All Heavens: I haven’t been a human being since Storm Red

Chapter 277 Crystal Skeleton Holy Dragon Beast!

The first general under Morgoth was beheaded and thrown out like garbage. This scene was like a thunder in the cold winter, which shocked the doomsday dragon family and almost grew brains.

Although evil beasts are violent products without reason and intelligence, they also have eyes, noses, and ears, and their vision, hearing, and smell all feed back signals that make them tremble.


But there is no shortage of heroic and courageous people on the coalition side. No, the Skeleton Balrog pierced the Demon Dragon King's head with a fire sword, raised it above his head like a skewer, and used a primitive roar to show the strength of his master, as if to say Being an enemy of Chu Xin is such a miserable end.

"Charge! Kill these beasts for me!" Ironfooted Dain took the opportunity to shout, leading the charge bravely and fearlessly.

It has to be said that Chu Xin's move was simply a shot in the arm, and he directly used the most touching practical actions to tell his allies: Look, the Demon Dragon King, who was as powerful as the Lord God, was beheaded alive. Our enemy It's not as powerful as imagined.

The fighting continued, and blood like a stream filled the gaps in the ground of the sky platform, and then flowed down the slope, turning the platform into a spectacular red landscape fountain.

"Ho ho ho!"

Chu Xin, covered in scars, flew out and reappeared in everyone's eyes.

From his broken limbs, we can deduce how intense and terrifying the moment that determined life and death was.

This was just a traumatic injury. Chu Xin used an enhanced version of the Gravitational Laser Explosion, draining 90% of his energy reserves at once. In his current state, he could crush more than a dozen Doomsday Demonic Dragons. Any goddess could compete with him. It’s a neck-and-neck fight.

"Morgoth, it seems that your precious mount is not very good either~" the God of Earth mocked angrily.

Poseidon and Manwë, who occupied the triangular position with the God of Earth, looked at each other. Chu Xin's victory was undoubtedly great good news. Although they were in jail three times, seeing Morgoth's side being frustrated, there was no doubt that It's something to be happy about.

Morgoth suppressed his anger and did not want to show his broken mentality in front of his old enemy, so he smiled coldly and said, "If it's dead, it's dead. It's just a mount. Just find another one. I think it's very suitable."

His eyes were fixed directly on the majestic Chu Xin, and the uncontrollable anger and murderous intent gathered into black flames, which burst out from his eyes with a "bang".

"You're in a hurry~" The God of Earth continued to sneer.

In fact, the three of them were taking advantage of the perfect breathing time to quickly recover their physical strength and think about strategies. But the more they thought about it, the more confused they became.

It's like being trapped in a swamp. The harder you struggle, the harder it is to escape. But if you give up resistance, you are still at the mercy of others.

All in all, Morgoth, who can be called a hexagonal warrior, is really impeccable!

No matter what methods the three gods used, Morgoth always responded and fought back madly and calmly, and there was no trace of panic in him at all.

In a word, Manwë and the others have been led away by the rhythm of Morgoth, and it is difficult to break out.

If this continues, sooner or later the battle will be defeated.

Once Morgoth frees his hand and turns his hand into clouds and his hand into rain, hundreds of thousands of allied troops will be gone in an instant.

When he thought of the Middle-earth that the gods had worked so hard to build, turned into ruins and scorched earth, Manwë became angry and said, "Aulë, Ulmo, form the Three Spirits Divine Might Demonic Formation!"

They moved as soon as they spoke. Standing in an equilateral triangle, they immediately recited long and obscure spells at a rap speed.

Morgoth, who was in the center, naturally knew what magic they were going to cast. After all, he fell into that trick in the first place and was thrown out of the universe by Manwe with a big iron chain.

"Things are different now. Do you want the same trick to work a second time?" His right foot was in the air, and an irregular black magic circle was quickly outlined under him.

After a while, the three gods burst out with dazzling three colors, engulfing Morgoth at the speed of light, and an infinite burst of magic storm swept through the interior.

