As Chu Xin went deeper into the Xia Kingdom, he experienced firsthand what a snowflake-like urban distribution was. The further inside, the denser and more developed the towns became.

And the most central place is the city of faith of the people of Xia Kingdom - the Imperial Capital of Daxia.

There were almost no other mobile cities seen along the way. All towns were built on the ground. Even the army was rare. They were basically armored fighting vehicles and artillery vehicles. The larger ones were mobile fortresses about a hundred meters tall. Bailie Holy Military Kingdom's City of Angels is about the same size.

According to Guan, the Xia Kingdom gradually abandoned most residential or industrial mobile cities a hundred years ago, and the ones that remained were for military purposes.

Because the cost is so horribly high, there are huge demands for fuel, maintenance, etc., and the quantity is too large to support them. Once there is a shortage of materials in the city, it will inevitably lead to conflicts, which over time can endanger the foundation of the country.

The military's mobile cities are more like mobile war fortresses. They are similar to ancient aircraft carriers. They provide powerful fire suppression, carry troops and supplies, ensure soldiers' food, clothing, housing and transportation, and provide timely medical treatment.

Among the existing mobile cities in the Xia Kingdom, Prince Chu Yanhai's King Chu City and Grand Marshal Zhao Shaoqing's Tomb of Heroes are the most powerful, and their achievements from ancient times to the present are also very prominent.

The former is 3000 meters long and wide and about 1200 meters high; the latter is 2000 meters long and wide and about 1000 meters high.

"At the current speed, we can reach the Imperial Capital in an hour." Guan said.

"Someone has already come to pick us up." Chu Xin said.

When he forded a river, hundreds of fixed forts on the flat field opposite had already turned their guns. Elevated air defense towers like telegraph poles also aimed their close-in defense guns at Chu Xin. Below, there were thousands of The human army is waiting, grenades and rocket launchers ready to go.

There are at least two hundred fighters in the air, capable of conducting air-to-ground strikes at any time. They are all high-explosive ground-penetrating bombs specially designed to deal with moving cities.

In each formation, there is also a small mobile fortress. Chu Xin does not know the specific degree of firepower it can provide. However, with all weapons output at the same time, the Napoleon may not be able to withstand it, because Guan said that it was built with the imperial capital as the center of the circle. The defense line concentrated 40% of the entire Xia Kingdom's weapons and ammunition reserves, and possibly quantum weapons as trump cards. Chu Xin only faced a very small part.

Not to mention the Napoleon, even Chu Xin couldn't break in without any injuries.

Of course, Chu Xin, which was much larger than the capital of Chu King, also brought unparalleled visual shock to the soldiers of Xia Kingdom.

Moreover, the architectural style of Phoenix City is full of intimacy for Xia people. The more you immerse yourself in Chinese culture, the more you can experience the majesty, magnificence and beauty of Phoenix City.

In a mobile fortress in the rear area, Emperor Chu Xiuchuan came in person. He stretched out his upper body to see Chu Xin with his own eyes, and praised unconsciously: "It is truly a unique palace in the sky!"

"Your Majesty, now is not the time to appreciate." The long-haired male secretary wearing black-rimmed glasses reminded helplessly.

"Don't panic, don't be afraid. I still understand Guan's character. If City Lord Chu was really an enemy, he would have fought with him in Shan Kingdom. Why would he bring her back all the way to show off his beautiful wife to us?" Chu Xiuchuan looks pretty and fair. , a pair of squinting eyes make him elegant and kind. Although he has a slender body of 1.8 meters, he shows the gentleness and peace of a man and a woman.

"Your Majesty, and others, please don't use market words." The secretary whispered.

Chu Xiuchuan turned around and pointed at the high-ranking officials such as the Imperial Guard General, Daxia Defense Minister, and Imperial Security Minister, and said with a smile: "Xiao Kai, you are talking nonsense again. What do you mean by others? All of you here are me, Xia The pillars of the country are all one family!”

