"The gate to Paradise will open in the early morning. We will take action then. Before that, everyone should rest first." Xu Changqing said.

At this moment, everyone is in the bedroom of an inn. When they open the window, they can see the back gate of Fengdu.

It's just that everyone avoids this door, and it's closed in broad daylight without any guards.

Because behind this door is not the way out of the city, but the shortcut to the paradise world!

"How will we get in then?" Maomao asked.

"There must be a road before the car reaches the mountain. There are no relevant records in Shushan. We can only take it one step at a time." Xu Changqing said plainly.

"Maomao, when the time comes, you, Nightshade, and Pig Po will stay at the inn and wait for us. Of course, Bai Doufu and I will do this kind of thing. Just wait for our triumphant return." Jingtian said with a stinking smile, But behind his actions was concern for his companions, and he didn't want them to be in danger with him.

"But Brother Five Poisons must come with us, right? You are so powerful. With the three of us joining forces, no matter what the Fire Ghost King or the Water Ghost King, they will all be killed!" Jingtian chuckled.

"I will go wherever my brother goes! You can't leave Nightshade behind again!" Nightshade immediately complained with a small mouth.

"No! You pighead, do you think I am a coward? My kung fu is no worse than yours!" Tang Xuejian also objected.

"You guys, hey! I just said women are troublesome, and I didn't even look at where it was. It's a paradise full of ghosts!" Jing Tian didn't bother to mention anything.

"I don't care, I will listen to the boss's arrangements." Maomao said while holding two steamed buns.

But now they didn't even have a way to enter, so it was useless to argue about who would go and who wouldn't. The fatigue from the long journey quickly invaded their bodies, and several of them fell asleep one after another to recharge their batteries for the night.

Chu Xin was also thinking about it, but in the end he decided to just force his way in and knock out a few ghost soldiers guarding the gate, so that the road would be unimpeded~

Sometimes overthinking is not a good thing. Why bother with thirty-six strategies when you can defeat ten problems at once?

In this way, as the sky gets darker and the sun and moon alternate, the already deserted streets become more and more dead. Except for a few candlelights through the windows, the whole city is dark and depressing. Fengdu is scary enough even if there are no ghosts.


Suddenly, a magic weapon on Xu Changqing's waist trembled.

He stood up immediately while practicing cross-legged, drew his sword neatly, and came to the window vigilantly.

Everyone was awakened by him. Seeing that Xu Changqing's face didn't look like he was joking, Jingtian also pulled out the magic sword, "What's wrong? Is the door open?"

Xu Changqing shook his head, "It's still half an hour before the door opens. There are demon spirits, and there are quite a lot of them!"

"Monster? Are they coming for us?" Jingtian was not afraid, but eager to try. Having learned some Shushan swordsmanship, he longed for an actual battle to conquer monsters.

"They should be coming for me." Chu Xin had already sensed it and stood still.

He guessed that it had something to do with the Blood Demon King, otherwise why would a large number of demon clans come here? After all, Xu Changqing, the great disciple of Shushan, had a notorious reputation among the demon clans, and few demon clans would take the initiative to die for no good reason. .

As for how to find yourself, it is not difficult to understand.

After all, the Blood Demon King is also a pyramid-level figure among the demon clan. He is in charge of the Blood Demon Realm and tens of thousands of demon clans. He must have many capable people and lofty ideals under his command. It is not difficult at all to use all the resources to follow the clues. The key is that Chu Xin and the protagonist group have never Deliberately concealing whereabouts and identity.

Chu Xin's psychology is easier to understand, that is, he wants to be hunted down and then stage a classic counterattack.

"The inn is surrounded, they are approaching," Xu Changqing showed a serious expression, "Brother Jing, protect Brother Maoshan and the others."

With that said, he looked at Chu Xin again and said seriously: "Brother Wu Du, no matter who they are looking for, you are one of us. Please let Chang Qing contribute your part."

He felt guilty for his previous trip to Tu Lingzhu, thinking that Chu Xin had shouldered all the burden, so he wanted to share it.

"Okay," Chu Xin replied, "They come with murderous intentions, so don't hold anything back."

Gradually, the sound of subtle footsteps reached my ears.

Stairs, rooftops, streets, neighboring buildings, etc., you can tell just by the sound that they are surrounded.

"Here we come!" Chu Xin shouted harshly.


In an instant, the demonic energy was released without concealment.

They all used long-range magic or long-range weapons towards the bedroom where Chu Xin and the others were.

For a moment, fire, explosions, dark winds and other spells blew the eaves away, and the deafening sound echoed in Fengdu City.

