All Heavens: I haven’t been a human being since Storm Red

Chapter 310 The wrath of the divine phoenix and the death of the angel

"City Lord Chu, according to the battle report from the front, our Tomb of Heroes was destroyed by the quantum weapons of Angel Ark, and the coastal defense line collapsed. Now King Chu City is leading the army to defend the Shushan defense line," Guan, who was traveling with him, said with great sadness, "Behind Shushan Mountain is the flat Tianfu Plain. , where there is Tianfu City, the most prosperous coastal city in the east."

Chu Xin never thought that today, thousands of years later, from Chenghua Avenue to Erxian Bridge, you can still see the sea, which is somewhat magical realism.

Next, he learned about the "Quantum Weapons Prohibition Treaty" from Guan Kou, and then listened to Guan's memories of Generalissimo Zhao Shaoqing. Unknowingly, he followed the Imperial Capital's reinforcements to the frontline battlefield where artillery fire was pouring.

It is a pity that even with the presence of King Chu City, the Xia army was unable to defend the Shushan defense line.

Because the sea reinforcements from Angel Ark arrived first, under the absolute firepower suppression caused by their numbers, the King of Chu City was also unable to defeat four forces with two fists, not to mention the evenly matched Angel Ark present.

Chu Yanhai had no choice but to lead his army back to the Tianfu Plain, which was as far as the eye could see. The two sides also completely entered into a situation where they would rather destroy the jade than destroy it. At the same time, they mobilized the long-range firepower of Tianfu City to attack the enemy.

As the first city on the eastern coast, Tianfu City is also the leader in military strength among the fixed cities of the Xia Kingdom. Due to geographical factors, it has a large reserve of weapons and ammunition, rich medical resources and solid technology, and its food reserves are also among the best.

In short, Tianfu City is positioned as a wartime reserve.


At this time, the King of Chu's city was stretched to the limit with the Angel Ark, and the King of Qin was performing a pillar-less dance around the pillars.

"The wear degree exceeds 90%. Replace the spare track."

"Keep this speed and focus on attacking the area where the enemy units' quantum weapons are located!"

"All the people in Tianfu City have been moved underground, and the Tianfu Guards have been dispatched."

"Smoke grenades have been dropped, and the Tianfu Air Force is focused on attacking the enemy's mobile fortress."

The war has entered a fever pitch, and the unobstructed terrain of the plains leaves no room for evasion and detours. Therefore, various types of non-lethal ammunition are put into use to create changing opportunities for the battle situation.

With the addition of the Tianfu Guards, the pressure on the Xia Kingdom has been reduced a lot, and an inseparable stage of balance has been formed with the Angel Ark Fleet, which is pressing down on the border. If Chu King City and Angel Ark do not win or lose for a long time, then Xia Guo's chance of winning will be 70%, because this is their home court after all, and with Tianfu City as a backup, the enemy will be dragged to death sooner or later.

But the key lies in the battle between the two kings.

The King of Chu City is 3 kilometers long and wide and about 1.2 kilometers high. It has full defense, maneuverability, and explosive performance. It is equipped with all kinds of artillery shells, radars and other auxiliary devices. It can be called the hexagonal God of War. Its architectural style is simple and domineering, and it is quite unique. The sadness of guarding an isolated city on the border.

Angel's Ark is 3.5 kilometers long, 2 kilometers wide, and about 1.1 kilometers high. As the first city under Asgard, its record is more impressive than that of its master. Although the master eats meat and soup, he is also fed in vain. Pang Pang is as good as King Chu City in all aspects, and its Tomahawk missiles are a nightmare for countless cities. Now with the quantum weapon Seraph's Wrath, even if it can only be fired once, as long as it hits, it can make the enemy even more powerful. The Chu King's city above and below disappeared into thin air.

So it’s back to the original starting point: quantum weapons.

This is also the reason why Chu Wangcheng and Angel Ark have been playing a game of chasing each other on the plain. Prince Chu Yanhai is very smart. He knows that once the quantum weapon is activated, it will continue to absorb energy, which directly leads to the weakness of Angel Ark's successors. At the extreme speed and It cannot match Chu King City in terms of explosive acceleration.

Chu Yanhai admitted that he was gambling, but for now there was no other way.

He didn't know how many times Angel Ark could fire the quantum weapon, but he was sure it would be no more than three times, so as long as Angel Ark missed once, it would be considered a profit.

If the Chu King's City was hit, the imperial capital's reinforcements would have arrived by then. Hearing that there was a super city called Phoenix City, he could pin his hopes on it. Although the origin of Phoenix City was unknown, he didn't know who the Lord of Chu City was. Who is this? But Chu Yanhai believed in his brother's judgment and choice.

Chu Yanhai and Chu Xiuchuan have similar looks, but the differences in eyebrows, mouth corners, hairstyle, and clothing make his painting style completely different. He has the character of a brave and capable military general. In addition, he has a height of 1.9 meters. Of course, with his burly physique, he was not ridiculously wearing a set of gold armor, nor was he carrying a sharp sword. Instead, he was wearing a starry sky camouflage military uniform. His tactical vest was filled with all kinds of ordnance. His hands were covered with thick calluses. The scarred neck showed that he was no armchair speaker.

