
Above the clouds and mist, two giant swords carried Xu Changqing and his party, starting from Chang'an City and flying towards their destination, Fengdu.

"Brother Jing, don't be half-hearted when wielding a sword, let alone look around. Only when the mind and body are united can the sword operate freely and speed up." Xu Changqing stood on the sword's edge easily and naturally and said.

Jingtian, who was keeping pace next to him, kept his hand gestures with one hand and kept mobilizing the few internal energy in his body. However, he couldn't catch up with Xu Changqing by even half a point even though he tried his best.

"You have to tell me! I saw the beautiful scenery around me and deliberately drove slowly!" Sedum replied stiffly.

"Slow down, the Five Poisons are still behind you!" Tang Xuejian shouted back frequently.

At this moment, Chu Xin was fluttering his wings and playing with the beads in his hand.

The volume is only half the size of a spiritual pearl, about the same as a lychee. It is round and round in texture, like jadeite. Under the sunlight, you can see the transparent ripples inside like flowing clouds, exuding a refreshing natural fragrance.

This is the Five Poison Pearl that he "vomited" out of his mouth early last night!

In fact, when he was practicing, he suddenly felt a cramp in his lower abdomen, as if someone big was about to make a move.

Just when he stood still, the feeling of blockage actually went up instead of down, carrying the warm current smoothly to the esophagus and throat, and finally flew out of the mouth, and it turned out to be a small bead wrapped in a halo.

"It can detoxify all poisons in the world. According to the settings, many poisons from the gods and demons are also included. It is indeed a treasure that can make the world of warriors and practitioners go crazy."

Although these Five Poison Pearls have no effect on Chu Xin himself, they will play an extremely important role at certain times. To say the least, even if they are sold or bartered, they can cause quite a bloody storm.


He put it in the storage stone.

But he didn't catch up with the large army immediately, but opened the gashapon machine interface.

There are currently 7 chances to draw, and the total number of guaranteed cards is 8.

"There are only two more times before the character card will be drawn, so let's draw two in a row." Chu Xin thought.

Number of times - 2, 5 times left.

Guaranteed +2, clear 0 after 10.


The first gashapon rolls out.

Automatically turned on.

"Skill: [Wrath of the Earth] (divine technique - uses earth spirit beads as a medium to mobilize the power of the earth, causing landslides and ground cracking. This technique consumes a lot of money, so use it with caution. The cooling time is 3 days)"

The second gashapon also rolled out.

Automatically turned on.


A character card appeared with a shining light.

A terrifying and evil slender figure was outlined, with a humanoid body structure, sound limbs and head, but skinny and skinny.

It has a ferocious and twisted head, a pair of green eyes that seem to be emotionless, and a creepy aura of death that exudes from its body, instantly making people think of words such as destruction and killing.

Its name was also quickly revealed: [Giant Soldier] (from "Giant Soldier Arrives in Tokyo" and "Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind").

Chu Xin, who has read countless films, has of course seen these two films. The former is a prequel special short film of the latter, but it also mainly describes the giant god weapon, a world-destroying weapon.

Although this guy looks like a flesh-and-blood creature, in fact, obvious mechanical structures can be found in the eye sockets, mouth, and torn flesh.

The Titan Weapon itself is a neutral weapon with wisdom and consciousness created by mankind by concentrating the world's technology. The purpose is to solve the fate of mankind that was caught in various deadlocks at that time. It is hoped that these artificial gods can point out a clear way from the perspective of bystanders.

Unexpectedly, after some independent thinking, the Titan Soldiers came up with the optimal solution, which was to destroy the human race at that time, shuffle the world, and clear the archives. After the society collapsed, all kinds of contradictions and contradictions would naturally disappear. Problem.

So, they did this, and humans, as the creators, were beaten unable to fight back. Fortunately, the Titan Soldiers exhausted their energy and destroyed themselves after seven days.

For example, in the Bible, God created the world in seven days, and the Titan Soldiers spent seven days destroying the human world. Thousands of years later, the plot of the anime movie "Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind" began.

"This thing is capable of destroying cities at the beginning. In terms of destructive power alone, it is almost as good as the real Godzilla in its complete form. As for its defensive power, I don't know yet." Chu Xin murmured to himself.

Then, Chu Xin returned his attention to the skill of the first gashapon.

"It requires the Earth Spirit Pearl to be released. It is probably my strongest method at the moment," Chu Xin thought, "I gained a lot from the battle in the Ancient Vine Forest. I hope Fengdu Paradise will not disappoint me. The more thrilling the better."

at the same time.

Paradise, the Ghost King's Hall.


A giant purple-scaled python roared and pounced on a red-haired man with horns.

The man resisted its bite with his arm, then threw it away angrily, and severely injured it with a wave of demonic energy from his backhand.


The giant python returned to human form and spit out a mouthful of blood.

