All Heavens: I haven’t been a human being since Storm Red

Chapter 188 King Ghidorah vs. Legendary Godzilla

It has been four years since Godzilla first appeared in front of the world.

But its powerful appearance of killing two MUTOs is still firmly engraved in people's memories.

That was also the day the world changed.

Human beings suddenly realized that they were not the real owners of the earth.


This is the South Pole of the Earth.

The freezing blizzard made the dark night even more terrifying, and the sub-zero temperature made everything as far as the eye could see covered with ice and snow.


A V-22 Osprey helicopter flew out of the frost-condensed gray fog, and the side-rotating propellers on the left and right sides stirred up whirlwinds.

"This is Raptor 5, carrying reinforcements and supplies, requesting permission to land."

"This is Imperial Base 32. Dr. Serizawa requires all bases to be on high alert. Please enter the emergency code."

"Transmitting emergency code."

"Received, the code is correct, welcome back."

This is a simple but effective communication conversation.

After receiving permission, the Osprey helicopter lowered its altitude and landed vertically on a flat snowfield.

Opposite there is a human building built against the mountain. The bright searchlight projects a huge beam of light, which looks like a doomsday fortress against the surrounding environment.

There was an old man in the cabin, a mother and daughter, and many "soldiers" wearing white camouflage uniforms.

The hatch opened, and the soldiers walked down carrying unlocked firearms and boxes of "supplies."

The metal gate of Base 32 slowly opened, and the soldiers and scientific researchers stationed here greeted the "breeders" in a friendly manner.

Bang bang bang!

But what they answered was hot bullets.

Caught off guard, everyone in the base was massacred.

"Let's go." The old man motioned to the mother and daughter.

The woman's name is Emma, ​​a biologist affiliated with the Imperial Organization, who specializes in studying various ancient giant animals.

But at this moment, she and her daughter were suspected of being held hostage.

In order to avoid being noticed by the emperor's organization, they entered the deepest part of the base resolutely.

That is, a "mountain" built on a mountain.

There is no doubt that this is a tall iceberg.

An entire frame platform was built facing the mountain wall, which was lifted and lowered by two elevators on the left and right.

The moment these people came here, they all raised their heads in horror, their eyes filled with trembling like ants looking up at the eagle.

Because there is an extremely huge black shadow in the iceberg!

Because it is frozen, it is difficult to see its true appearance, but you can vaguely make out the intertwined neck, long tail, and a pair of wings.

"Monster Zero, King of Titans, Ghidorah." Emma murmured.

"How can such a majestic creature be imprisoned in the ice?" The old man seemed to be observing a beautiful handicraft, "Act now!"

His men quickly took out explosives and placed them in various parts of the ice wall, and quickly deployed them in a short time.

It is obvious that this group of people are not members of the imperial organization at all, let alone the army of a certain country, but a group of private armed forces with financial power.

"Boss, someone is here. It's an aircraft carrier from the Emperor's organization." One of his subordinates said.

"Retreat after installation." The old man is a decisive person.

The outside world at this moment.

A steel spacecraft that looked like an alien battleship appeared at high altitude, the bottom compartment opened, and several Osprey helicopters were dropped down like drones.

Those riding in it were all high-level officials of the Imperial Organization, including a scientific research team headed by Dr. Serizawa.

When they saw the bodies outside the base, they immediately knew something was wrong.


The Free State troops rushed in, but were ambushed and attacked by bombs.

The two sides immediately started a fierce confrontation.

In the chaos, Emma, ​​a doctor of the Imperial Organization, actually pressed the detonator!

This wave of operations stunned the Emperor organization.

You, a friendly soldier who was kidnapped, surrendered to the enemy so quickly?


The violent explosion left them no time to think.

I saw the iceberg that frozen Ghidorah quickly cracking into dense and huge ravines, ice and rocks flying in the firelight. As all the explosives bloomed, the entire Base 32 collapsed, and a huge pit was sunken into the ground.

Emma and others took the initiative, quickly rushed onto the helicopter and took off.

Their goals are clear, their actions are swift, and their judgment of the situation is even sharper than that of the army.

Of course, this group of people were originally soldiers and had participated in countless actual battles. Even though the old man who led the team had white hair, he was as strong as Jason Statham.

As for the emperor's organization, many soldiers looked at the sunken pit blankly, looking curious and wanting to jump down to find out.


In the rolling ice mist, thick golden lightning bolts criss-crossed, making it extraordinarily gorgeous.


Sounds of muffled thunder poured out from below.

The airflow from the ground flows into the pothole one after another, as if there is a black hole hidden underneath.


The soldiers' hair suddenly stood on end as they rolled and crawled on the ground and ran for their lives.

Unfortunately, Emma and others all flew high into the sky, and they suddenly realized this.


The two slender tails were the first to be raised high, appearing in everyone's eyes.

The end of the long tail is a mace-like structure, with sharp spikes spreading out.

Then three identical heads poked out of the hole, supported by their long necks.

Dragon head!

Its facial features are not the image of a Western dragon, but a majestic and fierce Chinese dragon!

It's like scales made of gold, covering the whole body like armor, with elf-like golden current jumping between the gaps in the scales.

"This is King Ghidorah~" Dr. Serizawa cast a horrified look.

"I didn't expect it to really wake up." Dr. Chen from Chiguo said, covering his chest.

This is the frozen giant beast discovered by the Imperial Organization three years ago. It was named by Emma. Yes, it was the female doctor who pressed the detonator.


Ghidorah's three heads raised their heads and roared.

It bloomed with huge wings, and its wingspan reached a terrifying 518 meters.

The overwhelming figure was shrouded in frost, and under the starry night, it was like a demon god who had been imprisoned for thousands of years had come out of the sky again.