The expressions of several high-ranking officials did not change, and they had long been accustomed to their emperor's character.

"Oh, Your Majesty, you'd better pull your head back. If a stray bullet comes, it will be all over." Secretary Xiao Kai said again.

"You're right, I might get shot in the head," Chu Xiuchuan retracted, "Xiao Kai, get ready."

"What are you preparing for?" Xiao Kai asked.

"I want to meet the mysterious Lord Chu in person!" Chu Xiuchuan clapped his hands on his chest and said with a smile.

"Okay, I'll... wait, what did you just say!" Xiao Kai was anxious.

All the ministers could no longer sit still, and got off their chairs one after another, persuading each other.

"Chu City Lord has traveled thousands of miles to come to our Xia Kingdom's aid. As the Xia Kingdom's Emperor, shouldn't I see him in person out of courtesy and respect?" Chu Xiuchuan said with a smile.

"Even if it's a meeting, he should be the one to meet you." Xiao Kai raised his voice.

"Others come to help us with good intentions, but we still want others to bow down and obey us?" Chu Xiuchuan's face turned cold, "Besides, didn't I say it before? The emperor is just a title and a position, and all emperors have never been arrogant and arrogant because of it. , I am no exception, this is the rule set by Chu Xuan’s ancestors, don’t forget it!”

The people present trembled.

"But Your Majesty, no one knows whether Lord Chu is kind or not!" the security minister said worriedly.

"The battle is fierce on the front line, so there can't be any mistakes in the rear!" the city defense general followed.

"So we need to distinguish. Those who can bulldoze the European continent and subdue the people of the mountain country in a very short time are definitely not ordinary people. If I don't go, who of you will go? If we can't negotiate harmony and reach an agreement with the Chu City Lord, there will be chaos in the rear. ." After Chu Xiuchuan finished speaking, he said no more and strode out of the room.

The implication is that if Chu Xin is not well entertained, what if he gets into trouble?

The Minister of Defense thought for a moment and suddenly realized: "So that's it. Your Majesty has really thought everything through. It's just that the courage would be perfect if it were a little smaller."

Several people looked at each other and were all frightened, fearing that their emperor would die on Chu Xin.

"The emperor wants to see me?" Chu Xin was really surprised.

"Yes, His Majesty plans to see you in person and wants to discuss matters with you alone." Guan replied facing the closed door of the Phoenix Main Hall.

He was also secretly frightened, and at the same time he was pleased with his correct guess. Sure enough, he was right. It seemed that the Chu City Lord was indeed an extremely important relative of the emperor. Otherwise, the dignified Emperor Chu would have been eager to meet Chu Xin immediately. Meet?

Could it be~

Guan boldly deduced and felt that Chu Xin was probably the illegitimate son of the previous Emperor Chu, and half-brothers of the current Emperor and King of Chu. Due to secular ethics, they could not recognize each other openly, which was correct. It was because the former Emperor Chu felt indebted to Chu Xin that he gave the Phoenix City, which was full of ancient super technology, in the hope that Chu Xin could help Xia Guo when it was in trouble.

That's right!

That must be it!

Guan is undoubtedly a smart man, but he obviously fell into the embarrassing situation of being mistaken for his cleverness, and he acted out a drama of family ethics in his mind.

Of course, he was rational and did not say it out loud, but just thought about it in his heart, because he also understood that this was just an unfounded inference. I am afraid only the person involved knows the truth.


The elevator rose to the top floor, the door opened, and Chu Xiuchuan walked out accompanied by two elite guards.

"It's such an ingenious craftsmanship. Just a cursory visit made me forget to leave." Chu Xiuchuan praised repeatedly.

"See Your Majesty." Guan bowed and saluted.

In the Xia Kingdom, there was no need to kneel down when meeting officials or even the emperor, let alone fall to the ground. This was the rule set by Emperor Gaozu of Xia.

