high altitude.

"Ahead is the Gray Harbor, the westernmost port in Middle-earth." Gandalf controlled the magic airflow and advanced hand in hand with Chu Xin in the air.

"Ilmari has not replied to the letter, and Morgoth has not sent any more troops to Middle-earth. The Aman continent is probably in danger." Chu Xin looked down at the port city behind the ridge and said solemnly.

"Alas~" Gandalf sighed deeply.

Under them, a regrouped coalition army was marching toward the Gray Harbor in a mighty manner. Its races and forces were more diverse than before, but upon closer inspection, they were all extremely tired, and their lower age limit was the same as before. The upper limit exceeds that of the ordinary army, and there are many burly women among them. They are responsible for the army's food and drink, and will also rush to the battlefield at the last minute.

It can be said that this is the last power that Middle-earth can gather.

put all one's eggs in one basket!

"In Linton today, only the Gray Harbor is still standing, and Lord Cirdan is called the Shipbuilder by us," Gandalf said.

Chu Xin acquiesced, because on the way here, he encountered a large area of ​​abandoned towns that were deserted and overgrown with weeds. The former prosperity was covered by wild vines, and the rarely visited street buildings all showed the former glory of the elves.

Chu Xin didn’t know much about Cirdan, except that he was an ancient elf of the same era as Elrond. Both of them were loyal to the High King of the Noldor elves. After the ancient war, he took him with him. His elven subordinates came to settle in Linton and built magic ships for the elves to travel between Middle-earth and Aman. Moreover, the Ring of Fire that Gandalf obtained when he first arrived in Middle-earth was given by Chirdan.


One man and one dragon fell into the flat and open area outside the Gray Harbor before the coalition forces.

Here, there are already more than a dozen tall elves waiting. The leader of the man looks like he is in his forties. He has long curly silver-gray hair draped casually on his shoulders and a three-dimensional and generous face. Well-trimmed white beard.

His eyes were very peaceful, as if he could see through the sin and evil deep in people's hearts.

"Old friend, long time no see!" Gandalf happily walked over and hugged him warmly.

"Your power is all released. It seems that you have gone through a big battle." Chierdan said, his eyes locked on Chu Xin who was hard to ignore. After all, with a 300-meter-long body, he would attract attention wherever he placed it.

He calmly came to Chu Xin, bowed slightly and raised his head and said, "Thank you, Lord Smaug, for what you have done. Princess Kenantriel has already told me about your heroic deeds."

"It's just a little effort." Chu Xin replied.

Since the situation was urgent and it was not the time for small talk, after the coalition forces arrived, everyone quickly stationed themselves at the Gray Harbor built on the seaside.

The soldiers who had traveled a long distance were all exhausted physically and mentally and went to bed early after enjoying a big meal, but a group of core leaders gathered on the beach under the caress of the moonlight.

Behind is the beautiful and quiet Gray Harbor building, and in front is the endless turbulent sea.

"Ilmari met me when she left Middle-earth. Under her reminder, I deployed induction magic on the sea. Once a dark creature crosses, it will bloom. These days are calm," Chierdan said.

"We are like being kept in the dark, knowing nothing about the other side of the sea. Whoever comes across the ocean is an enemy or a friend." Kenantriel said quietly.

"To be honest, I would never have guessed a year ago that the fate of Middle-earth would be judged here." Aragorn, who had always been calm and brave, felt a little defeated.

"Alas~" Elrond sighed lowly.

The meeting that was supposed to be a lively discussion suddenly became quiet to the point of being depressing.

"If it's an enemy, just kill them. The soldiers will block the water and cover them with earth. Sighing before the battle is a sign of defeat." Faced with their confusion and fear, Chu Xin gave a simple and crude answer.

Gandalf suddenly smiled, "That's right. We haven't even seen Morgoth yet, but we were so frightened that we lost all control. In this case, we might as well surrender as soon as possible."

"That's right. Worrying so much now will only cause confusion." Chierdan also raised a smile on his lips, "We only need to do our best. For the rest, I believe that the gods will not lose."

After Chu Xin's hard-core comfort, the subsequent strategic discussion returned to normal.

The specific content is nothing more than how to deal with various enemy offensives, how our coalition forces should make countermeasures with minimal casualties, and how to deploy dragon-slaying equipment to hunt the dragon...

Chu Xin could not give much advice, because he did not have an in-depth understanding of Morgoth or even the Protoss, and he did not know it in his mind. He was unable to make correct judgments and decisions that were realistic, so when Gandalf and the others asked him When asked about his opinion, he replied, "Don't worry about anything else, let me deal with the dragon."

It doesn’t matter whether you can beat it or not, and what the final outcome will be. However, you must take advantage of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to maximize the proficiency of the two cards [Smaug] and [Ghidora]!

Don't look at the difference between the two cards combined, which is only 18%, but Chu Xin is very good, and killing hundreds of enemies may only increase by 1%.

The next day.

Nothing happened.

The third day.

Still calm.

The fourth day.

Still, but as time went by, an atmosphere of anxiety gradually filled the coalition forces.

