the corner of his mouth, closing all the passages between the human and demon worlds.

After doing this, he returned to the ground tiredly, his expression gloomy and he gritted his teeth.

It's really a helpless move. If he doesn't do this, I'm afraid the demon world will really become the back garden of the evil sword fairy, and by then it will be too late to say anything.

"This evil intention is extremely strong, and its growth potential makes my hair stand on end. If I were in my heyday, I would probably only be able to win against him at least 50 times." Chonglou said sincerely.

"It seems that the Six Realms are really uneasy, but I don't know if those guys in the God Realm will take action." Xifeng said.

"As long as the Emperor of Heaven is still there, there will be no chaos in the six realms. It just depends on whether he wants to intervene," Chonglou said. "For example, the Emperor of Heaven has never taken action against me. It's not that I am strong enough to make him afraid, but that he disdains me." Take action against me." (End of Chapter)

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