But if someone insists on kneeling or wants to kneel, there is nothing they can do.

"You really brought me a huge surprise," Chu Xiuchuan patted Guan on the shoulder, then said with a smile, "You all go down, I want to chat with City Lord Chu alone."

"Your Majesty?!" When the two guards heard this, their faces turned pale.

If their emperor dies, they will become the sinners of the Xia Kingdom.

However, the emperor's orders were overwhelming. The three of them entered the elevator, but only went to the lower floor to wait.

Chu Xiuchuan, on the other hand, was like a young man traveling around, with his hands behind his back as he leisurely said, "City Lord Chu, your Phoenix City is truly a miraculous craftsmanship. It is so exquisite that even the Emperor of the Xia Kingdom has to bow to it. The thought of driving such a creature into a war filled with artillery fire feels like a waste of resources."

"Emperor Chu, speak directly if you have anything to say." Chu Xin said straight to the point, as if he was skipping the plot of the game directly.

"City Lord Chu is a neat man, with the same personality as my brother," Chu Xiuchuan did not have the arrogance of the emperors in ancient TV series, "I will not mince words. I am grateful to you for your help in the mountain country. It is precisely because of you , broke Asgard’s plan to attack Xia Kingdom from both front and rear. Not only that, but you also unexpectedly provided personal support. I sincerely admire your excellent qualities.”

"Is Emperor Chu worried that I have other agendas?" Chu Xin made it clear.

"Exactly, you also know that this emperor's throne is not easy to sit on. I have to consider the people at all times, and I can't let Xia Kingdom's thousand-year foundation be lost in my hands. Please bear with me," Chu Xiuchuan said with a smile, "I'm not afraid of your jokes. At that time, neither my brother nor I wanted to be emperor, which made my dad half-dead angry. As a teenager, I just wanted to spend my life carelessly. Anyway, my family’s fortune was big enough for me to squander, but I really wanted to spend my whole life with Xia. The country has been ruined, and the ancestors of all generations cannot spare me."

"You can rest assured that my surname is Chu is not a lie, nor is it a lie that I have no intentions towards the Xia Kingdom. My goal is Angel Ark and Asgard. After all, I still have some connections with the Xia Kingdom." Chu Xin was indifferent. road.

We both speak Chinese, share Chinese surnames, and share Sinology. Although we are not in the same world and in the same era, Chu Xin will still give him two thumbs up, but if the other party is ignorant, don't blame him for turning against him.

"Seriously?" Emperor Chu asked half-jokingly.

"True, but the premise is that we are honest with each other." Chu Xin replied.

"In that case, I will help Brother Chu tonight!" Chu Xiuchuan said with a smile.

"There's no need to eat. We'll go directly to the front line." Chu Xin refused.

"Brother Chu is so anxious?" Chu Xiuchuan was very surprised.

"It's extremely urgent, we have to be anxious." Chu Xin said.

The main party has already started, but no one else has arrived yet. Can you not be in a hurry? Did you go late to drink the northwest wind?

"Brother Chu has made up his mind, so I won't say much more. You can go with the imperial army at three o'clock in the afternoon," Chu Xiuchuan said, touching his chin, "Brother Chu, don't you plan to come out for some air? I at least need to know that you What does it look like?"


The main hall door opens.

The projection walked out from behind the door and looked at Chu Xiuchuan a hundred meters away. The latter's slightly narrowed eyes couldn't help but open.

"Brother Chu, it's a pity that I don't have an older sister or younger sister. By the way, I have a distant cousin who is only eighteen years old and is very beautiful. Why don't you try it?" Chu Xiuchuan prides himself on being a handsome young man with a jade tree, but when he sees Chu Xinzhi At that time, for the first time in my life, I felt ashamed of myself.

"Is there any brother who harmed my cousin like you?" Chu Xin finally had an understanding of this Emperor Chu. He was the type of big monster with squinting eyes in Japanese comics. Fortunately, Chu Xiuchuan was not a cruel and greedy person, otherwise It was a disaster for the Xia Kingdom.

