Between the two bare stone mountains, there was a buzz of people.

This is the temporary camp in the south, where all departments and personnel currently in the south are gathered.

Since fleeing in embarrassment during the Battle of the Valley, Jabari ordered the tyrant to keep wandering around and not stay in one place for a long time to avoid being caught by Chu Xin.

Just arrived here this morning, all departments and teams have joined the tyrant to prepare for a meeting to discuss many plans for the future of the south.

"Boss, there are new marks in the southwest, and there is a very faint smell of gunpowder in the air. There may be something happening nearby. If you want to take a look, you might be able to get a bargain." The investigators returned to report.

"It's a bargain, rest for one night and then leave. You can't stay here for long." Jabari stood by the tyrant's terrace and looked around. "Old Peter said that when they came over, they saw a large group of people dressed in luxurious clothes being killed. They are all corpses, and I don’t know the specific circumstances. Anyway, I don’t feel good.”

"Are you being too cautious?" The subordinates muttered, obviously a little dissatisfied. Mainly because they were used to being arrogant, but during this time they were shrinking like monkeys. Many people had their opinions.

"Careful sailing, you little bastards, have you forgotten the fate of the three major warlords so quickly?" Jabari scolded with a headache, communicating with these wasteland gangsters who have no culture, education, quality and brains. , It’s really playing the piano to a cow.

But such a small character must be raised, otherwise you can't take the lead in a fight, right?

"Why are you so restless tonight~ I guess it's because I've been too nervous recently. Damn it, those girls in Crazy Horse Town actually took the opportunity to seize power. Just take it. They stopped doing business. What are you talking about about women's human rights in this wasteland? ? Ever since the commotion in Phoenix City, the trend in Europe has changed. Sure enough, we still need to develop force. Fortunately, I have fully upgraded the tyrant a long time ago. Even if I meet Phoenix City, I still have the strength to fight, but I won’t. It’s a good deal…”

When there was no one around, Jabari would mutter to himself. When he was nervous or worried, he would talk to himself like a lunatic. Firstly, he could relieve his worries, and secondly, he could find some subjective things in the language that he did not pay attention to. Fragmented information.

Suddenly, an outrageous thought came to Jabari's mind uncontrollably and sent shivers down his spine.

"Could the remnants of the battle here have something to do with the Phoenix? Is it preparing to give me a fatal blow in the dark?" He straightened his back suddenly and looked around with a tight face.

Because this idea was so horrifying and unfounded, he felt that his nerves were sensitive and he fell into a negative state of being shaken by the wind and the cranes, and everything was in danger. Being surrounded by the Phoenix City had a deep psychological shadow.

"Europe is such a big place, and the chance of a chance encounter is lower than finding true love in Crazy Horse Town. It's better to go down and have a few drinks." Jabari patted his cheek hard, with a stern look in his eyes, "Damn it, all my elite from the south are here. On the contrary, I hope it will come and die!"

Just when he turned around, he vaguely caught a glimpse of "little lotus showing its sharp corners" out of the corner of his eye. While he was stunned, the sharp corners under the setting sun quickly turned into rushing mountains.

Too far away and with the direct sunlight, all you can see is a huge black outline.

"It's a super city! Everyone retreat!"

Jabari, who was yelling and going downstairs, looked through the window again.

However, at this glance, Jabari's mentality exploded on the spot, and a fire of fear mixed with anger instantly burned throughout his body.

"Which super city is that? Why haven't I seen it before?" Someone who was not in the valley at the time asked in confusion.

"Stop the ink, turn up the power to the maximum!" Jabari's trilling roar blasted through the speakers.

But soon, his voice was covered up by the sound of gunfire that resounded throughout the world.

Bang bang bang!

In order to ensure the sleep quality of everyone in the south, Chu Xin directly entertained Katyusha, and twenty rockets streaked across the sky.

As the distance approached, countless cannon bullets were saturating the area. The 50mm caliber ammunition could no longer be called bullets, and the picture of them flying around was similar to a dense mass of small artillery shells.


