The Fierce Demon King is not weak, but Chu Xin is now a bit of a supermodel.

According to Chu Xin's touch, the Fierce Demon King will definitely not be able to compete with the four giants of the demon world. She also ended up killing Jia Moluo with one move. From this, it can be inferred that the demon clan who was once imprisoned in the Demon Locking Tower The Supreme Demon King is at most on par with the Earthline Trolls and the Blazing Nine-Headed Dragon.

"Those little old men in Shushan are quite capable, and the forbidden techniques should indeed be banned." Chu Xin thought to himself.

Back then, the five elders used forbidden techniques to suppress and seal the Heavenly Demon Emperor and tens of thousands of demon clans, thus giving birth to the current Evil Sword Immortal. No matter which aspect you analyze, you cannot really look down on those five hundred-year-old young people.

While he was thinking about it, the wind direction in Qingling Town had changed.

The army of the Fierce Demon King were all numb from the inside out. After passing through the stage of thinking, they looked around uncertainly and fell into a state of hesitation.


But the demon clan of Qingling Town, full of grief and indignation, seized the opportunity and stood up to resist, dragging their broken bodies. They advanced instead of retreating with murderous intent and launched a menacing charge.

"That's it?" The Green Demon King lay motionless on the ground, the shock on his face gradually faded away, and confusion appeared on his face.

"Mother!" Rui'er's voice came to her ears.

Xuan came back from his old age, with a calm expression on his face, showing great surprise, "It's Mr. Five Poisons!"

"Five Poisons? He is Mr. Five Poisons!" The Green Demon King recalled the shocking scene of Chu Xin blasting the Blood-devouring Sect Yan Tu with his sword, and suddenly felt that the scene just now was not outrageous and was completely consistent with logic and reality.

The stone falling and rising in her heart completely disappeared, the tense nerves were relaxed, and the vitality that she had struggled to persist in gradually dissipated.

"Open your mouth." Seeing this, Elder Xuan quickly stuffed a top-grade healing pill into the mouth of the Green Demon King, and then restored her life.


There was a scorching muffled sound in the sky, causing the demons to raise their eyes.

Chu Xin was seen condensing thousands of Nether Flame stray bullets, like thousands of arrows fired at the snap of his fingers, locking onto an enemy under the control of powerful mental power.

Bang bang!


Accompanied by explosions and screams, Chu Xin demonstrated what it meant to kill an enemy in an assembly line style.

Minutes later, not one of the nearly two thousand monsters remained intact, and most of them were burned to ashes.

At this moment, the demon clan present had a profound understanding of what strength was and what it meant to be strong. They threw their heads and blood and fought bravely. For the real boss, it was just a matter of two casual moves to declare victory.

At this moment, they were filled with respect and awe, and the young Yao clan regarded Chu Xin as their idol target to pursue. Once they become sluggish and relaxed in the future, they only need to think about today to be full of enthusiasm and regain their motivation.

It was also at this moment that the Green Demon King became more certain about the correctness of his behavior. Otherwise, how could he have made friends with such a giant monster like Chu Xin!

As luck would have it, her eyes looked at Chu Xin with a bit more admiration and fascination.

Although she is a mother, she has never been in love with anyone. Rui'er was also conceived through the special method of the wind demon. In human terms, she is still a virgin.


Chu Xin, who came to a few people, looked at the Green Demon King in confusion.

Why did her frighteningly white cheeks suddenly turn a little pink? Judging from the pill she just took to stop bleeding and heal injuries, it must have taken effect?

Realizing that his heart was in turmoil, the Green Demon King quickly stood up with the support of Mr. Xuan, intending to give Chu Xin a court salute, but before she could force herself to bow, Chu Xin used her spiritual power to lift her up.

"Now that it's like this, let's just skip the red tape." Chu Xin said calmly.

"Sir, this little girl will never be able to repay your kindness in this life. If I need it in the future, I...well, I really don't know how to repay you~" The Green Demon King showed a helpless smile. Do you want to commit yourself to him like a human woman? .