As for how violent it is, even the microscopic dust in the air will be shattered!

But when the black magic array ignited thousands of flaming tentacles, the magic of the three gods gradually fell into decline. The momentum and array were still there, but they could no longer pose much of a threat to Morgoth.

However, it is not time to give up yet, Manwe and other gods continue to increase the output of magic power.

"The fight was very stalemate. It seems that the Gods do have a few tricks up their sleeves." Chu Xin looked down at the entire battle, taking in a panoramic view of several battlefields.

Thinking about it, he suddenly opened three big mouths.

Skill - Emergency Swallow!

It can convert any energy around it into what it needs. In the face of this rule, the mixed energy that fills the world no longer has any disadvantages. Anyway, it becomes pure energy when it enters Chu Xin's body.


Half a minute later, Chu Xin's energy reserve was restored to 70%!

The regenerative cells are also stimulated by the abundant energy, frantically repairing the wounds all over the body, regenerating the broken tail, and spreading the flesh and blood.

Card text appears:

"The dragon show, the fusion of dragons, the use of dragons to hunt dragons, staged a competition of extreme bravery, and a fight without any fancy to find the only winner;

[Smaug, the Dragon of Bones]

Proficiency +9%, reaching 100%,

Obtain reward: weight increases to 100,000 tons, bone density increases accordingly,

Full proficiency, awakening 100% super skill - Burial (transforms into a tomb of bones, rains endless rain of bones, and gives the enemy a burial of bones; cooldown time is 48 hours);

【King Ghidorah】

Proficiency +5%, reaching 97%,

Earn rewards:

Weight increased to 200,000 tons,

The maximum flight speed of the ‘Fire Demon Wing’ is increased to Mach 6, the maintenance time is increased to 30 minutes, and the cooling time is reduced to 8 hours.

The area radius of the skill 'Shattered Thunder World' has been increased to 10,000 meters, and the energy of the body is close to 100%.

The total amount of spare energy that can be stored in the body's flesh and blood has increased to three times the original amount, and can be mobilized without delay. "

Chu Xin quickly finished browsing it, and Chu Xin was secretly happy.

As long as you put in more effort, you'll be able to master Ghidorah easily.


Knowing that he was arrogant, he flashed, maintaining the fused form of Skeleton Ghidorah and flew up into the sky, disappearing without a trace under the cover of thick smoke and clouds.

For a moment, everyone in the enemy army was in danger, and they were all cautious, fearing that God Chu Xin would descend to earth for a sneak attack.

"As expected, he lived up to expectations!"

Seeing Chu Xin's great victory and the embarrassed Gandalf not forgetting to shout excitedly in his heart.

Looking back at him, his clean robes were already in tatters, and there were wounds everywhere on his body that were bleeding golden blood. The black flames attached to them were constantly eating away at his strength.



Ionwë seemed to have taken some medicine, and while he violently attacked Gandalf, black smoke emitted from the pores of his body.

The fire Morgoth had planted within him was burning the spirit, turning it into a reckless battle maniac.

After the whole battle, whatever magic Gandalf used, Ionwë imitated it, and added black flames like the tarsal maggots.

Until now, Gandalf was exhausted and could only hold on with great reluctance.

"Spirit-burning spell!"

Gandalf could only force himself, and the human skin faded away, turning into a gray-silver spirit form.


The spirit body ripples and evaporates from a level invisible to the naked eye.

Loss of one's own origin, thereby stimulating deep potential.

With his momentum soaring, he faced Ionwei again, and with his life as fuel, he was finally able to keep up with him.

Suddenly, the battlefield between the dragon and Maiya became chaotic.

Gandalf turned his head and glanced, and found that Chu Xin appeared from the clouds and brutally killed four or five demonic dragons in an instant. He swung his claws at them as if they were squeezing a chicken to death.

At this moment, there was only one adjective in his mind, and that was "destroying"!


