All Heavens: I haven’t been a human being since Storm Red

Chapter 303 Green Dragon White Tiger Xuanwu Suzaku

Bang bang bang!

Deafening explosions resounded across the sky as sixty rockets and two hundred grenades collided at a height that seemed coincidental.

The heat wave airflow erupted from the explosion blew away the nearby artillery shells, causing the originally uniform formation to be disrupted. The artillery shells fell like flowers into the mountains and canyons, causing the earth to tremble.

Naturally, it was impossible to detonate all of them, and at least half of both sides fired at each other aggressively.

However, Stadt City was like a mighty general charging into battle, showing no signs of retreating at all, and kept shortening the distance between it and Chu Xin.

Heinz's idea was simple. His own howitzer was not suitable for long-distance shooting, and its coverage rate was too low. After all, he had seen Chu Xin's terrifying maneuverability, and he did not dare to waste ammunition any more.

"Compared to Paris, they are a bunch of tough guys."

Chu Xin gave him high praise, so he did not continue to dodge, but instead used full power to meet him.

This scene is full of inexplicable and fascinating romance.

The beautiful queen in neon clothes and the sturdy farm man rushed in both directions with enthusiasm and fearlessness. Above their heads, the dowry and betrothal gifts were being transported "rumblingly".


The rapid-firing, faster rocket launcher hit the city of Stadt first.

There are seven in one encounter. With the blessing of high-explosive armor-piercing warheads, the city of Stadt, which is much harder than Paris, cannot remain unscathed.

Accompanied by the sometimes dull and sometimes crisp sound of metal explosions, clearly visible depressions and craters appeared in all the bombarded parts of Stadt City, and many gun barrels were bent and broken by forceful explosions.

What surprised Chu Xin was that there were no anti-aircraft weapons in the city of Stadt, not to mention anti-aircraft missiles, not even close-in anti-aircraft guns. There were only a dozen machine guns standing there, firing until the barrels of the guns were red and hot.

Are they really foolhardy or do they rely on something?

Chu Xin didn't have time to think too much, because the dense howitzers had already arrived above his head.

Buzz! ! !

In an instant, four 1130 close-in defense guns poured out 30 mm caliber ammunition at a terrifying speed of 166 rounds per second.

This is a professional counterpart. This kind of thing has to be dealt with by close-range anti-guns. Even though the bullet casings are flying everywhere like popcorn, in fact, the response is calm and smooth, without any panic.

However, Chu Xin is too large. As more and more grenades fall, only four close-in defense guns are really stretched.


A cannon hit the Taotie Gate.


The grenade flew into the flames, and the whole body was gone.

The guy Chu Xin was eating didn't even have a single crack. At most, it was burned and scratched, leaving traces that would fall off easily.



But soon, fireworks bloomed all over Chu Xin.

The Meilanzhuju heavy machine gun is activated.

Blazing cannon activated.

It was like opening up endless firepower, and for a moment, the entire Chu Xin was enveloped in billowing waves of flames and smoke.

After the fire light dissipated, Chu Xin was also slightly damaged by the war, but unlike the black-on-black Stadt City, it exuded a sense of sadness after the treasures of heaven and earth were destroyed.

In the city of Stadt, technicians were analyzing the extent of the damage in an orderly manner, reporting one by one and quickly communicating it to the responsible departments, and maintenance workers were quickly put in place.

"City Lord, the first layer of armor has been penetrated in seventeen places, and the second layer of armor in five places has also suffered level 2 damage. Phoenix City's rockets are definitely not carrying ordinary warheads!"

"Fortunately the third layer of armor is safe and sound."

"Through image analysis, Phoenix Capital's outer armor was not seriously damaged. Their defense is no less than ours. The main reason is the lack of penetration of the howitzers."

"Except for the damage to the outer armor, we have no other faults and everything is normal."

"The ammunition depot is being called...the transportation department is sending additional manpower!"

After hearing a series of reports, Heinz stared at Chu Xin eagerly like a provoked beast, with an even stronger desire to conquer on his face.

He thought for a moment and said: "The ground troops will circle back to interfere and try to land in Phoenix City."

Soon, the huge hatch behind the city of Stadt opened, and at least a hundred vehicle units drove out, more than half of which were armored combat vehicles, two-person motorcycles with thick tires, and ten vehicles equipped with small howitzers. Armored truck.

