All Heavens: I haven’t been a human being since Storm Red

Chapter 280 Steampunk Wasteland (New World)

The days in Aman were extremely leisurely. Chu Xin could fully experience the so-called immortal life, perfectly interpreting the meaning of the word carefree.

No wonder Morgoth's resentment is so great. After all, he is alone in a dark place, while his brothers and sisters are enjoying themselves in a fairyland with birds singing and flowers fragrant. Anyone who sees it will be jealous!

At the top of the peaks of the northern mountains of Aman, Chu Xin is entrenched in a beautiful white jade square. Flowers and trees all over the mountains and plains are like terraces climbing from the valley at the bottom to the edge of the square, blooming like burning flames.

This is the palace of the Dragon God, which was jointly designed and built by the god of earth Aulë, the god of inspiration Ilmou, the goddess of plants Yavanna, the goddess of weaving Veri, and the goddess of flowers Vana.

In fact, Chu Xin didn't have any requirements in this regard. He came from all over the world and never had any rough days. As long as he could have a private space where he could lie down and jump around, but in the face of their warm welcome and hospitality, he Still very grateful.

Despite this, Chu Xin always maintained a rock-solid vigilance in his heart.

Its root lies in Eru Ilúvatar!

This God of Creation, whose power reaches the heavens and the earth, has never shown his face, and has no intention of negotiating with Chu Xin. It is really terrifyingly quiet.

In this case, one is either uneasy and holding back good intentions to do evil, or one is looking down on everything after staying in a high position for a long time.

If it was the latter, it would be great, and Chu Xin would be able to relax and recuperate. After all, after experiencing this earth-shattering doomsday battle, he had a lot of insights and needed time to comprehend them.

If it is the former, it is not unexpected. Anyway, Chu Xin is always ready to travel through time. As long as there is the slightest sign, he will escape immediately.

But whether he should say it or not, Chu Xin really felt that it might be the latter. Otherwise, with the strength of the God of Creation, he would have been able to hold him in the palm of his hand. Why bother boiling a frog in warm water? But I just feel that since he is not a roundworm in the belly of the Creator God, he will not judge the character of a true god so hastily.

From the analysis of various current signs, Chu Xin has not forgotten the fact that the God of Creation is temporarily an ally. Chu Xin has not forgotten that he gave him the handle of the Dragon God.


A warm breeze comes from the south, and the fresh smell slowly spreads.

Chu Xin looked up and saw a pink-haired girl flying leisurely on a white cloud.

"big guy!"

I saw Esti, the goddess of rest, waving her white arms happily, her sleepy little face full of joy.

Ever since she was narrowly rescued by Chu Xin, this majestic and divine goddess, like that young and ignorant high school girl, would come to Chu Xin every now and then.

At first, she would be accompanied by the goddess of flowers and the goddess of dancing. Later, as she got to know each other better, she would come by herself with sweet fruits and homemade food. She didn't do anything, just chatted with Chu Xin and told each other stories. And she was particularly interested in the strange experiences adapted from Chu Xin's mouth, and sometimes she would spend the entire afternoon listening to them.

When we are tired, we sleep together, well, literally.

Chu Xin found that sleeping with Esti was super comfortable. It was as if his soul and body were being gently touched by gentle hands at the same time. He felt comfortable from the bottom of his heart. The key was that all the murderous violence he had accumulated was soothed, and his thinking changed. Be more organized.

The title of the goddess of rest is indeed well deserved, and there are probably many people who want to sleep with her.

But gradually, Chu Xin suddenly realized that something was wrong: "Why does she always have such a look of love in her eyes? I am already a skeleton, and you still arrange a love line for me? This must be Ilúvatar's conspiracy!"

While thinking about it, Esti had already landed.

She picked up the basket in her hand, which contained fragrant fruits, and crystal clear dewdrops hung between the jade-textured branches and leaves.

This is a fragrant fruit. Esti knew that Chu Xin could not and did not need to eat, so she thought of letting him smell it while eating, which would give him a sense of participation.

"Wana's Flower Island is in flowering season, let's go~ let's go~"

Whether it's wording or tone, Esti is extremely natural, as if she is an old acquaintance who has known each other for thousands of years.

Chu Xin had become accustomed to her character, "Let's go."

"I'm tired of flying~" Esti said as she habitually jumped on the back of Chu Xin's neck, curled up like a hibernating cub, and patted Chu Xin sleepily, "Ahhhhh~~ I’ll take a nap first and call me when you get there.”

Chu Xin flapped his wings and leaped high into the sky.

