All Heavens: I haven’t been a human being since Storm Red

Chapter 187: Being frozen at the beginning (New World)

"God~~ He actually killed level 6 instantly?" Arthur covered his face in disbelief.

"Hidra, you must have a trump card!" the Pope said tremblingly.

Facing the eyes of everyone present, Sidra's face twitched. He clenched his fists and gritted his teeth and said, "Continue the Black Swan Plan and complete the core steps of the New World Plan within three days!"

Seeing him like this, everyone knew that the big and small king of Wuxiang Society had been sacrificed.

Compared to them, Albrecht's mood was the most complicated.

Yinhe's vulnerability really made his ten years of hard work go to waste, like a big joke.

But Chu Xin's strong posture was deeply imprinted in his mind, like a mental stamp that stabbed in, causing turbulent waves.

Quietly, when he looked at Chu Xin again, his eyes showed deep and fanatical admiration!

Albrecht has little interest in power and money. Ten years ago, his ideal was to create the elixir of life. Ten years later, his life goal is to create the ultimate monster.

And the arrival of Chu Xin made him, a monster fan, completely obsessed.

Northland, Mocheng.


Isabel, who was fighting one against three, turned her head and happened to see the Milky Way annihilating and melting in the flood of ripples, and her pupils suddenly shrank like needles.

Natasha and the three took the opportunity to reverse the situation and subdue her.

Isabel, who was pinned to the ground, was not frightened or angry. Instead, she murmured with gleaming eyes, "I really envy you. You are finally free."

After hearing this, Natasha subconsciously raised her head and looked at the ashes flying around Chu Xin.

The girl's clear laughter echoed faintly in the sky~

"Is it done this time?" Chu Xin finally felt exhausted.

Godzilla card first fought against the seven zodiacs, and then fought fiercely with countless gastrea animals for three days and three nights. Just when he was about to take a breath, he came here.

If he had not been fully skilled and his body had been tempered many times, the atomic furnace and cooling system would not have been able to withstand such a heavy load.

At this moment, Godzilla's atomic furnace was shut down to rest, and he could only take two steps with all his strength.

But fortunately, the card text appeared:

“Congratulations on completing the mission [Transcendence and Liberation],

Obtain reward: 2 free gashapons (not included in the guaranteed accumulated times). "

Including the 1 time Godzilla got 100%, there are 3 times in total.


Chu Xin switches to Rey.

Before the others could see clearly, it turned into a bolt of thunder and shot up into the sky.


Chu Xin, soaring high in the sky, turned on the gashapon machine.

Use the gift twice first, and save one for the next world.

Lock on Rey.


Two capsule eggs rolled out one after another.

The first one:

"[Thunder Halberd] is a permanent weapon. It is a physical equipment condensed by electric current. It will emit a roar of thunder when it is waved. It has a weak paralysis effect. The volume can change with the injected thunder and lightning elements. There is no upper limit. The injection source can be the host or the host. It’s a gift from nature.”

The second one:

"Gastrovirus disinfecting solvent (click to view details)"

What caught Chu Xin's attention was the second gashapon. The vertical painting was a metal jar with a magical shape, and it was unknown what was inside.

He immediately clicked on details.

"This is an antidote that can be dissolved in the air and can cover the entire world in 8 hours. It can completely kill the gastroenterovirus and kill the gastrointestinal animals instantly. However, for the cursed children, it will only eliminate the viruses and special diseases in their bodies. strength, and gradually return to a normal human body over time."


As time passed, the public demonstrations grew stronger.

At this moment, more than 100,000 people gathered in the Presidential Palace Square and faced off fiercely with the army, which was obviously lacking in momentum.

"Hidra, step down! Hidra, step down!"

"Overthrow the Wuxiang Society and restore the human rights of the Cursed Son!"

"Down with the Wuxiang Society's conspiracy and hegemony, and support Chiguo's legitimate counterattack!"

"Albrecht should be hanged and the Seven Star Village project from ten years ago thoroughly investigated!"

However, there is also a group of special groups mixed in the team.

Their banner slogan is different.

"Protect Cancer, she is the child whose memory has been revived!"

"Although she has a different appearance than us, we must not discriminate against her because of this. We must tolerate everything!"

"Cancer and we are on the same side, and we will fight against the Wuxiang Society together!"

"Give North America to Cancer and let her live freely there!"

They are not brats and range in age from twenty to sixty.

In addition, this group of people all wore colorful dinosaur one-piece pajamas and supported Chu Xin's righteous actions with practical actions.