She is Zixuan, the descendant of Nuwa.

And the target she attacked was the Demon Lord Tower.

The Fire Ghost King, dressed in a sexy red dress, stood at the door and watched the incident, keeping a smile on his face.

"For the sake of you being the descendant of Nuwa, I won't kill you, so get out!" Chonglou snorted.

"I said before that if you hurt him, you are offending me!" Zixuan stood up tremblingly, showing no intention of retreating.

"If you want to die, then I will grant your wish." Chonglou, who had been letting off steam, was also angered.

He came to Paradise to wait for Jingtian and his party, and his goal was to have a fight with Jingtian and Xu Changqing.

As an invincible being in the demon world, his only pleasure is to fight. Sedum is the reincarnation of Fei Peng, so there is no need to say more. Xu Changqing managed to survive under his hands twice, which also gave Chonglou a fighting spirit.

The fight he said was the same as daily activities, if it were to happen to Jingtian and the two of them, even if they didn't die, forget it, it was impossible not to die, they would definitely die!

Therefore, after receiving the news, Zixuan, who was concerned about Xu Changqing's safety, came to stop it without hesitation.

Boom boom~

As Zhonglou raised his arm, the entire hall suddenly became filled with demonic energy. The overflowing sense of oppression instantly made the ghost clan in Paradise tremble. The Fire Ghost King not far away also lowered his head in fear, not daring to look directly.

Although the ghost kings in the ghost world are officially affiliated with King Yama, the special commissioner of the gods, in their hearts they respect Zhonglou, the supreme leader of the demon world. It can be said that Zhonglou commands the three tribes of demons, monsters and ghosts. Except for a few gods, all the gods All the immortals were helpless against him.


Chonglou launched a magic flame.

Zixuan had no choice but to think of any magic to fight against it, so she could only welcome death calmly with tears in her eyes.

"Liufang, Yeping, Changqing, we will see you in the next life."

Just as she was smiling bitterly, a beam of blue light blocked her body. The burst of divine power barely resisted the demonic flames, but also knocked her and Zixuan away.

"Holy Aunt!" Zixuan shouted in surprise.

"If you die, Qing'er will have no mother!" Shenggu stared at Zixuan with a look of helplessness and distress.

As she spoke, she also spat out a large mouthful of blood.

"God Clan?" Chonglou frowned, "Are you women finished? What's the point of asking for trouble with me again and again?"

The saint's face changed. She knew she couldn't be beaten, so she shouted sternly: "You are the supreme being of the world, but you are making things difficult for two ordinary humans. Don't you really understand that Sedum is no longer the Feipeng it once was! Now! How can he beat you? If you don't hold back, I'm afraid you will be wiped out in one move. What fun and meaning is there in such a battle! You have been waiting for thousands of years, why don't you wait another year? Sedum may undergo transformation after completing its mission. By then, his strength will be greatly increased, and it may not be impossible to transform back into Feipeng. Wouldn't it be better for you to fight to your heart's content at that time? If you kill him now, you won't let him reincarnate again and have to wait longer. Decades!”

Under her series of questions, Zhonglou really fell into thinking, and after combing through it carefully, his words made sense.

"What you said makes sense. It's true that I can't win this way, and it won't make me happy," he said with a slight frown, "Okay, then I might as well wait a little longer and spare your two lives."

As soon as he finished speaking, Chonglou turned into a black hawk and flew away without hesitation.

In fact, from a certain perspective, Mo Zunzhenglou is an extremely simple man. Although he is arrogant and untrustworthy, he is extremely pure and only wants to fight, fight, and fight.

With his departure, the atmosphere in the entire Elysian World softened.

"You two, do you need me to send you away?" Fire Ghost King Qiao smiled sweetly and said to Zixuan and Zixuan.

Aunt Sheng glanced at her and immediately left with Zixuan.

At this time, a ghost soldier trotted over, "Sir, there is a demon clan asking to see you."

The Fire Ghost King touched his snow-white and smooth cheeks in confusion, "Oh? The Paradise of Paradise hasn't been so lively for a long time~"

In the afternoon.

"Fengdu is just ahead! Boss, how about we go eat roast chicken!" Maomao pointed forward and shouted expectantly.

There was only one stop along the way. Everyone simply ate white porridge and steamed buns at a Guandao shop without any oil or water, but Maomao was very greedy.

"Eating roast chicken again? Didn't Chang'an City eat enough?" Jingtian kicked Maomao's big butt, "You're already so fat. Let's eat noodles tonight to lose weight!"

"Eat, eat, eat. You two have been thinking about eating all day long. This is Fengdu, a ghost town with a reputation for evil!" Tang Xuejian felt goosebumps all over his body as he spoke.

"Miss Tang, don't worry. Although Fengdu is a ghost town, it is safe during the day. Only at night will the door to Paradise open." Xu Changqing said with relief.