Gandalf and Ionwë both flew out, the former quickly overlooking the battle situation of the others.

The Goddess of Light still trapped the God of War, but she was unable to escape.

The three goddesses of Plants, Sorrow, and Rest were in a much more embarrassed state. They were played around by the experienced God of Hunting. Even if they wanted to confront each other head-on, the God of Hunting would use tricky hunting magic. It was so hard for them to extricate themselves.

The Hunting God himself also enjoyed and indulged in it, playing with the three goddesses with all kinds of skills. No, he looked at the embarrassed appearance of the goddesses, and a twisted smile appeared on his face.

Obviously, Morgoth's black fire not only controls the body and consciousness, but can also corrupt and evil the mind and ideas.

After all, the former God of Hunting would only target evil creatures. A strong man who never thought of himself as superior would respect the weak.

On the other side, the Weaving Goddess and the Dancing Goddess were much more relaxed, beating a group of evil Maya until they were unable to fight back.

"The magic of dance, the illusion!"

When the Weaving Goddess bound all the evil Maia with magical threads, the Dancing Goddess immediately created an illusion in their minds, trying to awaken the memories suppressed by the black fire, so as to achieve the goal of awakening.


Gandalf looked down and saw that the largest battlefield could not be looked directly at. He could only describe its tragedy as "a river of blood."

"Where are you looking? How dare you get distracted while fighting me!"

Suddenly, Ionwe's ghostly whisper sounded in his ears, and the trembling Gandalf subconsciously swung his left arm to attack.

With a "pop" sound, the silver-gray severed arm flew up.

The injured Gandalf kept retreating, and out of the corner of his eye he noticed that Chu Xin was missing again.


He suddenly felt a terrifying airflow coming from behind. It was obviously extremely hot, but it gave him a cold and piercing shuddering feeling.

If you are hit, you will definitely die!

Just when Gandalf was mentally prepared to be killed instantly, the slender shadow brushed past his shoulder, sweeping out a gorgeous arc in front of his eyes, and then shot Ionwë straight in the face.

Accompanied by the roaring sound of wind and thunder, Gandalf saw an extremely horrifying scene.

I saw the evil turned into Ionwei covered in black flames, flying backwards in an instant, and an astonishing blood mist burst out wherever he passed. The deformed humanoid skin collapsed, and the spirit form also twisted and collapsed in a second. Immediately afterwards, his limbs exploded, and his chest sunken into a piece of tissue paper. He fell to the top of a mountain without any struggle, and there was no movement except for the rising smoke.

Even if it is not dead, a passing ant can kill it alone.

The initiator is a dark golden hammer tail, with an extremely dense hollow patterned exoskeleton outside the scales.

"Thank you!" Gandalf, who survived the disaster, shouted in surprise.

Chu Xin did not show up, and his long tail covered his figure.

Gandalf landed on the top of the mountain and stared at Ionwë's tattered spirit body like a sack. Although he was unconscious, there was still a trace of life left. As Manwë's most trusted Chief Maia, he did have some abilities in him.

"Old friend, just rest."

Muttering, Gandalf cast a confinement magic on him, just in case.

After doing this, he rushed to the battlefield between Zhongmaiya and the Doomsday Demonic Dragon without hesitation. With his joining, the Demonic Dragon, which was destroyed by Chu Xin to only one third, also quickly declined, and the entire army was annihilated. A matter of time.

"Yavanna, Esti, hold him for a minute." Nena, the goddess of sorrow, whispered.

The plant goddess in the form of a dark-haired royal sister and the goddess of rest in the form of a pink-haired girl looked at each other, and invariably protected the goddess of sorrow behind them and each used their magic to launch a strong attack.

The former's arms transformed into thick vines covered with flowers. They grew wildly and split into many tiny branches, suddenly filling the vast sky into a rootless duckweed-like primeval forest. The vast scope made it difficult for the Hunting God to approach for a while, and as the vines Spreading, he was soon deeply trapped in it, extending in all directions like a maze full of dangers.