Until the early morning of the fifth day.

Chu Xin stood up suddenly on the towering cliff and stared at the distant sky.

His violent reaction immediately aroused the vigilance of Gandalf and the others. Cirdan decisively ordered his men to sound the alarm, and the soldiers who were having breakfast threw down their rice bowls.

"What?" Gandalf flew to Chu Xin's side.

"Someone is coming." Chu Xin replied.

Gandalf immediately sensed the magical element in the airflow, and nodded after a few seconds, "Indeed, and it is coming straight towards us."

The defense line below has begun to operate, and long-range ballistae and trebuchets are ready, just waiting for an order.


As everyone watched nervously, the sea surface that was calm a second ago began to ripple in an increasingly violent manner.

The waves surged and crashed onto the beach.


However, what surprised everyone was that the visitor did not come from high altitude, but brought a huge wave to break through the water.

I saw a huge water ball completely condensed from sea water entering my eyes, and I could vaguely see figures inside.

After Gandalf was stunned for a few seconds, he suddenly showed excitement. He shouted tremblingly, "Don't do anything, we are friendly forces!"

As soon as the nervous soldiers heard his roar, they almost shot the crossbows in their hands. Fortunately, Canantriel cast a calming magic that covered the entire field in time to avoid the mistake.


The water ball explodes and the water flows back into the ocean.

After many years, the gods once again set foot on the land of Middle-earth. This was also the first time for Aragorn and others to see Valar and Viri with their own eyes.

"They are so tall~" Gimli muttered subconsciously.

"Shh!" Legolas on the side motioned him to stop talking nonsense.

But it is indeed true. Maia's height is no different from that of ordinary humans, but among the main gods standing in front, the shortest Goddess of Rest is three meters tall, and the three gods of heaven, earth and sea are even five meters tall.


In an instant, the mighty divine power spread out naturally and swept over everyone present.

Fortunately, Manwe and others are not hostile to everyone here, otherwise coercion alone would be enough to break the mind of an ordinary human being and make him lose his fighting spirit.

"Your preparations are more complete than I expected. I am very pleased to see the scene of unity and mutual help among all the ethnic groups in China." Manwë spoke highly of it.

"Brother, stop inking at this time. Morgoth and his army will attack at any time." The God of Earth waved his hand.

"You guys chat, I'll go and watch in the sea." Poseidon is indeed a withdrawn character. Before his feet were warm on the ground, he turned around and jumped into the water without hesitation.

"Everyone, please rest first." The goddess of light said softly to the goddess and Maia.

As he spoke, Gandalf and the others came to the Lord God.

"Canantriel, long time no see, you are still so beautiful." The dancing goddess greeted her affectionately.

Canantriel looked around with a smile on his face and asked the important point in doubt, "Where's Vana? Why aren't the other gods there?"

On how to silence a group of superior gods~

"Let's talk in the hall, there's something wrong outside." Childan said appropriately.

A few minutes later.

When everyone learned the ins and outs of what happened in Aman, they were all shocked and speechless.

"Ilmari is dead?" Canandriel murmured in disbelief, his eyes filled with mist.

"If we lose, she will really die." The goddess of light comforted her.

"In short, what we are about to face are not only enemies, but also controlled gods. The most terrifying thing is that there are three main gods with powerful combat capabilities. Unless they take action, I really can't think of how to break the situation." The God of Inspiration said with a headache. whispered.

"The situation is more difficult than I thought~" Chu Xin thought to himself.

The most difficult thing to conquer is Morgoth himself, and the Flame of Annihilation is really an unexpected super cheat.

At this time, Chu Xin discovered that Manwei and other gods had their eyes on him.

They seemed to be using some kind of magical exploration to find out what was so special about Chu Xin.

Just now, Gandalf had told the entire process of the Battle of Black Gate, including the appearance and death of the two dragons.

"Although we know nothing about your origin, the current situation does not allow us to hesitate any longer. I want to get a definite answer," Manwë said in a calm but powerful tone, "Smaug, or something else. , are you an enemy or a friend?"

Under the gaze of many gods, few people can lie calmly.

However, there was no need for Chu Xin to deceive.

Because from his own subjective point of view, he is indeed a friend, and only in this way can he obtain the maximum benefits. Moreover, if the sky falls, there will still be a God of Creation to hold him up.



Suddenly, a dull and loud sound that resounded across the sky came from the direction of the sea.

Everyone was shocked and rushed out of the door in unison.

Chu Xin flew to a high altitude and saw a wave rushing thousands of meters away!

It was a raging wave that stretched tens of thousands of meters from north to south, forming a seawater wall that protected Gray Harbor. Its thickness reached an impressive thousand meters.

Obviously, such generosity comes from the sea god Ulmo.


At this moment, doomsday demon dragons descended from the sky, rushing against the water wall again and again without caring about their own safety. The evil black flames and the magic-soaked sea water collided with each other, creating terrifying loud noises.

In an instant, the black mist from the endless black flames covered the sky. Such a battle shocked the coalition forces and even the woodland elf king Thranduil trembled.