"A hundred ghosts walk at night." Chu Xin muttered.

"That's right, you need to cover your head and face when sleeping in Fengdu. Don't expose your body parts. Don't answer anyone who speaks, because the speaker may not be a person." Xu Changqing added.

Now, everyone present except Chu Xin gathered together.

There is no way, mortals are born with a fear of ghosts and monsters, especially such taboo things.

"There's nothing to be afraid of. Paradise is just like a casino in the ghost world. Those gamblers and perverts have no intention of playing tricks on you." Chu Xin said.

"Casino?!" When Jingtian heard this, he was filled with courage and couldn't wait to go in and take a closer look.

A few minutes later, the group entered Fengdu.

This ghost town on earth really lived up to its reputation. As soon as they entered the city gate, there was a gust of wind blowing in their faces, making several people shiver.

Hua Hua~ Hua Hua~

There was a lot of paper money flying in the air, and empty coffins could be seen everywhere. Looking around, there were coffin shops one after another, and the coffins and other supplies for the dead sold inside were all more exquisite and expensive than the last.

"You rely on mountains to eat mountains, and you rely on water to eat water. People here actually make a fortune from this business?" Jingtian said curiously.

"How come you can't even find a restaurant? It feels like this city doesn't even have half the population of Yuzhou City!" Tang Xuejian asked in confusion.

"Due to the Paradise, Fengdu has a very small permanent population." Xu Changqing said.

"No wonder many houses have closed doors and windows, and the doorways are covered with dust." Nightshade followed closely behind her brother.

Needless to say, Lan Kui was really timid, and her character and mentality were no different from when she was sixteen or seventeen years old before she died.

Obviously she is a special kind of ghost~

Suddenly, a figure that exuded obscenity and femininity flashed out from the corner of the street.

"You all look quite unfamiliar, are you from out of town?"

This man has a thin face, mouse-like eyebrows, and a cunning smile. He is holding a cattail leaf fan and is wearing an ill-fitting mandarin jacket.

As soon as he appeared, he stared at Tang Xuejian and Long Kui lustfully, his eyes glanced up and down, and his Adam's apple couldn't stop swallowing saliva.

"Who are you! Your face is as white as a ghost." Jingtian said unceremoniously and stood in front of the two women.

"I, Zhao Wuyan, am the evil influence of Paradise in the human world!" He raised his chin very proudly.

Chu Xin naturally knew about this pornographic plot. In the original play, just when he was about to assault the unconscious Tang Xuejian, Leizhou Commander Yun Ting happened to pass by and electrocuted Zhao Wuyan to a crisp.

"You are new here, so you may not know the dangers of Fengdu, but you are lucky enough to meet me," Zhao Wuyan said clearly, "I have many magic weapons to defend against ghosts and monsters. Are any of you interested?"

As he spoke, he glanced at Chu Xin on the ground in surprise, amazed that this group of people could be so arrogant and travel with an extraordinary-looking tiger cub! How majestic it would be to ride this tiger as a mount when it grows up and show off its power in Fengdu!

"Thank you, no need." Xu Changqing waved his hand, not wanting to waste time here.

"Hehe, do you two young ladies want to take a look?" Zhao Wuyan said and touched Long Kui's shoulder, "This ghost likes to find delicate girls, especially those as beautiful as you~"

"Hey! Don't touch my sister!" Jingtian pushed Zhao Wuyan away and left with his arms around Nightshade's shoulders.

"Hey~" Zhao Wuyan sneered, his eyes greedily sticking to the waist and hips of Solanum Solanum and Tang Xuejian, thinking about how to eat these two little beauties.

"Hiss!" He suddenly felt a stinging pain in his ankle, and when he lowered his head, he realized that it was Chu Xin who had caught it.

Just when he was about to curse, he was shocked to see Chu Xin spread out three pairs of wings and fly up, disappearing around the corner with Jingtian and the others.

"Then the beast can fly?"

Zhao Wuyan quickened his pace, wanting to go home and apply medicine to stop the bleeding.

But as soon as he walked into a deserted alley, he felt that his feet were missing and he fell flat on the ground.

"What bad luck!"

As he spoke, Zhao Wuyan looked down, his face suddenly changed, and he was so frightened that he could not speak.

Because he didn't fall because he tripped, but because his entire right calf disappeared!

To be more precise, it melted into a pool of sticky and disgusting yellow water!

Immediately afterwards, the poison completely broke out, and before Zhao Wuyan had time to roar, it melted from his feet to his head into a large puddle of broken bones and rotten flesh.

Chu Xin killed him because he didn't want to have any accidents in obtaining the Fire Spirit Pearl. Although this guy had zero combat power, he could freely enter the ghost world and the human world, so he would inevitably cause some changes.

What's more, Chu Xin sensed a trace of malicious thoughts towards him from Zhao Wuyan.

Therefore, he has a way to die! (End of chapter)

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