The Tomb of Heroes has appeared, and the Angel Ark is still hidden in the ocean behind the fleet. According to calculations, the dozen Tomahawk missiles came from 500 kilometers away.

However, the Generalissimo Zhao Shaoqing, who has been guarding the army all year round, considered his own morale, so he allowed the Tomb of Heroes to stand proudly at the highest point. Although it was a bit risky, many Xia soldiers suddenly felt their blood boiling, and their tired bodies and minds once again ignited the war. The most important thing is to have indestructible confidence. No matter how dangerous the front line is, the generalissimo representing the Xia Kingdom will always live and die with us.

"Still no trace of Asgard?" Zhao Shaoqing, who was nearly sixty years old, asked calmly.

"No, our spies said that most people in Angel Ark know nothing about Asgard's whereabouts." The subordinate replied.

"What kind of conspiracy are these treacherous white devils planning? They are unilaterally tearing up the peace agreement and going to war without declaring it. Their plans this time are not trivial. They tell the investigation team that they must report any troubles. Any information from the enemy must be reported." No dog can cross the national border." Marshal Zhao, who has a majestic face with the Chinese character for "国", is not an impulsive and irritable person. On the contrary, he is extremely steady in combat, and taking the overall situation into consideration is his code of conduct.

Whoosh whoosh!

Captain Samael, who was far away in Angel Ark, issued a general attack order. In an instant, the enemy's artillery lineup doubled.

There are not only various types of artillery shells launched by nearly a hundred mobile fortresses, but also Angel Ark’s Tomahawk missiles, Angel rockets, cloud bombs, incendiary bombs, poison gas bombs and other major killers.

"Turn on overload mode." Zhao Shaoqing said sharply.

"Don't mess up your position, they want to take the opportunity to land!" the frontline commander yelled.

Boom boom boom!

In an instant, the intensity of the war suddenly escalated, and the entire sky reverberated with the deafening sound of cannons.

Countless cannonballs were like a flock of wild geese that had lost their formation, flying randomly in the sky, either colliding and exploding in mid-air, or landing on the ground and randomly harvesting a bunch of heads.

Both the land and the sea turned into a sea of ​​flames. The sound of explosions seemed to be a never-ending background accompaniment, and the broken limbs flying everywhere were the musicians of death in the world.

And the commander was right. The enemy troops indeed accelerated towards the land. Taking advantage of the Xia army's allocated firepower, they moved the fastest and the fortress was only about 200 meters away from the coast.

In such a critical situation, Zhao Shaoqing could not sit still no matter how stable he was. He immediately ordered the Tomb of Heroes to use full firepower to attack those who attempted to land.

In fact, at present, the Angel Ark Fleet, which is the landing party, has suffered more losses. After all, they have no bunkers. Although they can travel amphibiously, their speed on the sea is ultimately limited, and each of them is no different from a living target.

If Angel Ark hadn't been stationed at the rear, the soldiers' mentality would have collapsed long ago.


Several cloud blast bombs from Angel Ark broke through the interception barrage and landed directly at the core of the defense line.


The air burned, brilliant fire clouds spread, and many soldiers were killed in a daze.

"Angel's Ark has been detected and requested to use ground-penetrating bombs to hit!"

"Apply for approval!"

Batch after batch of ground-penetrating bombs were sent out, but only one out of ten could actually get close to Angel Ark, and even fewer of them could hit. Even if they could hit, they would only cause some damage to the thickened Angel Ark. Insignificant skin trauma.

There is no way, the war is fought with manpower and financial resources, and a conventional close victory is destined to be piled up with corpses and bullet casings.

"Position No. 5 has been landed!"

"Position No. 2 has been breached!"

"All soldiers in position 13 have lost contact!"

"Many places along the coastline have been lost, and the enemy has begun to gradually land!"

"We are now retreating to the second ground defense line. We must hold on until reinforcements arrive!"

"That's it? The Angel Ark appears within the visible range of the naked eye!"

Buzz boom boom~

The terrifying engine roar of Angel Ark seemed to be equipped with the BGM of the stage, and the full sense of oppression overflowed directly.


The Heroic Soul Tomb charged down with considerable momentum, like a cannonball fired at Angel Ark at high speed.

At this moment, the soldiers on both sides of the enemy realized that an important battle to determine the situation on the front line was imminent.

At this point, Angel Ark is surrounded by mobile fortresses. Although half of them have been sunk at the bottom of the ocean, the number of more than fifty remaining ones cannot be underestimated, not to mention hundreds of amphibious tanks.

"Heroes Tomb, Zhao Shaoqing, I haven't seen you for a long time, so I will bury you." Samael, who was in his early sixties, smiled sinisterly, showing his sinister and cruel nature.

"Captain, is it as planned?" the adjutant asked.

"The original plan is just a cover, I don't have the patience to grind it out a little bit," Samael said coldly, "Just use the wrath of the Seraph!"