Everyone understood that opposite the water wall was the hell of death.

"In this vast ocean, I am the only true god!"

Poseidon broke out of the water, his five-meter body rose up from the ground, grew to a height of 800 meters, and then plunged the trident in his hand into the sea.

"Get them all back!"


The wall of water suddenly swelled into endless rolling waves, and within a few seconds evolved into layers of shocking tsunamis. The friction of the water flow produced a deafening movement, and the earthquake was clearly felt along the coast.

The key is that each wave is five thousand meters high. As Poseidon exerts his power, the huge waves that follow reach straight to 10,000 meters, 20,000 meters, 30,000 meters, and 50,000 meters.

The last one, 100,000 meters!

The most important thing is that every drop of seawater contains full Poseidon magic power, giving it several times the weight and penetrating power comparable to a heavy crossbow.

At this moment, the entire Belegal Sea was mobilized by Poseidon with his own power.

But it's not surprising. As one of the three basic gods in charge of the sea, the planet's ability to form the sea is closely related to him.

"Is this the power of God? Am I dreaming?" Boromir said with confused eyes.

"In comparison, Sauron is nothing." Iron-footed Dain cursed secretly.

"But it was Sauron who turned Middle-earth upside down." Faramir smiled bitterly, deeply feeling the insignificance of human beings.

Not to mention them, even the well-informed Chu Xin couldn't help but marvel and praise him.

In such a comparison, Gandalf and other minor gods are simply inferior magicians. Next to the main gods are fireflies and bright moons.

"Accept my wrath!"

Accompanied by the roar of the Poseidon, the tsunami connecting the sky and the sea rushed towards the group of magic dragons with great momentum.

In one encounter, five or six demonic dragons were forcibly beaten into pieces and rotten flesh. The hard scales were as vulnerable as plastic leather penetrated by bullets. Blue water droplets entered and turned black and red when they came out. color.

Chu Xin knew very well that if he encountered [Smaug], he would most likely end up like the Doomsday Dragon.


At this time, the huge Demonic Dragon King swooped down, roared and spewed out a large ball of black flames, enveloping all the remaining forty-odd Demonic Dragons.

Even though the fireball was thousands of meters in diameter, it was still floating around like rootless duckweed in the tsunami.

But despite the impact of the tsunami, the fireball only gradually weakened and never completely burst.

"That dragon king has strength that rivals the Lord God. Morgoth, you obviously have supreme talent, but you go in the opposite direction." Manwe said in surprise and helplessness.

Poseidon also saw how powerful the Demon Dragon King was. Just when he was about to concentrate his power on attacking the fireball, floating warships appeared on the distant skyline!

Those are the possessions of the Gods and have been the main means of transportation in many wars.

Whoosh whoosh~

Sure enough, many Maia who had been evilened by Morgoth rushed out and simultaneously launched a magical offensive towards Tsunami.

The warship also fired bunches of magic cannons, which instantly escalated the battle situation and added brilliant colors to the world. It suddenly felt like a battlefield among the gods.

There is no hesitation, and there is no warm process of greeting each other. A fierce battle is about to break out!


Suddenly, a figure managed to penetrate Poseidon's tsunami defense with its physical body.

You don't need to look at the face, just look at the terrifying metal-like muscles all over the body, and you will know that it is Tuokas, the God of War, whose brain is also made of muscles.

He was the only one who had the guts to boldly and boldly attack the sea god's wrathful waves.

Poseidon is Poseidon after all, and War God is not unscathed. His arms are covered with bloody holes, and the joints on his body keep making harsh creaking sounds.

However, after more than ten seconds, all the injuries were healed, and the long-lost severe pain also brought the God of War into a state of climax. Bloodthirsty fighting spirit filled his cheeks, and he immediately rushed towards the Poseidon who was riding the waves.

"Hurricane, thunder!"

The moment Manwei shouted fiercely, a tornado full of thunder and lightning appeared out of thin air, blocking the gap between the God of War and the God of Poseidon, and quickly swept towards the former.

"I command as the God of the Earth," Auli stood proudly on the cliff, then squatted down and pressed his hands on the ground, "Bridge of Giant Rock!"


As soon as the words fell, the ground where Gray Harbor was located began to shake.

Immediately afterwards, the rock and soil on the ground surged up consciously, spreading rapidly towards the sea.

Soon three rock bridges with a width of one thousand meters appeared. They extended all the way to the location of Poseidon, and then the three bridges merged into a huge sky platform.

This move greatly expanded the coalition's combat area, circumvented the disadvantage of not being able to fly, and ensured that one's own camp "Grey Harbor" would not be devastated immediately. After all, all the hot-blooded men of Middle-earth were here. , if it is destroyed in one wave, then China-Earth will not be able to escape the rise of Yin and the decline of Yang for hundreds of years.

"Blast the war drum!"


I saw the God of War banging the hammer and ax fiercely, and the buzzing sound that hit the eardrums was endless.

In an instant, all the demonic dragons and evil Maia, including himself, were given the violent buff.


The God of War led by example and leapt towards the stern-looking Manwë.

