Spring goes and autumn comes, the sun and the moon fly by, time flies, and the sea changes.

The white horse passed by, and half a month passed in an instant.

During these fifteen days, Chu Xin and Kamala were inseparable for a moment, discussing and studying together like a glue, sharing their precious combat experience, not only exchanging fists and kicks passionately, but also communicating in a simple and easy-to-understand way.

"Are you leaving?" Kamolo looked at Chu Xin with a hint of regret, thinking about how lonely it would be without his sparring and negotiation in the days to come~

"I still have things to do in the human world, and we will continue to spar when we have the opportunity in the future." In just a few days, Chu Xin learned a lot of excellent combat experience and skills from Kamolo, and also gained the physical skills brought by fists and fists. Pure joy, physical and mental satisfaction.

"Well, I hope that next time we meet, you will be stronger than now." Kamala's words were always informal, concise and thought-provoking.

"Didn't you beg for mercy after being beaten by me yesterday?" Chu Xin asked back.

Recalling his slurred speech, blurred consciousness, limp body, and embarrassment last night, Kamala couldn't help but twitch the corners of his eyes and grinned, "The situation is different. Your beast form is too abnormal. It's obviously huge. I didn’t expect that it just looks bloated, but in fact the attack speed is amazing, giving me no time to breathe, and even I can’t be good at various fighting postures!”

"See you later." Chu Xin didn't say much, waved his hand and flew away.

Looking at the disappearing figure, Kamala's face showed the relief of satisfaction, and he looked forward to the next sweaty and in-depth negotiation. The desire to fight that had been suppressed for many years was reasonably vented, and by the way, he made acquaintance with such a worthy and worthy person. With friends who have already communicated in depth, she is willing to kill most of them in the demon world.


Chu Xin flew towards the Well of Gods and Demons on the Wind and Thunder Wings, thinking about what happened to Jingtian and his party.

He had been making trouble in the demon world for nearly a year, and coupled with the time he had spent before, he had already reached the predicted end of the world.

As for the Demon Lord, who has never appeared in the Demon Realm, it is not difficult to guess that the plot of the God Realm has not changed much. The Demon Lord went up to fight with Sedum, who briefly transformed into a flying puff. Moreover, one day in the God Realm is equal to one year in other realms. , this is also the reason why Chonglou has not returned to the demon world.

Chu Xin had precisely grasped this point, so he would do whatever he wanted in the demon world. Otherwise, if he (the Five Poison Beasts) were facing the heavy building, he would not be able to withstand ten moves at all, and it would be difficult for him to develop steadily and steadily.

As he approached the transmission channel leading to the human world, a group of demon guards tremblingly emerged from their hiding place. They looked at each other and remained motionless, hoping that Chu Xin would get out quickly, how could they intercept him without knowing what was wrong.


The moment Chu Xin disappeared into the passage, the text on the card appeared:

"Incarnated as a natural disaster in the demon world, brought death and nightmares, and left a mark in the history books of demons;

【Five poisonous beasts】

Proficiency+? , reaching 90%;

Unlock card fusion permissions;

Earn rewards:

When standing, the height increases to 10 meters, and the body strength increases accordingly;

The flight speed can reach Mach 3, and it can reach Mach 7 after turning on the wind and thunder wings;

‘Earthline Borrowing Spirit’ has been strengthened, the duration is increased to 30 minutes, and the cooldown is shortened to 2 hours;

‘Vine Dragons’ have been strengthened, the number of them condensed at one time has increased to 10, and the spiritual power consumption has been greatly reduced;

‘Wrath of the Earth’ has been strengthened and its cooldown has been shortened to 8 hours;

Awakening the new skill 'Image of Demons and All Living Beings' (divine skill - summoning a giant stone sculpture falling from the sky, engraved with the appearance of the demons' joy, anger, sorrow and joy. It is about a thousand meters high and weighs tens of millions of tons. It can have the effect of suppressing and sealing , cooling time 24 hours);

Awakening the new skill 'Demon Wrath Nine Dragon Palm' (magic - a blow that combines the characteristics of the Blazing Nine-headed Dragon and the Earthline Troll. It can push out a palm containing surging demonic energy from the left and right hands. The more spiritual power mobilized, the better the palm print will be. The bigger, the stronger the destructive power, there is no cooling time, but it consumes a lot of spiritual energy);


Proficiency+? , reaching 88%;

Earn rewards:

The ultimate flight speed can be infinitely close to the speed of light, but long flight time will cause greater damage to the body;