Baihua Island is located in the vast sea to the west of Aman. It was the original residence of the goddess of flowers. After the establishment of Aman, Baihua Island became the back garden where the gods gathered.

Flowers bloom once every ten years, and flower viewing is one of the good things that the gods and elves look forward to.

On the way, Chu Xin was still wondering what was so good about flowers. The mainland of Aman was covered with countless plants, and its scenery overwhelmed the Middle-earth continent. How charming could Baihua Island be?

But when he actually looked down with his own eyes, he realized how much these gods really enjoyed themselves!

Hundreds of flowers, thousands of flowers, hundreds of millions of flowers are all low-key!

From a distance, it looks like a cluster of flowers floating on the blue sea. The continuous mountains and rivers are covered with colorful, colorful and colorful flowers, which are layered and crisscrossed.

The boundless ocean has turned into a lush sea of ​​flowers.

"So fast~" Esti smelled the rich but not pungent fragrance of flowers and raised her head sleepily.

As the height decreased, Chu Xin saw an elegant garden building, where Manwë, Varda, Gandalf, Ilmari and other protoss were already exchanging cups, chatting and laughing. Even the usually lonely Poseidon was present. .

"Hehe, this is your first time attending the Hundred Flowers Banquet. I must leave you with good memories." Esti smiled.

She lowered her voice and whispered, "Actually, this is a formal welcome party specially prepared for you by Master Manwei. Don't say that I told you secretly~"

"Esti, what are you mumbling up there? Do you really think we are deaf?" Varda, the goddess of light, shouted with helplessness and doting on her face.

"Come down quickly, I'm waiting for you two!" The God of War returned to normal and laughed boldly.

As the beautiful music played, the banquet of the gods began.

Since the end of the Doomsday War and the Great Movement, all the gods have been extremely busy and have to deal with various chores. It was only recently that they were able to rest and finally be able to return to the leisurely days of the past.

No, Varda proposed to hold the most grand flower banquet in history today.

When the music stopped, it was already dusk when the stars and moon were high.

The gods are still enjoying their long-lost relaxation, the goddesses dance happily around the fireworks, and hundreds of birds surround them.

But on the distant cliff near the sea, Chu Xin looked alone into the dark distance, and then quietly looked back at the lively party.

The Tomb of Heroes of Gentle Township, being in the comfort zone for a long time will only make the joints rusty and the brain lazy. It is time to end the short rest.


At this time, a familiar scent approached.

"I'm so sleepy, let's go to sleep."

Esti landed lightly on Chu Xin's back, closed her eyes naturally, and exhaled gentle and warm breath from her nose.

Under her infection, Chu Xin's sleepiness also emerged.

"Get some more sleep and leave tomorrow." Chu Xin thought as his burning eyes gradually lost their edge.

But if someone thinks they can take advantage of this opportunity to attack, they will definitely suffer an instant counterattack.

"You are different from us."

"I can feel that even when you are asleep, your soul is still restless, like the eternal burning sun that cannot really stop."

"I know that you don't want to stay here forever. Sooner or later you will leave, just like a gust of wind that stays by my side for a short time."

"Thank you for saving me."

Suddenly, Esti's voice came softly into Chu Xin's ears.

The next second, Chu Xin felt unparalleled warmth and warmth, as if his body and even soul were wrapped in a hot fire, and it was like taking a big sip of sweet hot tea in a cold snowy field.

By the time he came to his senses, it was already dawn.

"You finally woke up~"

As soon as Chu Xin opened his eyes, the blushing Esti came into his eyes.

"Everyone has gone back, but you are still sleeping~" she complained.

"This time?" Chu Xin was a little confused about last night's experience.

"What's wrong? Did my service satisfy you?" Esti said with a sweet smile.

"Well, thank you." Chu Xin admitted that this was the most comfortable sleep he had ever had.

He paused and said, "You go back first."

Esti asked, "What about you?"

Chu Xin replied, "It's time for me to go."

Esti turned around and pursed her lips, "Okay."

Chu Xin said again, "We will meet again."

If something unexpected happens and you are lucky~

"Really?" Esti turned back sharply. The cliff was empty, as if the skeletal dragon was just a fleeting dream.

At the same time, deep in the universe.

The Eternal Hall is suspended in silence, and a burning and twisted humanoid silhouette stands on the edge of the square, looking deeply at the distant Middle-earth world.

"He actually disappeared from under my nose in an instant. This little guy is so interesting! I look forward to our meeting again."

Chu Xin used the only remaining [Random World Travel Card].

Because he was worried that the powerful God of Creation would lock him in, follow him to the next unknown world, and take action after harboring evil thoughts towards him.

