All Heavens: I haven’t been a human being since Storm Red

Chapter 304 Adding chaos to chaos, creating chaos

In the city of Stadt, the whole city was killed, no one was spared.

Both Arthur and Simon admired this feat from the bottom of their hearts.

As for the rewards brought by devouring the city of Stadt, the rewards were unsurprisingly focused on weapons. This directly strengthened the four cannons into names with a Chinese mythological style such as Qinglong, White Tiger, Xuanwu, and Suzaku. Their respective Performance has also been greatly improved.

Of course, not only the names, but also their styles are consistent. They are all lifelike animal-shaped sculptures full of divine power. Metal, jade, and rocks are interlaced and overlapped to form a national treasure-level work of art.

Chu Xin was very satisfied with this. He should say it or not, but the sparrow eats the cricket.

"Then there are still London and the Napoleon. In South America, there is also America's Angel Ark. However, the earth is so big and the information in the wasteland is very limited. There must be other super cities or forces." The volume just ended The swollen Chu Xin thought about it.

Although they had seen it once, Arthur and the others were still amazed and shocked by it. What was even more surprising was Chu Xin's current huge size.

A full thousand meters high!

Three thousand meters long and two thousand meters wide, the visual impact is extremely huge and intense.

At this moment, everyone fully realized how terrifying Chu Xin's growth and plasticity was. If he kept preying on other cities smoothly, wouldn't he be able to become a city that reaches the sky one day?

Chu Xin didn't think so much. After experiencing the storm, he was calm and was tinkering with the gashapon machine.

Click, extract.

Number of times - 1

Guaranteed cumulative +1, now 6

A gashapon rolled out and opened automatically, revealing a set of miniature mechanical devices.

"[Amphibious Aquatic System] (After being installed in Phoenix City, it can become an amphibious mobile city, capable of crossing the ocean, with super power and stability)"

A single draw is enough. Chu Xin does not plan to invest too much additional cost in Phoenix City. After all, it can grow steadily by preying on other cities.

"How are you doing?" Chu Xin asked Arthur.

"Zero was killed, and a dozen brothers were slightly injured, but Dr. Wu is already treating them, so it's nothing serious," Arthur replied. "I'm shocked by the ancient people's obsession with weapons. Those people named Chong The three-dimensional mecha is really powerful, and it has simply changed my understanding of the concept of combat."

"Ancient armored vehicles and tanks are no worse than today's tanks, and their overall quality is even better. The production materials and operating systems are exceptionally perfect," Kelt said.

"Let's go, it's time to count the captured trophies. It's really a city of Stadt. Do they eat bullets for three meals a day?" Arthur patted Celtic on the shoulder and went to work.

At this time, everyone was busy sorting out a lot of debris, a large amount of hard bread with no taste or taste, relatively clean water, black or gray standard clothes, and a terrifying amount of firearms and ammunition. Apart from these, what? Daily necessities and personal entertainment are all kept simple. Even the bedroom of City Lord Heinz is extremely simple, with a table, bed and bookcase, an ancient map hanging on the wall, and an ancient flag that was once considered a sin.

There is no doubt that it is in sharp contrast to the dignitaries in Paris. Seeing Arthur and other soldiers have mixed feelings, lamenting why people are so different.


Suddenly, the soldiers on duty at the top of the mountain sounded the alarm.

Everyone reacted quickly, those with guns grabbed their guns, and those with dodges dodged.

I saw a red dot on the horizon that was rapidly expanding. As the distance approached, the sound of an engine could be heard.

It was a red steam plane. Its shape was very consistent with the steampunk style, and it was suitable for use as a picture in a high school history textbook.

"Do you need to fight it down?" Kelt asked sideways.

"The city lord didn't give the order, which means it's not necessary." Arthur replied.

The reason why Chu Xin didn't move was because he saw the pilot's face clearly.

We know each other, but we don't know each other.

She was a fierce-looking Asian woman, with angular cheeks comparable to those of a man, a pair of narrow eyes with a cold light, and a red coat that showed her temperament in some way. She must be the kind of person who accepts others. Attractive role.

Her surname is Fang and her first name is Anna. She is from Shanguo. She is also the leader of the anti-traction alliance and is the person who has been offered huge bounties by major super cities.

Buzz buzz~

The plane landed calmly in an open space, as if Chu Xin was sure that Chu Xin would not shoot her.

She jumped down with her long legs in leather pants, took off her sunglasses with one hand, and glanced around with cool eyes.

And Kelt had already led the soldiers over and surrounded her.

