All Heavens: I haven’t been a human being since Storm Red

Chapter 278 Unlimited fusion, the ultimate flesh and blood creature!


Although the Hunting God had been blasted into the ground and did not know whether he was alive or dead, Chu Xin, with his original intention of being caring, opened his mouth and spewed out the elemental turbulence cannon again.

Boom boom boom!

In an instant, the majestic rocks suddenly turned into piles of rubble, and smoke and dust billowed into the sky for thousands of miles, covering the sky and the sun.

With the blessing of [Five Colors Mending Sky], its damage was suddenly increased by 50%. To be on the safe side, Chu Xin did not plan to go down to investigate in person, but continued to far exceed the output until he reached a radius of more than 100,000 meters. They were all destroyed until they were filled with craters.

The rock formations on the ground were blasted through layer after layer, causing horrific damage to a depth of more than 5 million meters, equivalent to the explosion of more than 700 trillion tons of TNT.

Of course, Chu Xin was not sure whether he had hit the center of the earth. After all, this was not the earth as we know it, but a world created by the gods. The exact size was unknown.

"Is it almost done?"

When Chu Xin closed his mouth without saying anything, the scales all over his body burst out with dazzling multi-colored brilliance, like a lingering fairy aura.

Considering that the other party was the scheming God of Hunting, Chu Xin still did not act rashly.


The divine power of wind was mobilized, and an F5-level super tornado was instantly set off. This was just the beginning. With the output of divine power, the tornado formation had far exceeded the level that humans could measure.

The terrifying sound of the wind and the loud noise of the collision of rocks suddenly became a solo between heaven and earth, but the role of the tornado is not to make more mess, but to clean it up.

A few minutes later, the originally messy scene became clear. Except for a large number of holes eroded by the wind, there were no scattered rocks at all.

Now you can clearly see the shocking bottomless abyss beneath you.

As expected, the Hunting God is at the bottom of the pit.


Chu Xin then mobilized the divine power of light, and the crystal on his chest instantly emitted an extremely dazzling golden light, which leaked into the abyss at the speed of light, dispelling all darkness.

Wherever it passes, the trajectory of every particle of dust is clearly visible.

Soon, a touch of gray-brown was reflected in the golden light.

That is the spirit body of the Hunting God who sheds his human skin!

He was lying on the ground as if paralyzed, with his right hand struggling to draw an unfinished magic circle in the void. When he was completely exposed to Chu Xin's field of vision, his face without facial features actually appeared humanized. Surprise and embarrassment.

It's really embarrassing to lay a trap in front of the enemy.

But what made the Hunting God feel even more angry and aggrieved was that Chu Xin, who was motionless, spit out a large mouthful of mixed flames vertically.

"I'm still like this and still don't come down. He must be too cautious~"

The Hunting God thought this before completely falling into a coma.

However, the Hunting God didn't know that for a full ten minutes after he lost consciousness, Chu Xin continued to bombard him with inhumane firepower.

Chu Xin didn't give up until the text on the card appeared.

"With the fusion of three cards, he decisively defeated the God of Hunting in one fell swoop with his motionless posture and swift movement, showing his excellent combat qualities;

Obtained the achievement [This dragon is obviously super strong but too cautious] (when using dragon cards, it has a permanent crisis sensor and can be aware of upcoming dangers within a certain range in advance);

【Celestial Beast】

The 100% super skill has been strengthened: the duration of [Five Colors to Repair the Sky] has been increased from 10 minutes to 20 minutes;


Obtain skill reward: Trap Magic Array (instantly deploy invisible trap magic, 10 can be reserved, and 1 will be automatically replenished after 8 hours; the type of trap can be subjectively controlled during deployment, including hidden weapons, flames, poisonous mist, and snares);

【King Ghidorah】

Proficiency +3%, reaching 100%,

Awakening 100% super skill: King of Destruction (self-destruction skill, used in conjunction with Split Body, releasing 90% of the body and energy into the purest and most terrifying shock wave, retaining 10% of flesh and blood for regeneration and recovery, cooling time is 1 month ). "

Seeing another card become more proficient, Chu Xin felt a sense of accomplishment and gain, regaining the original joy of playing development games when he was young.

He browsed through the pack, flipping through the rest of the cards quickly.

