All Heavens: I haven’t been a human being since Storm Red

Chapter 351: Work hard, haven’t you eaten?

The methods are still the same, and the skills are still the same, but the lethality increases exponentially as the proficiency increases.

In these three battles, Chiyou Nine-Headed Dragon, Chu Xin's enemy, had a deep understanding of it. What frightened Chu Xin was Chu Xin's terrifying progress speed. For it, it was just turning over in sleep in two months. Unexpectedly Chu Xin could actually achieve a quantum leap in such a short period of time.

In one sentence, Chu Xin made Chiyou Nine-Headed Dragon feel great pressure!

"This man has made rapid progress and cannot be kept here. We cannot let him get away with it this time."

"What's going on? My move actually left him unharmed?"

"Wait a minute, the situation seems to be developing in an uncontrollable direction!"

"Hi~ How dare you pull out my dragon horns! Unforgivable!"

"Why do you have the illusion that you are invincible?"

"It's not an illusion! Damn, this guy is more than two or three times more powerful than he was a few months ago?"

"Is it possible that one of my majestic Chi You's mounts... will be forced to the point of ruin by an unknown person?"

The psychological activities of the Chiyou Nine-headed Dragon fully illustrate the ups and downs of the battle.


Two more Ghost Fury Fire Lotuses flew out, collided with each other two hundred meters in front of the Nine-Headed Dragon's forehead, and then detonated.

The explosion and fire wave, which was more turbulent than the first battle, swept away the miserable nine-headed dragon, with nine ugly faces, no, the remaining five heads immediately wore masks of pain.

"What a surprise!"×5

The disgraced Nine-Headed Dragon, covered in charred skin, fluttered out of the sea of ​​​​exploding flames, cursing and emitting black smoke from its mouth, like a nuclear-contaminated giant catfish that had gotten into the stove.

Whistle, rustle, rustle!

The blood demon's flying blade flew out at an extremely fast speed. Whether it was the background of the flames or its own charm, the flying blade transformed into thousands of things in the blink of an eye, glowing with a shimmering and scorching halo.

Puff puff puff~

In the next moment, Kuzuryuu, the victim, discerned for himself what was true and what was false.

Sparks and flying blades intertwined, sometimes blood light appeared, sometimes red splashes, the Nine-Headed Dragon was deeply passive in this confusing situation, and it was not long before Chu Xin carried out a weak attack.

The flying blade could not penetrate the nine-headed dragon's scales, but the Ghost Fury Fire Lotus had already broken through its defenses, and the gaps and blood marks all over its body became an excellent breakthrough point!

Flesh and blood were everywhere, and flying blades the size of human fingers penetrated back and forth like many needles and threads, causing its condition to weaken rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

But these methods are still unable to inflict fatal damage to Nine-headed Dragon, just like Nine-headed Dragon cannot kill Chu Xin as quickly as possible. At present, the gap between the strengths and weaknesses of the two sides is actually very vague, and no one can influence the other. Absolute crushing, what is needed at this time is whoever is more careful and cautious.


Chu Xin got down on all fours and aimed at the nine-headed dragon's back with a Taishan pressure. The tail spear was like a poisonous scorpion's tail hook, piercing a bloody wound.


The nine-headed dragon flicked its tail upwards, and Chu Xin was hit hard.

But they both also fell to the ground, leaving huge and different traces on the earth.


It was not the roar of the nine-headed dragon, but five vine dragons burst out of the ground in a shocking manner, each wrapping around the remaining five necks of the nine-headed dragon, binding it to the ground like a chain cage.


The wrath of the earth is unleashed without warning but in a planned way.

The ground cracked open with dense chasms, and the five-headed vine dragon immediately exerted its force and flexibly dragged the nine-headed dragon into the ground. The cracks that were thousands of meters long gradually closed under the pressure of the vine dragon's body, and the nine-headed dragon fell into the ground. Completely enclosed and locked in a layer of earth and stone.

Next, the smaller Chu Xin had a greater advantage. He dexterously shuttled through the gaps in the ground and launched a series of fierce attacks on the wounds of the nine-headed dragon, making it wail and wail in agony.

