The Qingling Demon Realm at this moment is extremely lively.


The barrier set by the Green Demon King himself was exploded again, and it was a blow from a figure.

Compared to the time at Blood Devouring Gate, today's enemy formation is bigger, no matter from every aspect.

More than two thousand murderous monsters towered over the mountains and plains, and they had the aura to rip out their hearts and lungs if they disagreed.

"I didn't expect that the mighty Fierce Demon King would come in person, but I also didn't expect that you, who is violent and stubborn by nature, would act like a coward and become the grandson of the Evil Sword Immortal." The Green Demon King sneered in a gentle tone.

As if he had been stabbed in a vital point, the Fierce Demon King's face instantly darkened, "I didn't expect you, a prostitute, to have such a sharp tongue. Tsk, I hope your ventriloquism can also satisfy me."

Although the four demon kings under the Heavenly Demon Emperor are of the same class in name, the Fiery Demon King and the White Demon King are stronger and higher in status than the other two.

The Fierce Demon King is famous for his fiery temper, but there is one big difference compared to the Blood Demon King, that is, he will not take it out on his subordinates at every turn. At most, he will curse and wash others' hair and faces with saliva.

The demon tribesmen joked privately that the Fierce Demon King vented his anger immediately and never kept it secret, so he was always scolding and hitting others. The Blood Demon King is different. He is cautious and suspicious by nature, and he is extremely sinister. He likes to hold back bad things in his heart. Over time, he will naturally become mentally distorted and psychopathic. Therefore, he kills people erratically, and the ones he kills are all his own people.

"If you don't want to drink wine as a penalty, since you don't want to surrender to His Majesty," the Fierce Demon King raised his right forearm, and extended his index and middle fingers from his clenched right hand, "then there is no need for the existence of the Green Spirit Demon Realm!"

A flash of red light appeared on the fingertips, and suddenly expanded and transformed into a huge "sun" hundreds of meters in diameter.

Under this blazing sun that made people dare not look directly, all the monsters in Qingling Town regarded death as death. Even though they were afraid, none of them turned their backs.

So far, many demon clans who are unwilling to submit to the Evil Sword Immortal have gathered in the Qingling Demon Realm, which has become the only pure land left in the major demon realms. They have long expected that this day will come, so they are all prepared to fight to the death. .


Elder Xuan hesitated for a moment, and finally nodded with a solemn look on his face.

"Suffer death!"

The Fierce Demon King threw a huge fireball, as if he wanted to vent all the frustration he suffered at the Evil Sword Fairy on his fellow creatures.

"The wind is coming!"

The green demon king's dress danced wildly, and his jade feet without shoes flew towards the oppressive fireball from a single point in the void, and his arms were swung out like playing cards.

In an instant, thousands of wind spirits surged and gathered into a fierce storm that swept upwards.

As the two demon kings took action, the battle between the two sides was immediately triggered.

The Qingling Demon Realm was suddenly ignited by the flames of war!

at the same time.


Chu Xin swept out of the teleportation channel, blasted a group of flying demon beasts that were swarming up, and then fell freely, and soon returned to the human world of blue sky and white clouds from high altitude.

Under the clear sky, the green mountains are rolling and surrounding a pearl-like lake.

On the edge of the lake, a ship ran aground.

It is Xu Changqing's fairy boat magic weapon.

"Five poisons? Here!"

Hearing the sound of the wind, Maomao walked out of the boat house and immediately waved and shouted.

When Chu Xin came to the front, his mouth was suddenly shocked enough to stuff an egg, "You, you seem to be bigger than a year ago, and you look so powerful!"

Just as he said, Chu Xin, who had experienced a lot in the demon world, was full of majesty and auspiciousness, and his scales also had a killing and sharp sheen, like a treasured sword hidden deep in the pavilion on the battlefield. They fought bloody battles for ten years.

"Where are the others?" Chu Xin asked.

"Oh!" Maomao put down the vegetable basket he was carrying, "I stayed here specifically to wait for you. It has already passed since you entered the devil world. After that, I will do the math..."

"Time is not important, just talk about the rest." Chu Xin helped him click skip.