Except for 54% of [Rey], 0% of [Facehugger Eggs], 0% of [Prey City·Phoenix City], [Storm Crimson], [Predator], [Licker], and [Dinosaur King Kong]. ·Cable], [True Godzilla], [King Ghidorah], [Celestial Beast], and [Skeleton Dragon Smaug] all reached 100%.

Looking at it this way, he has gone through different wonderful experiences.

But now is not the time to be filled with emotion. Chu Xin condensed a thunder chain, bound and hung up the motionless Hunting God, and then flew to the west while maintaining the form of the Crystal Skeleton Holy Dragon Beast, disappearing in the blink of an eye. No trace.

With the blessing of the divine power of wind and electricity, its speed is astonishing. No wonder the Hunting God lost its lock on him.

Although the battlefields are far away from the Gray Port town, there is still no way to avoid the magic and rocks splashing everywhere. This gem-like port is now in ruins and in ruins.

The bloody fighting never stops, especially the cannon fodder battlefield, which is simply a scene of flesh and blood slaughter that cannot be seen directly!

"Brother, you?" Faramir looked at Boromir's empty left forearm distressedly, and hurriedly called the medical soldiers behind him to bandage the bleeding.

"You two retreat, we cannot defend here. We have established a defense line on the stone bridge. It will be difficult for them to break through." Aragorn yelled.

Soon, his plan began to be implemented. The coalition forces gradually retreated and quickly set up defensive spines and giant shields on the narrow bridge deck, forming a layout that was easy to defend but difficult to attack. There was no need to worry about being knocked away in a short time, because Behind them are Chu Xin's skeleton army, such as the skeleton trolls and the giant skeleton elephants. If they sit there, the enemy army is bound to die from exhaustion.

As for the Skeleton Balrog, it is a demon king with no natural enemies here. All the coalition forces have retreated, but it is still killing everyone in the flood of enemy troops. When it raises its hand, its broken limbs are flying in the sky, and when it is waved, its flesh and blood are scattered everywhere. Across the fields.

Aragorn, Elrond and others didn't bother to care about it. If they had such leisure, they might as well pay more attention to their weaker selves.

Gray Harbor Beach.

Canantriel lifted the crumbling goddess of sorrow from the arms of the plant goddess, and looked at the goddess of rest with a palpitating appearance.

"Each of us is responsible for one," she said to the plant goddess.

The two women immediately cast healing magic on the two wounded men.

"Is that big guy back?" the goddess of rest asked softly.

"I don't know, Oromi seems to be chasing him." The plant goddess replied.

"Ah? Oromi is so cunning and cunning, will something happen to the big guy?" The goddess of rest was surprised.

"He is more cautious and sophisticated than you think. Since he can kill the dragon leader, even if he faces Oromë, Smaug has a 30%, no, at least 40%, or even 50% chance of winning!" Kenantriel gave Highly rated.

"Don't be too optimistic, everyone. Although Oromë is not as good as Aulë and Ulmo, he is extremely good at hunting giant beasts." The view of the Sorrow Goddess is very consistent with her status, but after a few seconds, she curled her lips and said, "Maybe there will be a miracle."

However, they didn't know that Chu Xin was overlooking the overall situation in the atmosphere directly above.

When he looked up, he could see the sun and moon, which were the same as the earth. However, the depths of the more distant universe seemed different.

It’s so dead!

Except for the many small celestial bodies called stars, there are almost no other planets as far as the eye can see.

It seems that in this universe, only the planet beneath my feet contains life, filled with an inexplicable and huge loneliness.

It is not difficult to guess that the gods back then did only develop here and then lived here without ever leaving.

In addition, the stars are controlled by Varda, the goddess of light. She is also known as the "Star Goddess". She gives the world a sky full of stars and controls the alternation of the sun and the moon.

This is also the reason why it has been daytime in Gray Harbor until now!

Under the rays of the sun, Varda can burst out with sufficient magical power, trapping the God of War in the galaxy and unable to escape at all.

The scorching sunlight can also suppress dark creatures to a certain extent, making them fearful and scrupulous.

"Your Excellency, help me."

Suddenly, the voice of the goddess of light appeared in Chu Xin's ears.

It turned out that she had consumed too much magic power to treat the injuries of her companions. In addition, the battle happened too quickly, which caused her to fail to recover enough. Now, the war god Tuokas will be imprisoned for a thousand years at most, and it will not last for a while. He was unable to end the stalemate. If it were his heyday, the God of War would have fallen asleep on the ground long ago.

