All Heavens: I haven’t been a human being since Storm Red

Chapter 279 Chorus! A new god is born! (The end of this world)

"It's Morgoth!"

Manwë, who was seriously injured and unconscious, raised his head and roared loudly, then pulled his head down again two seconds later.


While everyone was hesitating, Chu Xin had already spread his wings and flew high, leaving the Eternal Palace Square, leaping into the boundless sea of ​​stars in the universe, turning into a purple-gold meteor and chasing him away.

The form of the Net Slayer Dragon is like a fleeting shadow of afterglow. Looking up from the ground, it suddenly transforms into a meteor trailing flames, disappearing without a trace in the blink of an eye.

Take advantage of his illness and kill him!

If you don't take Morgoth's head now, how long will it take?

As for Morgoth himself, he was running for his life with no regard for head or tail, while wisps of aged black fire were weakly repairing his ruined body.

The Flame of Annihilation that he relied on had been forcibly taken out from the chest by Ilúvatar. Having lost his source of power, he was quickly wounded to the core by the eternal fire.

But what chilled Morgoth the most was Ilúvatar's words: "I abandoned it in the void, but I didn't expect that by some strange combination of circumstances, you got it and tried to use me. The thing you created kills me, you are as pitiful and ignorant as ever, and the long catastrophe caused by you will finally come to an end."

To Morgoth, this seemed to announce his tragic end.

When he was completely at a disadvantage, Morgoth, wrapped in fear and panic, used his last ounce of reason to burst out all the remaining flames of annihilation in his body, broke away from the shackles of Ilúvatar in one fell swoop, and rushed straight into the universe.

He didn't know what to do next or how to make a comeback. He only had one thought in his mind, which was to escape to the realm of emptiness.

What was once a prison has now become a place of longing.

Morgoth, with mixed emotions, suddenly sensed that there were pursuers behind him. He turned around and his thoughts suddenly became more intense. He almost turned around in anger.

"What the hell is this beast? Even Ilúvatar doesn't know anything about it. It has nothing to do with it, yet it wants to meddle in its own business!"

Morgoth cursed loudly, recalling Ilúvatar's curiosity and doubts about Chu Xin, and his heart trembled.

The unknown is both fascinating and scary.

This was the case with Chu Xin, who surprised even the God of Creation.

When he thought of this, Morgoth became even colder and colder, and he tried to speed up his escape at all costs.

After some time.

Chu Xin followed the subtle breath and came to a planet as bright as snow.

"The man-made traces of the moon in this world are too obvious."

The surface is as smooth as jade, without any unevenness, and cool, soft white light bursts out from the core, like an oversized light bulb.

Of course, its volume is several times that of the ordinary moon.

At this time, there were obvious burn marks on the jade-like ground, which showed that Morgoth was hiding here.

The huge Chu Xin fell gently to the ground like a solitary leaf, sensing and mobilizing the surrounding elemental energy while breathing, and the many atomic furnaces in the body maintained an "eruption state" ready to go off.


However, the moment his limbs just touched the moon's surface, a complicated black magic circle was quickly drawn and formed.


Pillars of black flames rise from the ground.

Chu Xin, however, jumped out first and narrowly avoided the attack.

"How dare you chase me here alone? Ha~ Do you really think I'm a piece of trash that anyone can ravage?"

Morgoth's voice sounded faintly in this vacuum environment, with a strong murderous intent behind it, revealing the decadent beauty of a defeated dog tyrant.

His figure emerged from the pillar of fire, unable to maintain a stable and complete form. Half of it was black flames that hunted and danced, and the other half was flesh and blood flowing freely.

As he spoke, Morgoth mobilized the remaining power in his body to forcefully enter the second stage of defeating the three gods and repelling Chu Xin.


Give up long-range spellcasting and fight directly in close combat.

Facing the two giant black flame claws he swung at, Chu Xin fought back with dragon claws of huge difference in size, which were equipped with all elements and skill effects.


The energy storm rapidly condenses, becomes unbalanced, and explodes.

I saw that the moon had been cut into a big, bumpy flat head, and it was no longer as beautiful as it was a second ago.

In this chaos, Chu Xin's two claws were burned to ashes, and it took several seconds to gradually regenerate.

Morgoth also felt uncomfortable. The black flames on his arms seemed to be blown away by the strong wind, exposing the shocking spiritual tissue. From his fingertips to his shoulders, he could not stop trembling.

Buzz boom~ buzz boom boom~

A deafening rumbling sound came from Chu Xin's body, and then his four wings were intertwined and bloomed, and three of them were torn open.

Three beam cannons spurted out, instantly merged into one point, and continued to shoot through at several times the volume.

Judgment of all sentient beings, pure and exhaled breath!

This colorful light cannon hit Morgoth hard on the chest. He hurriedly crossed his arms to block, but was unable to deal with it with brute force, and was soon pushed and hit the moon.

Dong Dong Dong~

Smoke and dust flew, and cracks spread.