After traveling through a random world, you can directly travel to the next time without locking the cards, so there is no need for the cards to meet the 70% hard requirement.

If it were as Chu Xin feared, he would be able to leave the random world immediately, increasing the probability of getting rid of the God of Creation.

It's not that he is overly worried, nor is he judging a gentleman's heart with a villain's heart. This is just the basic prudence that one should have when traveling in all the worlds.


In the dark world of consciousness, red text appeared - "Prey City".

Seeing this, Chu Xin immediately remembered the city-type card that he had drawn from the gashapon machine before - [Phoenix City].

I just didn’t expect that I would randomly arrive at the plane where this card comes from!

Chu Xin vaguely remembered that this was a movie released by Universal Pictures in 2019. Although the plot had mixed reviews, the setting of the post-apocalyptic era and the scenes of hard-core steam machinery really attracted wasteland fans and steampunk fans. It is a popcorn special effects film that leaves the mind behind and only focuses on the eyes.

As Chu Xin recalled, the darkness gradually dissipated.

He also called out [Predator] from the card pack. As the only smaller humanoid character, he would not be as ostentatious as Smaug.


When his eyes lit up, Chu Xin was already in a deserted plain and mound.

According to the world setting, nuclear war broke out in various countries on the earth, turning the surface into a purgatory of death in just a few days. However, tenacious humans re-emerged in the wasteland and developed a new way of survival.

As for the timeline, it is thousands of years later, either 4019 or 6023. The specific year is meaningless. Anyway, the civilization of the past has completely changed, and the direction of the technology tree has gradually deviated, full of retro and science fiction. The beauty of contradictory hedging.

Because the environment on land, sea, and air is very harsh and severe, and without the constraints of law, human society has transformed into an extremely cruel and bloody jungle law, following Darwinism's survival of the fittest.

As a result, many influential figures emerged in this troubled world. With a small number of various resources, they built mobile fortress cities, avoiding the embarrassing situation of sitting on nothing and taking advantage of predatory predators like predators. The development path of food form.

The rules are like a big fish eating a small fish. The huge mobile city has the means to devour small towns. It directly and arbitrarily plunders other people's material and human resources, which is a vivid display of the law of the jungle.

"Where is this?"

Chu Xin thought about it and used the earth map stored in the super armor to locate the coordinates.

In the system of this armor, there is all the information of hundreds of galactic planets, topography and even the layered structure of the entire planet.

Soon, the answer was obtained through comparison.

At the feet of Chu Xin is Brussels. Of course, there is no trace of this former capital of a country, and there is only endless desolation as far as the eye can see.

"Below is Lao Fa, above the head is Lao He, on the right is Lao De, and across the sea to the left is Lao Ying. But judging from the movie, their largest city, London, has become the devil in Europe."

"Forget it, this world needs a transition. Although I have never been a human being, it is the first time it has become a mobile city."

After making sure that there were no humans around, he immediately activated [Phoenix City].


The halo circulated, and a palace about twenty meters high rose from the ground.

It is not big in size and does not have any magnificent firepower devices, but it has a simple and elegant beauty. The most important thing is that this is an ancient Chinese style pavilion!

The highest point in the middle is the main hall, and outside is a fairly wide small square with four stone pillars standing there, giving it a bit of a feel of a cultivating sect.

Below is the building that supports the main hall. Its structural layout is like a miniature version of Hongya Cave. On the eaves full of ancient charm, there are jade sculptures of auspicious animals squatting.

The interior of the main hall is not closed. In the center, a lifelike jade phoenix is ​​spreading its wings and flying, with most of its body stretched out. A pair of blooming wings are like majestic angel wings.

Of course, these are just architectural styles. The interior is still a sophisticated mechanical structure, and the gears, engines and other configurations are also good.

Although it has not yet started, Chu Xin is very satisfied with the appearance of Phoenix City. If you put it in a European castle-style or wasteland-style mobile city, it can be said to stand out from the crowd. It is impossible to keep a low profile, and it will inevitably be attacked by a group of people!

Now Chu Xin himself is this small city. It is actually very reluctant to call it a city. Now it can only be regarded as a moving palace.

His vision and hearing come from the various mechanical equipment installed in the city itself, and are limited by this. It feels the same as the original storm red.

But no matter what, the road is at your feet, take two steps first and try~


The engine inside made a heavy roar, and Chu Xin's whole body began to tremble.

Clang clang clang!

The next second, eight pairs of giant tires covered with reliefs expanded from the bottom of the palace. Following Chu Xin's thoughts, they kicked up billowing dust on the wilderness and headed south. (End of chapter)

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