Chu Xin did not rush down like a dog, but carefully examined the current situation.

There are systematic words in the mind: "Continuing to participate in the increasingly fierce doomsday war is undoubtedly full of dangers, but it also has great opportunities. The risks are proportional to the benefits. The choice is entirely up to the host himself."

"Isn't it a bit regretful that I left the show just after the show started?" Chu Xin murmured secretly.

The next second, he fell straight down and turned into a terrifying fireball that appeared in everyone's eyes.

Boom boom boom!

The colorful dazzling lights twisted in a spiral, leaving a long trail of flames in the sky.


A small dot was thrown out and landed firmly next to the Goddess of Rest.

The women took a closer look and immediately beamed with joy.

"I didn't expect that Oromi was really defeated by him, with such a terrifying momentum." The plant goddess said in surprise, while releasing layers of vines to tie up the seriously injured and unconscious Hunting God.


Chu Xin smashed straight into the rolling galaxy where the goddess of light gathered.

This long river of twinkling stars is half a million meters long and one hundred thousand meters wide. The colorful stars and diamonds are like water droplets, beating each other into turbulent waves. It looks beautiful and gorgeous, but is actually full of murderous intent.

Being in it is like being imprisoned by the realm. No matter whether you look up or down, all you see and hear is the endless sound of the stars, and you know nothing about the outside world.

"Ah ah ah, if you can, release me. I will definitely beat you until you beg for mercy!"

The God of War, who was in the center of the galaxy, would have been washed away by this "water flow" into a corpse riddled with holes if he hadn't specialized in physical training.

"How dare a mere beast be my enemy?" The God of War glanced disdainfully at Chu Xin, who was coming towards him.

"Your arrogance will kill you, and you will follow Oromi's footsteps." The goddess of light said.

"What?!" The God of War frowned. Just when he was wondering whether Chu Xin had really defeated the God of Hunting, he felt a strong wind blowing against his face.


Chu Xin swung the dragon's tail and sent the God of War, who was caught off guard, flying tens of thousands of meters.

“It’s your uncle’s fault, you are so powerful!!!”

From a long distance away, one could hear the God of War's vulgar roar.

"You can just let it go and fight, I will give you my full support." The goddess of light said to Chu Xin without concealment.

Sure enough, Chu Xin would not be harmed at all in this galaxy. Not only that, those stars that were as sharp as the God of War would be as warm as the sun when they touched Chu Xin, which instantly greatly improved his overall quality. The amplitude has increased, and the consumption of the previous battle with the Hunter God has been greatly replenished.

The two sides, who were already evenly matched, immediately opened up a huge gap.

The God of War also realized this and no longer doubted how the God of Hunting was defeated by Chu Xin.


Countless burning black magic patterns spread rapidly on the body surface, and the body full of explosive muscles also expanded, growing to a height of one thousand meters in the blink of an eye.

Limited by the Goddess of Light, he cannot continue to grow.

With a shake of his right hand, the hammer and ax that fell far away flew back automatically, and a simple shield condensed in his left hand.

Then, he jumped up and launched a physical attack with no special effects on Chu Xin.

This also happened to suit Chu Xin's taste and expertise. This kind of passionate hand-to-hand combat was the way a giant beast should fight.

Soon, a loud sound like the collision of gold and stone echoed in the galaxy, mixed with the God of War's painful curses.

About half an hour passed.

Chu Xin, who was suffering from the pain of having his tail cut off, forced himself close to the God of War's chest, thrust out all four claws, and pierced through the God of War's armor and flesh. The elemental power that penetrated his body weighed heavily on him. harm.


The goddess of light took action very smartly.

Countless galaxies sputtered out a large number of tributaries, quickly flowing into the God of War's body along the wound!

Chu Xin didn't stop there. His tail regenerated rapidly and plunged into the opening in the God of War's abdomen, mercilessly spraying out a turbulent stream of hot thunder and fire elements.

Just like that, the God of War stared at a pair of soulless white eyes and fell down.


The galaxy suddenly surged up, wrapping him in a star water ball.

Immediately, the vast galaxy dispersed, and the holy and beautiful goddess of light appeared in front of Chu Xin.

Chu Xin had to admit that Varda was the most beautiful female life form he had ever seen so far. This kind of beauty transcended skin and species, and was a pure beauty that touched the soul.