Even in the apocalypse ten years later, human beings are still full of diversity and diversity.

In front of the window of the Presidential Palace.

Hidra's face was no longer relaxed, and her head was full of rage as she looked at the demonstration team.

He wished he could set up a heavy machine gun on the windowsill and shoot everyone below to pieces without hesitation.

Fantasy is fantasy, venting is venting, but reality has to be faced eventually, and he asked, "How are we going to deal with Cancer?"

Albrecht was sitting on the sofa, and the cup was no longer coffee, but a dark beer exclusively for the upper class.

It's like his mood changes.

"There is no way," he said calmly and without hesitation, "He is a god that does not conform to human myths and legends. The earth is his territory, and we are just parasites occupying the magpie's nest."

"Where's the nuclear bomb?" Sidra asked reluctantly.

"Nuclear bombs are a blasphemy against Him. Human beings do not have the power to kill God." Albrecht was somewhat embarrassed.

"Why do you think you are the leader of that group of guys?" Hidra pointed at the dinosaur people helplessly.


The assistant rushed in.

"Something happened. The Pope and four other five-feathered leaders are all dead. The murderer is the thunder-type gastrea."

The two people in the room couldn't help but tremble.

"Where is it now?" Hidra asked sharply.

"The last place it appeared was the Cross Country, and it seems to have gone north." The assistant replied tremblingly.

"Going north? The Cross Kingdom is located within Yidugoose. Going north, isn't it us?" Sidra felt her lips were extremely dry.

"Deploy all starters to protect the presidential palace." Albrecht said resolutely.

Ten minutes later.


It was a clear sky, and the white clouds suddenly flashed with a few rays of lightning.

The crisp thunder gradually intensified, causing pedestrians on the street to look up.

With a scoff, Chu Xin swooped down with bunches of winding lightning.

He was in the spotlight, hovering over the Presidential Palace.

"It's actually here~" Hidra frowned.

Albrecht looked up solemnly, feeling that the texture and color of the thunder and lightning looked very familiar.

"Wait! Could it be?"

He remembered the golden light of lightning before Godzilla disappeared out of thin air outside Mo City.

Although it disappeared in a flash, it still looked like the appearance at that moment.

"How is this possible~"

Albrecht felt weak all over.

But the more I think about it, the more likely it is. Although it is outrageous, once you accept this setting, many puzzles will become clear immediately.

"What's wrong?" Sidra thought her old friend was afraid of death, "Don't worry, although Isabel has been captured, our strength is still strong."

As he said, hundreds of initiates were surrounding the Presidential Palace, confronting Chu Xin in unison.

Among them, there are more than twenty outstanding players ranked in the top 100, including IP No. 2.


Chu Xin did not launch an attack.

He stretched out his right hand and took out a magical metal jar amidst countless astonished gazes.

Gastrovirus disinfecting solvent!


A flash of electricity splashed open the lid of the jar.

"Stop it!" Albrecht felt bad and yelled immediately.


All the starters jumped high together, forming a loli barrage that hit people's hearts.


But wisps of fresh blue-green smoke have already spilled out, quickly dissolved into the air, and drifted like living creatures, traveling to all parts of the world.

Naturally, the first to bear the brunt were the hundreds of starters affiliated with Deborah.

I saw the girl second only to Isabel who was the first to come into contact with the smoke. Almost in the blink of an eye, she felt that she had lost her extraordinary strength, and then fell down like a deflated balloon, falling to the ground in confusion.

Then, the girls drew parabolas one after another and stumbled back to the ground.

The gastroenterovirus in the body is being defeated by the smoke, and is cleaned out at an extremely fast speed.

"It doesn't hurt anymore? Yes!"

"Me too, I don't feel uncomfortable at all."

"Have we become normal people?"

They talked in confusion, but also glanced at the presidential palace timidly, for fear of being punished by the adults.

This scene can make adults dumbfounded.

What's the difference between this and magic?

Could it be that the technological era has come to an end and is about to transform into an era of magical monsters?

"Sir, look at this~" The assistant handed over the tablet in fear.

The two of them got closer. The picture was taken from an aerial angle, and the content should be outside the line of the stone monument.

Wherever the faint smoke passed, the gastrea that was still alive and kicking a second ago fell to the ground, and then its skin and flesh melted away at a speed visible to the naked eye, and in the end not even a single bone was left.

That scene was extremely shocking.

Pieces of gasterozoa died "squeaking" and then miraculously disappeared.

"How did it do it?" Xidra stared at Chu Xin desperately.