Under the moonlight, more than twenty demon tribes stood scattered on the tops of houses. They were all wearing uniform black night clothes, with murderous intent flashing in their eyes, showing extremely high professionalism.


When the dust cleared, the ruins were revealed on the second floor of the ruined inn.

But among the ruins, there stood an illusory and transparent golden bell. Xu Changqing was seen casting a spell with both hands, and what he cast was the Shushan defensive spell "Rock Golden Bell".

Jingtian and others are all in this bell, but Chu Xin is missing.

All the monster killers looked at each other and looked around for the main target.

Although the images of Chu Xin and Qing Ling Demon Realm are different, it is not difficult to distinguish them. After all, those demon clans who escaped were basically captured back to the Xue Zang Demon Realm. Through their descriptions, Chu Xin’s The appearance is crystal clear.


Suddenly, a human head flew into the sky.

"It's up there!" a monster killer yelled.

The next second, Chu Xin, who was hovering in the sky, shot out the corpse poison drill with all his strength, stabbing another unprepared demon clan through the heart.

In just a short moment, two companions were killed instantly. The extremely skilled killers immediately did not dare to underestimate them at all. They all used their demon power at full strength, and the weapons in their hands trembled.

"You two will deal with the ones below, and the rest, follow me to avenge the young master!" The killer commander who spoke was a banshee with a pair of green eyes. Judging from the charm of her figure, she was most likely a snake demon. , or a poisonous snake.

Chu Xin heard that her tone didn't sound like she was fake and angry, and he wondered if this female goblin had a close relationship with the son of the Blood Demon King?

His guess was correct. The snake demon and Luo Xiao were indeed lovers. Although Luo Xiao smoked and drank in private, the snake demon didn't care at all because she cared more about the identity of the young master's wife. But now that Luo Xiao is dead, the thigh she relies on is gone, and her status in the blood demon world has plummeted. Therefore, the snake demon plans to cut off Chu Xin's head with her own hands, take the lead, and be appreciated by the blood demon king. .

There were ten killers outflanking Xu Changqing and the others.

"That guy is suspected to be a Shushan Taoist priest, don't underestimate the enemy!"

"Don't worry, it's not like I haven't killed Shushan Taoist priests before."

Hearing their conversation, Xu Changqing's eyes immediately flashed with murderous intent, and he couldn't help but think back to those junior brothers who went out to practice but were never heard from again.

"Brother Jing, protect everyone."

Xu Changqing jumped out with his sword and fought the monsters with deadly moves, but several killers still circled behind and attacked Jingtian and others.

In such a situation, Jingtian had no choice but to wield the magic sword clumsily, and began his first real battle.

"Don't hurt my brother!"

A red light arrow hit the head of a killer who wanted to sneak attack Sedum. Nightshade turned red and joined the fierce battle.

With her action, the pressure here suddenly eased a lot.


Not far away, Xu Changqing threw up the long sword in his hand, and as he chanted the magic formula, it split into two, two into four, and in the blink of an eye it split into a dozen long swords filled with awe-inspiring righteousness.

"The art of sword control, the sword is like a long river!"

More than a dozen long swords crisscrossed each other and swarmed together, forming a clanging stream of swords that forced the seven monster killers to retreat. They could only defend in a helter-skelter manner, and there was no possibility of counterattack.

The strength of the great disciple of Shushan is clearly demonstrated!

As for the other side.

The killers who surrounded Chu Xin could no longer tell who was the hunter and the prey.

Because at this moment, due to the ferocity of Chu Xin, they were forced to launch a roundabout guerrilla strategy in Fengdu.

In short, they were chased by Chu Xin one by one, and they had no choice but to run around the city, taking advantage of the only advantage of having more people, and occasionally counterattacking.

A killer meets a ruthless gangster, a ruthless man meets a werewolf.

"Its spiritual power is limited, let's drag it to death!" the snake demon shouted.

But soon, her expression froze, and she looked at the poisonous mist released by Chu Xin in shock.

In this environment, they might be able to rely on demon power to resist the poisonous erosion, but if they wanted to continue fighting Chu Xin in a life-and-death fight, the difficulty would be much higher.

Chu Xin was not merciful, and immediately controlled the mysterious demon dart to harvest, and killed three or four other killers.


The snake demon pounced as fast as the wind and swung a long whip full of poison.

Behind her, two burly bear demons followed closely, using their killer moves one after another.

Chu Xin, whose dantian was filled with anger, retreated two meters to make room. Then his cheeks bulged as if inflated, and his big mouth full of sharp teeth opened.


Magic, tiger roar!

The deafening roar formed a spreading sound wave, and the three closest monsters flew backwards on the spot. Their clothes burst into pieces, and their fair and plump or dark and rough skin was also chapped with dense bloody holes.