"Isn't this a bit hasty?" the adjutant asked in astonishment.

"You know what the heck, I'm just attacking by surprise. Why should I delay when the battle can end quickly? Do you have to wait until the reinforcements from King Chu and Xia come over to beat me like a son? Do you understand what Chi Zesheng changes!" Samael's series of rhetorical questions left the adjutant speechless.

"What the hell, after all, those old guys in Asgard are more despicable and shameless than me. The Wrath of Seraph has been an empty shell for many years. It's so ridiculous that the people of Xia don't even know it exists. Even this At such a critical moment, we are only given two chances to use it, and all the good things are installed on Asgard! Asgard has been upgraded several times, and it is as big as a tumor on the earth." Samai I look like a grumpy worker who complains about his boss.

The adjutant on the side kept his mouth shut, not daring to speak a word for fear of setting himself on fire. After all, the last adjutant retired after being scolded by Samael to become autistic. After returning, he also received psychological treatment for a long time. Finally, he committed suicide by swallowing a gun.

Hoo ho ho!

The attack on Heroic Soul Tomb is already on the way.

The two sides are currently like a chess game confronting each other. You come and I move, you retreat and I advance. The stalemate is extremely anxious.

War on land is like a ruthless meat grinder. When the army comes down from the mobile fortress, it is equivalent to stepping half a foot into hell. Many people are not even able to distinguish between east, west, north and west, and are blown to pieces by artillery fire.


Suddenly, the gorgeous top of the Angel Ark expanded, and a pair of dark golden metal wings rose. Each feather was exquisitely carved, and the whole body curved toward the middle, resembling angel wings.


A trace of golden electric current flowed and danced between the feathers, gradually converging into several thicker electric beams, and condensed into a white-gold trembling ball of light in the center of the wings.

When Zhao Shaoqing saw this scene, his pupils were shaking, "Everyone avoid it!"


The quantum weapon Seraph's Wrath is fired.

It is like a golden ribbon of electricity, connecting the Angel Ark to the Heroic Soul Tomb in the blink of an eye.

A few seconds later.


The entire Heroic Soul Tomb was torn into pieces and flying all over the sky under the eyes of countless soldiers.

The horrific explosion disintegrated the solid and huge city inch by inch in an instant, and the shock wave that immediately erupted left no bones left, and all the people in the city were killed.

"They actually used quantum weapons!"

"The core and longest-standing agreement between the two countries has been ignored. Does Asgard want to destroy the world again?"

"Damn it, the intelligence never mentioned that Angel Ark also has quantum weapons!"

"Marshal and the others~what should we do~"

The agreement the soldiers were talking about was not the armistice agreement a hundred years ago, but the "Quantum Weapons Prohibition Treaty" signed by Xia Gaozu and Asgard. In order for the world not to enter the next wasteland era, and for mankind not to be true to itself After playing, both sides are prohibited from using quantum weapons. If one party violates it, the other party does not need to follow it until the world becomes a scorched earth again.

Although the power of today's quantum weapons is very small, even a fraction of the ancient version, their lethality is still devastating. It is enough to prove that the Tomb of Heroes was instantly killed with one blow.

The act of Angel Ark was not as simple as destroying the morale of the Xia army. It was simply throwing nuclear bombs into the hearts of the soldiers, repeatedly crushing their blood, fighting spirit, and fighting spirit to pieces.

But despair gave birth to the final madness, just like the burning of the cauldron.

"Avenge the Generalissimo!"

"We must not let them penetrate deep into the plains behind!"

Facing the collapsed coastal defense line, Xia's army launched a desperate charge without hesitation.



At this time, dozens of super earth-penetrating bombs fell from the sky, bombing the Angel Ark, which was caught off guard.

"This is our land in Daxia, and any intruders will be killed without mercy!"

A powerful and murderous voice came from behind.

Subsequently, King Chu City, led by Prince Chu Yanhai, came into everyone's eyes. However, it did not advance blindly. Instead, it cleverly used the mountains as a cover to be prepared for the quantum weapons of Angel Ark at any time.

"Xia's officers and men listened to the order and immediately retreated to the Shushan defense line." Chu Yanhai issued the order.

at the same time.

Imperial capital.

Emperor Chu Xiuchuan stood alone in the attic of the palace, looking eastward without saying a word.

Just now, he learned the bad news about the destruction of Tomb of Heroes and the death of people.

The huge losses and defeats on the front line made him feel heavy. The death of Zhao Shaoqing, who he regarded as his teacher, made him even more sad.

"Yanhai, don't let anything happen to you. You must persist until the Imperial Capital's reinforcements arrive. City Lord Chu, I hope you can bring me some surprises."

The Xia Kingdom's quantum weapons are only available in the imperial capital. Neither the King's City of Chu nor Tomb of Heroes are equipped with them due to the agreement. Moreover, the quantum weapons consume a lot of money and are a big burden on the two cities. The maintenance costs during the peace years are particularly huge. .