"It seems that I, the God King, really have no deterrent power~"

Manwei laughed angrily and immediately put on the wind and thunder armor, with a storm shield in one hand and a thunder blade in the other, and faced the God of War without any timidity.


Amidst the lightning and thunder, the two violently fought for dozens of rounds.

"Tocas, haven't you always wanted to practice with me? Let me ask you, do you enjoy it?"

The God of War was suppressed by Manwe's set of special effects combos and was unable to stand up. With thunderous winds, the God of War was struck by a knife and fell into the sea, creating a large puddle that had not closed for a long time.

At the same time, the warship team led by Morgoth has arrived on the other side of the tsunami water wall.

"Uulmo, sooner or later you will be killed by your own kindness," Morgoth looked at Poseidon through the thick layers of sea water. "Perhaps today."

After speaking, he raised his right arm, and a cluster of extremely pure flames of annihilation brewed in his palm.

Upon seeing this, the God of Hunting and God of Hades on the left and right took a step back respectfully, making way for their boss to take the BC position.


Black flames rushed out, as thin as a black fishing line that was difficult to lock.

But this inconspicuous attack caused Poseidon's complexion to change drastically. He hurriedly crossed his arms to block, and hard and sharp blue scales sprouted all over his body.

Puff puff!

The sound of black flame rays penetrating the tsunami was as easy as poking a piece of toilet paper with your finger.

In the blink of an eye, it appeared in Poseidon's sight.



But it was not the God of the Sea, but the God of the Earth who stood in front of him without thinking.

Aulë's right arm transformed into a rock snapping turtle. The turtle shell that resisted the black flame rays was torn apart in an instant, and then shot through his right palm, grazed his shoulder and deviated from the course, finally destroying the top of the oldest building in Gray Harbor. The great hall burned to nothingness.

"Uh~~~Ah, this beast has really been reborn."

The God of Earth let out a cry of pain from the corners of his mouth, and looked at his torn right arm with fear. He almost lost all feeling from his fingertips to his shoulder, and it was hanging freely like a cucumber.

In the past, Morgoth would never have been able to break through his defenses so easily. On the contrary, the God of Earth would lift up a piece of land and smash Morgoth into the ground like nails.

"how come!"

Poseidon's incredible exclamation reached everyone's ears, making everyone's hearts tremble.

Because the tsunami that prevented the enemy from advancing was actually ignited, and it burned and evaporated very quickly.

"The Flame of Annihilation is not a flame. It symbolizes destruction and destruction. It is the negative source of all evil spirits. How can the seawater that is blended with magic have the qualifications to compete with it? You are the ruler of the sea, but I am about to become the only one in the universe. True God," Morgoth said to himself proudly.

"Go, leave no one behind." He said calmly.


The God of Hunting, God of Hades, Chief Maia Ionwe and other gods jumped out one after another, stepping on the heads of the demon dragons and advancing mightily.

It is obvious that blind defense is futile, and even the most impregnable city walls will be destroyed.

Next, there is something even more cruel than the meat grinder in Shura Field - the Battlefield of the Gods, the Battle of Doomsday!

The situation of the battle changed rapidly, and a wonderful fight was staged in just three or four minutes.

To be honest, Chu Xin watched it with great enthusiasm like an outsider. He had an immersive audio-visual experience like "War of the Gods: Eye of Power" and "War of the Gods", which is unmatched by any IMAX giant screen.


Under the violent attack of the enemy, Poseidon's defense collapsed completely, pouring down like a Milky Way waterfall.

The demon dragon, the evil god, and the warship seemed to have passed through the water curtain cave and arrived with killing moves.

"Soldiers, guard the Middle Earth, charge with me!"


Leaders of various races such as Aragorn and Dyne launched the charge clarion call without fear of death. Countless long-range weapons streaked across the sky and aimed at the overwhelming group of warships to bombard them indiscriminately.

Before them, the gods had already taken flight, resolutely intercepting the enemy's mainstay.

"It's time for a complete end between us."

"To be honest, I have been looking forward to this day for a long time."

The three gods of basic matter, King Manwë, God of the Sea Ulmo, and God of the Earth Aulë, joined forces for the first time. They faced Morgoth, who was alone, from a distance. The magic power released by both sides split the world into two halves, with black flames on one side. Monstrous, three colors intertwined on one side.

The four of them are in the sea farthest from the Gray Harbor. This shows that Manwe has good intentions and does not want to affect others.

In the distance, Ilmo, the God of Inspiration, put his hands behind his back, calmly and elegantly blocking the ghost-filled God of the Underworld.

"Namou, you used to be extremely gentle to the dead souls, and you would never use them as wantonly as you do now. Wake up!"

Faced with the persuasion of his former friend, the evil god of Hades responded with a ruthless attack without hesitation.

The God of Inspiration gave up his words and immediately summoned the luminous books surrounding him, controlling them like a sword for offense and defense.


On the left side of the two gods, the goddess of light Varda, who is the mother of the gods, bloomed with infinite brilliance, instantly attracting the god of war who wanted to slaughter the coalition forces.