"Boss and Hero Changqing have returned from the God Realm, but the thing in the box has also escaped. I heard that it has absorbed many evil thoughts in the human world and the ghost world, and then it has become more and more terrifying. Then... forget it, let me contact Hero Changqing for you, I can't tell clearly." Maomao said and took out Shushan's communication weapon.

Soon, Xu Changqing's voice came out: "Brother Wudu is back? It's great!"

Then, he told Chu Xin a series of things.

It turns out that the evil thought only developed for a short period of time after it escaped. Due to the extremely strong negative emotions in the human world and the ghost world, its strength almost doubled after being absorbed by it, and it manifested into a human form and proclaimed itself the Evil Sword Immortal. .

As long as humans and ghosts continue to emit evil thoughts, the Evil Sword Immortal's cultivation level will increase day by day without any training. It is not an exaggeration to say that it increases by one level a day. He is simply a male protagonist with an invincible system.

Therefore, the Evil Sword Immortal conquered the Ghoul King in the ghost world first. Because King Yama was in charge, the Evil Sword Immortal, who was ruthless and arrogant in his methods but wanted stability, did not push further.

Then, the Evil Sword Immortal led the Ghoul King and his ghost grandson to attack Shushan at night, blowing up the Demon Locking Tower and releasing tens of thousands of demons with deep resentment, resulting in heavy casualties among Shushan disciples that night.

The Evil Sword Immortal's goal was to lead the entire demon clan, so the Heavenly Demon Emperor, as the supreme leader of the demon clan, was naturally dissatisfied, and the two of them fought as expected.

In the end, the Heavenly Demon Emperor was ravaged by one side and survived by shouting "Master" before being beaten to death by the Evil Sword Immortal.

After achieving his goal, the Evil Sword Immortal did not get entangled with the elders of Shushan Mountain. He led the group of demons deep into the Shushan Mountains like a loach, arrived at the Shushan Demon Realm, and took the Fierce Demon King and the White Demon King under his command.

Currently, this growing team of villains is wreaking havoc all over the human world, creating bloody feasts one after another.

"So, the Evil Sword Immortal rules the demon clan, and you don't know where he is?" Chu Xin asked.

"Yes," Xu Changqing sighed, "the various sects have been running around to subdue monsters recently, and they are all very busy. Several disciples of the Taishan sect encountered the evil sword immortal the day before yesterday, and they had already died when help arrived."

"Where are you now?" Chu Xin asked again.

"Brother Jing and the others are protecting the people in Yuzhou City. My junior brothers and I have gone out to slay demons and are on our way back to Shushan." Xu Changqing replied.

"Senior brother, there is evil in the southeast!" Chang Yin's voice came out.

"Brother Wudu, let's not talk about it for now. Please bring Maomao to meet us. By the way, the Feng Lingzhu is at Brother Jing's place." After Xu Changqing finished speaking, he hung up.

"Okay." Chu Xin ended the call after catching the keyword.

Wind Spirit Pearl!

Fortunately, the Heavenly Demon Emperor's raid on the God Realm did not affect the acquisition of the Wind Spirit Pearl.

"Let's go." Chu Xin gently held Maomao between his two fingers and jumped up.

"You don't want anything anymore!" Maomao pointed at the fairy boat and shouted.

"Come back to get it later." Chu Xin said, releasing spiritual power to wrap Maomao, which was equivalent to putting on a protective outer armor for him.

"What is this! What's the use?" Maomao shouted curiously.

Bang bang bang!

Three times the speed of sound.

The sonic boom resounded through the sky.

Chu Xin gave the answer with practical actions.

Maomao could only see the scenery passing by quickly and turning into afterimages. Whether it was mountains, rivers or rivers, they were like large ink paintings that appeared in his field of vision piece by piece. After a while, he suffered from visual fatigue and dizziness. He closed his eyes dazzled.

The reason why Chu Xin didn't faint at such a speed was entirely because Chu Xin had stored enough oxygen in Maomao's spiritual shield. Otherwise, even if he didn't explode into minced flesh, he would have died from lack of oxygen in an instant.

