On the third day after Chu Xin arrived at the old Berlin site, the host finally came back to pick up the guests with enthusiasm.

Only when Chu Xin actually saw the real thing did he understand what the "city built on howitzers" was.

To be honest, this title is somewhat implicit. This city of Stadt is not a mobile city. It is just a mobile fort, right?

It is about 700 meters high, 2000 meters long and 1200 meters wide. It is similar in size to Chu Xin, but they have two completely different painting styles.

The whole body is black, the shape is rough and hard-core, and it is so serious that it looks like Vincent has revealed his true body. Except for the tire track at the bottom, all directions from the middle to the top are covered with huge black cannons of the same standard.

Just a rough calculation from the front alone shows that there are at least fifty doors!

The smallest muzzle can fit a human head into it, and the largest and most eye-catching main gun has a muzzle diameter of at least three meters. Good guy, your missile is nicknamed Grenade, right?

Due to its excessive focus on science, Stadt City has many disadvantages.

Heavy industry is developed, but light industry is backward, because the supporting facilities in the city are imperfect. After all, the predecessor only existed for war, and there was not much consideration at all.

Food and other aspects are even more dependent on external imports. Stadt City regularly purchases fruits and vegetables from the planting tycoons. They are also super anonymous big customers of the Southern Chamber of Commerce. Almost all types of daily necessities are wholesaled from the south. At this point, the city of Stadt can’t even see the taillights of Paris or London.

As for the strongest Napoleon, it is by no means a simple mobile military fortress. As early as many, many years ago, one of the far-sighted marshals completed a major reform, giving priority to the development of force, and then relying on force to plunder other cities. Materials and manpower were used to build various factories, gradually meeting residents' daily needs and achieving self-sufficiency without relying on others.

This also fulfills the old saying: "Others gather grain while I gather guns, and others are my granaries."


In the distance, the dull roar of Stadt's engines was like thunder in my ears.

It's not just a noise, but a frightening and murderous aura. It's like being alone in front of a heavy industrial factory, helpless and small under the steel-making pool hundreds of meters away. The slowly flowing red liquid metal seems to be the next step. It will pour down in seconds.

Facing such a war machine, even capable men like Arthur and Simon would subconsciously feel nervous.

At this moment, the residents of Phoenix City were all excited + nervous + frightened + joyful + expectant. Their moods were extremely complicated, and every one of them had their hands trembling.

"Stop hanging there, hurry up and tie yourself up in the safe house." Achim shouted.

They had experienced the Battle of Paris, but they were deeply touched. When they were tightly restrained, most of them were shaken and vomited, and their brains were almost shaken.

"There is no record of Paris fighting against the city of Stadt. City Lord, let me come up to assist you in the battle!" Arthur volunteered to fulfill his duties as a general.

"No, you organize the residents and see who has not arrived at the safe house." Chu Xin replied.

"Okay." Arthur obeyed the order without persistence.

It was not that he was angry, but that he had confidence in Chu Xin. He was in Paris at the time and had a deep understanding of Chu Xin's bravery and good fighting skills.

Compared to the tranquility of Phoenix City, Stadt City was much noisier, and every resident was busy preparing for the upcoming war.

As one of the two major military fortress-like super cities in Europe, all citizens of Stadt City, both men and women, are soldiers. When they reach an age, they must perform military service. Once a war breaks out, they are immediately armed.

For example, at this moment, there are three or four people on duty behind each howitzer, just waiting for an order to fire thousands of guns. Important facilities such as cooling centers, main engine rooms, and ammunition warehouses have dispatched professional and technical employees to strictly guard duty to ensure that they can Check for leaks and repair them immediately.

Minors and elderly residents are all placed in shelters and are not allowed to run around like in Paris.

In short, the city of Stadt entered a state of war with extremely high efficiency, confronting Chu Xin thousands of meters apart.

"Is that the rumored Phoenix City?" Heinz, the mayor of Stadt City, asked doubtfully, "Didn't it say it's more than three hundred meters? Why is it almost the same height as us?"

"Three hundred meters is the version from some time ago." A colonel replied.

"Haha~ can this version be updated?" Heinz snorted coldly, but did not show any timidity or hesitation. He still had firm eyes and high fighting spirit.

He waved his right hand forward, "Fire!"