The God of War was like a bloodthirsty beast upon seeing raw flesh, roaring with hunger, and pounced on the Goddess of Light like a wolf and a tiger.

But the Goddess is not a vase. She flipped over two long rivers of light and continued to output magic to describe the spell formation, trapping the God of War who only had arrogant divine power.

On the far right, the three goddesses, the Goddess of Plants, the Goddess of Sorrow, and the Goddess of Rest, joined forces to hold down Oromi, the God of Hunting. Regardless of their numerical advantage, the latter kept suppressing the three goddesses with terrifying hunting tactics. After a while They were beaten until their clothes were in tatters, but they were not defeated in a short time.

As for the Weaving Goddess and the Dancing Goddess, they blocked dozens of evil Maia in mid-air and prevented them from landing in the Gray Port. Unilateral massacres must be prohibited.

After all, they are at the level of main gods. Although they are not good at fighting, their experience is much easier than the other three goddesses.

However, creatures evilened by Morgoth can use a weakened version of the Flame of Annihilation to a certain extent, so they can explode with extraordinary power. Moreover, they have not killed anyone, so this battlefield is also very difficult. Decide the winner quickly.

The battle of the gods has begun.

Under the cover of the Doomsday Dragon, the warships arrived and landed on the sky platform. Several of them tried to land directly, but all were sunk by enchanted giant crossbows or magic anti-aircraft cannons.

Obviously, Morgoth's army is by no means a group of demonized gods.

"Ho ho ho!"

I saw endless ugly monsters filing out of the warships, rushing towards the three stone bridges one after another, and running towards the Gray Harbor for their lives.

They are close to wild beasts, with different sizes, and extremely deformed and evil appearances. In front of them, Oak and Orc look kind and pure.

Morgoth called them evil beasts. In fact, these things were just defective products when he created the Doomsday Dragon clan. Morgoth spent countless years trying again and again, experiencing countless failures, and gradually destroyed the Flame of Annihilation. After refining to the limit of what he could control, he finally created a powerful and ferocious dragon again.

When Morgoth saw the wise eyes of the Dragon King for the first time, he laughed wildly for ten minutes in the dark and silent emptiness, because in the subsequent imprisonment, he was no longer alone.

In fact, before Morgoth was thrown into the void, he was not as crazy and stubborn as he is now.

One can imagine how terrifying it is to feel an emptiness that even the Lord God cannot resist.


But it wasn't just the evil gods who charged. On the other side, the allied forces of all ethnic groups also climbed onto the stone bridge without fear of death and galloped towards the sky platform with all their strength.

The leaders were leaders such as Canantriel, Aragorn, Elrond, Thranduil, and Dyne Ironfoot.

In addition to them, the tree people from Fangorn Forest are also very conspicuous. Their tall figures have branches and leaves trembling as they walk, and their faces on the tree trunks have angry expressions.

At this moment, no one will feel afraid. Under the blessing of such a tragic atmosphere, everyone is a hero who is not afraid of life and death.

What's more, Gandalf used the Ring of Fire to give everyone courage.

"The dragons are coming, everyone is ready to fight!" Gandalf has become the leader of Maia. He sets an example by flying into the sky and intercepting dozens of doomsday dragons.

His expression was stern. After all, these dragons were all against Irmari, and their number was more than twice that of Maia.

But there was a trace of joy in his heart, because there was still a big boss on his side, and his lack of movement seemed to indicate that he had chosen his opponent.


More than a dozen Maiyas flew up and lined up in an impressive formation.

At this time, a figure jumped up from the head of the leading dragon and shot straight at Gandalf, whose expression changed.


Gandalf murmured in a complicated tone, feeling angry and conflicted at the thought of his extremely respected chief senior killing Ilmari.

The evil Ionwë did not hesitate at all, and drew an afterimage in mid-air. When he reappeared, he was already behind Gandalf, and struck out with a magic punch.

Gandalf was on guard, dodged his defense, and shouted to Chu Xin, "Friends, I will concentrate on dealing with him. Those beasts are in your hands!"

Before he could say a word, Ionwë threw two magical hurricanes. Gandalf saw this and used the same magic to fight back.

Both of them are subordinates of God King Manwei. If Amenzhou is compared to a sect of cultivating immortals, they are the senior brother and junior brother of the same origin.

The war was already in full swing everywhere, and the air was instantly filled with the smells of magic, blood, black powder, etc.

Chu Xin is no exception.


He passed over a dozen Maiyas and flew towards dozens of evil doomsday dragons without stopping.

The Maiyas behind looked at the huge three-hundred-meter figure, looked at each other, and then followed suit.

"I'm a little excited~"

Flames burst out from Chu Xin's skull eyes, and the overwhelming demonic dragons were like a powerful tonic, making him unable to stop.

Before the increase in size, using [Dark Lord Arrival] could give you a 55-50 fight with a demon dragon. But now, with a body length of 300 meters and a weight of 60,000 tons, it is a sure win against a demon dragon!

But there were more than fifty people on the opposite side, so even Chu Xin couldn't be careless.

However, in this situation, he should be killed seven times in and seven times out!