Anna Fang raised her hands without any panic, as if she was still chewing gum in her mouth, "Don't be impulsive, I'm looking for someone."

"Fang? What are you doing here?" Arthur asked, not in a good tone. After all, the Anti-Traction Alliance was against mobile cities, and Phoenix City was also in this category.

"Hey, didn't I say, if something happens, find someone." Anna Fang replied calmly.

At this time, the female doctor Wu Tana shouted in surprise: "Fang!"

Behind, Simon and others also came.

Obviously, they all know Fang Anna. In fact, a few years ago, he persuaded the Guigu Society to settle in the Mountain Country, but Simon refused because he wanted to find, collect, and protect the ancient cultural relics that were wandering in the wasteland in Europe. Only when he really sets foot on this land, can he Only by following the traces of time can we explore history.

And Anna Fang also knew the kindness and purity of the Guigu Society, and did not regard them as enemies. Instead, she became friends with Wu Tana, who was also a strong woman.

"It seems that everything is fine with you and you are living a pretty good life. Tsk, these are not the howitzer tanks from Stadt City. I am 100% sure that the news circulating is true." Fang Anna and Wu Tana After a deep hug, he raised his head and looked up at the towering Chu Xin.

Even though she lived in a mountainous country built on mountains with beautiful scenery, she was struck by the Phoenix City from the bottom of her heart at this moment. She opened her mouth at a loss for words, her brain unable to pick out the right words to praise.

"Phoenix City, does it come from the East?" Fang Anna asked doubtfully, "Shan Country also has many such oriental cultural elements. According to Guan, it originated from the great civilization established by our ancestors, called Huaxia."

Wu Tana shook her head, "I don't know either. The city lord never mentioned it. Mr. Simon asked about it but got no answer. By the way, what is the reason for your coming?"

"I want to meet your city lord. His name is Chu Xin, right?" Fang Anna stated her purpose simply.

"Who means that?" Simon interjected.

"After Victor returned, he praised City Lord Chu over and over again in front of Guan. Coupled with Phoenix City's recent outstanding achievements, Guan thought it was necessary to get in touch with City Lord Chu." Fang Anna said frankly without hiding anything.

Ten minutes later, she arrived at the main palace square at the top of Phoenix City as if visiting a museum or art gallery.

Chu Xin's virtual projection has been waiting here for a long time. He is wearing a white robe with gold trim and is bathed in the bright sunshine. There is no trace of the projection.

Including Fang Anna, Simon, Arthur and others, everyone thought this was Chu Xin himself.

Next, Fang Anna relayed Guan Tuo's words to Chu Xin word for word.

Chu Xin also understood the meaning of the words, that is, Shan Guo was willing to conclude a friendly alliance with him and establish a relationship of peace and mutual assistance; Shan Guo supported Chu Xin in unifying Europe and establishing a stable country, and was also willing to provide military assistance at critical times. Of course, Shan Guo supported Chu Xin in unifying Europe and establishing a stable country. , and vice versa.

There is no doubt that this is a major event that will determine the future direction, so Fang Anna, one of the Shan Kingdom's generals, was sent to negotiate.

"Okay." Chu Xin said calmly.

"If there are any needs we can discuss, we...wait, what did you just say? Okay?" Fang Anna was stunned and asked.

In the opinion of Fang Anna and Guan, Chu Xin would most likely give it serious consideration and give an answer after discussion at the meeting, and even make some requests. However, it was unexpected that the answer was so clear and concise at this moment. Could it be that the Chu City Lord did not hear what he said at all~

Seeing the suspicion and surprise on her face, Chu Xin said again: "What I mean is that we can form an alliance."

Anna Fang smiled in surprise and joy: "I thought you would think about it."

"Who doesn't want to have a strong ally?" Chu Xin also smiled.

In fact, the reason behind it is lamentable: the mountain country has no predation value. Apart from a few cannons on the city wall, there are dozens of aircraft. Behind the wall are layers of buildings, which is really without nutrition.

"You're all here, Doctor Wu, just take Ms. Fang around and entertain her." Chu Xin waved his hand and motioned for everyone to leave.

When descending in the glass elevator, Fang Anna asked: "You, the city lord, have always been so easy-going? In Buddhist terms, you are looking down on everything, everything is empty, and your mood is too stable."

Wu Tana smiled and shrugged, "Yes, I have always felt that regarding the matter of unifying the European continent, the city lord is just casually playing a very real game, and as long as he overlooks the world, everything has my aura. Once infected, you won’t feel any fear or panic.”

She lowered her voice and laughed: "To be honest, I used to regard the city lord as a template for finding men, but now I find that he is more suitable to be enshrined in a temple."

