All Heavens: I haven’t been a human being since Storm Red

Chapter 337 Whoever killed my son will be broken into pieces and his bones will be scattered into as

The land of Shu stretches from west to north, across many high mountains and snowy ridges, and is a plateau where wind-blown grass and cattle and sheep are low.

The sky is clear, the sky is blue and the lake is clear. The snow-capped mountains stretching across the sky and the earth are endless in the distance. The air is full of holy atmosphere, and the fragrance of nature is blowing in the wind.

Although there are few people here, the Kunlun Sect, one of the giants of cultivating immortals, is located here. Although it is not as well-known and prestigious as the Shushan Immortal Sword Sect, and its members are secretive and do not care about worldly affairs, no one in the industry dares to ignore its status.

However, even so, the Blood Demon King's territory, the Blood Demon Realm, is still hidden somewhere here.

Go up a river valley, enter the dark and winding mountain gorge, go deep down the narrow roads extending in all directions, and follow the clear underground river, you will find "a village with dark flowers and bright flowers".

Countless caves connect with each other and converge into this unknown underground world.

The area is comparable to that of Yuzhou City, and the architectural style is wild and unrestrained. The main color is eerie blood red, and the luminous pearls blooming on the stone walls make this blood-hidden demon world inexplicably filled with the strange and strange painting style of the ancient oriental capital. .

In the deepest part of the demon world, a bloody demon tower stands majestically.

In the main hall at the top of the tower, a man looked gloomy and said nothing, his feminine features gradually being gripped by anger.

Everyone in the hall was silent. They were all the mainstays of the Blood Demon Realm, but no one dared to speak at this moment. The longer they stayed with the Blood Demon King, the more they understood how unreasonable this master was.

"You just said, what happened to my son?" The Blood Demon King raised his head and asked in a low voice.

"S-Sir, Young Master, he, he," the little demon in charge of the report hurriedly knelt on the ground, his whole body trembling, "he was killed by the thieves, and everyone in the Blood-devouring Sect, including Yan Tu, died in the Qingling Demon Realm."

"What happened?" The Blood Demon King asked again.

Then, Xiaoyao reported all the news sent back by the spies.

After hearing this, the Blood Demon King was silent for a long time. He stood up and said, "The destruction of the Qingling Demon Realm will be put on hold for the time being. We have to change our plan. We will go after that beast with all our strength. I will use all means to search and track them." His whereabouts and those related to him will be killed without mercy, and no one will be spared. They will all be buried with my son."

As he spoke, he waved his hand casually, and His Highness's little demon exploded into a ball of blood unexpectedly, then flew towards the blood demon king's palm and was sucked into his body.

"Whoever kills my son will break his body into thousands of pieces and crush his bones into ashes!"

The demons in the palace have become accustomed to this. In this Blood Demon Realm, the position responsible for the Blood Demon Tower's communication basically changes every week. After all, the cruel and cruel Blood Demon King never buries his grievances and anger in his heart. He usually vents them out on the spot and transfers them. Gone to someone else.

At the same time, they also felt pity for Chu Xin, because he was targeted by the Blood Demon King and was no different from a dead person.

As for why they felt pity rather than hatred, they were all glad that Chu Xin got rid of Luo Xiao, the second generation ancestor that everyone hated but dared not offend.

It can be seen that if the blood demon king was not really strong, the demons below would have risen up and ground their family of three into blood powder and soaked it in water to drink.

Peace Village.

Peace Inn.

"Five Poisons, fortunately you reminded me that Wan Yuzhi actually intercepted us halfway." Tang Xuejian said.

"Thanks to my bravery and skill in fighting, I was able to repel her!" Jingtian chirped, holding the magic sword in his hand.

"What! She just didn't find the Earth Spirit Bead with us, so she left voluntarily." Tang Xuejian exposed Jingtian's showoff.

"Don't believe what Mrs. Zhu said. She was obviously afraid of my bravery, which is why she ran away~" Jingtian patted Maomao's cheek and said nonsense seriously.

"I believe in you, boss!" Maomao smiled naively.

At this time, Nightshade suddenly noticed that a figure was missing, "Where did the Five Poisons go?"

Several people were stunned and glanced around the room.

"It appears and disappears day by day. The key is so powerful, there is nothing to worry about." Jingtian didn't take it to heart and said carelessly.

The backyard of the inn.

Chu Xin flapped his wings and flew over, looking at the two graceful women, "What do you want from me?"

Both women have beautiful faces and otherworldly temperaments. The aura around them is condensed and undisturbed, and they are restrained.

Of course Chu Xin recognized them. Just now, it was the woman in blue robe who sent him a spiritual message.