But the snake demon was also a ruthless person. He forcibly stopped his body, put his toes on the rubble, and charged towards Chu Xin in waves again, spraying dark green venom from his mouth.

Chu Xin ignored the venom and faced him head-on. He swung his atomic battle ax with his right hand to cut off the whip, and grabbed the snake demon's neck with his left hand.


The long tail stabbed forward from the crotch, and the exoskeleton blade at the end inserted into the flat belly of the snake demon. After violently stirring at 180 degrees, the body with bulging eyes was thrown away.

After killing the snake demon, Chu Xin did not pause at all and continued to kill the other demon clan one by one.

The residents of Fengdu had long been frightened out of their wits. Through the ajar windows, they shivered and watched the inhuman bloody battle under the moonlight. The corpses were separated from time to time, cut off at the waist, and cut in half, which made them tremble with fear. I plan to move tomorrow. Whoever likes to live in this damn place will live there.


Suddenly, a continuous sound was heard.

The door to the paradise world has opened!

The time has come, and it’s time for the Hundred Ghosts to go out for fun.

No, the ghost soldier who opened the door was stunned when he raised his head. What's going on outside?

Bang bang bang!

Several ghost soldiers hurriedly dodged, and in the next moment, more than a dozen sword lights swept over, nailing the two demon clansmen to the heavy door.

The few demon clans that temporarily survived under Xu Changqing secretly knew something was wrong, so they rolled and crawled away towards the Paradise. When the ghost soldiers took a look at the murderous Xu Changqing behind them, they immediately trembled in shock.

At this time, groups of ghosts also teleported to the human world. Just as they were about to come out for air, they saw the scene outside. They were all frightened and turned around and ran away. The scene immediately became chaotic.


Chu Xin flashed past, "Sneak in now!"

"Smart! Really smart!" Jingtian praised, and together with Xu Changqing, he helped Tang Xuejian and the other three to cut off the queen.

In this way, people of all ethnic groups crowded around in a lively manner and were transported to the Paradise of Paradise during the Ghost Festival.

Watching Chu Xin and the others disappear, and the three remaining demon killers did not pursue them, they all breathed a sigh of relief.

"Unexpectedly, by some mistake, we managed to let them in."

"That beast is so fierce, and he is equipped with a high-level magic weapon. It seems that none of our attacks have penetrated his armor, right?"

"Everything is over. With the guardians and the Fire Ghost King sitting around, they can't escape!"


Chu Xin's eyes flashed, and the environment he was in was completely different.

The spiritual energy is thin and ghostly. It is obviously hot and unbearable, but it makes people feel chilly. There is strange red dust floating in the air, and there is a dull sound of water flowing in the distance.

The fellow ghosts all fled in all directions, and soon only Chu Xin and his party were left in place.

"What should we do next?" Jingtian asked.

"Take one step at a time and find the Fire Ghost King first." Xu Changqing said and looked at Chu Xin.

"It's useless to talk anymore, let's go." Chu Xin didn't have any corresponding countermeasures. After all, the appearance of the Blood Demon King killer had completely changed the original plot of the Fire Lingzhu.

After leaving the teleportation channel, there is an entire huge underground cave.

The rocks here are all mottled red, but without candlelight they are extremely bright, even bright enough to be a bit scorching.

"Holy crap! So the sound of water we heard just now is this lava river!" Jingtian lay on the fence in disbelief and looked down.

This is an elliptical ring-shaped corridor, surrounded by a fiery abyss in the middle. Streams of dark red magma flow from the gaps, converging into a falling lava waterfall. At the bottom of the abyss, there is a long river of rolling and boiling magma. Rushing towards the deeper underground world.

It can be seen that the paradise world is completely floating on the sea of ​​magma and fire!

"Something's wrong," Chu Xin looked around, "It seems that the ambush targeting us is not just outside."

It stands to reason that there should be many ghosts wandering in these corridors extending in all directions, as well as the casino in Elysium, but it was unusually quiet at this time, which clearly showed that there was a scam.

From this point of view, the Fire Ghost King may have reached a consensus with the Blood Demon King and set up an ambush first, waiting for them to fall into the trap.

Chu Xin narrowed his eyes slightly, this is really, really great!

"Wu Du, why do I feel that you seem to be happier?" Maomao bubbled up coldly.

"You feel wrong." Chu Xin replied calmly.

"Then what should we do next? How about going back first?" Tang Xuejian said.

"There are tigers in front and wolves in the back. We really need to take a long-term approach. We are taking a bit of a risk." Xu Changqing calmed down and felt that something was wrong.

"It's all here."

"It's all here."

Chu Xin and Jingtian said in unison. (End of chapter)

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