"Now is not the time for chatting. We will not forget the help you gave us." The goddess of light said gratefully.

Just as he was talking, the winner was also decided on another important battlefield.

I saw that the God of Inspiration, who was not good at fighting, was dragged down by the endless ghosts released by Hades and fell into the Gray Harbor, smashing the Elf Temple to pieces.

"Leave him to me," the goddess of light saw Chu Xin eager to try, and quickly said sincerely, "My intuition tells me that your limit is more than this, so Varda implores you to go to a battlefield that is more suitable for you."

Then, she intercepted the god of death who was about to make a last-ditch attack, instantly rendering the world dark and bright.

"More suitable for my battlefield?" Chu Xin naturally knew what the goddess of light meant.

He cast his gaze to the distant sky, across infinite space, and saw the most shocking fight.

Morgoth and the three gods moved while fighting, and actually fought all the way to the vicinity of Aman.

"He has broken the three spiritual power magic formations. It seems that our three brothers are destined to fight in a bloody battle today." The God of Earth smiled bitterly. His arms were gone and replaced by a pair of giant rock arms.

"Even if you die in battle, you must fight to the end." The Poseidon with broken scales said sternly. The trident in his hand was already full of cracks, and he probably wouldn't be able to hold on for long.

Manwë, who was hanging in the air in the middle, said nothing, his eyes shining brightly as he looked at Morgoth, who had an indifferent expression on his face.

As the most powerful God-King, he knew better than anyone how cruel reality was. The gap between the enemy and ourselves was like a chasm, which made him deeply despair.

"Do you want to continue?" Morgoth raised his hand teasingly, grabbing one of Aulë's severed arms, "It is a wiser choice to surrender to me like Namo and the others did."

Just as he was speaking, he suddenly looked up and said with a fierce look, "Including you, the guy who is peeping, you have already surprised me by killing my mount. I didn't expect that you actually defeated Oromi and Tuokas, it’s unbelievable, becoming my new mount is your only way to survive!”

"Who? Beat them both?" The God of Earth muttered in astonishment.

"Mount~ I didn't expect him to be so strong. It seems that the biggest variable is not us." Manwe finally heard the good news, and a smile appeared on his face.


In a flash of lightning, Chu Xin had already appeared here.

Despite their expectations, when the four of them saw Chu Xin's new appearance, they were all surprised and doubtful.

It's not so much how he looks, but the variety of powers he exudes.

In particular, the several major elemental powers bestowed by the Sky Crystal Beast cast a veil of mystery over Chu Xin, and Morgoth, who had been strategizing, could not help but frown slightly.

"This is an extremely strange aura that I have never experienced in the Hall of Father God and Eternity," Poseidon said solemnly, "Where did he come from?"

Manwe shook his head and said he didn't know either.

"It doesn't matter so much, as long as it's from our side." The God of Earth did not think too deeply.

Morgoth hung high in the sky, staring straight at Chu Xin with a pair of abyss-like eyes, "You did exceed my expectations and my plan, but with this strength alone, a person in the vast ocean can It’s just a bunch of waves, so do you have an answer to the choice I gave you?”

Faced with his talkativeness, Chu Xin made a choice.

He quickly pulled out two cards from the card pack.



Suddenly, two totems, one large and one small, were outlined behind him.


The real Godzilla.

Like being possessed by a soul ring, accompanied by a strong glare, a new life form composed entirely of flesh and blood creatures is brewing.


Morgoth felt a hint of threat, his eyes turned cold, and he took action decisively.

"Stop him and buy time!"

The three gods of Manwei also had online IQs. They turned into qualified teammates and stood in front of Chu Xin, fighting to the limit with the suddenly violent Morgoth.


This time, Chu Xin's fusion was particularly majestic, and the rough roars were like God's war horns, which were enough to deafen even the distant Gray Harbor.

Card text appears:

"Ghidora+Smaug+Celestial Beast+True Godzilla+Licker = Ultimate Flesh·Pure Dragon"


In an instant, the sky and sea changed color, and the terrifying oppression spread like a flood.

"This aura is enough to rival ours." Manwe exclaimed.

This is truly the highest praise. After all, there is a big gap in combat power between the three of them and other main gods such as the God of Hunting and God of Hades. The power and status of the world and the sea cannot be doubted.


A majestic ancient dragon with a body length of more than a thousand meters flew out of the light.