Not long after, a familiar scene appeared under Chu Xin.

"Crossing that mountain is the Qingling Demon Realm, right?"


The Green Demon King flew out upside down, landed on the top of Tingfeng Tower, and spat out a large mouthful of blood.

"I will give you one last chance to choose. I really can't bear the thought of such a peerless beauty being torn into pieces by me." The Fierce Demon King said it nicely. She was just greedy for the Demon King's body. After all, she was naked at the moment. Exposing a large area of ​​snow-white skin and proud undulations.

Of course, there is one point. After all, the Fierce Demon King is the leader of the demon clan. Deep down in his heart, he does not want a strong demon clan like the Green Demon King to perish.

"Wishful thinking!" The Green Demon King spit out bloody saliva, stood up staggeringly, and looked around the whole town with sad eyes.

Qingling Town, which used to be lively and beautiful, has now been destroyed by the outbreak of war into ruins. As far as the eye can see, there is only bloody fighting, and flying pieces of meat are blooming on the broken bricks and tiles.

"Mother~Mother~please stop beating me~"

Rui'er cried with tears streaming down her face. She was still young and didn't know how many twists and turns an adult had. She just didn't want to be an orphan without a mother.

"Old Xuan," the Green Demon King looked back at his daughter deeply, showed a smile and shouted, "Run!"

The moment he finished speaking, Old Xuan held Rui'er with wet eyes and flew outside. In great grief, he used the Eagle Flash many times in a row. He was afraid that the little girl in his arms who shouted "Mother" would also become a strong man. victims of war.

"Qianfeng was buried!"

The Blue Demon King revealed his true form, turning into a dense but erratic blue mist, and rushed towards the violent-looking Lie Demon King with a fatal determination.


The Flame Demon King, who was unharmed, also had murderous intent in his heart and pulled out a blazing flaming sword from the void.

He held the long pole in both hands, jumped up, dragged out a roaring fire bear, and hit the Green Demon King hard.

In an instant, the fire bear exploded and spread, and a fire ring shock wave spread tens of thousands of meters away, igniting the surrounding mountains and forests. The mountain fires spread out like wild beasts in an instant, making the atmosphere of the Qingling Demon Realm even more tragic and tragic.


Just listen to the whining and wailing of the wind, and the violent wind that enveloped thousands of meters gradually stopped.

The Green Demon King fell to the ground in a human form covered in blood. He raised his eyes as he lay dying and glanced at Mr. Xuan who was gradually walking away. His heart was finally relieved.

Her strength was exhausted, her vitality was severely damaged, and she no longer had any strength to struggle. She only had one foot to cross the threshold of hell. It was no exaggeration to say that any ant could kill her with a last-ditch attack.

"To put it nicely, he is just a demon king. He is hiding in the so-called demon world to amuse himself. In fact, in the eyes of those guys, he is no different from the bugs in the mud." The Fierce Demon King pointed to the sky above his head and said nothing. Immediately kill the Green Demon King, "It is indeed aggrieved to surrender to the Evil Sword Immortal, but our demon tribe follows the principle of the weak and the strong. If he can lead us to unprecedented glory, then why not surrender and surrender?"

"It's just an excuse to live an ignoble existence and be greedy for life and afraid of death. The gods have not interfered with the human world and the demon world for tens of thousands of years, and have always allowed the various races to develop disputes. We even don't know what the gods look like, and regard them as aliens. Dai Tian's enemies are a bit too ridiculous." Green Demon King sarcastically said, while delaying time for Xuan and the other two.

The corners of the Fierce Demon King's mouth twitched, "No matter what you think, the evil sword immortal's powerful appearance crushes the five realms. Following him, the rise of the demon clan is unstoppable. This is the general trend!"

The Green Demon King said bitterly: "Rising? Isn't this an unprecedented and unprecedented road to self-destruction?"

The Fierce Demon King took a deep breath and immediately realized that he could not defeat her. Then he sneered in the direction of Elder Xuan, "Do you really think they can escape?"

The Green Demon King's face changed drastically, "Do you have any backup plans?"