The skill ‘Thunder Cut’ has been strengthened and its length has been increased to 300 meters;

The skill 'Thunderstorm Zone' has been strengthened into 'Thousands of Thunder Fields', which is a domain-type skill and the radius of the domain has been increased to 5000 meters;

Awakened new skill ‘Electric Light Ball of Vitality’ (a single target attack with 100% hit, which will form a continuous paralyzing thunder ball restraint after hitting);

Awakening the new skill ‘Thunder God Awakening’ (strongly mobilizes the thunder and lightning elements of nature to achieve temporary transformation and evolution, the overall strength is increased by 3 times, lasts for 10 minutes, and has a cooldown time of 48 hours);


It has devoured countless demon flesh and blood, and obtained many excellent genes from them, especially the Blazing Nine-headed Dragon and the Earthline Troll. It has learned from each other's strengths, mutated and evolved, and its own gene chain has been greatly strengthened again;

Earn rewards:

The height increases to 500 meters (not counting the tail), the weight exceeds 1 million tons, the strength of the bones and flesh increases, the radiation flow, regeneration and self-healing abilities are also significantly strengthened, and the breath can shoot through the north and south poles of the earth;

Awakening the new ability ‘Demon Qi Flying’ (Demon Qi is born and stored in the body, and can fly without wings with the help of the Demon Qi);

Awakening the new ability ‘Earthline Roaring’ (use the demonic energy in the body to mobilize the earth and cause earthquakes and other geological disasters, starting at level 5 and reaching level 9, with no cap).”

After reading such lengthy text and pictures in great detail, Chu Xin couldn't help but sigh, "This trip was well worth it"!

Five Poison Beasts and Rey truly step into the category of powerful cards.

The former reached a height that the Five Poison Beasts themselves could not reach, while the latter gradually acquired the true combat power of Thunder God Rey and gradually transformed.

What surprised Chu Xin the most was Godzilla.

The size has grown to 500 meters. Not counting the exaggerated long tail, the size alone exceeds that of Planet Godzilla in the anime trilogy, and the terrifying power it can unleash is endless.

Then those two skills are obviously related to the Blazing Nine-Headed Dragon and the Earthline Troll, and the demonic energy of the demons does appear in Godzilla's body, but not much. It is probably just used to trigger these two skills. In essence, it is still Atomic energy dominates.

No matter what, Chu Xin felt great.


His eyes lit up, and the demonic energy was instantly replaced by rich spiritual energy, and Chu Xin returned to the human world.

Even though Chu Xin was killing people day after day in the demon world, he used this nearly a year to get reborn.

In fact, Jingtian and Xu Changqing only spent less than a day in the God Realm!

After they met the Emperor Fuxi, they dispersed to complete their missions.

Xu Changqing took the seal box to Tianchi, preparing to purify evil thoughts.

Jingtian met the goddess Xiyao who was in love with Feipeng, and learned from her that Tang Xuejian was actually transformed into a magical fruit taken by Xiyao. Xiyao did not want Feipeng's reincarnation, that is, Jingtian Loneliness, of course, also has factors that she comforts herself with.

When Jingtian met Xiyao, the Emperor of Heaven briefly transformed him back into the divine general Feipeng, not only regaining his memory, but also regaining his former strength.

After Demon Zhenglou sensed it, he went to the God Realm to fight with him without stopping.

But he did not expect that the Heavenly Demon Emperor would also take the opportunity to invade the God Realm with tens of thousands of demons. Even the Heavenly Emperor was slightly shocked by this turn of events, but he did not panic at all. He only sent tens of thousands of heavenly soldiers and generals to meet the enemy without taking any action.

The key is coming. The Tianchi where Xu Changqing is located has been affected by the demons.

Xu Changqing, who had not had much contact with Zixuan and had not recovered the memory of his previous life, did not listen to the evil thoughts. Just when he was about to put the box into Tianchi, hundreds of demons came in and started killing all living creatures without explanation. Forced to defend, Xu Changqing had to suspend what he was doing.

Suddenly, the lid of the seal box was accidentally opened by a powerful demon.

Just like that, evil thoughts escaped from it and disappeared without a trace.

After all, it was the home court of the Protoss. When Feipeng narrowly defeated Zhonglou, Zhonglou willingly gave in and returned to the demon world.

The Demon Emperor suddenly realized that he could not stay any longer, so he quickly withdrew his troops, leaving the God Realm in a mess.

This is most of the world of God. (End of chapter)

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