"Is the era of stone tablets over?" the assistant asked, trembling with laughter and tears.

"Yes, it's over," Albrecht stared at Chu Xin ardently, "gods really do exist in this world."


Chu Xin summoned the Thunder Halberd and injected elemental power into it.

Originally only two meters in length, it gradually grew to ten meters in length.

Chu Xin held up this particularly mismatched weapon, and the whole city was filled with thunder when he waved it.


A huge thunder column poured into the presidential office.

The three men were torn apart in an instant, with no bones left.


The upper part of the presidential palace also exploded two seconds later, blowing off the skull.

Such a sudden change made the whole city turbulent. The demonstrators fled in panic while shouting. It was hard to tell whether they were scared or excited.

Chu Xin didn't do anything else, turned around and left.

The next day.

Neon, Tokyo.

A Y-20 fell from the sky.

"We will fulfill the agreement, give them the treatment that normal children deserve, arrange their household registration, and ensure their needs in all aspects."

The speaker was a respected old man. Even though he was in a wheelchair, he still came to greet him in person.

"I hope you can keep your promise." Chu Xin said, and he naturally switched to the Predator.

"Please rest assured." The young woman pushing the wheelchair for the old man said with a smile.

Not far away, countless little girls lined up to board the transport plane. They turned to look at Chu Xin from time to time, with reluctance in their eyes.

Chu Xin thought about how to place them.

Let them live in desolate Tokyo?

It's not appropriate. It won't last long. After all, they have returned to normal and can live to be seventy or eighty years old.

Even with the protection of Transformers, it's not safe at all.

These unowned lands are inherently unsettling, not to mention the Transformers themselves can drive countries crazy.

The world is in dire straits, and there will inevitably be disputes and riots. Children who have lost their strength in life need longer-term and stable shelter.

After thinking about it again and again, Chu Xin came up with this countermeasure and used the Black Swan Plan and Qixing Village documents to negotiate with Chiguo.

From now on, they will all live in a complete country and develop different lives.

"Mr. Chu, thank you." Mr. Matsuzaki entered the cabin with the help of Xiao Asuka.

"Principal, goodbye!"

At the door of the plane, Miyamoto Megumi and a little girl who looked like him waved to Chu Xin. The corners of their mouths when they smiled were exactly the same.

At this time, the sun was setting in the west, and the afterglow of dusk poured over the castle and gardens.


Chu Xin suddenly felt a warmth in his thigh.

When I looked down, I saw it was Riho Aragaki and Natsuki Chiju.

Both of them hugged his thighs tightly, and Chu Xin could vaguely feel the warmth despite the armor separating them.

He touched their heads with some emotion.

To be honest, at first he just treated the girls as passers-by with the original intention of completing the task.

But after getting along for a long time, he couldn't help but recall the days in the orphanage. His soul soaked in killing and blood got some comfort, and he gradually classified them into the ranks of friendly forces.

Traveling through the heavens, it really feels like experiencing all the flavors of life through several reincarnations~

"Can we meet again?" Qian Juxiao whispered.

"Wherever you want to go, I'll go with you!" Riho Aragaki also said.

Although Chu Xin never said goodbye, everyone realized that after this farewell, it would be difficult to see each other again.

"Your life belongs to you, don't be bound by me." Chu Xin knelt down and wiped away their tears with his cold fingertips.

He whispered, "It's time to go. Maybe one day, you will find the traces I left."

This is not a lie, so many Transformers will not disappear out of thin air.

They are hiding all over the world, guarding silently, and will appear when necessary to turn the tide.

There may be a wonderful story in the future, but the protagonist is no longer Chu Xin, maybe Chiju Natsuyo, maybe Aragaki Riho.

Boom boom!

The transport fleet took off.

"Forgive me for asking, where are you going next? If you don't mind, why not stay in our little place for a few days?" The old man smiled at Chu Xin.

Chu Xin waved his hand and drifted away in the wind without saying a word.

"Travel to the next world."


Dead silence.

This is the waiting space for crossing.

Chu Xin waited quietly as usual, and flipped through the card pack as usual, carefully checking the records of the [Godzilla] card.

I do not know how long it has been.

A slight chill stimulated the senses.

And it's not just cold wind or cold water, it's like falling into an ice cellar or facing an abyss!

"What kind of beginning is this in a bitter cold land?"

"Is it possible that it's frozen inside the iceberg?"

Chu Xin tried to move his body, but found that he was helpless and couldn't even open his eyes.

After a while, he finally confirmed that he had completed the time travel.

It is now a new card character!

Damn, it was really frozen!

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