All Heavens: I haven’t been a human being since Storm Red

Chapter 186 He is God! (The end of this world)

Chu Xin clicked on the word "details" after [Yehuo Hell].

"Light up the endless sin-burning flames and bring boundless hell to the world!

The duration is 1 minute and the cooling time is 10 days. "

This extremely brief introduction is either rubbish or nonsense.

But coupled with the time setting of charging for ten days and sprinting for sixty seconds, the effect is obviously the latter.

"Is it similar to the red lotus state of the legendary Godzilla?" Chu Xin secretly guessed, "But you won't know the details until you use it."

After waiting for two minutes, an unexpected beep sounded.

"The second mission hasn't been completed yet~ As expected, there is a real Cancer who has been robbed of his title by me," Chu Xin thought, "but the current situation, whether it is a human or a gastrea, should not be stable."


With a flash of golden light, Chu Xin switched to the Predator and flew into the sky.

The few days were boring but fruitful for him, but for the whole world, they were undoubtedly the cruelest days in many years.

Because of the presence of Chu Xin, the pressure on Chiguo has decreased instead of increasing. Coupled with the early deployment, there will definitely be losses, but they are still within the tolerance range.

The northern country suffered the most ferocious attack, and two-thirds of the area was completely occupied in a few days. Fortunately, Mocheng was not lost.

The Sunset Empire was in dire straits, and the last city could not support it. Every stone monument was destroyed by gastrea. Rentaro, Aihara Enju and Shengtianzi were lucky enough to catch the last evacuation flight and temporarily took refuge in Mocheng in the northern country.

Even these powerful countries are facing extremely difficult times, and the remaining five or six have no power to fight back.

However, this result did not meet the expectations of Wuxiang Club!

Their plan was to prioritize the elimination of Chiguo and Beiguo and let the controlled gasterozoans incite more normal gasterozoans. However, the appearance of Chu Xin shattered the plan.

Originally, when the six zodiac signs gathered together, they thought that both Chi Guo and Chu Xin were doomed. They never thought that Chu Xin was so fierce and unreasonable that he used absolute power to blast the Wuxiang Society's conspiracy.


Wu Xianghui senior meeting.

"We must take advantage of their scars to give them a fatal blow!" the Pope slapped the table and shouted.

"I also think we should pursue the victory and let the Red Kingdom and the Northern Kingdom be completely destroyed." Arthur, one of the four sages of the Austrian Kingdom, agreed.

"Don't worry about Cancer for now. It's just a beast after all. You can't come all the way to fight us." Defense Minister Deborah said.

"Maybe," Albrecht said solemnly, "With the current broken relationship, Chiguo will definitely not want to make the video public, so we know very little about Cancer."

The people at the table were suddenly silent. They felt numb when they thought that Chu Xin not only survived, but also killed all the zodiacs.

Xidra remained silent, his face was gloomy and he lowered his eyes.

Albrecht looked at him, "You want to release it?"

Sidra raised her eyebrows slightly, "I'm afraid it's too late to drive a large number of gastrea animals at the moment. I don't want to delay it any longer. The longer the time goes, the more things will happen."

Everyone looked at each other suspiciously.

"Do you have a bigger trump card?" The Pope couldn't help but ask.

Albrecht raised his eyebrows but declined.

Sidra touched her teeth with the tip of her tongue and said flatly, "The number one starter in the world, Isabel."

"This is not enough to make you two so calm and relaxed." A Wu Mei Yu said.

"Stop being secretive. We are all our own people here. At this time, please give us some reassurance!" the Pope said helplessly.

"A group of old foxes," Sidra shook her head, "The twelve most outstanding experimental subjects were known as the zodiac. Cancer was the last one to appear, but you don't know that the Cancer we are familiar with, Not really a Cancer."

Seeing everyone's surprised and uncertain looks, Albrecht took over, "Ten years ago, at the beginning of the disaster, I brought the real Cancer back to Deborah. Its data was the most outstanding among all experimental subjects, and it was the same as the original one. Enterovirus has the most suitable physique. The most important thing is that its state is extremely stable and completely under my control. After ten years of transformation, its strength has exceeded the level 5 category and has touched the level 6 level beyond the chasm."

He was always calm and showed pride in his eyes, "I named it Galaxy!"

"Isabelle and Yinhe are dispatched at once. I want to see how long the North Kingdom and Red Kingdom can last." Hidra smiled.

The next day.

The beast tide attack launched by Wuxiang Society is still going on, but after a few days, both humans and gastrea have become weak.