Seeing this ferocious battle, even those who commit Hun will be terrified.

"Boss, is that really the Phoenix City? Why has it grown so big? Isn't this outrageous!" A pilot shouted in horror from the Tyrant central control room.

"The architectural style, the phoenix, and the momentum are unmistakable." Jabari came to the weapon position in person, "Turn on the horsepower to the maximum!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Katyusha came down with a BGM that was more silent than loud.

Bang bang bang!

In an instant, whether it was an armored fighting vehicle or a mobile town, they were all covered in flames and holes.

The one who was trying to fight back the charge one second was torn apart peacefully the next, ending his life of sin.

In the blink of an eye, only a pitiful third of the huge team in the south was left, and many people who were drinking and playing cards had no time to get up, and their bodies were penetrated by shrapnel.

"It's big, let's go to Ghost Canyon," Jabari took two deep breaths and calmed down a lot, "drop all the shattering mines."

Hua Hua Hua~

A large number of sharp iron lumps that looked like metal garbage poured out from the tail warehouses of the Tyrant and several mobile towns, paving the road that Chu Xin was going to take.

When Chu Xin's tracks rolled up, these weapons called explosive thunders immediately exploded in a series of violent explosions after receiving force.

This weapon has a long history in the wasteland. It is a cheap bomb specially designed to target the tracks, tires and chassis of mobile vehicles. Of course, there are only a few organizations that can use hundreds or thousands of them at once and are not as small as Tyrant.

As for Super City, they simply don't bother using this escape weapon.

Bang bang bang!

Chu Xin felt like he was stepping on a road full of dropped cannons, and the soles of his feet kept crackling.

If I have to say whether it has any effect on him, it might be able to help him remove the gravel stuck in the gaps in the tracks. Other than that, it is just sparks and lightning all the way.


When the distance was close, Chu Xin launched the three eagle claws from the front without hesitation. After precise arc judgment, he grabbed the three mobile towns at once.


Two nail lotuses spurted out like arrows from the string, piercing directly through the back of the tyrant's neck. The lotus petals bloomed, completely stuck, and harvested several fresh soul rings at the same time.

"Fight back quickly and break the hook!" Jabari yelled.

Unfortunately, no matter what kind of hot or cold weapons they are, they cannot cause any substantial damage to the nail lotus.

At this moment, Jabari was chilled to his bones. He deeply realized what it means to "see each other again no longer the same as before." He also understood that a tyrant with only 100 meters can never defeat a 700-meter phoenix. There is an insurmountable gap between them.

"How did it get so big?" Jabari couldn't figure it out and couldn't accept it.


Suddenly, Chu Xin suddenly accelerated the recovery speed.

The hooks that quickly tightened and straightened were like rebounding yo-yos. The four towns then hung in the air and then fell, bumping repeatedly on the ground, and finally hung completely suspended again.

The inside was completely topsy-turvy, with people and objects flying up and down, left and right, as if they were weightless, and then fell heavily, lying on the wall covered in bruises and wailing.

In just this wave, nearly a hundred people died in the south.

"We can't give up. It's not until the last moment. I will never accept my fate!" Jabari limped up, picked up a parachute bag, and kicked open the iron door.


The strong wind rushed in, already two hundred meters above the ground, and the Taotie Gate opened widely in front of him, and the billowing heat waves distorted the air and hit Jabari in the face.

He gritted his teeth and jumped down with determination to fight to the death.

The biting wind was like a knife cutting his face, as if it symbolized his troubled future, destined to be difficult and dangerous.


He landed firmly on the tyrant's high-speed rotating sawtooth mechanical arm, and was stirred into a spray of blood.

A generation of wasteland business giants disappeared into thin air.

The men who were about to jump stood back, but in this daze, they could no longer see the blue sky and white clouds.

There was no suspense about the fate of the tyrant and the three towns. They were all sent into a super crusher like greed and gluttony by Chu Xin.

Card text appears:

“It’s truly an evenly matched and hearty extreme hunt!