Five hundred soldiers embarked on a road of narrow escape without hesitation.

And their actions must not be hidden from Chu Xin.

"King to king, general to general," Arthur said, "Lord of the city, let the city defense troops be dispatched."

"That's right, City Lord, we don't want to become useless people who just sit back and enjoy the gains!" Kelt also shouted.

"Go ahead," Chu Xin replied, "Has Zhong learned how to drive?"

"No problem." Arthur replied.

Ever since they were rewarded with those heavy-duty machines, Arthur and Kelt had no interest in playing games and spent all day in the training room.

A few minutes later, Chu Xin opened the side door, and the ground troops from Phoenix City also filed out in a mighty manner.

Just as Arthur said king against king, general against general, soldier against soldier, after the army of Stadt City discovered Arthur and others, they naturally changed their mission objectives and intercepted them as soon as possible to prevent their base camp from being threatened. .

"What are those things?"


"Why are those armored vehicles so similar to those in ancient weapons illustrations?"

"That's the tank in the museum!"

Surprise and suspicion turned into suspicion. They would never be merciful or indecisive in the face of the enemy, so they immediately launched a fierce offensive as soon as the distance got closer.


After a short rest, Stadt City no longer adopted the tough tactics just now, because they discovered that Chu Xin was not an ordinary person who could be taken away in one wave. If they continued to do so, they would only backfire on themselves and gain little benefit. After all, Heinz and the others are not lunatics or desperadoes, and they need to calculate gains and losses.

Declaring war on Chu Xin, firstly, they were worried that Chu Xin would really find the ammunition depot they had hidden, secondly, Anne had saved Heinz's late father, and thirdly, they were coveting the resources of Phoenix City. These are necessary.

Two of the three reasons are supported by rationality, and the remaining one involves family affection and kindness, which means that Heinz is not an absolutely heartless person.

But if the losses caused by this battle exceed the profits, then it is unnecessary. This is loss.

The weighing of pros and cons is reflected everywhere, not only in the thinking of Heinz alone, but also in the discussions and decisions of the Stadt think tank.


Bang bang!

The two cities were chasing each other, going back and forth, and saw shells flying all over the sky, and a series of explosions kept ringing.

Half an hour later, behind the fierce exchange of bombardments between the two sides was the increasingly empty ammunition depot, the increasingly overloaded launchers, and the increasingly tense nerves and tired bodies of the relevant personnel.

However, Chu Xin had none of the above problems.

The sun was shining brightly at this moment, providing him with a steady stream of solar energy, ensuring long-term operations.

On the other hand, in the city of Stadt, Heinz, who had always been calm and composed, was already sweating profusely!

"What the hell, how can Phoenix become more courageous as he fights? The number and firing frequency of those rockets are not in line with common sense~" He couldn't help but mutter to himself.

Due to the layers of armor stacked up in the city of Stadt, the weight is extremely high, which directly affects the fuel consumption. This nearly one-hour fierce battle has already consumed a week's worth of energy reserves.

If that's all, it doesn't matter.

The key is that Chu Xin's vitality and high morale are in sharp contrast to them, which is a huge setback to morale and confidence.

"We can't continue the stalemate," Heinz narrowed his eyes and said sternly, "Everything is wrong, we must fight quickly. There is a high probability that Phoenix City has mastered some kind of ancient super technology."

"City Lord, what do you mean?" The general was surprised.

"Prepare the Berlin artillery," Heinz said.

"But there is only one super grenade left. Do we really want to use it here?" the general persuaded.

"The Phoenix City defeated Paris, and it will definitely plunder all of Paris. Moreover, I want to know the secret of the Phoenix City's inexplicable growth. If we can master all the secrets of the Phoenix City, we might be the ones to unify Europe." Heinz calmly said expressed his ambition.

"Since the city lord has made up his mind, your will is the will of the entire Stadt!" The general performed a military salute and immediately went to personally handle the Berlin cannon.

"City Lord! The Phoenix suddenly accelerated and rushed towards us!"

"What are they going to do!"

"The artillery is loading, fall back, whatever they're going to do, avoid contact!"

However, the City of Stadt is so heavy and heavy that it is no match for Chu Xin in terms of speed. On this uneven and muddy road, Chu Xin’s tracks can run faster and have greater maneuverability than the giant tires of the City of Stadt. .