"It's a simple effort, no need to worry about it." Chu Xin didn't care about any kind of kindness, but the subtle changes in the plump young woman's eyes, even though they were well hidden, Chu Xin, who had a keen mind, still noticed it.

Why is it becoming more stringy and thickened?

Something's wrong, something really isn't right.

Can't get in, really can't get in.

After all, not everyone has a strong physique like Kamala, who can withstand Chu Xin's violent and continuous attacks.

Ahem, it's just a sparring match, a friendly competition of punches and fists.

"I have to go on my way, so I won't stop chatting." Chu Xin simply carried Maomao over, waved his hand downwards, and turned into a shooting star and flew away.

"His mobility is still as strong as ever, but he refuses to say a word!" Green Demon King whispered with a bit of resentment.

"When your injury is healed, go find him. Judging from his direction, he should be going to Shushan." This was the first time that Elder Xuan saw the Green Demon King complaining like this, and he immediately understood everything and smiled.

"Mother, do you like Brother Wudu?" Rui'er asked innocently.

Being exposed mercilessly by the two closest people, two red clouds suddenly appeared on the Qing Yao King's cheeks, but he soon returned to his previous calmness, "You two, stop talking nonsense, now the Qing Ling Demon World has suffered a heavy blow, and the Sky Demon The Emperor may not let it go, so we must make plans as soon as possible."

Although she said this in her mouth, she secretly thought in her heart, "Senior Wu Du is devoted to the Tao and pursues strength. How can I be so unsentimental as to be such a burden? Raising Rui'er well is the truth that I can grasp."

"Five Poisons, you are so powerful now, you can definitely defeat that hateful Evil Sword Immortal!" Maomao shouted excitedly from high in the sky.

"Have you seen him?" Chu Xin asked.

"That's not true. Anyway, I heard that wherever he goes, there are dead people everywhere, just like locusts!" Maomao said with disgust.

"It's even more arrogant and cruel than in the original drama. Although the main plot has not changed, there are still differences in many details." Chu Xin thought.

At this time, the card text appeared:

"With the accumulation of spiritual power in the body, the second Five Poison Pearl should have been brewed, but the Five Poison Spiritual Power has evolved through many changes in power, and the Five Poison Pearl that was bred this time mutated, and the first Five Poison Pearl was born - - Five Poison Evil Pearls (It is difficult for gods to save the world in the sky and the world, and only the Five Poison Pearls can detoxify the poison released)."


Chu Xin's lower abdomen felt warm, and then it rose to his throat.

A round bead that was exactly the same size and shape as the Five Poison Pearls was vomited out of his mouth, but the color was as black as ink jade and exuded a dangerous cold aura, which was completely opposite to the warm and white color of the Five Poison Pearls.

"This is a treasure~" Chu Xin put it into the storage stone.

Next, under his full speed, he arrived at Yuzhou City in a short time.

"The monster is here again!"

"What a big monster!"

"Wow~ wow~ Mom, I'm so scared!"

"Hurry up and inform Hero Jingtian and the Shushan Taoist Priests!"

The expected scene went on step by step. The residents were crawling on the ground and running away. A lot of information could be inferred from the few words they shouted for help.

Soon, Jingtian, Tang Xuejian, Long Kui and several Shushan disciples dressed in white hurried to the city gate.

"Maomao? It's Maomao!"

"Let him go, you big monster... wait, you are the Five Poisons!"

"It turns out that the Five Poisons are back, great!"

Seeing that several Shushan disciples were about to draw their swords and take off, Jingtian quickly grabbed them and said with a smile, "One of our own."

Under the dubious gaze of the Shushan disciples, Chu Xin put down Maomao and got the Wind Spirit Bead from Jingtian.

"Five Poisons, what should we do?" Tang Xuejian seemed to have found a backbone.