Buzz buzz bang!

A long-lasting Nether Flame Cannon exploded an eyeball in the middle head of the Nine-Headed Dragon.

Immediately afterwards, Chu Xin flew away unexpectedly and quickly, entering the empty eye sockets of the nine-headed dragon as it glanced in horror.

Kuzuryuu's mentality is broken. What an incredible way to dig into someone's eyes. Are you really going to dig into someone's eyes? What kind of crazy cerebral palsy fighting style is this? The demon god Chi You back then was not as wild as you!

And Chu Xin waved his arms wildly, and his exoskeleton was like the blade of a meat grinder, heading straight towards the head of the nine-headed dragon, and then the wind and thunder wings flapped, setting off an intracranial storm.


Soon, the most important head of Nine-Headed Dragon was turned into a puddle of paste by Chu Xin.

Severely demented, it fell into mindless chaos. Although its offensive seemed to be getting more and more violent, it had no rules and was in vain. Instead, it wasted its own strength, leading to a sharp decline in physical condition.

Chu Xin took advantage of its illness to kill it, and continued to bombard the nine-headed dragon indiscriminately, advancing instead of retreating, until it pushed into the trunk and chest.


Finally, starting from the esophagus, use the lightning flash to penetrate all the way to the root of the tail.

The exploding divine thunder belt almost swallowed the Nine-Headed Dragon from the inside out. The glaring lightning shined through the gaps in its scales, clearly illuminating its disintegrating body.

Chu Xin was also completely cruel. Even though his body was crispy due to the hot flesh of the nine-headed dragon, he would still try his best to fight to the death.

This demonic world is extremely vast, and he doesn't want to be entangled with the Nine-headed Dragon all the time. The grudges and grudges that have been going on for several months are simply put to an end.

"Senior Xiaoyan, I will learn from your tricks today."

Chu Xin endured the severe pain that made his whole body crack and shatter, and once again condensed one, two, and three ghost-wrathed fire lotuses, and then kneaded them together unreasonably with a grin on his face.

Of course, the core principle has nothing to do with the anti-inflammatory Buddha's Wrath Fire Lotus. Chu Xin can only be regarded as a poor imitation. It cannot strictly control the stability of the alien fire and the strange fire like anti-inflammatory, but Chu Xin's goal does not require stability. , but the damage is doubled!

Boom boom boom~

The three Ghost Fury Fire Lotuses were forcibly squeezed together, and as Chu Xin repeatedly kneaded them with both hands, the majestic and violent fire spiritual power immediately repeled each other, and then overflowed out of balance and exploded.


At this moment, Kuzuryuu was like a leaking oil tanker, making the explosion even louder.


The sea of ​​flames evaporated, and the mountains and rivers disappeared.

Pata~ Pata~

Large chunks of bones fell from the sky, including several lifeless dragon heads.


Suddenly, a mountain glowing with a coquettish purple light fell down, causing a huge earthquake on the earth.

That's right, Chu Xin switched to [Real Godzilla] in an emergency way just a second before the Five Poison Beasts were disintegrated by the explosion, thus saving the Five Poison Beasts' lives.

The purpose of switching to Godzilla is also very pure, that is, the body of the demon king, Nine-Headed Dragon, cannot be wasted.


It’s delicious. It’s delicious~

As Chu Xin walked, he grabbed the huge corpse and stuffed it into his mouth, chewing greedily and swallowing wildly.

This nine-headed dragon can be ranked among the four giants in the demon world, and it is well-deserved. In terms of rich nutrition, most of its tail alone is more than the sum of all the miscellaneous soldiers it has devoured during this period.

As expected, this scene was witnessed by demons from very far away. They shivered in disbelief, rolled and crawled in all directions, and at the same time passed on this shocking news, causing the demon world to truly plunge into an unprecedented crisis. huge panic.

Xifeng was at a loss to do anything about this. He knew that the current Demon Lord was fighting in the God Realm for the battle he had been waiting for for thousands of years. To put it in perspective, even if Chonglou knew about it, he would not be able to leave Fei Peng and return to the Demon Realm.