Several huge wind blades opened the way, and then the flames of the demon-slaying dragon burned a large splendid fire cloud in the sky.

Do it all at once, second time tired, third time exhausted.

Open the burning body and come out of the fire!

The Dark Lord has arrived, shrouded in evil energy!

With such an explosion, he can even fight against Maiya's chief Ionwe!


Chu Xin carried an unstoppable posture and ran straight into the group of demon dragons. He only saw the demon dragons being flipped upside down, like moths flapping in a violent storm.


Bang bang!

When Zhong Maiya saw this power, they immediately stopped questioning Chu Xin and released their magic immediately.

With their combination, the demon dragon clan was overwhelmed as soon as they met.

"Explosive spell!"

"Holy light shines!"


The Maiyas, who originally had no confidence and confidence, regained their strength one after another. Under the influence of Chu Xin, they burst out with the strength consistent with their status, and many fancy magics came into play in turn.

The advantage of being first did not last long. When the demonic dragons recovered, thirty of them distanced themselves from Chu Xin and outflanked Zhongmaiya from the left and right sides, spraying out clusters of fire from a long distance away. Black flame.


Maiya's strength was even more uneven. It was difficult for Ilmari to end the battle quickly, so in the next half minute, four of them were burned to the core by the black flames of the dragon, and most of their bodies were burned. They all got lucky.

On the other hand, because of the thick skin and strong vitality of the dragons, only two of them died.

"Don't scatter, form the White Moon Guardian Array!"

Fortunately, they were not stupid. They immediately gathered in a circle back to back, chanted the same magic spell, and condensed a milky white light ball to protect them.

Thirty demonic dragons attacked relentlessly, roasting the ball of light with black flames like a barbecue.

Chu Xin, who was not far away, took a look and estimated that their defense could only last ten minutes at most. Once they were breached, they would fall into a prisoner situation of death and defeat.


But he himself couldn't escape, and the remaining twenty or so demon dragons really thought highly of him, and they all launched a fierce siege on him without any sense of martial ethics.


The tail bone blade, combined with the bone wings, swiftly decapitated a demonic dragon that was trying to ride on its face. The tail acted like a sword, and accurately penetrated its cervical vertebrae along the bone seam, cutting it off.

When the other dragons saw this, they showed no fear or panic, and all became more violent and manic.

This is because Morgoth deliberately set them up when he created them, so that the dragons would not be afraid of fighting and other emotions. They were proper war killing machines. As for the extremely intelligent Dragon King, it was different. After all, he could not have all his men. Is he mentally retarded?

The demon dragons swarmed up and attacked Chu Xin, but Chu Xin only had a hard skeleton and no place to be injured. With his burning body activated, he was undoubtedly a literal hot potato, and soon there were a large number of demon dragons. He screamed strangely when he was burned.

Taking advantage of this excellent opportunity to get close, Chu Xin, who was like a vigorous swimming dragon, took the lives of the three-headed demonic dragons cleanly and neatly.

The arrival of the Dark Lord can only last for ten minutes. Once the time limit expires, the advantage will no longer be yours. There is no problem in one-on-one or one-on-three. The main thing is that the opponent has more dragons than others.

The key lies in the fact that there is a powerful enemy waiting for you thousands of meters away.


Finally, the Demon Dragon King who stood still could no longer sit still. In just a few minutes, his men suffered huge casualties. This was a huge blow to the Demon Dragon clan that could not reproduce.


The more than 500-meter-long Demon Dragon King spread out its four wings, and its body was covered in scales and covered with rock-hard muscle tissue. In terms of momentum alone, it completely crushed Chu Xin's [Smaug].

When it hit the face at Mach 2 speed, Chu Xinzheng forcefully pulled out a demon dragon's sheep scorpion.


Waving the dragon claws covered with black flames, Chu Xin felt like he was hit by a mountain. The next second, he flew out upside down and hit the hillside behind Gray Harbor, knocking down a mountain.

"This guy weighs at least 150,000 tons. Judging from its initial brief confrontation with Poseidon, its strength is comparable to that of the Lord God. Its physical defense, combat awareness, black magic, etc. are all first-class. The biological monster Morgoth, Saruman, the pioneer of industry, Sauron, the master of deceit, tsk~ all of these dark factions are rare talents, that’s right, how can they dare to go against the will of heaven without any real ability?”

Chu Xin thought in his mind, and the flames on his body faded from black to dark red.

The time has come for the arrival of the Dark Lord, and the buff disappears in the blink of an eye.

Seeing Chu Xin being severely injured by his own blow, the Demon Dragon King's eyes immediately showed humanized arrogance and sarcasm.


But with the sudden flash of golden light, the battle situation turned around.

Puff puff!

The golden light turned into an elusive golden thread, passing by the defensive light ball condensed by Zhongmaiya, and by the way, ten Doomsday Demonic Dragons were shattered into pieces, and the bones and flesh were instantly scattered all over the sky.

Such a horrific incident made the brainless dragons tremble with fright, and at the same time gave Zhongmaiya enough time to counterattack.