"Stay here to defend Yuzhou City! I'm very strong now!" Jingtian said proudly and happily. He carried two swords on his back, one of which was a magic sword made by nightshade as a sacrifice, and the other was a reward from the Emperor of Heaven. The demon-suppressing sword given to Feipeng, plus his trip to the God Realm, his own strength has indeed improved tremendously. He can easily deal with small monsters, and he is not afraid of even big monsters like Black Wind Lei Zun.

"There's no point in staying here. We still need to find the last spiritual bead. I'm going to Shushan. How about you?" Chu Xin finally asked.

The few of them looked at each other, and after a brief discussion, they agreed to go together.

Therefore, a few Shushan disciples were left to protect Yuzhou City, while Chu Xin flew to Shushan with the protagonist group.


When the main peak of Shu Mountain appeared in Chu Xin's field of vision, the Shu Mountain Sect Protecting Sword Formation was also activated.


Only the sound of thousands of swords was heard, and countless spiritual powers transformed into sword blades, guarding the main peak and the main hall.

"Old man Qingwei! Don't take action, it's us!"

Fortunately, Jingtian yelled in time, so the Sect Protector Sword Formation was saved and would not have to be repaired again.


The main hall door opened, and five figures rushed out, none other than the five elders.

The one in the middle is Taoist Master Qingwei, who is the leader in the righteous path of the human world.

The so-called Immortal Wind Dao Bone seemed to be born just for him. He held a whisk in his right hand and placed it casually on his left arm. Even if he was shocked after seeing Chu Xin, it did not show on his face.

The temperament and aura of the other four elders are far inferior to Qingwei.

After Jingtian's introduction, the five of them knew that Chu Xin was the five poisonous beast that they had heard about for a long time!

"After spending a year in the demon world and still coming back safe and sound, it's no wonder that the blood demon king's ashes were spread." One of the elders marveled.

"With your participation, we have a greater chance of winning against the Evil Sword Immortal. I am grateful for this." Head Qingwei said with a smile that was neither condescending nor overbearing.

Chu Xin skipped the pleasantries and said straight to the point: "Can you contact Zixuan, the descendant of Nuwa, and ask her to come to Shushan to discuss important matters."

His opening was as illogical as "I asked you what to eat tonight, and you said you won't wear it tonight." It left several old men scratching their heads on the spot.

"The Water Spirit Pearl is with her, so the people of the world are closely related to her. Moreover, she is the descendant of Nuwa, and it is her duty to deal with the evil sword immortal." Chu Xin added.

"It's just~" Elder Canggu glanced at Xu Changqing behind him hesitantly, worried that his good disciple would fall in love with that woman again.

"That's all, the love between children is nothing compared to the catastrophe for all living beings. Since fellow Taoist Five Poisons have a way, why not give it a try." The head of Qingwei was open to it.

At this time, Chang Yin came with a sword in a hurry, and said with a horrified expression: "The Evil Sword Immortal and the Heavenly Demon Emperor have appeared!"

"Where is it!" Elder Canggu asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Chang'an City was just an hour ago." Chang Yin replied.

Two hours ago.

Chang'an is the economic and political center of the current human dynasty. It is one of the best super cities in the entire human world and can be regarded as a synonym for prosperity.

With the emergence of the Evil Sword Immortal and the shattering of the Demon Locking Tower, Chang'an City has become the destination for countless people to flee. Not only are the streets and alleys crowded with outsiders, but many temporary tents have also been set up outside the city.

The emperor concentrated all the troops he could mobilize in Chang'an, and there were countless martial arts masters and even envoys from major cultivating sects stationed there. At least it looked impregnable, giving people a sense of security.

But today, Chang'an City is destined to cause a bloody storm!

"His Majesty--"

"General Xu was killed in battle, and the entire Shanhu Army was wiped out!"

"The old marshal died, and only one member of the Tang family's army is still alive~"

"The evil demons have already invaded the territory with their army!"

Bad news comes one after another. The so-called iron-blooded army of mankind is no different from ants in front of the monsters. It can kill thousands of people with a few hands, and those martial arts sects that dominate one side can at best be called cannon fodder.