"The lineage of the Heavenly Demon Emperor actually took this opportunity to attack the God Realm. Kamala has basically been hidden from the world since the creation of the Demon Realm. He is nowhere to be found. The earth line troll is about the same strength as the Nine-Headed Dragon. I am afraid that he is more panicked than me now. .”

Xi Feng thought for a while and finally found that there was nothing he could do. He could only hope that Chu Xin was seriously injured after the fierce battle with the Nine-headed Dragon and would recover from his injuries until Chonglou came back.

In this way, after natural disasters devastated the southern part of the Demon Realm like a fallen flower or willow, it moved northward with supreme murderous intent, leaving corpses everywhere and all life in ruins.

In the end, the allied forces of the demon world still failed to stop the raging natural disaster, allowing him to enter the northern boundary of the demon world as if he were in an uninhabited land, and brought endless killings to this bitter and cold land.

Three months later.

A group of demons witnessed another shocking and sad scene with their own eyes.

The Earthline Troll, one of the four giants, followed in the footsteps of the Blazing Nine-Headed Dragon. His huge body of nearly a kilometer was eaten by the purple-light monster for a full week. In the end, it was so cruel that even the bones were broken. Not a bit left.

Many demons said that there seemed to be more than one person who killed the Earthline Troll. The one who gave the fatal blow was a special creature made entirely of thunder and lightning. Thunder filled the sky when he raised his hand, and thousands of thunders fell from his hand, killing the Earthline Troll. The Beihuang Mountains where it is located blasted out countless large, blackened craters that stretched for thousands of kilometers.

The many demonic forces in the north, after experiencing the initial fragile unity, went into separate camps, hiding, hiding, and escaping, and no longer dared to declare war on natural disasters.

During this period, there were also those who tried to surrender, but without exception they all became food rations.

Another two months later.


The desolate wind blew through the wilderness, and numerous corpses were exposed among the suppressed flowers and shrubs. In the distance, a once-splendid city was already lifeless, and the skeletons of various shapes were already covered with insects.


A figure about ten meters suddenly appeared in mid-air, looking down at the tragic situation below him with an indifferent expression.

Along the way, such scenes have become commonplace, and she has met less than a thousand living demons.

However, there was no trace of sympathy, pity or anger in her eyes. Instead, they were filled with boiling and burning fighting spirit, and she obviously did not care about the life and death of her compatriots.

The humanoid face and facial features, although delicate and beautiful, are covered up by a strong murderous aura. The cheeks are irregularly covered by an amethyst-like substance. There are a pair of purple petal-shaped pupils in a pair of eyes, and a waterfall of long purple-black hair. Two pointed red horns poked out of it.

The humanoid limbs and torso are slender and slender. Even though they are wrapped in amethyst and black armor, they still can't conceal their blood-throbbing curves. A slight shake can set off turbulent waves.

A pair of huge dark red wings bloomed from behind, and fluffy demonic energy flew out as they flapped.

She is one of the four most low-key giants, and countless demons do not know her gender!

When the demons retreated from the demon world, she wanted to die in battle with Chi You, but she was forcibly taken away and escaped by a group of her fellow tribesmen. This directly led her to hate the demons then and now, thinking that they were all cowards who did not dare to face and accept death. , except for Mo Zunzunlou and some of Chi You's demeanor, there is no man who can truly be called a man in this world.

And since she came to the demon world, she has been practicing hard to become stronger. The little demon girl who was powerless back then has now become so famous that not even the Demon Emperor dares to offend her.

As for Chonglou, he once wanted to have a fight with the powerful Kamala, but as a straight man, he would not use his true strength against women. He felt that hitting a woman with all his strength would be an insult to his personality, not to mention Chonglou only has Feipeng in his heart and cannot tolerate others.

"I seem to be interested in what kind of guy he is who can beat those two cowards to death and eat them alive~"

Kamala stretched out his forked tongue like a poisonous snake and licked the corners of his white mouth, his eyes showing hot desire.