As if the words were spoken, in an instant, at least twenty howitzers shuddered, and the hot smoke and flames sent the shells that died heroically to the honorable guillotine.


Chu Xin responded calmly, and while moving at high speed, heavy machine guns and blazing cannons poured out firepower. The terrifying sound waves were layered, and all he could hear was the buzzing that severely damaged the eardrums.

Although it is not as fast as the close-in defense artillery, it is superior in number. In the blink of an eye, a dense barrage interception network is formed in mid-air within three thousand meters.

Boom boom boom!

The sky was suddenly filled with rolling waves of fire, like brilliant flaming clouds.

Whoosh whoosh!

Three grenades successfully passed through the barrage, but missed Chu Xin. They landed one by one on the mountains and plains behind, blasting three deep craters and throwing up dust and gravel.

But this was just a meeting ceremony in the city of Stadt. As Heinz issued the order for a full-scale attack, beams of hot steam surged out from this city of howitzers, which meant that tens of thousands of people were struggling at their posts. Pay and officially enter a state of war.


The city of Stadt also moved, like a big iron box covered in darkness and hung with long sticks. It made a lot of noise when it moved, and dust filled the sky.

In the next second, about fifty grenades of the smallest type were fired. Chu Xin's movement trajectory was anticipated and a large area was covered in advance. The advance route of Stadt City was also planned to always provide the best opportunity for howitzer launches. Angle and height.

It can be seen that from the city lord Heinz to the generals and soldiers, their military quality far exceeds that of Paris.

There is no doubt about this, even Arthur is convinced by it.

Facing the rain of artillery overhead, Chu Xin quickly retracted the tracks and drifted to the limit. The embossed tires rubbed deep and wide ravines on the ground. At the same time, the nail lotus on the front shot out and nailed into the thick mountain rock.

With the help of inertia, he staged a monkey tree swing, abruptly changed the route of high-speed driving, and also avoided the intensive bombardment.


This scene left Heinz and others confused.

Because the reaction speed is so fast, in order to complete this move, countless drivers need to repeat training day after day, and the brain, eyes, and hands must be in synchronization, and there must be no delay at all.

"Is that city alive?" Heinz couldn't help but ask.

But they didn't have time to continue thinking. After all, Chu Xin was not an honest person who just waited for death. His counterattack had already begun.

For the super city, Stinger missiles and cannons are not painful, so the Katyusha rocket launcher is directly used!




Without any hesitation, the three-door Katyusha sent sixty rockets carrying high-explosive armor-piercing warheads into the sky.

"Don't retreat, fire with all your strength! Get on top!"

In an instant, Heinz finally understood why Paris was defeated. His blood suddenly boiled, and the long-lost excitement rushed into his brain.

Boom boom boom——

More than a hundred howitzers leaped out regardless of their safety.

As Stadt changed its position, the gun barrels on the other sides also fired about a hundred grenades.

Appeared, a howitzer phalanx that made other super cities fearful!

At the same time, London was not idle either.

Not externally, but internally.

Da da da~

Mayor Magnus walked into the huge church at the top of the city angrily. He looked around in disbelief. His upper and lower lips were trembling but he couldn't say anything. His brain was still receiving and digesting the images conveyed by his eyes.

A large number of pipes and wires fill the interior walls, squeezing London's energy from all directions and supplying it to the central sci-fi-style installation.

A group of scientific researchers in white coats were concentrating on their work. They only raised their eyebrows at the arrival of the mayor and did not pay due respect.

It's not that I'm addicted to it, but that I have another master.

"Valentin, what are these!" Magnus yelled angrily, obviously unaware of everything here.

Of course, he just didn't know what Valentin was hiding from him, but Magnus, as the mayor, still knew the device in front of him.

Because it has been mentioned again and again in history books, and it has warned future generations countless times that this is the devil who will destroy the world, and they must not repeat the same mistakes.

And it is the quantum energy weapon from the two superpowers that destroyed ancient civilizations and the world - Medusa!

Although this is a miniature and crude version, the lethality it can unleash cannot be underestimated.

Magnus couldn't help but feel chills running down his spine. He was a dignified mayor, but the most powerful official below had actually done such a frightening feat without telling him.