The Demon Dragon King retreated in confusion, but failed to avoid Chu Xin's frontal charge, and directly faced each other face to face.

The wings of the flame demon collide with the cutting edge at extremely high speed.

The three songs are high-spirited and the gravity rays are gushing.

Both feet stretched out and pierced the abdominal cavity of the golden dragon to break the armor.

The long tail flicked, and the thunder tail hammer shook fiercely.

In just an instant, Chu Xin mobilized all the weapons in his body to attack the Demon Dragon King in multiple places.

The Demon Dragon King was caught off guard and was hit hard. In the blink of an eye, his whole body was covered with bruises, and his abdomen was torn out with a ferocious gash that exposed his internal organs.

Immediately afterwards, they fell on the beach hugging each other.


The terrifying loud noise soaring into the sky was like standing out from the crowd, instantly suppressing the sounds of fierce fighting in other battlefields. Even the waves caused by Poseidon were drowned out.

For a time, countless people subconsciously turned their heads to check, including Morgoth and other main gods.

"Oh~ It turns out to be it. It's strange. The dragon I created back then can evolve into something like this?" Morgoth was trying to figure it out while calmly fighting back and forth with the three main gods.

The movement caused by the two giant dragons did not affect the entire battle. After a moment of wonder or fear, both sides returned to the cruel reality before them.

The originally clean and pleasant beach suddenly turned into a dry and charred desert.

The nearby seawater evaporated, forming a terrifying huge pit.

In this, Chu Xin and the Demon Dragon King were like wild giant beasts having sex. They were having intense physical contact with each other, and golden or black blood would be splattered with every impact and swing.

After a bloody fight, both of their bodies were covered with bloody wounds.



Gravitational ray ejection.

The black flame breath spurted out.

The brazen collision triggered a violent chemical reaction!

In an instant, the explosion exploded, and the spreading aftermath blew away the evil beasts and coalition forces in the distance.

Hua Hua Hua~

The Demon Dragon King leapt backwards with a very solemn expression, and was pulled tens of thousands of meters away by the rapidly evaporating sea surface, and then sprayed more than a dozen black flame bombs from his mouth.

At this moment, it didn't even have the slightest hint of contempt. In addition to being shocked, it was more violent and had endless killing intent and desire to conquer Chu Xin.

Since its birth, this is the first time that I have met an opponent who is as good as myself, so I am very excited.


The Demon Dragon King soared into the sky, hovering tens of thousands of meters high in the sky, slowly flapping his four wings to prepare for the attack.

As its breathing became more and more rapid, a large amount of hot black gas was emitted from the gaps in its scales, as if there was an entire nuclear factory running inside its body.


Suddenly, a large number of joints and scales on the chest and back bloomed regularly, changing shapes in an orderly manner like a Gundam blast armor.

Wisps of black flames swirled around the body, condensing into exaggerated solid black blades at the elbows, tail and other locations, like a large guillotine with enough handle to cut off a mountain.

There is no doubt that the Demon Dragon King does not want to continue the embarrassing confrontation, and simply activates the final battle form, which is bound to kill Chu Xin quickly.

Boom boom!

The gap in the heel spurted out blazing black flames that acted as a boost, pushing it to reach the supersonic speed of Mach 3.

"In that case, I should be more decisive."

Chu Xin's mind was spinning rapidly, and it took him a second to pull out [Smaug] from the card pack.

"Card fusion!"


The huge skeletal dragon totem appeared behind him in the form of the sky and the earth, and immediately merged into Ghidorah.

The Demon Dragon King realized that Chu Xin was also using his trump card, and he was half fearful and half crazy. Instead of slowing down, he rushed towards Chu Xin even more fiercely.

It craves blood and fighting, and is confident in the power given by Morgoth. It is full of thoughts about eating Chu Xin alive to strengthen itself.

With this thought in mind, the Demon Dragon King tore open his upper and lower jaws while flying at high speed. The whole bloody head opened and closed at 120 degrees, and extreme black inflammation brewed at the root of his throat.


The black flame magic pillar cannon with a diameter of three thousand meters blurted out and enveloped Chu Xin, who was still merging. And it continued to blast towards the ground, splitting the Gray Harbor in two from the middle, extending to 10,000 meters away, and did not stop until it blasted through a mountain range.

"Are we going to help him?" the weaving goddess said fearfully.

"It's equivalent to Vera's full blow. It's too late. Even I will lose my fighting power in an instant. That dragon is so dangerous." The dancing goddess looked at the Demon Dragon King with horror in her eyes. She didn't expect Morgoth at all. His mounts are comparable to the Lord God.

There were many people who had the same idea as her. Even Gandalf, who was very relieved about Chu Xin, could not help but feel his heart beating wildly, secretly thinking that something was wrong.

"How can I worry about him?" Gandalf laughed at himself and continued to fight guerrilla warfare with Ionwë with difficulty, not seeking victory, but only delaying.

Despite this, everyone is still obsessed with their own battle, and they can only feel regret and worry about Chu Xin's "death". They don't know who else can stop the ferocious Dragon King.