"King Chu! Our reinforcements have arrived!" His subordinates shouted in surprise.

"Okay! Everyone is here, push forward counterattack!" Chu Yanhai roared with high fighting spirit. This roar contained grief and indignation for the tens of thousands of soldiers in the Heroic Soul Tomb.

In an instant, the Xia army's sudden burst of ferocity made the enemy stunned, startled, and trembled.

But soon, they also learned about the arrival of reinforcements from the Imperial Capital.

"Fake, sir, where did that mountain come from? Xia Guo is very good at hiding things. Such a big city has always been silent." Samael stared at the imperial reinforcements on the screen. , to be precise, Chu Xin is the most eye-catching among them.

Whoosh whoosh!

Before anyone arrives, the cannon goes first.

The mobile fortresses and rocket combat vehicles of the reinforcements invariably fired hundreds of artillery shells at the enemy positions.

"We can't delay. We must deal with King Chu City immediately. My intuition tells me that the city is extremely scary. If we are besieged, we will be in danger." Samael's intuition is quite sharp, and he immediately took the operating position of Seraph's Wrath himself. .

Suddenly, the battle not only became intense, but also took on an extremely urgent form. There was a sense of urgency as if the fuse of the explosive next door was about to burn out and you were still having sex in the toilet and couldn't extricate yourself.

"Who dares to take a step back? I'll see you in the military court! We will take down Tianfu City within today, and everyone here is a hero!" Samael did not forget to slap Carrot in the face in his desperation.

In fact, there was no need for him to remind the soldiers. Not to mention the severe and terrifying punishments in Asgard, they themselves were full of desire to conquer and plunder the Xia Kingdom. They longed for the Xia Kingdom's gorgeous palaces and cultural relics, and longed for the Xia Kingdom's gentleness as water. , a beautiful woman in a elegant dress, eager to do evil and do whatever she wants in the territory of Xia Kingdom. Since she is as humble as an ant in front of the master of Asgard, she must be a master above the slaves of Xia Kingdom!

Soldiers on both sides entered a state of excitement, fighting hard as if they were not aware of the pain. When the ammunition of the vehicle was exhausted, they would jump down and pour bullets. When the bullets were empty, they would pull out their daggers and fight hand-to-hand.

It seems that the process of war is being staged, from the initial aircraft and cannons to rifles and grenades, and finally cold weapons, to animal-like bare-handed combat.

Chu Xin was also surrounded and intercepted by more than a dozen mobile fortresses.

Bang bang bang!

These fortresses, which are more than a hundred meters high, are like babies that have just learned to walk in front of Chu Xin, spitting at him with all their strength.

Chu Xin didn't even bother to pay attention to this, and simply turned a blind eye and rolled over.

After a few "puff" sounds, they got stuck in Chu Xin's "foot soles" and couldn't be buckled off.

Chu Xindu had only one target, and that was the Angel Ark that was fighting in King Chu's city. Chu Xin was fascinated by its delicious appearance at a glance, and he couldn't wait to gnaw it up, skin and bones.

Suddenly, the equipment in his body detected a rapid increase in quantum energy, and at the same time he saw a golden current overflowing from the top of the back side of the Angel Ark.

Angel Ark is going to end King Chu City in one fell swoop!

Chu Xin quickly calculated the distance and found that he could not arrive in time to stop it.

"That's all, let me try the knife on you."


With a thought, all the "blood" in Chu Xin's body began to boil.

Because it is your own body, the activation of quantum weapons is very fast and efficient.

The phoenix statue in the main hall was quickly covered by a layer of red-gold electricity, as if it was covered in colorful fire clothes. Its burning eyes suddenly became alive, and the whole thing seemed to come alive.


Divine Phoenix is ​​angry!


A red golden beam of light burst out from the chest of the phoenix statue, carrying a scorching wave of flames and shooting straight.

Chu Xin, who was already full, immediately felt hungry, and the fuel tank was immediately reduced by one-third.

In the blink of an eye, the entire battlefield's attention was diverted to this. Due to the sudden incident, our own side had no time to be surprised, and the enemy also looked at a loss.

But Samael, who was the one being attacked, reacted very quickly.

He was so frightened that he pressed the launch button with a fierce look on his face.


The wrath of Seraph was shot at the high-speed moving King Chu City.

This moment was like a life-and-death sadomasochism.

The next second, a large piece of red gold exploded, and the divine phoenix hit the side of the angel's ark in anger.

In the strong impact, the Angel Ark was nearly overturned, and the Seraph's Wrath Rays were deflected as a result.


Chu Yanhai, who was already ready to sacrifice, violently adjusted the direction of King Chu City.

Immediately afterwards, everyone in the city heard the evil spirit's unwilling and angry roar coming from a distance and then being forgotten.

Hoo ho ho!

The wrath of Seraph passed by King Chu City and shot straight into Tianfu City in the rear.



Two earth-shattering explosions.

The Angel Ark, which has dominated the world for many years, turned into fireballs flying all over the sky.

Tianfu City’s landmark Panda Tower was torn apart, with debris scattered throughout the city.