Three heads, two arms, four wings, four legs, one tail, and a long and muscular torso.

The bones that turned into purple gold merged with the five-color metallic scales, inlaying and interlocking with each other, full of the beauty of supreme majesty, but also revealing a trace of violence and ferocity.

While the body length and volume have increased, the physical strength also reveals the brute strength of the real Godzilla. You can see the explosive power like a mountain falling apart at a glance.

In addition, the muscles under the epidermis continue to beat, like energetic hearts that provide energy all the time. This is also true. Quite the same, many biological atomic furnaces are distributed in all parts of the body, capable of overclocking everything. Freely transform and integrate the various powers you need, and perform complex skills and moves without delay.

The moment he saw Chu Xin, Morgoth's shocked eyes showed strong possessiveness, and he roared in a hoarse voice, "I will take control of your mount!"

"Forbidden magic spell, earth vein explosion!"

"Forbidden curse, the raging waves of the Dead Sea!"

"Forbidden magic spell, strong wind and thunder array!"

The three gods took advantage of this second gap and invariably launched forbidden magic that consumed themselves.


Chu Xin followed closely behind, generously accompanying him with a drink.

This shot is not an atomic breath, nor is it an elemental turbulence, but a brand new fusion shock wave called "Pure Dragon Roar".

The purple-gold light waves were like the heavenly punishment swung by the ancient gods, and they hit the crazy Morgoth at the speed of light together with the attacks of the three gods.

"bring it on!"

Morgoth opened his arms, and a giant lotus of black fire bloomed.

At this moment, the world was quiet, and silent ripples rippled across the Gray Harbor, spreading throughout the entire Middle-earth continent, and even set off energy storms in the other two continents.

The air was burned away by the terrifying heat, and the sound lost its propagation medium.

Layers of corpses floated on the entire sea surface, and in the blink of an eye they turned into dust with the water waves.

If you look around, you will find that the sky is full of fine black cracks, and behind that is a strange and mysterious emptiness.

There was not a drop of seawater within the 100,000 kilometers within the explosion range, and even the seabed was evaporated by millions of meters, abruptly changing the geology and landforms nearby, forming an inland sea.

The Aman Island overhead was pushed tens of thousands of meters away, and all the buildings on the island collapsed.

I don’t know how much time has passed.

On a stone pillar rising into the air, the three gods Manwei half-knelt on the ground tiredly.

They all looked up at the hanging Chu Xin in disbelief, saying nothing.

Manwei asked himself what would happen if Chu Xin was hit by the shot just now. After some speculation, he came to the conclusion that although it was impossible to die, he had to at least be "reborn"!

"The wind is coming." Chu Xin said silently in his heart.


Immediately a hurricane blew in, gradually blowing away the diffuse smoke.

Now, he can easily control the natural elements of his environment instead of simply emptying himself.

"It really surprises me that you have forced me into such an embarrassing situation. None of you can even think of leaving alive." Morgoth's sinister voice came out.

In the scattered smoke, all that was left of him was a tattered head, his facial features were distorted and deformed, and his broken neck drooped with a dislocated spine.

"Seize the opportunity!" Poseidon said, riding a tsunami away.

The God of Earth also jumped into the air, condensing a huge rock sword to slash.

Manwei felt vaguely that something was not good, because he found that Chu Xin above his head did not attack, and even took half a step back calmly!

"Could it be~" Manwe murmured uneasily.

"It's both sad and ridiculous. You know nothing about my power. I have seen your limits. Next, I will show you the real Flame of Annihilation." Morgoth's laughter made everyone's hair stand on end.


Morgoth's head was seen rising into the sky with black flames, burning into a body of pure flame in an instant.


He swooped out, and when he stopped, his left and right hands were already pinching the necks of the God of the Sea and the God of the Earth. His five fingers trembled, and the blazing black flames completely enveloped them.

Regardless of whether they were dead or not, Morgoth threw the two gods out casually, without using any long-range attacks, and flashed directly to the opposite side of Manwe.

At this moment, Manwei was shocked to find that Chu Xin had retreated tens of thousands of meters.


The next second, Manwe found that the defense he had constructed was torn apart like white paper, and Morgoth's burning arm easily penetrated his abdomen and emerged from his back.

"How is that possible?" He pressed Morgoth's shoulders with difficulty and tried to fight back.