"You should be able to handle them alone. I'll stop it." The weaving goddess said to the dancing goddess.

"But you~" The dancing goddess was speechless for a moment.

Suddenly, she noticed a change in the eyes of the weaving goddess.


When she turned to look, her vision was instantly flooded by the bright and sacred golden light!


The Chu Xin in the Black Flame Demonic Pillar Cannon naturally did not disappear.

He calmly and decisively activated the fused Ghidorah skill [Shattered Thunder World], forming a domain-type thunderstorm turbulence area, and energizing his body, which greatly eliminated the damage of the black flames.

In addition, at this time, his general appearance still retains the image of Ghidorah, but his body is covered with a layer of dense exoskeleton that grows from the depths of his flesh, and his restrained scales are filled with wisps of unpredictable gold and silver. Light, many thunders and dark flames intertwined and traveled, making the entire huge body more ferocious and domineering.

Moreover, the size has also expanded, with the length, width and height increasing to 1.5 times that of Ghidorah's original size, and a pair of forelimbs with bone wings on the left and right sides of the abdomen!

If Ghidorah alone is the arrogant and domineering king of monsters, then at this moment, he is the silent judge who controls the life and death of all beasts.

"This name is really popular." Chu Xin secretly looked into the card package.

Ghidorah + Smaug = Skeleton Ghidorah.

Yes, that’s right, it’s so simple and easy to understand.

It is not difficult to understand that when comparing these two characters, Ghidorah clearly occupies the home field of fusion. The integration of Smaug undoubtedly makes up for many details, which can be called the icing on the cake plus version.


Chu Xin, who was driving the Shattered Thunder Realm, disappeared in a flash. His figure was sometimes solid and sometimes blurry, as if he was traveling through the gap between nothingness and reality.

The semi-energized body dragged a long afterimage, and the thunderstorm turbulence exceeding 10,000 meters caused the sky and earth to change color. The occasional flash of black demonic energy seemed to remind the world that Smaug's power was hidden deep within.

Bang bang bang!

The sonic boom that penetrated the clouds and cracked the rocks reverberated. Chu Xin, who was traveling at an average speed of Mach 5, faced each other head-on without saying a word. The stunned Demon Dragon King turned pale with fright.

It subconsciously gathered the black flames and used a defensive magic move, because it felt an extremely terrifying force rapidly condensing in Chu Xin's body.


Chu Xin didn't even try to hide it. The three big mouths bit the Demon Dragon King's neck, shoulders and sides, making it impossible for him to separate from him.

"I'll give you something fun~"

After saying that, Chu Xin released [Ghidora]'s currently strongest skill [Gravity Laser Burst]. After fusion, he got a lot of strengthening buffs, especially the lethality against dark creatures is very significant.

It consumes 90% of the energy in the body at one time and crushes everything at all costs!

The next moment, red-gold ripples rippled out.




The Demon Dragon King is very tasty. He never misses every wave and enjoys it face to face.

The enhanced version of the gravitational thunderstorm belt quickly spread in all directions, evaporating every drop of seawater in its path, revealing an empty, charred seabed, and all animals and plants were wiped out.

As long as they are still normal creatures, all living beings are equal before this move!

The Demon Dragon King narrowed his eyes and realized that something was particularly wrong. His body tissues were actually disintegrating from a microscopic level.

It immediately gave up its defense and turned from defense to offense, hoping to fight Chu Xin to the death to see whose limit was the real limit.


The black flames rolled endlessly, wrapping them together with the thunderstorm belt, creating a situation of mutual harm.

At this time, skills such as the Great Healing Technique of Skeleton, the special immortality of skeletal creatures, cell regeneration, emergency swallowing, split body, or passive superposition play a great role. The Demon Dragon King simply relies on black flames to repair itself, far more than But Chu Xin’s various increases.

As time passed, the thick smoke and dust completely enveloped the area where they were, and the chaotic energy flow made it impossible for the Lord God to peer into the end.

"Ho! Roar!"

However, everyone only heard a hoarse roar from the Demon Dragon King.

The rest of the Doomsday Demonic Dragons were suddenly frightened and anxious, and they leapt over in unison. Fortunately, the Maiyas were not just useless people and stopped them in time.

Gradually, the voice of the Demon Dragon King disappeared.

What made everyone confused was that Chu Xin didn't even scream at all, so it's unclear what happened inside.

"Huh?" Morgoth frowned.


The sound of flapping wings was heard.

Many battlefields suddenly became quiet. Neither the enemy nor we dared to take a breath, and they all stared nervously at the ruins of Tianhai in the distance.

The result is very important, it is related to the morale in the future.


A huge black shadow flew out and landed on the sky platform. The surrounding evil beasts and allied forces were unable to avoid it.

Everyone took a closer look, some were surprised, some were shocked and angry.

That was the ferocious head of the Demon Dragon King with wide eyes!

(After completing the final outline of this world, I found that only one chapter of the remaining content was too crowded, and the update time would take a long time, so I divided it into three chapters. I will try my best to restore the new world to its previous state in the remaining two chapters as soon as possible. ) (End of this chapter)

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