"Then let's make an agreement like this. A gentleman's words are hard to follow. If Brother Chu has any needs, just ask. The emperor will have your solid backing." Chu Xiuchuan clapped his hands.

"Help me fill up the gas," Chu Xin said.

Two hours later.

Chu Xin walked with the imperial army rushing to support the front line and rushed toward the Bashu Inland Sea in the east.

The basin that once sunk downward is now an arc-shaped inland sea that sunk westward.

Inland children who once wanted to see the sea could never imagine that thousands of years later, their doorstep would become the coast, and a massive landing battle would be staged.

Bang bang!

Boom boom boom!


Bang bang bang!

The loud noises of various artillery fire, firearms and steel collisions echoed in the sky, and every grain of gravel was trembling.

The endless coastline has been filled with blazing flames, diffuse smoke, and stumps flying everywhere. Even though it is in chaos, the camp and purpose are very clear. One defends and the other attacks. Those at sea want to land, but those on land refuse. .

Hundreds of military mobile fortresses were lined up on the sea, pouring artillery shells to the shore all the time. Countless fighter planes took off from behind the fortress to fight, and a large number of white-faced soldiers spread out in small ships. , expanding the frontline's combat scope, causing Xia's side to be passive, and manpower and material resources were rapidly consumed.

There is a huge turret every 100 meters along the coast. Howitzers are fired like crazy for free. Countless machine gun shells are spread all over the feet and piled up into mountains.


On the hillside behind, the mobile fortress fired missiles one after another, carrying out precise strikes on the mobile fortress on the sea.

On this extremely vast battlefield, before the enemy actually sets foot on land, the purpose of the soldiers is to operate instruments, turning them into scythes that take away the enemy's life.

In comparison, the super cities in Europe are just like playing house. The three major warlords, the Southern Chamber of Commerce, and the thugs and refugees are all just local chickens and dogs playing around.

"Ammunition is low, backup will follow!"

"The inventory is less than 30%. How long will it take for the Imperial Capital's support troops to arrive?"

"The enemy has broken through the last line of maritime defense and is expected to start landing in ten minutes!"

"Hold on, fight me to death!"

Due to the enemy's unexpected and long-planned surprise attack, the inland sea defense line was caught off guard, and the enemy broke through two sea defense lines in succession. Fortunately, the Xia army did not have idle men and relied on the remaining two lines of defense to persist. Now.


Suddenly, a continuous terrifying buzz came from the sea, like the deep roar of an abyssal beast.

"This engine sound~is Angel's Ark!" The expressions of everyone in the rear headquarters changed drastically, "No, defense!"

The next second, the billowing black smoke covering the sea was penetrated by more than a dozen streams of light, and then fell straight towards the mobile fortress on the hillside.

"It was the Tomahawk missile from Angel Ark that was hidden from our radar!"

"Everyone avoid!"


Swish, swish, swish!

Just when the missile selected and locked the attack target, hundreds of interceptor missiles rose from behind the mountain, suddenly rendering the mid-air with fire particle visual effects.


A giant mobile city two thousand meters long, one thousand meters high, and one thousand meters high drove into the sight of both the enemy and ourselves.

There are no pavilions and pavilions like the Phoenix City, and there is not even a little bit of superfluous equipment. There is only a crisp style and a brutal momentum. The rough but heroic ancient reliefs covering the city walls are the only decorations. The whole city looks like countless stone tablets standing there. The vast square with stone pillars is like a tomb where heroes are buried.

Rather than saying it is a mobile city, it is essentially a mobile multi-functional weapons launch platform, like a fortress-style aircraft carrier traveling on land.

This is the old city with the most abundant achievements in the Xia Kingdom, and the burial place that carries the immortal will of countless soldiers - Tomb of Heroes! (End of chapter)

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