A look of sleepiness appeared on the latter's face, and his slender arms stretched limply. With a crisp yawn, the pink sleep magic was activated.


The pale pink light constantly transforms into lively foam, lingering smoke, and soft hair tips, silently attacking the Hunting God from all directions.

In an instant, endless waves of sleepiness swept through his brain. His eyelids immediately began to fight, his frown gradually relaxed, and his facial features became gentle. The five fingers holding the long bow trembled slightly, and finally even his body was shaking. , had to rely on a vine for support.

"Sleep~sleep~ There is everything you want in your dreams~" the goddess of rest murmured softly, caressing the hunting god's noisy heart like a demonic sound.


Seeing this, the plant goddess quickly struck while the iron was hot.

She manipulated dozens of extremely tough and tiny vines to wrap around the Hunting God's limbs, neck, waist and hips, binding him from top to bottom.

During the whole process, the originally murderous God of Hunting only struggled slightly.

"Nina, hurry up, I can't hold on for long!" the goddess of rest reminded. From her trembling petite body, you can see how difficult it is to hypnotize a Vera.

"Okay!" The goddess of sorrow suddenly raised her head, "Yavanna!"

"Here we will clear the way for you!" The plant goddess shouted fiercely, moving her hands from the middle to the void on both sides.


The rootless aerial forest suddenly split into a gap that could accommodate one person, and at the end was the Hunting God.

"The Sword of Lamentation."

The goddess of sorrow pulled out a pure black thin sword from her chest with tears in her eyes, and then turned into a fast stream of light, carrying the sword straight towards the hunting god.

The tip of the sword blade was pointed at his throat, and purple-black liquid flowed from the patterned grooves of the hilt, quickly flowing throughout the entire sword body, adding a bit of a weird and mysterious color.

And this purple-black liquid is actually the spiritual blood of the Goddess of Sorrow!

"He who is struck by the sword of mourning is in mourning."

As soon as she finished speaking, her long black hair spread out, as if facing the biting cold wind.

Suddenly, she caught a glimpse of the Hunting God's mouth, which seemed to be raised in a mocking tone.


The goddess of sorrow knew that the arrow she fired could not be turned back, so she stabbed out the rapier in her hand.


At the same time, five hidden magic arrays appeared out of thin air in various directions, shooting flame beams at the Goddess of Sorrow.

There is no doubt that this is a hunter's trap, using himself as bait, just waiting for the prey to take the bait.


The vines exploded and burst into flames.

"No!" The other two said in unison, immediately understanding what the old hunting god meant.

The forest of vines dispersed, and the God of Hunt, wearing flying magic boots, stepped out of the air. His right hand grasped the black hair of the goddess of sorrow together, and forcibly hung her up in the air.

As for his left arm, it was actually empty, and the cut surface on his shoulder was filled with black magic that was completely different from the black fire.

"I underestimated you, and you actually hurt me in my trap. It is really shameful and humiliating for a hunter to be bitten by his prey~" The God of Hunting mentioned the goddess of sorrow with no understanding of her, and suddenly hit her in the abdomen with his knee. She fainted and suddenly woke up from the pain.


Naturally, the Goddess of Plants and Rest will not sit still and wait for death.

The two of them attack from the left and right, and each strike is a killing move.

The God of Hunting casually dropped the Goddess of Sorrow and let her fall freely.

"I'll go!" The plant goddess was closer and waved out a vine to save the goddess of sorrow.

In order to cover up, the Goddess of Rest was forced to confront the God of Hunting head-on. She slapped her hand and released dense pink smoke, which had a variety of debilitating negative buffs.

But the God of Hunting stared at her with pitiful eyes and said sarcastically: "You guys really haven't learned any lessons. You are stupid, stupid, and influenced by emotions. It's really boring to hunt you."

"What?" When the goddess of rest heard this, she suddenly felt bad.

It's a pity it's too late.

Puff puff!