As a result, the two cities began the most intense desperate chase to date. No matter what geological landforms were under their feet, they were all crushed. They crossed swamps, climbed over mountains, and waded through rivers. Some small organizations and forces they encountered by chance were like frightened fish schools. Scattered in all directions.

Unconsciously, the environment for both parties changed from a wild jungle to a narrow canyon.

In terms of fighting time alone, Statt City exceeded Paris by a lot. If only the number of actual battles was counted, Paris was less than half of Statt City.

bass! ! !

Suddenly, Stadt City turned its gun around unprepared, not only blocking the front exit, but also facing Chu Xin.

A few seconds later, a cluster of sparks lit up in the main gun barrel surrounded by the cannons.

The next second, without any warning, what Heinz called the Berlin Cannon's trump card was sprayed out.


A super grenade comparable to a missile was like a torpedo flying in the sky, emitting a soul-stirring roar and drawing a straight line of death.

The streamlined lines carved on it form a picture scroll, which is actually a map of Berlin in the past.

All around, nearly fifty grenades served as cover.

there is always a solution to a problem.

Chu Xin completed precise calculations in an instant, and then corrected the direction and angle, focusing all his attention on one point.


The clear and beautiful sound of leaving the string.

The Wind-Breaking Ballista was fully charged and shot out a beam of cold silver-black light.

The armor-piercing arrow had the power to pierce clouds and crack rocks, and the sharp buzz it erupted immediately covered up the loud noise of the super grenade, playing a violent movement of high and low sounds.

When the armor-piercing arrow hit the front end of the super grenade, a textbook "point-breaking" effect occurred.


The tip of the arrow tore and penetrated the metal layer with great force, and penetrated straight into it with undiminished power.

This time it did not penetrate from the back like before, because the grenade exploded. After all, no matter how powerful the kinetic energy of the armor-piercing arrow was, it could not withstand the heat of the explosion, and was mixed with the fragments and shot out in all directions.

But this was enough to make the whole city of Stadt furious. The much-anticipated super trump card was actually canceled by an unknown iron rod. An indescribable resentment quickly accumulated in the chest and exploded.

"The matter has come to this, we have no way out," Heinz gritted his teeth, "The Phoenix City will definitely not let us go, so everyone, prepare to fight to the death!"

His current determination to fight to the death is completely different from that of General Benjamin of Paris. The former would rather die than surrender and live towards death, while the latter is a loser who is incompetent and furious. There is no need to say who is higher and who is lower.

Hoo ho ho!

In an instant, the city of Stadt was depleting its stock of grenades.

Heinz was betting that Chu Xin was also at the end of his war effort, and he was betting on the hard and thick three-layer armor of Stadt City.

It's a pity that everyone who fought with Chu Xin was wrong.

They should not use normal thinking to take chances, nor should they use their narrow cognition to place bets easily.

The close-in defense artillery continued to exert force, performing repetitive plot scenes. Occasionally, a grenade passed through the barrage and hit Chu Xin's back, but he ignored it without any pain or itching.


The Phoenix Feather Blade unfolded.

Pass by, Phoenix cuts!

The first layer of armor in Stadt City, which was already riddled with holes, was vulnerable to a single blow and directly damaged the second layer.


Suddenly, blazing fire burst out from the long crack.

Flames emerged from the nozzles at the ends of the feather blades, and the two phoenix feather blades instantly transformed into outstretched fire feathers, shining and dancing in the caress of the strong wind.

Before he could close the distance, Chu Xin used a move that caused Heinz to reverse the car with an unexpected ferocity.

Phoenix tail feathers bloom!

Because it was the main entrance and exit, for convenience, there were only two layers of armor at the rear of the city of Stadt, so it was easily penetrated.


It's not the whisper of a poisonous snake, but the phoenix tail feathers are spraying deadly poisonous gas into the interior of Stadt City!

"Toxic ingress detected!"

"Close the tail cabin valve quickly!"

"It's too late. There are more than a dozen damaged holes, and some are spreading along the pipes to the living area!"

"Fake! Fake! There is a high-heat alarm in the water-cooling pipe. Why is the fire on the left still getting bigger?"