Proficiency +3%, reaching 73%;

Earn rewards:

[Random doubling card] (can double the strength of a certain term of a certain skill in the 'Phoenix City', completely random, regardless of whether it is kryptonian or not, it has nothing to do with the system). "

"Is this reward a waste of money?" Chu Xin used it directly.


Suddenly, all the skills of the Phoenix City appeared in the mind in the form of a list, and they were flipped up and down quickly, like a fruit gambling machine.

After a few seconds, it stopped abruptly.

"Doubling up."

"Existing [Katyusha Rocket Launcher] × 3"

"The newly added equipment completely replicates the original equipment, and all data are the same."

"Please choose where to place the other two rocket launchers."

Before Chu Xin could respond, four lines of text were displayed in a blur.

So, he placed them on his shoulders, one on the left and the other on the right.

"Brother Jia, you are really my lucky star." Chu Xin thought to himself.

Suddenly, an idea came to his mind. Instead of aimlessly looking for super cities, he might as well deliberately release his news and let them come to his door.

As Victor and his party traveled further and further and met more and more people, the story of the fall of Paris and the rise of the Phoenix spread rapidly through their vivid descriptions.

This is not a trivial matter worth mentioning. If Chu Xin's elimination of the three major warlords and the defeat of the southern tyrant were considered nuclear bombs, then Paris was completely defeated in one day, and even the nobles including Anne were not spared. , it was undoubtedly a Star Destroyer Cannon that exploded everyone’s brains.

For a time, everyone was discussing the mysterious and powerful Phoenix City.

What made people talk about it even more was the goal of Chu Xin's actions - to unify the European continent!

This means that Paris is just the beginning, and the Napoleon, London and Stadt are all on the Phoenix City's hunting list.

You must know that these are all kings who have been rampant in Europe for thousands of years. Countless forces have paid the price of their lives without overturning the laws of predation set by them.

Super cities are mountains on everyone's shoulders. As long as they are still there, everyone will be just a domestic animal lingering on the European continent.

However, one ordinary morning, Paris was gone.

People suddenly realized that a new round of turmoil in Europe had quietly begun.

Some people are ready to take action, some are wise enough to protect themselves, and some are fishing in troubled waters.


Mayor's Office.

The elderly mayor Magnus looked sullen, "Anne and Benjamin were still too arrogant and underestimated the enemy, and they were killed by an unknown city. What's ridiculous is that Paris has lost the face of our entire continent, and it was actually because of this." Challenge all super cities?”

Valentine, a high-ranking official in London with one person less than ten thousand people, said: "My Lord Mayor, Paris is already the weakest among several cities, and without qualified leaders, it will become history sooner or later. We don't have to do it because of some Rumors put you in a passive situation.”

"Hmph, I didn't expect that there would be a lot of trouble here, and there weren't as many prey as I imagined," the mayor said with some dissatisfaction. "We shouldn't have crossed the continental bridge to get here in the first place. England's resources are enough for us to continue living for a long time. And now, London's fuel is almost at the bottom! Valentine, if you can't come up with a good solution, don't blame me for not missing the old relationship. You must remember that I single-handedly promoted you. Without me, you What qualifications do you have to stand at the highest point in London? Don’t let me down!”

"Mayor, please rest assured that the chaos caused by the Phoenix City is also an excellent opportunity." Valentine replied in a neither humble nor arrogant manner, his lowered eyes filled with a ghost-like gloom.


Marshal Moreau, who was only sixty years old, sat in a chair and listened to the adjutant's report. He drank hot tea in sips and curled his sleeves, just like an uncle listening to the Asahi News broadcast.

"There is information about the coordinates of Phoenix City, but the authenticity is not clear yet," the adjutant asked, "Should we take action?"

"We have more important things," Morrow put down the empty cup, "Don't worry, there will be someone to find out about Phoenix City for us."

"You mean the city of Stadt?" the adjutant asked again.

"Heinz once owed Anne a favor that he had to repay, and I see that the coordinates of the rumored Phoenix City are within the scope of activities of Stadt City." Moreau stood up and stretched, revealing a tough face Cheeks, and a tall and strong figure.