"I seem to be much stronger than it, but luckily there are still some larger corpses." Adhering to the principle of taking advantage of the heat, Chu Xin rushed to the death place of Angel Ark and began to harvest the gradually falling wreckage, focusing on one Don't waste.

While everyone was still immersed in the violent aesthetics of quantum weapons, Chu Xin had already gulped down a meal.

Card text appears:

“When the divine phoenix is ​​angry, the angel dies;

Proficiency +5%, reaching 95%;

Earn rewards:

The length increases to 5000 meters, the width increases to 4500 meters, and the height increases to 1800 meters;

[Phoenix Nirvana] (There is a 1% probability of rebirth after death, and on the basis of rebirth, there is a 10% probability of transformation). "

Strictly speaking, there is only one reward. The increase in size is due to swallowing part of the body of Angel Ark.

"Hey~ these skills, 1% and 10%, are you trying to play luck with me?"

But no matter what, it's better than nothing. Don't pay special attention to this skill. It's best to pretend it doesn't exist. The more you pay attention to it, the less likely it is to be triggered. Once it takes effect when it's really needed, it's an unexpected surprise.

Speaking of the card [Phoenix City], Chu Xin initially regarded it as an entertainment card, an expansion card pack, and a collection card. There is a high probability that it will be rarely used in the future, and it may gradually disappear. All stuck.

But with the emergence of quantum weapons and [Phoenix Nirvana], [Phoenix City] has become an existence that cannot be ignored!

Quantum weapons sound fancy at first sight, and they also have a very high status in film and television novels. For example, the quantum body possessed by Dr. Manhattan in the DC universe makes it a seemingly omnipotent high-dimensional life that can walk in the timeline. Immortal. Chu Xin naturally knew that the quantum weapons controlled by Mobile City were not even superficial, but they were very suitable for integration with other cards with higher ceilings, which might create unexpected sparks.

Quantum Godzilla that shoots quantum rays?

Storm's red plasma cannon becomes a quantum beam cannon?

High-dimensional Ghidorah, four-dimensional energy body Rey, main god-level quantum Smaug?

Everything is unknown, but everything is possible!

As for the positioning of [Phoenix Nirvana], it is very simple. Bring [Phoenix City] with you whenever the cards are fused, which is equivalent to buying an insurance with a lot of effective rules. Whether it can take effect depends on God's will.



The Angel Ark has been destroyed. Although its army will not run away in panic, chaos is inevitable.

There are certainly deserters, but most people know that there is an ocean behind them, and the possibility of escaping is extremely low.

Faced with their firm determination, Chu Xin mercifully fired several waves of White Tiger rocket launchers and sent them to meet God.

Mosquito meat is also meat, not to mention plentiful.

When Chu Xin swallowed dozens of mobile fortresses, his proficiency level rose by 1% with difficulty.

"The enemy army has completely collapsed, but why didn't Asgard show up to help?" Chu Yanhai muttered to himself in surprise.

"Your Highness! Urgent report from the Imperial Capital!" A signal soldier shouted in horror.

at the same time.

Imperial capital.

There were thunder and wind, and the sky was dark and the earth was dark.

Asgard has descended from the sky, and who wouldn’t panic at its overwhelming size?

Even Chu Xiuchuan, who was calm and calm, felt uncertain as never before.

"As of now, the only thing left to do is launch Plan 0, Longyin City." Chu Xiuchuan said.

Several ministers hesitated for a moment, but did not suggest any other methods, and all agreed to Plan 0.

With the input of five identity verifications, including the emperor's, Xia's last trump card was revealed.


The ground shook, and those who didn't know it thought it was Asgard's fault.

Asgard, command room.

"An earthquake? Can our weather weapons cause this?" President Odin turned around and asked a group of technicians.

"Earthquakes are not included," someone answered.

"Huh? That would be interesting!" Odin stared at the screen with interest.

It's not that this middle-aged man is named Odin, but that every president has been named Odin, which is similar to the title of emperor.

"The heat is rising rapidly, and the fluctuations of the giant engine are detected. It is suspected of being a nuclear power engine. The inner city of the Imperial Palace is moving up and down... Fake, the entire palace is actually a mobile city buried underground!"

"Aren't these Orientals too insignificant? Such a huge mobile city has not been moved for thousands of years? Are you afraid that it will be covered in mud and you won't be able to get out?"

"The scan is complete. The length and width are about 4,000 meters, and the height is about 1,500 meters!"

"It seems that King Chu City is not the strongest city in Xia Kingdom. The family named Chu is too tolerant."


At this moment, a few dozen people in the entire imperial capital looked calm, while the rest were dumbfounded.

The north-south avenues of the imperial capital split open to the left and right, like an invisible blade cutting through mountains and seas, and abruptly expanded an upward slope.

Under this giant groove for Longyin City to travel, there are only thick rocks and no underground shelters. Otherwise, no matter how hard the shelter is, it will collapse under the hub of such a huge city.

Boom boom boom!

The mobile city named Longyin City drove out of the underground with the Xia Kingdom's palace, and finally saw the light of day again after thousands of years. (End of chapter)

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