"There are some things that you are not qualified to experience. After all, this is a gift I prepared for my dear Father God. You should thank that dragon for forcing me to activate the Ember state." After Morgoth said this, he kicked the half-dead Manwe Kicked away.

Chu Xin, who was in the form of [Pure Dragon Slayer], was moved by the devastating defeat of the three most powerful gods.

There is no doubt that this is a great challenge!

The risk factor is comparable to walking a tightrope under the scythe of death.

Soon, Chu Xin experienced it personally.

In just two rounds of close combat, one of his limbs was removed by Morgoth.

Although he blinked and regenerated, Chu Xin's heart rate had reached an unprecedented level.


In fact, Morgoth was also slightly shocked by Chu Xin.

He glanced down at his palm, which had not recovered for a long time, and was forced to mobilize more black flames to heal himself.

This is due to the withered bones of Chu Xin [True Godzilla], which can inhibit regeneration-related abilities. This effect directly covers all physical attacks of Chu Xin.

"It seems that we need to continue to fuse the cards. It is too difficult to defeat him just by killing the dragon." Chu Xin quickly judged the serious situation.

Just when his consciousness sank into the card pack, a sudden change came!

Chu Xin and Morgoth felt their spines shiver and their souls tremble at the same time.

Buzz boom boom boom~

Sacred chants resounded in the sky all over the world, all disputes ceased, and everyone looked around.

Especially near Aman, a loud bell-like sound accompanied the vision.

That is a platinum palace from the universe!

"Eternal Hall, Ilúvatar, I am so powerful now that even you have to show up." Morgoth was so excited that he was shaking all over. He didn't care about Chu Xin and jumped up directly, turning into black light and shooting into the open door. of the main hall.

On the way there, his form evolved again.

The third stage, the body of annihilation!

Obviously, Morgoth's madness is only external, and his cunning is the essence.

In order to fight against the God of Creation, he had been hiding and not using all his strength. However, he was an enemy of God the Father. If he did not go all out, he would most likely be killed instantly.

As for Chu Xin, of course he flew away towards the east without stopping.

The further away the better, but not to be affected by the terrible battle that follows.

However, when Chu Xin blinked, he was shocked to find that he was in a different place.

Underfoot are exquisite platinum-gold floor tiles, exuding holiness. Looking along the ground, there is actually a planet opposite the dazzling surface!

"Where am I?" Chu Xin looked around hurriedly.

Familiar faces such as Gandalf, Aragorn, and the Goddess of Light came into view, including the unconscious Manwe and other protoss. They all looked at each other blankly, confused about the current situation.

"This is the square outside the Eternal Palace!" the plant goddess said in surprise.

Chu Xin took a closer look and saw that the magnificent building behind him was the palace he saw just now~

Therefore, the God of Creation left the hall to fight Morgoth, and moved everyone here to give space.

"Oh My God!"

Suddenly, Canantriel, who had always remained calm, exclaimed.

Everyone turned their attention from the hall to the front, and their facial features immediately twitched, and their expressions were out of control.

Because the northwest corner of Middle-earth actually disintegrated silently!

For the mortal body, all that is seen is this, but in the eyes of Chu Xin and the gods, everything that happens is extremely clear.

Mountains collapse and the earth splits, the sky and the sea turn upside down, everything dies in a breath, and the initiator is Morgoth and an illusory figure that looks like fire and light.

Linton disappeared, the Blue Mountains turned into canyons, the northern plains sunk into basins, and other huge changes happened in milliseconds.

However, the fierce battle became more fierce and vast, and Chu Xin could no longer see clearly. The power of the God of Creation was undoubtedly a barrier, blocking out all prying eyes.

From the beginning to the end, Chu Xin could not even see the appearance of the God of Creation. He did not even understand what he was. All he knew was the powerful aura that controlled everything.

For a while, the atmosphere was silent and depressing.

"I didn't expect that Morgoth could really force him to take action." The God of Inspiration said with emotion.

"This is a good thing. This meaningless war can end soon." The goddess of light said firmly.


As if her mouth opened up, an hour later, a wolfish black shadow flew out of the planet, avoiding the Eternal Hall in fear, and quickly fled towards the depths of the universe.

Wasn't that the same Morgoth who had been so powerful before?


Chu Xin's eyes passed by Morgoth from a distance, and he confirmed that he was someone who could be hunted down! (End of chapter)

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