Morgoth was not the Dragon King or the Hunting God, and he was not pushed into the depths of hundreds of thousands of meters. He decisively made a smart countermeasure, and blasted a black flame at the weak point of the energy of the Cleansing Breath, causing various powers to explode. The balance is disturbed and collapses upon itself.

It can be seen from here that Morgoth's combat experience is terrifying!


But when he leaped up, he witnessed Chu Xin's card fusion process again.


The totem of Mechanical Tyrannosaurus Cable overlaps with Chu Xin.

"Celestial Beast + Smaug + Ghidorah + True Godzilla + Licker + Steel Cable = Blood Weapon Beast Lord Sky Dragon Emperor."

This is a chaotic mixture of dragon and beast, creating the ultimate dragon-shaped life.

On the original basis, many mechanical structures have been given, such as joints, blood vessels and other relatively fragile flesh and blood parts, making it closer to a perfect living body.

The volume has also become larger because of Cybertron metal, and because of its unstable microstructure, it has achieved infinite ductility in which flesh and machinery blend with each other. In other words, Chu Xin can change the dragon shape at will to a certain extent. , whether it is the Eastern Divine Dragon, the Western Giant Dragon, or the evil dragon from another world, he can realize all kinds of strange appearances, and release skills with infinite possibilities within the scope of his abilities. After all, he controls the power of the five elements given by the Sky Crystal Beast. .

"What kind of ability does it use?" Morgoth said to himself in surprise. "There is no trace of Ilúvatar's magic wave that can be sensed from it, and its soul is not connected to the world?"

After thinking for a moment, he was suddenly startled, "Is it possible that you came from outside the world?!"

Morgoth stared at Chu Xin suspended on the opposite side of the moon, hope rekindled in his heart, and a thought emerged: If he swallowed it and took its strange ability as his own, would he be able to make a comeback if he persisted for thousands of years? ?

Already at the end of his rope, he didn't think much, and immediately gathered the power of the black flames, preparing to kill Chu Xin.

Keng! Boom! boom! boom! Keng!

But as soon as a flame appeared in his palm, he heard a continuous loud bang that hit his brain.


Morgoth looked up and his thoughts suddenly stopped, like a little kid touching a toy for the first time.

Because Chu Xin is deforming.

Not an ordinary transformation.

The volume seems to be expanding endlessly, and it is getting rounder and rounder.

"Tightrope's skill—Cybot Armor!"

As a result, with the tearing and reorganization of machinery and flesh and blood, a planet the size of a normal moon appeared shockingly.

The original planetary battle armor was a metal machine with slow movement speed, single attack method, and monotonous body.

With the support of other cards, the current Star War armor has terrifying movement speed, built-in countless energy furnaces, greatly increased density and weight, and can also release many various skills. The surface is covered with solemn and magnificent dragon-shaped reliefs, dense bones, The dragon scales were wrapped in hard machinery, and loud, dull sounds came from inside along with huge earthquakes. It was unclear whether it was the heart of flesh and blood beating, or the core of metal running.

There is no doubt that this is indeed a special planet. As long as you think about it, Chu Xin can even produce and release oxygen, water resources, etc., and animals and plants can live comfortably on it.

"Blood Machine Beast Lord, Sky Dragon Emperor, Emperor Dragon Star!"

This is the scary thing about card fusion. Quantitative changes will cause unpredictable and unknown qualitative changes, making the strength a terrifying leap.


The huge jets opened one after another, and Chu Xin crashed into the stunned Morgoth at the fastest speed.


Chu Xin collided with the moon heavily.

Morgoth had no choice but to have cheese sandwiched between two breads, and was squeezed between the two planets and rubbed wantonly.

Next, it is to repeat the separation, collision, separation, collision, separation of hell...

At first, Morgoth was still able to respond and use moves to counterattack, but as the number and frequency increased and accelerated, he gradually became unable to resist, and became more and more out of control and powerless under Chu Xin's body.

Boom boom!

Moreover, Chu Xin was not just a pure physical collision. Each collision gave the elements turbulent shock waves, which passed by one after another, peeling off a layer of skin on the moon.

This happens over and over again, tirelessly and timelessly.

When Gandalf and others returned to Middle-earth, they only saw that the moon above their heads was getting smaller year by year.

"It's been five years, that's about it, right? Forget it, let's make one last sprint." Chu Xin thought.

He increased his power and smashed into the already damaged moon with great momentum.


In silence, the pure white moon shattered into pieces shockingly, and was forcefully penetrated by Chu Xin.

The moon exploded.

Among the scattered gravel, a wisp of burning black sneakily flew out.

It is Morgoth who has only a trace of his immortal soul left!

Chu Xin's five-year continuous attack completely destroyed the demon god's body. His soul, which was already riddled with holes, was also greatly traumatized. Now it is even more sneaky and escaping like a bereaved dog.

The result is obvious, Morgoth is defeated and has no ability to resist.


Chu Xin quickly caught up with him, opened his mouth with a raised dragon head, and swallowed Morgoth directly into his mouth, imprisoning him in the elemental cage.