Another invisible trap magic circle was activated, and six spears shot from different angles.


The sounds of torn flesh and bones and broken bones were heard continuously, followed closely by the girl's delicate screams of pain.

Her whole body was bloody and penetrated by spears, including her arms, thighs, flanks, chest, soles, and back. The appearance was tragic and terrifying.

As if to enjoy the painful struggle of his prey, the Hunting God did not injure its vitals. He licked the corners of his mouth and glanced up and down at the Goddess of Rest in tattered clothes with a twisted and greedy gaze.

Not just lust, but a more morbid and dark emotion.

In this situation, the Hunter God's pupils were completely occupied by black flames, and his eyes were as black as ink, without any white of the eyes.

Gradually, clusters of fire seeped out of his pores, no different from Ionwë who had fallen into madness.

"I didn't realize until today that there is a lot of fun in torturing a dying prey." The Hunting God smiled ferociously, quickly throwing tribal-style darts in his hand, and pierced the few intact darts of the Goddess of Rest without missing a beat. In the flesh.

And this goddess of rest not only transformed into a sixteen-year-old girl, but her character also seemed to match her, causing her big eyes to drop pearls in pain.

As a god who studies how to sleep well and how to let all races in Middle-earth have a good sleep, she has never experienced the pain and suffering at this moment. After all, the original War of Anger was mainly participated by the male god Vera and the goddess Weili. Responsible for the aftermath.

"It's time to give the prey the final blow." The Hunting God condensed a primitive spear, performed the standard throwing action, and then threw it out with all his strength.


The vines of the Plant Goddess came from below, but they missed the spear and did not catch up.

"Esti, defend!" she remembers shouting.

The Goddess of Rest also wanted to defend herself, but at this time she was sleepier than ever before. Even moving her fingers was a luxury. She just wanted to close her eyes and sleep peacefully and comfortably.

She stared at the spear that was getting closer and closer with blurred vision, and murmured feebly, "Am I going to die? It wouldn't be bad to sleep forever, right? I don't want to fight at all, I just want to have a good sleep." Sleep."


Suddenly, wind and thunder surged.

The majestic platinum light flashed away, and the goddess of rest disappeared with it, so that the spear pierced the air with a "whoosh".

"Where is this? It's so warm~" The goddess of rest opened her eyes blankly, and her field of vision was immediately filled with three ferocious but majestic dragon heads. "This big guy, he saved me~"

Chu Xin lowered his head and glanced at the pure and white pink-haired girl in his palm, secretly wondering if this little girl was really a god at the level of the Lord God? These goddesses have powerful magic and eternal time, but when they fight, they are a mess and have no actual combat experience. It is not surprising that they are unilaterally ravaged by the Hunting God.

He closed the dragon's claws, protected Esti in his palms, and stared at the hunting god with twinkling eyes.

"Finally, an interesting prey has arrived, worthy of my hunting!" The God of Hunting smiled ferociously, and with great mobility, he set up his bow and shot an arrow, shooting nine arrows in a row.

When it swept out several hundred meters, the nine arrows swelled in the wind, and their length increased to 500 meters. It was large enough to easily penetrate Chu Xin's body.


"Broken Thunder World."

Chu Xin instantly turned into energy, combined with his experienced body skills to dodge all the feather arrows, and the next second he rushed towards the field with thunderous thunder.

"The Demonic Dragon King has pure combat power comparable to that of the main gods, but there is also a gap between the main gods. What's more, this hunting god is extremely sophisticated and insidious. He is on par with me in this regard and cannot be trusted."

Chu Xin thought, then he opened his dragon claws and threw the sleepy Rest Goddess towards the Plant Goddess who was already prepared.

It would be unwise to carry a burden with you when fighting against the Lord God.

As for why he saved her, after all, God is watching what people do, so the God of Creation must be watching a live-action TV series in the Eternal Palace. Doesn't this mean that He owes him a favor? Lest he destroy himself as a heretic~

To wander around the world, fighting and killing is not the only solution. Occasionally, you also need to be humane and sophisticated.