In the blink of an eye, the city of Stadt was as busy as Christmas Eve before Christmas.

"City Lord, the ammunition depot is in crisis! There are only twenty level 2 grenades and three level 1 grenades left." Another piece of bad news for his subordinates made Heinz's heart sink into the abyss.

He couldn't understand why Chu Xin was so completely defeated when he clearly didn't have the means to decide the outcome. It could be said that he lost his wife and lost his troops. When the super grenade was fired, it just made a sound and farted. It still smells bad anyway.

Flames attacked the city of Stadt, and poisonous gas attacked the residents of the city of Stadt. However, Chu Xin continued to launch close attacks over and over again, only to see the black barrels being cut off one after another, and the first layer of armor was like a Papery, the second layer of armor is as brittle as a biscuit, and the third layer of armor struggles to hold on.

At this time, the ground troops in the distance saw that the base camp was in a dire and dangerous situation, and wanted to rush to help regardless of their own safety.

However, Arthur would not let go of such a good opportunity. He controlled the key plane and took the lead to pursue them.

"Stadt City, the defeat is certain," Simon said leisurely, "It is really shocking. The once arrogant super city has been defeated miserably one after another, just like the corpses of the aloof gods in mythology, separated and scattered on the streets."

What he said made Heinz feel deeply at this moment.


Chu Xin's phoenix feather blade cut through the hardest front of Stadt City.

Although it paid the price of chipping, gaps, and fractures, it successfully penetrated the third layer of armor, exposing the central control room where Heinz was located.

"City Lord, retreat quickly!" the general shouted.

"Evacuate? This is called the escape of a bereaved dog!" Heinz stood upright and calmly, his extremely complicated eyes looking deeply at Chu Xin across the gaps and gunfire.

"Fire, what are you waiting for?!" he roared in a low voice.

Hearing his roar, the retreating soldiers suddenly stopped and turned around to look at Chu Xin as if they were dead.

"It's really a bit of an ancestor's demeanor." Chu Xin gave him a very high evaluation.


Twenty rocket launchers were fired into it, and no one survived.

Their determination and will deserve the highest level of cremation.

When the news of Heinz's death spread throughout the city, all men, women, and children cried sadly and bitterly, as if they had lost their faith and spiritual sustenance.

Then, everyone either took the initiative or was forced to commit suicide, just like history reappearing.

after one day.

Chu Xin ended the devouring and digestion of another super city.

Card text appears:

"Defeat the city of howitzers, Stadt, and follow the logic of the plot. Keep up the good work;

Proficiency +7%, reaching 80%;

The number of gashapon draws +1, there are currently 7 times;

Earn rewards:

The height is increased to 1000 meters, the length is increased to 3000 meters, and the width is increased to 2000 meters;

The armor layer is strengthened and the defense power is greatly increased;

The upper limit of the core engine is increased, and the energy conversion efficiency is improved, which can speed up in a shorter period of time and reach a violent state of full concentration;

[Output Weapon·Stinger Air Defense Missile] has been strengthened into [Output Weapon·Suzaku Air Defense Missile System] (a total of 8 units, distributed in an orderly manner, fully automatic infrared radar aiming and shooting, with a range of 8 kilometers, consuming fuel to generate ammunition);

[Output Weapon·Katyusha Rocket Launcher] has been strengthened into [Output Weapon·White Tiger Rocket Launcher] (4 in total, located on the four sides of the main hall, which can raise all-round rotating rocket turrets. Each door can mount and launch up to 20 large-caliber rockets at a time. Rockets, with a maximum range of 50 kilometers, carry White Tiger armor-piercing warheads, no cooling time, but extremely fuel-consuming);

[Output Weapon·Broken Wind Ballista] has been strengthened into [Output Weapon·Blue Dragon Ballista] (1 in total, located on the edge of the square in front of the main hall, a giant cold soldier ballistae in the shape of a simple green dragon, which can fire a 100-meter super alloy Armor-piercing arrows, the maximum straight-line range is 10 kilometers, and it takes 1 hour to generate armor-piercing arrows);

Added [Output Weapon·Xuanwu Howitzer] (10 in total, 4 on the front and two on each of the other three sides, with a maximum range of 30 kilometers. After the explosion, it will release deadly poisonous gas, which can freeze and stagnate the blood of living creatures). "(End of chapter)

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