She stretched out her hand to touch the air, feeling the remaining spiritual power and aura of Chu Xin, and murmured in a low voice: "It is clearly an immortal beast, but it exudes more intense violence than the demons. It kills decisively and ruthlessly, and its spiritual power seems to be It is gentle and gentle, with the auspiciousness of a mythical beast, but it is restless all the time, as if it is a volcano that is about to erupt at any time."

The more she explored in detail, the more curious Kamala became, and the surging fighting spirit in her heart made her unbearably hot.

Therefore, she followed the faint traces of spiritual power and automatically searched for the natural disaster of death that the demons said.

And Chu Xin, who felt the emergence of a powerful demonic energy, could not change his direction.

Early the next morning, the two giants running in both directions met in the wasteland outside the Demon City.

The Demon Capital is the city where Chonglou lives, and it is also the ancient capital with the longest history in the Demon World. Many demons fled here to avoid Chu Xin, and used it as the last fortress of the Demon Realm.

"You didn't disappoint me. Stop talking nonsense and just fight!" Kamolo grinned, his wings trembled, and he couldn't wait to rush towards Chu Xin.

"Kamolo!" Chu Xin was also looking for her, and his height increased to ten meters and he also turned into an afterimage and flew out.


As hundreds of thousands of pairs of eyes in the magical city looked up in shock, the two of them violently collided with each other with fists and fists, and the only sound between heaven and earth was the dull sound of flesh against flesh.

Chu Xin didn't care whether Kamala was male or female, old or young. With his strength soaring, he just wanted an equally strong person to vent his overflowing fighting desire and satisfy his body. A hungry and thirsty body that has been tempered repeatedly.

To sum it up in one sentence, "I'm very angry right now"!

It just so happened that Kamala, who had been in seclusion for thousands of years, also faced the same problem as Chu Xin.

No, when the two of them met, it was like dry wood meeting a raging fire, which directly stirred up thunder and fire. They fought fiercely and were extremely sticky.

Whoosh whoosh!

Eight hundred instantaneous Nether Flame stray bullets burst out, blocking Kamala's retreat from all directions.

But Kamala didn't even think about retreating. She immediately clasped her hands together, then fiercely pulled out a kilometer-long amethyst crescent blade. She hugged it with both hands and performed a round dance in mid-air, blasting the flames. Intercept them all.

Chu Xin tore through the sea of ​​fire, dodged behind Kamala and advanced hard, aiming his arms and tail spear at her neck and chest at the same time to kill her.


Kamala let out a light gasp of satisfaction from the root of his throat. He grabbed Chu Xin's thick and long sharp tail spear with his backhand.

Without waiting for his arms to hit her on the back of the head, she dragged Chu Xin with her tail and threw Chu Xin away, directly smashing into the Demon City. Dozens of demons who were accidentally injured exploded and died on the spot.


In an instant, Chu Xin stood up from the ground, rubbing two large and round ghost-wrathing fire lotuses with his hands, and pressed them against Kamala's superior chest.


The shock wave spread powerfully, and the buildings in the Magic City were shaved off, turning into a uniform Mediterranean.

"Evacuate the whole city!" Xifeng looked at the situation and gave the order without hesitation.

"Isn't there a dungeon?" his subordinate asked.

"In the battle between the natural disaster and the Earthline Troll, a five-thousand-meter mountain was penetrated from the top to a thousand meters underground. Are they all hiding in the underground city to wait to die together?" Xi Feng scolded hoarsely.

"But shouldn't we trust Lord Kamala?" Another subordinate asked.

"Not to mention whether she is a natural disaster opponent, do you really think she cares about our life and death?" Xifeng shook his head and said.

In this way, the whole city of Demon City was evacuated for the first time in tens of thousands of years. The faces of every demon clan were full of humiliation and helplessness, because they deeply understood how big the gap was with Chu Xin, but they were not completely desperate, because they were all Looking forward to Zhonglou coming back to wash away the shame.