In Chu Xin's eyes, the only true god in Middle-earth is Eru Ilúvatar. Gods like Manwë are at best considered gods.

"Don't move, I'll heal your injuries." The plant goddess lowered the two girls, one black and one pink, to the sea surface, hugging her left and right, and immediately used plant magic to treat their injuries.

"Is he in danger?" The goddess of rest blinked her eyes and asked worriedly.

"You should worry about yourself, half of your feet are about to return to Father God," the goddess of sorrow replied, "Which one of us can kill the Demon Dragon King alone?"

"With such power, are they the apostles sent by Him? Otherwise, I really can't imagine that there would be such a powerful life form in this world." The plant goddess speculated.


While they were talking, Chu Xin was already fighting with the Hunting God.

The gravitational rays exploded like divine thunder, and all the mountains and seas touched instantly turned into powder.

The Hunting God was as arrogant as ever, and he was unambiguous in his work. He retracted his long bow and threw a golden spear with his backhand.

During the collision, Chu Xin's powerful attack was offset.

Lightning flashed everywhere, and the giant shadow came suddenly, but stopped suddenly when it was a thousand meters away, and sprayed gravitational rays and flames into the void under the frowning gaze of the Hunting God.

Bang bang bang!

I saw a series of trap magics being activated, the number of which was as high as a terrifying fifty.

When the Plant Goddess saw this, she couldn't help but feel chills running down her spine, because she had no idea when the Hunting God had arranged these magic circles, and she immediately understood that the Hunting God had been strategizing from the beginning to the end, playing with them in the palm of his hand.

"You look quite brainless. I didn't expect you to be very thoughtful, but you underestimated the power of God after all. No, it should be my hunting skills." The Hunting God said.


In an instant, the speed of light on the sea surface beneath Chu Xin drew a magic circle with a diameter of one kilometer.

In the blink of an eye, countless magic chains poured out, like thousands of black snakes rushing into the sky, threatening to form a dragnet to imprison Chu Xin.

Chu Xin reacted quickly and turned around without hesitation.


The chain followed closely behind him, and its length increased to tens of thousands of meters in a few breaths.

"This hunting god's pure combat power is average, but he can do a lot of tricks. If he is entangled in these chains, it will be extremely difficult to break free with the power of [Skeleton Ghidorah]."

Chu Xin used the Flame Demon Wing, and his speed climbed above Mach 6. The deafening sonic boom resounded endlessly. The terrifying speed of more than 7,500 kilometers per hour completely turned him into an afterimage. This was not the limit. When the bones were gathered together and presented a perfect streamline shape from beginning to end, the sky was dyed an extremely bright red gold color.

"Let's see where you can run."

The God of Hunting began to recite the magic spell, activating the higher esoteric hunting magic, and the magic array on the sea burst out with an even more dazzling light.


The speed of the chain skyrocketed, still maintaining the same level as Chu Xin.

Not long after, Chu Xin had left the Linton area, and not far ahead was the Blue Mountains in the north.

However, these thousands of chains were still hanging on behind, and their length could no longer be estimated because Chu Xin was not walking in a straight line.


Before you knew it, you were already surrounded by vast white coastal ice sheets, and beneath the white snow was the tenacious dark green tundra.

"Wow wow~ wow wow wow~"

A group of Lososians from the Frohel Ice Bay were fishing. A strange sound in the sky made them look up. After a few seconds, they were so frightened that they knelt down and worshiped, thinking they had seen a god.

Chu Xin looked down at the scenery below him that was very similar to Iceland in winter, and thought to himself, "We have reached the far north, it's time to go back and give him a surprise."


A card is drawn from the card pack.



The totem of an auspicious beast appeared behind the skeleton Ghidorah.

It is the crystal beast transformed by Nuwa's Heaven-Mending Stone!