"Ahem~" Simon coughed a few times.

"What kind of person is the city lord?" Arthur said to himself.

Everyone looked at each other, no one knew how to describe it.

Later, Anna Fang did not go back in a hurry, but took a closer look, had a meal and had afternoon tea.


Towards dusk, the alarm on the top of the mountain sounded again.

Another aircraft approached from far away, but Chu Xin still didn't shoot it.

"It's George's plane!" Fang Anna recognized it through the telescope, "No, why did he get here? Did something happen?"

Soon, everyone saw a young man jumping down in a hurry and shouting loudly: "Fang! Fang! I saw London and the Napoleon together in the sky, heading towards the mountain country quickly!"

The two super cities that had kept their distance from each other came together uncharacteristically. As the saying goes, they worked together in collusion, which definitely meant that they had evil intentions towards Shanguo.

"What do they want to rely on to attack Shanguo?" Arthur couldn't help asking.

"I don't know the details, but Moreau and Magnus are not fools. If they dare, they must have something to rely on!" Fang Anna ran to her plane resolutely, "We must rush back first to inform everyone and make arrangements in advance. Defense deployment.”

The two set off immediately, leaving everyone with their hearts pounding.

"Chaos is adding to chaos, and the whole continent has become a mess." Achim said with a twitching face, not sure if he was excited or nervous or frightened and worried.

"One move affects the whole body. This is the butterfly effect proposed by the ancients. The city lord's destruction of Paris was the trigger, exposing many conflicts that had been suppressed to the sun, and thus getting out of control." Simon Wenjue typical.

The mountain country is an indelible knot in the hearts of super cities. They want to break through the wall and go from the barren continent that they plundered to the mysterious and unknown but suspected rich east. These bandits never let go of their ridiculous and ridiculous arrogance. , leaving the European continent unchanged for thousands of years. Now, the bandits have finally taken action against the East, and they look as unruly and ugly as their ancestors.

"City Lord?" Arthur shouted.

"Everyone returns to the city and sets off immediately." Chu Xin said.

He was also very curious about what was on the other side of the wall.

The Bashu Inland Sea was somewhat attractive to him, who was born in Sichuan in his previous life.

Night has come.

The clouds and mist covered the stars and the moon, and the wilderness was dim and lightless.

In the distance, the border-like mountains stretch as far as the eye can see, with their silvery snowtops glowing under the light of the broken moon.

This is the plateau area.

There is another notorious nickname: the city cemetery!

A large number of mobile towns collapsed into scrap metal and were swallowed up by weeds, all the way to the far end, a pass between two huge mountains.

There, the 1,800-meter-high steel city wall blocked the opening tightly, like an important part connecting two building blocks.

The city wall is not solid, but is divided into large and small rooms layer by layer, mainly warehouses and dormitories for soldiers and management. Against the backdrop of indoor lights, it forms an extremely cold and windy inner night scene.

On the city wall, nearly twenty cannons were aimed at the outside world in unison. They were the executioners who executed countless moving cities.

Across the city wall, you will reach the mountain country.

The city wall on the other side is the backing on which many buildings can stand stably. It radiates outward from top to bottom, forming a unique urban construction style, combined with diverse buildings with ethnic characteristics and natural scenery lined with trees and flowers. , Victor’s praise of the mountain country was not exaggerated.

People strolled leisurely on the streets, and even though it was already night, the vendors were still setting up their stalls with a smile.

There was joyful laughter in the tavern, and different languages ​​could be heard.

Street bands deliver beautiful tunes to every household. There are all kinds of national instruments such as morinouqin, erhu, violin, guzheng, jamunie, guitar, dulcimer, veena, sitar, nagna drum, etc., and the people who play them are also of various colors. s hair.

In the east, clear rivers flow through vast grasslands, cattle and sheep leisurely enjoy the green grass at night, snow-capped mountains rise endlessly, and eagles fly over to hunt hares, showing full of vitality and the harsh environment of the European wasteland. The world is completely different, but it is due to the countless years of patient cultivation in Shanguo that it has achieved its current prosperity.

This is the multi-ethnic integrated alliance country - Shanguo.


The original peace and beauty came to an abrupt end as the ground trembled.


Heart-rending police sirens rang throughout the city.

People looked up in horror and found that Shanguo had actually dispatched all its flying units, fully loaded with ammunition and suspended in mid-air ready to go, and there were soldiers standing behind every cannon on the city wall.

This means enemy attack!

Looking at the formation, the enemy is coming with great force. (End of chapter)

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