As she thought of all these things, she tried to get up, but her joints were basically broken, and the slightest movement of her skin would cause wounds that were difficult to heal.

"Your Majesty has given instructions that there are only two ways to go in the Qingling Demon Realm. One is to submit to all members, and the other is to reincarnate, so there will be no fish that slip through the net." The Fierce Demon King snapped his fingers.


In an instant, a dark red closed barrier rose from the ground, covering the entire mountain range where the demon world was located in the blink of an eye, and Xuan Lao was only ten meters away from being able to escape with Rui'er.

"This last chance, think about your lovely daughter and your loyal subordinates who are about to die." The Fierce Demon King threatened, not because he was soft-hearted, but it was obviously better to have the Green Demon King under his command. If you understand it, you can also be appreciated and valued by the Evil Sword Immortal.

This time, the Green Demon King was silent, and her hands that were clenched so tightly that they were shaking showed the extreme torment in her heart.


Suddenly, the barrier that had no response no matter how hard Xuan Lao bombarded it exploded into fragments all over the sky.

"What's going on? Go and have a look!" The Fierce Demon King looked at him in astonishment, and his anger suddenly surged up.

Dozens of monsters flew towards the starting point of the explosion.


In mid-air above the ridge, Chu Xin withdrew an ordinary punch.

"Hiss!" Looking at the huge demon in front of him, Old Xuan, who was frightened by the terrifying aura, immediately hugged Rui'er tightly, and the three eagles retreated quickly.

"I'm afraid I won't be able to get out today. Even such a terrifying strong man has surrendered to the Evil Sword Immortal. Alas~" Elder Xuan sighed, feeling powerless.

"Rui'er? Mr. Xuan?" Chu Xin glanced at the town, and his beyond-vision eyes immediately took in the scene inside.

As smart as he is, combined with what Xu Changqing said and the character of the Green Demon King, he immediately understood the general idea.

All I can say is that perhaps there is some divine will, and it is not as good as it comes by chance, and such a familiar plot happened to me again.

"Are you?" Elder Xuan sensed it carefully after calming down, "Immortal Qi? Are you not a demon? Wait!"

"Brother Wudu!" Rui'er shouted out first.

"Mr. Five Poisons? Is it really you?" Mr. Xuan was almost crying at this moment.

"Time waits for no one, let's talk later if you have anything to say." Chu Xin looked at the dozens of flying monsters, and threw Maomao to the old queen Xuan, and the wind and thunder wings bloomed.

Tsk tsk tsk!

With the sudden appearance of thunder, dozens of demon clans were instantly wiped out and scattered in the wind in Elder Xuan's surprised eyes.

How could the Fierce Demon King be unaware of such fluctuations in spiritual power?

"Who is so presumptuous!" What he hates the most in his life is nosy people ruining his good deeds.

"Your father!" Chu Xin's answer resounded throughout the world.

The ultimate bad mouth, pure enjoyment.

"Arrogant!" The Fierce Demon King was furious.

But after he felt the overwhelming pressure from Chu Xin, he didn't dare to push it too hard, so he made a seal with both hands, roared and then quickly grew in size until it became a hundreds-meter-long fire bear standing proudly on the ground.

The real body of the monster + the monster clan’s version of heaven and earth!


Chu Xin's speed did not slow down at all, and he hit the huge bear claws slapped by the fire bear with a thunderous sonic boom.

Under the suspicious and sarcastic gaze of the Fierce Demon King, he waved his unpretentious right fist.


After the turbulent air waves spread, and as countless faces were filled with disbelief, the giant fire bear began to disintegrate!


The painful wails echoed endlessly, and the Fierce Demon King helplessly watched his body collapse and disintegrate. Even when he was about to die, he didn't know who was in front of him.

The flesh and blood withered like flowers, and the bones were broken into powder piece by piece, like burned charcoal.

In the end, the entire corpse collapsed like a hollowed-out mountain.


The Green Demon King was so shocked that she forgot the severe pain all over her body. She stared blankly at the mountains behind the Fierce Demon King.

A huge circular gap suddenly appeared! (End of chapter)

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