Chu Xin incorporated the third card into this chase, which also meant that a new unknown life form would be born.

Gray Harbor.

The Hunting God, who was activating the magic circle with all his strength, was suddenly startled. He actually couldn't sense Chu Xin's whereabouts, and the magic chain lost its tracking target.

"Unless its speed suddenly increases, that won't happen."

The Hunting God blinked, and spells appeared around the eye sockets. The two eyeballs turned into a golden color, as agile and sharp as the eyes of an eagle.

Buzz buzz~

And his vision was also changing rapidly. He followed the chain all the way over the mountains and ridges, and in just a few seconds he saw the Losos people kneeling on the ice field, but looking around, there was no trace of Chu Xin.

Either it mysteriously disappears out of thin air, or it explodes at unimaginable speed in an instant!

Under the influence of the black inflammation, he became more and more paranoid, determined to find Chu Xin, skin him with cramps, crush his bones and raise ashes.

Then, the hunting god tore the third eyeball between his eyebrows.

Hunting Magic - Eyes of Insight!

With this blessing, he saw many details that were difficult to distinguish and notice with the naked eye.

"The airflow, fluctuations, flames, wind, and electricity all escaped at a faster speed. Regardless of whether there is some kind of mutation in you, you are destined to be my prey."

The Hunting God's arms shook, and a pair of eagle wings emerged from his back, leading him to fly to the north.

When he flew to the Blue Mountains, he found that the wind and clouds were changing. The clear sky was already covered with dark clouds and strong winds were sweeping across. There were constant sounds of thunder and lightning. What was incomprehensible was that there were also dense hail and snowflakes falling together, as if in spring, summer, autumn and winter. All year round.

"The war between the gods caused the climate disorder in Middle-earth?" The Hunting God didn't care. At this moment, all he could think about was hunting Chu Xin.

The weather for the rest of the journey was always so weird. When the Hunting God went up, he also felt something was wrong.

But when he wanted to find out, Chu Xin, who had been waiting for a long time, made the first move.


A colorful ray fell like thunder from the sky, connecting the sky and the Hunting God.

The start is a big move.

Ghidorah's gravity ray, Smaug's demon-killing dragon flames, and Celestial Beast's elemental turbulence cannon that combines the five divine powers. Various violent forces are stably blended under the promotion of Celestial Beast's [Confluence of Elements], so they burst out. Such terrifying energy.

In addition, Chu Xin activated Tianjing Beast’s 100% super skill: Five-color Sky Buty (card fusion auxiliary skill, effective when fused with other cards, which can give the fused body continuous life, physical strength, and energy supply, and can give 50% combat power bonus for ten minutes)!


The Hunting God was caught off guard and hurriedly defended himself. The hastily constructed defensive magic circle was instantly exploded and then directly collided with his body.


The God of Hunting was carried and smashed into the mountains. The continuous mountains collapsed and exploded in an instant. Countless large cracks were opened in the earth, and a large gap was opened in the blue mountains, allowing everything to pass through.


The momentum of the storm that filled the sky continued unabated, and a majestic giant, both good and evil, appeared majestically.

There have been many changes to the general structure of Skeleton Ghidorah.

The dragon head in the middle has horns that symbolize mythical beasts. The details of the sideburns, fangs, chin and other parts have changed. A diamond-shaped diamond is embedded between the eyebrows, making it look more like a Chinese dragon species.

The ferocious and flamboyant exoskeleton has become more regular, restraining evil and adding divine majesty, and its color has become more colorful and textured.

The limbs are slender and well-proportioned, Ghidorah's original slightly deformed body structure has been greatly improved, and the visual beauty has made a major breakthrough.

The most eye-catching thing is the sky crystal armor located on the chest. The five bright crystals of ice, fire, light, electricity and wind are arranged in an orderly manner and shine brightly, which directly makes the appearance of the person explode.

Smaug + Ghidorah + Sky Crystal Beast = Crystal Dragon Beast! (End of chapter)

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