"Valentin, do you know what you are doing? You want to go back to the self-destructive path of the ancients!" Magnus took a deep breath, obviously opposed to this move. After all, the mayor is comfortable, why bother? Take the initiative to stir up trouble and become the target of public criticism.

Valentine, who stood in front of the computer with the chairman scientist, raised his chin and replied proudly: "Of course I know! But as long as we have it, we will no longer be afraid of Stadt City, Napoleon, and that bullshit Phoenix City." We don’t need to be afraid of broken copper and iron, or even the Angel’s Ark across the sea! Breaking through the steel city wall of Shan Kingdom is no problem.”

"Mountain Kingdom?" Magnus was stunned and suddenly realized, "Your goal is Mountain Kingdom?"

"Yes, according to reliable information, the city of Stadt is already at war with Phoenix. From the moment Paris was destroyed, the situation in Europe was destined to be broken," Valentin said loudly and vigorously, "We If we take advantage of this wave of chaos and attack the mountain country unexpectedly, we can not only devour their resources, but also expand our territory further east and expand our hunting grounds!"

"I would actually trust you, an out-and-out lunatic. You want to assemble the device to restore Medusa. It won't take three to five years. How many years have you been hiding your wolfish ambitions!" Magnus cursed tremblingly.

"From the moment I deeply realized that power is the only truth in the world," Valentine pointed at Magnus, "And you, my Lord Mayor, what is your choice? Support me, or go against me?"

"Don't forget, I am the mayor of London," Magnus yelled, "Come here, arrest him, shut down Medusa, and send the operating system to my office!"

However, no one responded for a long time, and all the soldiers following him remained motionless.

At this moment, Magnus felt as if he were facing an abyss, and his heart felt cold.

"Did you bribe them?" he said dejectedly.

"Who would choose an old man who is content with the status quo and has half his foot in the grave? Everyone wants to live a better life, so the only way is to follow my footsteps and control the most powerful force in the world." Wa Lundin showed some impatience.

"If I hadn't taken you in back then, you would be nothing." Magnus mocked.

"You only focus on the past. You should open your eyes and see me now and the world in the future." Valentine said, taking out a silver pistol and pulling the trigger decisively.

Bang bang bang!

A dozen bullets found their own bullet holes in Magnus's body in the blink of an eye.

This is a microflush pistol.

Magnus fell straight to the ground without another word.

At this point, the civil unrest in London ended with a dull beginning and a peaceful end.

"It is announced to the public that the mayor died of myocardial infarction, and I will serve as acting mayor for the time being." Valentine calmly wiped the blood splattered on his hands with a handkerchief.

He stopped glancing at Magnus, turned around and picked up a steam-wind landline phone connected to a computer from the table.

After a few minutes, it was connected.

"I have completely taken control of London. You are right, that old guy Magnus is really uncooperative and insists on sticking to the rules." Valentine said coldly.

"It's expected. With your method, it's easy to deal with Magnus. How is Medusa repaired?" the other end chuckled.

"The progress is 98%, but due to insufficient conditions, Medusa still has many flaws." Valentine replied.

"It's okay. As long as it can blast through the city wall of Shanguo, it's enough. We can continue research and development in the future." The mood on the other end was very stable.

"How are you doing over there? When are we going to get together?" Valentine asked impatiently.

"Come on, wait for my news." The other end replied.

Morrow put down the phone and stood upright in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, holding hot black tea and overlooking the plain.

As far as the eye can see, many mobile vehicles and small towns are stubbornly resisting in front of the Napoleon, and finally have to surrender to the power.

Ten minutes later, the adjutant came quickly and said, "Marshal, all the remnants of Gabriel's Holy Army have been conquered. The remnants of the Blood Mang Army and the Woodpecker Armed Forces have also taken the initiative to surrender in recent days. Even without the main city and leader, the remnants of these three forces will remain. The combat power and quality are also impressive, and as you said, he is very suitable as cannon fodder."

"I don't know how the battle is going over there~" Morrow said.

"Paris is weakening day by day, and the army is singing and singing every night. Although it is unexpected to be defeated by the Phoenix City, it is reasonable," the adjutant analyzed, "But the city of Stadt is different. It is a military city built for war. Fortress and Phoenix both want to win, but the probability is less than 30%." (End of Chapter)

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