North latitude 52°31`, east longitude 13°2`.

This place was once called Berlin.

A vast green ocean.

The remaining traces of the city are vaguely visible, indicating that the glorious and splendid ancient civilization did exist, rather than the bedtime stories used by the old to coax the younger ones.

This is also the coordinate spread by Chu Xin.

The choice of this place was deliberate, because according to Arthur, the hidden arsenal of Stadt City, one of the super cities, is suspected to be located here.

Therefore, Chu Xin was here to catch the big fish without any cover-up, which was still a provocation to the city of Stadt.

This is a conspiracy.

"Vincent, we have become famous. This is the eighth organization that has surrendered in recent days! Phoenix City is growing rapidly!" John was sincerely happy.

"Hurry up and get down to business. The city lord has ordered that every organization must be strictly scrutinized. Guys with ulterior motives must not be allowed to sneak in, and their hobbies and professional expertise must be registered." Vincent warned unsmilingly.

"Although they all say they are impressed by the city lord's great ideals, there are still many who tell lies. Thanks to Arthur's complete review mechanism, otherwise we would be exhausted just by ourselves." Achim came closer and said .

"This batch has been reviewed. Remember to print 48 ID cards." Arthur moved his arms and walked over, looking at a group of people gathered not far away. "Although I can't say they are kind people, I have some impressions of their organization. , is not considered a person who does evil. Alas, in this world, being kind-hearted is cruel to oneself, and it is very valuable to be able to only protect yourself."

As the number of residents in the city increased, Chu Xin saw all kinds of rewards being given out like a steady stream.

Food ranges from fruits and vegetables to meat, oil, eggs, and milk, and all kinds of snacks are endless.

There are various categories of daily necessities, including towels, toilet paper, diapers and so on.

There is no need to worry about medicines. Besides, the wasteland residents are already strong, and the weak and sick ones have long been eliminated.

In terms of weapons, everyone has a gun and a mine without any pressure. There are also several aircraft under the apron at the back of Chu Xin.

Gradually, Chu Xin not only reached the level of a super city in terms of size and weapons, but also the corresponding supporting facilities exceeded the average. Only the population was far behind.

However, the reason why other super cities support a large population is that they need to be used in all aspects, but Chu Xin does not need it. He can do things like adding fire and coal independently, so he pursues high-quality residents, even if he has no skills. , anyway, we can’t raise some lazy white-eyed wolves.

In addition, Chu Xin also briefly planned the internal functional differentiation.

First of all, he is the biggest and has the absolute right to speak out. There is no doubt about this. Anyone who questions is fuel.

Next, there are three S-levels: Simon, Arthur and Wu Tana. The first two are in charge of internal affairs and the military respectively, while Wu Tana is in charge of the newly created First People's Hospital of Phoenix City, taking into account the health of the residents.

Don't think that Wu Tana will be more leisurely than the other two. She has been very busy these two days, because she has to conduct physical examinations for all residents, check for basic diseases, and test for infectious diseases such as AIDS, and then arrange various types of tests for everyone. vaccine.

Fortunately, other residents also have professionals, otherwise she really wouldn't be able to handle it.

All in all, Phoenix is ​​in a prosperous and prosperous situation, and people are both nervous and looking forward to the future.

Chu Xin was not idle either.

He is absorbing the information given by Arthur, deepening his understanding of the remaining super cities from comprehensive aspects such as humanities, characters, and achievements, and planning a rough strategy in his mind.

As for the city of Stadt, it can be summed up as: a city built on howitzers!

As the name suggests, the howitzers that even London is very afraid of are definitely not the kind that are stuck in the soil and fired one after another, and each shot makes a small pit. Paris calls it a "howitzer phalanx", which probably means that it can make the enemy intensively phobic.

Chu Xin has never seen it before and can't imagine what it looks like. After all, he has seen too many super nuclear explosions, space naval guns, and the power of creation. He really has no idea about this kind of petty fight~ (End of Chapter)

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