Her name is unknown, but she is known as the Holy Girl. She is a real member of the divine race. She came down from the divine world to specifically assist Nuwa's descendants and is not allowed to interfere in ordinary affairs that have nothing to do with it.

The other woman is wearing a luxurious purple dress. Her identity is Zixuan, the current descendant of Nuwa. She is also the person who has entangled with Xu Changqing III, and is responsible for benevolence to all people in the world.

"Do you have the Earth Spirit Pearl with you?" Zixuan asked straight to the point.

"Want to use it to treat Wan Yuzhi's husband?" Chu Xin pointed out directly.

"Now that you know everything, please borrow it for a while and return it after use." Saint Aunt said.

"How can I trust you?" Chu Xin was not someone who was easy to trick, so he immediately started to pull the strings.

"I believe you know our identities. We are not people who break our promises." Zixuan said.

She had promised Wan Yuzhi before, but as a descendant of Nuwa, she could not break her promise, so she begged the holy aunt for help. The holy aunt who had taken care of Zixuan softly agreed.

"Asking others for help is a matter of course." Chu Xin replied.

"I understand," Saint Aunt nodded, "You need payment."

"Smart." Chu Xin said.

"What do you want?" Zixuan raised her eyebrows. Not only was the appearance of the five poisonous beasts in front of her surprising her, but her sophisticated and shrewd attitude also made her stupefied.

"Agree to my request, but not now." Chu Xin said.

As soon as these words came out, the saint's brows suddenly frowned. She did not expect that Chu Xin would offer such a large or small reward. If he asked for something, it would be reassuring.

"Okay, I promise you, but it can't be arrogant and unreasonable." Zixuan said decisively.

Aunt Sheng wanted to say something, but in the end she sighed. It was Zixuan's fault after all, and there was nothing she could do about it.

Then, Chu Xin personally went with the two of them. The holy aunt used the earth spirit pearl to heal Wan Yuzhi's husband's injuries, and after using it, she returned it to Chu Xin as promised.

The next day.

The protagonist group who successfully obtained the Earth Spirit Pearl and solved the rebellion in An Ning Village embarked on an adventure again.

"Thanks to Brother Wudu this time, Changqing is really ashamed." Xu Changqing said from the bottom of his heart, feeling deeply guilty for his fishing.

"You still know! When I need you, you are nowhere to be seen! Bai Doufu, tell me honestly, where did you go to be cool last night~" Jingtian said with a playful smile as he held Xu Changqing's shoulders.

"Shushan disciples abide by the rules and will not live and drink like Brother Jing thought." Xu Changqing said seriously, but his mind unconsciously pictured Zixuan's face, and why he never forgot her despite having never met her before.

Chu Xin did not participate in their conversation, and glanced at the luggage Maomao was carrying.

The sealed box inside is the core of the mission of Jingtian and his party.

Many years ago, the demon clan wreaked havoc on the human world. The head of Shushan and several brothers used forbidden techniques to suppress the demons, but they also pulled out the evil thoughts from the hearts of several people. Unexpectedly, the evil thoughts grew stronger in the Demon Locking Tower and could Absorbing all the evil thoughts of all races in the world, anger, sorrow, sorrow, and fear are all the nutrients for its growth.

Only the Tianchi of the God Realm can purify it, so Jingtian, the reincarnated god general, and Xu Changqing, who has immortal bones, were chosen to escort it.

"We are going to the Paradise of Fengdu next, which is part of the ghost world. It is rumored that the Fire Spirit Pearl is controlled by the ruler of Paradise, the Fire Ghost King." Xu Changqing changed the topic.

"The book records that she is coquettish and beautiful, with a heart of snakes and scorpions, and all the ghosts in Paradise are loyal to her." Tang Xuejian looked through the books on Shushan.

"Fengdu is quite far from here, let's fly." Chu Xin said.

With Chu Xin's intervention, the scattered plot that was full of illogical logic and loopholes in the original play did not appear, and the group headed towards Fengdu smoothly.

On the way, they passed by Chang'an City, the capital of the dynasty, and at Chu Xin's suggestion, everyone stopped here to rest.

Chang'an City has always been a place that Maomao has longed for. They were extremely excited to play and watch in the bustling streets, deepening the friendship between each other and adding a touch of color to the tired and boring journey.

Chu Xin took advantage of this free time to practice the "Tiger Roar" and "Eagle Flash" he bought in the Qingling Demon Realm in the woods outside the city. He was very talented and could learn them in one go, mastering the key points very quickly.

The terrifying roar of a tiger that broke trees and shattered rocks caused panic in the city of Chang'an, and the emperor even sent out a tiger-slaying team to search.

And that night, there was another unexpected surprise, that is, Chu Xin successfully gave birth to the first fairy-level magic weapon that can cure all poisons in the world - the Five Poison Pearls! (End of chapter)

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