Dark clouds filled the air, muffled thunder rolled, and evil winds gusted.

"Why is this weather getting weirder and weirder every time I look at it?" Chu Xiuchuan's heart was also filled with gloom.

"Your Majesty! Your Majesty!" Secretary Xiao Kai hurried over, "The meteorological department reported that an abnormal airflow group appeared over the imperial capital, which may cause an extreme natural disaster in a short period of time!"

"For example?" Chu Xiuchuan asked coldly.

"Tornados, thunderstorms, acid rain, etc.? The details still need to be calculated. In short, the Meteorological Department is already very busy. They can't figure out why these signs of disasters appear at the same time. Many disasters are contradictory to each other and are completely unscientific." Xiaokai replied.

"Is it such a coincidence? There have been no storms or earthquakes in the imperial capital for fifty years. Why did everything happen when the war started?" Chu Xiuchuan murmured to himself.

"But several ministers think it is not simple." Xiaokai said.

"If I remember correctly, seventy years ago, our country's Suhai mobile fortress was cruising in the open sea and sank inexplicably after encountering an extreme natural disaster. According to the black box sent back, tsunamis, hurricanes, thunderstorms, hail, and acid rain all occurred. Yes, due to the impact of thunderstorms, the reason for the sinking of the Suhai has been unknown." Chu Xiuchuan said meaningfully.

"You mean, the ancient weather weapon called riot?" Xiao Kai asked.

"Riot is what we call it. According to the information our intelligence department has received, Asgard does have a meteorological disaster weapon derived from ancient technology, named Loki." After Chu Xiuchuan finished speaking, a thick lightning flashed from the dark clouds. It fell, splitting the century-old cypress in the center of the imperial capital into black flames.

"Hiss~~~" Xiao Kai looked up and immediately got goosebumps all over his body.

I saw billowing dark clouds pressing over the city, and the surging clouds and mist were filled with dense lightning. As the heavy rain fell, thunderstorms came one after another, and hundreds of thunder pillars pierced the sky and fell from the sky.

In addition, distortions visible to the naked eye appeared in the space not far outside the city.

The air flow is surging and rotating at high speed, and a huge tornado is forming quickly!

"Your Majesty, come in quickly!" Xiao Kai pulled Chu Xiuchuan back into the room.

"This rain!" Chu Xiuchuan frowned.



Looking down at the imperial capital that instantly fell into panic, Chu Xiuchuan's delicate cheeks were filled with a murderous aura as cold as ice.

"The whole city is on alert, entering a state of war." He said to Xiao Kai.


The air-raid siren sounded, and people quickly hid in underground shelters under the command of the city defense army.

Boom~Boom bang bang~

The tornado has swept across the edge of the imperial capital, and the ancient buildings have been torn apart. Many residents and soldiers who were too late to evacuate were swallowed up by the strong wind.

In this extremely chaotic situation, the radar system of the Imperial City Security Department suddenly responded, and the red alarm sent chills to everyone present.

The security minister rushed to the window and crawled to the ground. He looked up at the sky as if the devil had descended and said in a trembling voice: "What on earth is going on~"

At this moment, not only him, but countless people stopped and raised their heads. Unspeakable fear exploded from their chests and coursed through their bodies along with their blood.

"What is that?" Xiao Kai groaned.

"Asgard." Chu Xiuchuan's pupils became like a frightened cat.

boom! Boom boom boom!

The sky above the head was no longer the familiar sky. A huge black shadow with a metallic luster broke away the heavy clouds and appeared undisguised in the eyes of the Xia people.

"The scan has been completed. It is roughly calculated that the length is about 8 kilometers, the width is about 5 kilometers, and the height is about 2.5 kilometers! Asgard is much larger than a hundred years ago. The most terrifying thing is that it has solved the problem of flight. It is unimaginable. Asgard flew over from the near-Earth universe! What on earth have those war maniacs been doing all these years?" The security minister couldn't stop shaking his hands. He thought he had neglected his duty and was unworthy of the emperor and the people.

"In the war of annihilation thousands of years ago, they had already established many underground facilities and material warehouses at their feet. Many of their technologies were complete, and there was no shortage of raw materials. According to historical records, no one expected that group of people at the time. A madman will launch a quantum weapon war. If the ancestors had not reacted quickly and decisively, the world today would have been completely controlled by Asgard." Another minister clenched his fists.

What he said is the main reason. Another point is that Asgard's development path over thousands of years is completely different from that of Xia Kingdom.

Xia State attached great importance to comprehensive advancement and invested heavily in population, economy, military and other aspects. It built a home for the people, built convenient transportation, and improved the living environment. They lived a serious life.

Asgard is completely the opposite. As Angel Ark Captain Samael said, almost all resources are spent on Asgard, without any regard for people's livelihood and public opinion, let alone building a complete social system. In short, all plans and actions, They are all preparing for the military domination of the world. (End of chapter)

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