Under such a stalemate, a giant beast crossed the Baltic Sea, landed and crossed Latovia's former territory, and arrived in the Northern Kingdom.

Then they went all the way unimpeded until they were 20 kilometers outside Mocheng before being monitored by the people from the North.

Wherever it passed, all gasterozoans avoided it and then dispersed.

With a height of more than 200 meters and a body length of more than 600 meters, it is daunting.

The torso and head are shaped like a combination of a worm, a squid, a trilobite, and a devil ray. They are covered with tentacles and fleshy membranes that emit light, and they move quickly with the walking posture of Earthly Allen.

But the teeth in its mouth are like those of a mammoth or a saber-toothed tiger. On the inside of its rib-like limbs, there are support-like organs, like a dozen ground stakes that can be lowered at any time.

Its tail spreads out like an explosion, resembling a phoenix, but if you get closer, you will find that those are actually living, eyeless worms, and their big mouths like a spiral meat grinder open and shrink.

There are countless horrifying details, as if the earth's ecology was stewed in a pot, and then Nuwa was asked to take a piece of it and give it life.

This is the ultimate trump card of Wuxiang Club, the sixth-level gastrea Galaxy!

On its tentacle head is a large skull with protruding spikes, and between the huge gaps between the spikes, a figure stands quietly.

The world's number one starter, Hidra and Albrecht's secret guard, Isabel!

Although she is still young, she already has a slim figure of 1.6 meters, and her childish white cheeks are filled with numbness and coldness.

Wearing light medieval-style armor, holding a game-style heavy sword, and several weapons hanging on his waist, he wore a traditional nun's uniform under the armor.

I don't know if it's her personal interests or the hobbies of Albrecht or Hidra.

Her left and right palms had undergone morphological changes due to the erosion of the gastroenterovirus. They were no longer slender and tender, and became like rough dragon claws from the forearms down.

At first glance, it seems that it is not a living person, but a supreme weapon that has been forged through countless efforts.

In fact, this is also true. As Albrecht's second most proud work, Isabel not only had her internal organs replaced with holmium metal, but there were even three types of biological genes in her body!

It can be said that if anyone wants to try the gold content of the first of the four wise men, they might as well watch Isabel.


Two Northland White Swan bombers flew in quickly.


The six squid tentacles on Galaxy's face burst out with light at the same time, converging to a point and shooting into the sky in the form of a beam of light.


One of the White Swans was hit and destroyed on the spot.

The other one took the opportunity to accelerate and reached the sky above the Milky Way.

A cannonball was dropped.

With the style of the people from the north, it would definitely not be a small fight.

Nuclear bomb!

Although it is only a small particle, it is no less cherished than holmium metal in today's world.

If you want to manufacture, you have technology and personnel, but you don’t have raw materials and equipment.

What is dropped now are old nuclear fission items from decades ago. After all, ten years ago, nuclear bombs were flying all over the sky.

It has been extremely difficult for human beings to just survive these years, and the development direction of science and technology is all about holmium weapons and the Cursed Son.

This is the main situation. Even the free countries have become honest. Who would have thought that an organization like the Wuxiang Society would be born.

Ambition can arise under a community with a shared future for mankind, and it has also isolated the leader, Free Country, which is really difficult to guard against.

As a digression, it is not that Chiguo and Beiguo have not considered this situation, so they monitor the Free Country extremely closely.

However, the Free State, one of the participants in the gastroenterovirus experimental project, was stabbed in the back by a group of younger brothers.


The nuclear explosion engulfed Galaxy and Isabelle.

A huge mushroom cloud rose from the ground, causing a shock wave that sent the trees in the forest far away.


Galaxy's huge body walked out of the center of the explosion in an orderly manner, apparently unscathed.

It opened its mouth, and Isabel jumped out. She frowned due to the scorching air, but she quickly regained her numbness and indifference.


The advance troops of the North were behind the mountains, and artillery shells rose into the air and fell over the mountains and ridges.

In response, Galaxy just waved its tentacles casually a few times.

Six staggered beams were released.


Under the ridge, not a blade of grass grows.

at the same time.

Chiguo, the imperial capital area.

Chu Xin was sitting at a table with several middle-aged and elderly people in serious clothes.

He is here to discuss some things and carry out some trivial cooperation.

Naturally, Chiguo did not dare to underestimate this mysterious insider, and was also very interested in contacting Chu Xin.

"We will definitely fulfill these requests you made," the gentle old man said politely. "In fact, even if you don't mention it, we will take the initiative to fulfill it."