"Where are the immortal masters?!" The emperor was shocked and led his ministers out of the palace quickly, and went outside to look at the sky.

Total darkness!

The group of monsters gathered into thick black clouds and surrounded him from all directions, like a giant beast from the abyss about to swallow a small cake called Chang'an in one bite.

At this time, no matter the emperor or the prime minister, they were no different from any common people in the city. In the eyes of the demons, they all had the same rations.

Whoosh whoosh!

Suddenly, more than a hundred figures rose from the ground.

"It's the Immortal Master!"

"That's right, as long as we have them, you don't have to be afraid of those monsters!"

Everyone felt a little calmer, and the worry and fear on their faces were replaced by joy and excitement.

But these hundreds of immortal cultivators couldn't smile, and each one looked uglier than the last. Although they all came from famous sects such as Shushan, Taishan, Kunlun, etc., if they wanted to resist tens of thousands of monsters, they really had to use eggs. Hit a rock.

What's more, there are extremely troublesome characters such as the Great Demon King, the Heavenly Demon Emperor, and the Evil Sword Immortal. Are they going to beat them on the head?

"Fellow fellow Taoists, I will live and die with you today. Junior Brother Chang Wu is lucky enough to die without regrets." A Shushan disciple clasped his fists and faced his impending death calmly.

"Senior brother, you are so enlightened. In this case, we should not be timid, let alone bring shame to our respective sects!" A Taishan disciple laughed boldly.

"That's right, I, a human monk, are not afraid of demons. I'm sorry, I'll take the first step!" A Nanhai Sect disciple stepped on the lotus and rushed towards the black cloud without hesitation.

Then, all the monks put to use what they had learned throughout their lives, and staged a visual feast that shocked the hearts of the people of Chang'an City.

Although it was like a fleeting firework, it was destroyed by the Demon Emperor in less than a minute.

There is no way to retreat, the only option is to sink the boat, not to seek a chance of survival, but to have a clear conscience!

"Fairy masters~"

With tears in his eyes, the emperor drew out his sword and held onto the pillar to prop up his weak and trembling knees.

"Commanders, our human race must not give in in front of those beasts!" He raised his sword and shouted, unwilling to face death like a defeated dog running away.

Above the dark clouds.

"Courage is admirable, but I don't like it at all." The Evil Sword Immortal in black robes smiled ferociously, with an expression of orgasmic enjoyment on his face.

Because he is absorbing the fear of the people in Chang'an City, his own cultivation level is improving rapidly.

Feeling the evil sword immortal's unreasonable training speed, the Heavenly Demon Emperor beside him became numb, "How to deal with them?"

The Evil Sword Immortal touched his chin, "Kill half and keep the other half to intensify human fear to the greatest extent. Their negative emotions are my favorite food."

"Go," the Heavenly Demon Emperor ordered the White Demon Queen to murmur secretly, "The hero hasn't come back yet? How can a mere wind demon take so long? He shouldn't have killed that wind demon~"


Under the command of the White Demon King, all the demons swarmed down like a floodgate, flooding Chang'an City in an instant. The screams of horror and despair resounded endlessly, even in the underworld.

"It's so delicious~ That's it, make it more intense!"

The Evil Sword Immortal greedily drank in the rich resentment and laughed unbridled.

"Let Chang'an be my destination. It's time to unify the entire human world!"

Suddenly, he turned his head warily, straightening his chin and looking behind him.


"Don't get excited, you are not an enemy." The Evil Sword Immortal pressed his palms and signaled the Demon Emperor not to take action.

I saw another group of black mist floating quickly, and it turned out that countless demons were flying together.

"I am the Demon Emperor, and I have come to form an alliance with the Evil Sword Immortal to conspire for great things!" A rebellious voice came from it.

"Okay! Great! I love making friends with vision and courage the most in my life!" Evil Sword Immortal happily agreed. (End of chapter)

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