After experiencing the Doomsday War, Middle-earth has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Even after repairs by Manwe and other main gods, it cannot be completely restored for a while. There are tragic traces of the war everywhere. The entire Linton area sank into the ocean, countless towering mountains were razed to the ground, and there were casualties from all major races. It's even more terrible.

"It's great that you're okay."

"You actually captured Morgoth!"

"Wait a minute, did you destroy the moon too?"

"I admire you~"

"It's okay, I'll just make another one later."

As soon as Chu Xin returned, he was surrounded by many familiar faces, and they were all chatting with each other.

Of course, he has returned to the form of Smaug, and his claws are still holding a ball cage, and inside is the trembling Morgoth.

Buzz buzz~~~

Suddenly, something strange arose in everyone's hearts.

Suddenly, the cloudy sky poured down endless halo fragments, flying freely with the wind, spreading over the entire world including other continents.

At the same time, sacred chants came from the universe and fell into everyone's ears, like the sound of the Holy Spirit that cleansed the soul.

In an instant, all the gods trembled.

Not fear, but excitement!

"It's a new movement. The chorus finally begins after so many years!" the goddess of light said with tears in her eyes.

At this moment, the gods ascended to heaven, flew outside the Eternal Hall, and faced the Middle Earth uniformly.

Golden fragments floated out from the open door, and there were countless characters and even pictures. If you look carefully, you will find that they can be gathered together to weave into a long epic story!

More and more fragments exploded, and a familiar golden book slowly appeared. It was the source of the characters.

"So it turns out that what Ilmari saw and heard was actually the lyrics of the chorus. Father God has really thought deeply about it." Manwe smiled in sudden realization.

With that said, the chorus officially begins!

For a whole month, the world was enveloped in beautiful music, and people's devastated hearts were soothed and their minds were purified.

What's even more miraculous is that Morgoth's remaining soul was completely wiped out, and all the dark tribes belonging to him disappeared together, including Orcs, trolls and other cruel creatures.

The broken Middle-earth continent began to repair itself, the scorched earth turned into fertile soil, lush vegetation grew, dry river beds spewed out clear water, and the polluted air returned to its original state when the wind blew.

Not only that, the former Mordor region has subsided into a vast inland lake.

The dead gods reshaped their bodies in Aman, returned their souls, and were resurrected!

It was also at this moment that Chu Xin suddenly realized his own insignificance.

In this universe, the Creator God is the only true God. As long as He wants, everything is a "program" that can be changed at will. Life and death are meaningless in His eyes, there is no eternity, and there is no annihilation.

The key point is that Chu Xin never saw Eru Ilúvatar from the beginning to the end.


Suddenly, a beam of light fell from the sky and enveloped the astonished Chu Xin.

If he hadn't felt any malice or evil thoughts, he would have passed through the next world a second ago.

Boom boom boom!

The light beam expanded, and its color also changed from pale gold to a majestic purple-gold color.

This kind of vision did not last long and quickly dissipated after ten minutes.

And the chorus ends here.

One after another, figures descended to Chu Xin's side, including Manwei and other main gods, as well as Ilmari and other dead gods.

"Father God has given you the main god named Dragon God. Your soul is connected to the world. As long as you are in the world, you can be immortal like us. Congratulations!" Manwei said to Chu Xin cheerfully.

Seeing the confusion on Chu Xin's face, the goddess of light also said, "This is what Father God means. You don't have to worry. He appreciates and thanks you very much for what you have done."

"What about the God of Creation? Has he left?" Chu Xin asked.

Manwe nodded, "The Eternal Palace disappeared from our sight and returned to the edge of the universe and the realm of emptiness. If he hadn't taken the initiative to appear, it would be difficult for us to find it."

Chu Xin was dumbfounded. He didn't expect that he still couldn't see the God of Creation in the end, let alone communicate with him. This forced him to do the right thing.

He began to check the changes in his so-called Dragon God.

[Smaug] has a power source similar to an energy core in his body, from which he can mobilize the magical power given by the God of Creation. Its strength is comparable to that of the God of War and the God of Hades.

If the cards are fused, the pure combat power will 100% exceed that of God King Manwe. Even if all the main gods add one piece, they may not be able to beat him without using strategies and tactics!

At this time, the card text appeared:

"Combined with a series of performances after arriving in this world, I received an unexpected reward - [Aman·Dragon God's Authority] (Even if he is in other worlds, [Smaug] can still exert the main god-level power for 10 minutes. This effect is also in the fusion state. will take effect; in addition, based on the soul link, when encountering an inevitable death situation, there is a certain probability of being teleported back to Aman)"

Seeing this, Chu Xin immediately understood the reason why the system asked him whether to stay. The so-called blessings and misfortunes depend on each other, and they really go together.

Then, after saying goodbye to Aragorn and others, he returned to the reshaped Aman continent with the gods and elves.

At this point, Middle-earth has truly entered a long period of peace! (End of chapter)

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