At this time, the assistant walked quickly to his side and whispered.

Although the voice was very low, Chu Xin heard it clearly.

"The North Country is being attacked by an unknown giant gastrea, and there is also a suspected starter ranked first. It is judged that it is the method of the Five Xiang Club."

When Chu Xin heard this, his heart suddenly moved.

He stood up immediately and said, "Let's end the meeting here. I have something else to do."

Ten kilometers outside Mocheng.

Here is a flat wilderness, with the huge Milky Way and the huge stone monument facing each other in the distance, as if they are echoing each other.

"On top of the back!"

"If you can't retreat any longer, hit me hard!"

"I'll fight you, Ulla!"

"Be careful, it's the Initiator!"


Isabel took action.

She jumped down from the top of Yinhe's head without any injuries, dragging her heavy sword and sprinting at supersonic speed, plowing a bloody ravine on the ground.

Just by running, he penetrated the army's defense line ten kilometers deep!

She appeared again and was already standing on a stone monument, overlooking Mo City with an expressionless face.

No matter whether it was a bullet or a grenade, she would block it with her heavy sword or blast it with a punch.

But Beiguo was not a vegetarian, and immediately sent out the world's fourth, thirteenth, and nineteenth ranked players to fight.



After a provocative greeting, the four of them broke into a fight in the city.

But everyone knows that winning or losing here is irrelevant.

The key is outside the city. Those two giant beasts are tantamount to a dimension-reducing blow to humans.


Both ends?

Everyone stared dumbly at Chu Xin who appeared out of thin air, their brains short-circuited.

"The Zodiac Hunters are here, withdraw to the stone monument line!" The commander issued a complete evacuation order.

Soon, the area within ten kilometers was deserted, leaving a battlefield for the fierce battle between the two.

"This guy is a bit big~"

Chu Xin looked up at the Milky Way. The sense of oppression it exuded far exceeded that of Aquarius and Leo.

"I'm worried that I don't have a partner, so I'll test the waters with you."

Chu Xin thought about it and said it silently in his heart.

Karmic fire hell!


The atomic furnace instantly started operating with unprecedented power.

The dorsal fin, tail fin and the dark red ravines on the skin exploded into a dazzling white-purple light at the same time, like a purple sun, its dazzling intensity exceeded the sunlight above the head.

In an instant, Chu Xin's entire body took on a glass-like texture, and it seemed that his vibrant internal organs could be seen through his skin.


He walked toward the Milky Way.

Waves of dark purple ripples emerged, surging in all directions.

With his pace, the ripples became more intense and huge, and the distance they traveled became farther and farther.

This situation is very much like the red lotus state.

But it has completely different expressive power.

Boom boom~

Everything covered with dark purple ripples did not burn or melt immediately.

Instead, it strangely condensed into bright high-heat crystals, and then turned into deep purple flames that burned blazingly, and continued like pieces of candles, creating a realm that no one dared to set foot on.

So a few seconds passed, and the surroundings turned into a terrifying place filled with purple flames.

Even the soil and sand were burned by the purple flames pouring out from the cracks in the earth!

The space is visually distorted, sometimes pulled and deformed by ripples, sometimes kneaded and tortured by clusters of fire.

In the blink of an eye, the ground was covered with burning purple gravel.

Beyond that, there is only baked nothingness.

Wherever Chu Xin passes, it is the karma fire hell!


And Galaxy, who was targeted, let out a howl of fear.

It tried to fire light beams to counterattack, but those light beams were ignited by purple flames while they were in mid-air, and then turned into columnar amethysts with terrifying high heat.

Immediately afterwards, Galaxy's body was also swept by layers of ripples.

Under Chu Xin's subjective control, it did not affect the Mocheng stele and concentrated all the energy in a small area.


It suddenly became the most massive fire.

Flesh, flesh and bones are fuel, and cell viruses are also fuel. In this hell, only Chu Xin is unburnable.


One minute is up.

The purple faded away like a tide, leaving behind the remains of the battle between gods and demons.

Between the heaven and the earth, which seemed not to be the earth, only Chu Xin was left standing majestically.

The final trump card of the Wuxiang Society is that there are no bones left!

"Is what I just saw reality?" the North Country President muttered to himself.

It all seemed like a dream, and all the first-scene witnesses were overwhelmed by the huge audio-visual impact, and their brains simply couldn't process the information quickly.

In the distant sky, Wuxianghui's drone captured it from beginning to end.

"He is God." Albrecht groaned blankly.

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