Until many demons left and the demon city was reduced to a ghost town, the battle between Chu Xin and Kamala never entered the second stage.

"It feels so good! It feels so good! Don't stop like this!" Kamala laughed wildly in a way that didn't match her beauty, as if Chu Xin's heavy punch brought her not pain, but gushing pleasure.

"You are much stronger than the Nine-Headed Dragon First Class!" Chu Xin was also ignited by her, and launched a storm-like attack as she wished, each wave becoming more fierce than the last.

Bang bang bang!

Bang bang bang!

Puff puff!

As the two of them engage in pure physical combat, a single rise or fall or leaning can cause a mountain to collapse and shatter, and the earth to crack open a canyon.

As for the Magic City, which was more than ten times the size of Yuzhou City, it had long since been wiped out under them, along with the so-called underground city, leaving only a terrifying basin-like depression.

Unknowingly, the two of them actually felt a sense of sympathy for each other as if they were close friends.

The murderous intention is sharply reduced, and the fighting spirit is strong!

Half a month later.

"Happy!" Gamolo, who was covered in bruises but gradually healed, suddenly stopped, "Aside from Chi You and Chong Lou, you are the third strong person that I am convinced of. There is a possibility that we can become friends."

"Oh? You don't want to avenge the demons?" Chu Xin had to admit that he had benefited a lot from the battle with her, so he no longer had a strong murderous intention towards Kamolo and became more like a good teacher and helpful friend.

"Why take revenge? The law of the land is that the weak should eat the strong. The strong should stand at the top of the tower. This is what Chi You taught me," Kamala replied, "Besides, it would be a pity if a monster like you dies. ”

"The same goes for you. Only by keeping you alive as my sparring partner can you bring out your greatest value." Chu Xin shook off his broken left arm, and saw the fleshy shoots intertwined and growing wildly, and in an instant a new, tougher one grew. Forearm.

When his spiritual power reaches a certain level, the healing properties of the Five Poisons' spiritual power rapidly develop and evolve. Regeneration and self-healing are the most basic instincts of flesh and blood.

"What an arrogant tone," Kamala said without anger, "I'll treat you to a drink. Do you dare to come back to my house?"

"Lead the way." Chu Xin replied cheerfully, as if talking to an old friend he hadn't seen for many years.

That night.

In a forest in the western realm of the Demon Realm, one of the vigorous ancient trees has the appearance of breaking through the sky, reaching a height of more than a thousand meters.

"Living in a tree hole? Why does it look like a fairy tale?" Chu Xin walked into the spacious cave located in the tree trunk and wondered in his heart.

The indoor environment is not as rough and barbaric as Kamala's fighting style, but it does not feel like a lady, but a fantasy style full of exotic sentiments. Magnificent crystal inlays of various colors and pure wood furniture are placed everywhere in style. Although it looks a bit dark, the windows show that the lighting during the day is not bad.

Hua Hua Hua~

Kamala poured out a purple-gleaming wine. From the fresh smell, it was easy to tell that it was brewed from many fruits.

"You are the first one who has never even entered my home in Chonglou." She said calmly.

Chu Xin drank the fruit wine from the bowl in one gulp and replied without disappointment: "It's my honor."

The two of them chatted about their combat experiences and quietly drank a bottle of wine.

The wine was sweet and delicious, but also intoxicating. Chu Xin felt a little drunken in his body.

"Let's continue!" Kamala stood up with dim eyes, his eyes overflowing with the desire to fight, "We can't waste the precious time at night!"

"Gan, Gan, this is what you asked for." Chu Xin responded to the provocation reluctantly, and also issued a provocation., bang bang bang!

Considering the location, the two of them didn't move very much, but they still punched hard. In contrast, this kind of battle tested one's own control and micro-management. If they were not careful, they would collapse thousands of miles away.

"Work hard, haven't you eaten yet?!" Kamala suddenly taunted.

"Huh?!" Chu Xin roared, and the dragon swung its tail.


Chu Xin couldn't hold back his strength, and the big tree collapsed suddenly, and the whole tree collapsed. (End of chapter)

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