Ghidorah did not flutter violently like in the movie, but looked around calmly after roaring.

The six eyes reveal great wisdom.

"These people in this place look so familiar."

"Also, why do I have three perspectives?"

"Wait, where are my hands? Why don't I have hands!"

Chu Xin looked down at the earth, and the distance between the ground and his eyes was more than a hundred meters.

When he saw Dr. Serizawa's face, he immediately knew his new identity.

"This wave is the best at the start~ I can finally have a try with Brother Fat, but I was idle for too long this time."

Although he didn't know how long it would take, Chu Xin could be sure that he had been frozen in this iceberg for at least ten years!

There is no way of knowing whether the system malfunctioned or was intentional.

Chu Xin is leaning towards the latter.

During this period, although he could think, he could also perceive external stimuli to him to a certain extent, such as cold.

But he couldn't break free in a short time, as if he was trapped in bed by a ghost, and it was difficult to gain control of his body.

Chu Xin was a little helpless at first. After all, the card didn't show a portrait or name, and he didn't even know where he was.

Slowly, he accepted it calmly.

And I took this good opportunity to calm down my heart and stabilize my mood that was a little impetuous due to the first two worlds.

He estimated that the original intention of the system was the same, to allow him to temper his character to adapt to the increasingly powerful cards.

Otherwise, in the long run, a simply violent and murderous person will not be able to grasp many cards, let alone the stronger power that comes out after the cards are fused.


The red letter emerges——"Legendary Monster Universe"

The blank card in the card pack finally changed.

The invisible brush outlines a lifelike vertical painting, and the word "King Ghidorah" appears on the head of the card.

Text appears:

"In order to compensate for this long idle time, a task that can be completed freely is provided.

Mission: [Rebuild the Destroyer camp and ascend to the throne of the King of Monsters]

Reward: 10% proficiency

Click to view the details of the ‘Destroyer Camp’. "

"You're crazy! Dad is there too!"

In the receding Osprey helicopter, the girl looked confused and angrily yelled at Emma.

"You don't understand," Emma said sadly and decisively, "Some things have to be done, and I voluntarily shoulder this responsibility."

The old man raised his eyebrows, "I'm very pleased that you have such an awareness."

In fact, Emma was not kidnapped at all, but one of the two leaders of the operation. The other was an armed old man named Allen.

Before they arrived at the Antarctic, they had awakened and released the titanic beast Mothra in southern Yunnan to attract the attention of the emperor's organization.

The goal of the two is to awaken and control all the giant beasts on the earth through a radio wave device called "Oka"!

The reason for doing this is not to control the world with the help of giant beasts, but for a more ridiculous reason.

Protect the environment and save the planet.

Analyzing it with Emma's thinking is that humans have destroyed the earth's original beautiful natural ecology. If this continues, humans and the earth will be finished sooner or later.

It just so happens that those sleeping Titans will release some kind of biological radiation, which can regenerate the soil and air, thereby promoting the growth of vegetation and purifying the environment.

As long as the earth can be renewed, it is worthwhile for humans to make some sacrifices!

So, like an extreme environmentalist, she found Allen, and the two hit it off and hastily formulated a big plan to save the world.

He used his own selfish desires to decide the fate of all mankind without authorization, and kept himself and his daughter away from danger. He said it was for the sake of the earth, but he did not hesitate when opening the Oka system. He did not care about the safety of civilians at all, and at most he leaked a few cheap drops afterwards. Tears mourn the victim for two seconds.

Ye Wenjie was impressed by this operation.

If Emma wanted to rule the world, it would be understandable. There are many such people throughout the ages, but her unreasonable original intention is really cerebral palsy.

"Boss, look below." The pilot shouted to Allen.

Emma and Allen looked at the sea beyond the wind, and saw a faint blue light flowing rapidly under the dark waves, heading towards the land behind them.

"It's Godzilla. He must have sensed Ghidorah's awakening," Emma said.

She spoke with anger in her eyes because her son died in the Great Beast War four years ago.

The initiator was the two Mutos, but they were dead, so she could only transfer her hatred to Godzilla.

In fact, Emma's calculation was good, but she did not expect that Ghidorah was not a native of the earth and did not have the passive skills to improve the earth's environment.

It was even more impossible for her to imagine that Ghidorah, who was already very troublesome, had already been taken away by the great demon Chu Xin.

She foolishly thought that Chu Xin woke up because she activated the Oka device.

Ghidorah from ten years ago might have been extremely interested, but Chu Xin didn't care about anything at all.

Base 32.

Although he had no arms, Chu Xin used his powerful wings to support his heavy body and climbed out of the pit.

Ghidorah weighs 140,000 tons and is 158 meters tall, which is similar to his own Purple Flame Godzilla.

With three heads, two wings, two legs, two tails and an uncoordinated torso, the image is weird and terrifying.


But the sense of oppression that was released frightened the emperor's organization into retreat.

Helicopters took off one after another, hovering in the air and observing, not in a hurry to get away.

Chu Xin did not pursue him. He was not that bored. Killing some insignificant passers-by had no sense of accomplishment or effective gains.

The key is that he is waiting for a fat man and does not want to waste physical energy at will.

There was one more thing for him to pay attention to.

Those are the three heads of Ghidorah. According to the original setting, these should be three independent individuals, three conjoined brothers.

But at this moment, he did not sense the existence of other thoughts in the left and right heads. Instead, he controlled three brains alone.

This sense is very novel, and I am still a bit unskilled in mastering it.

Three arms have experienced it, but he never thought that three heads would also be encountered by him.

While he was carefully studying his new and powerful new body, Chu Xin suddenly raised his head and stared into the dark distance.

Buzz boom~ buzz boom~

There was originally a loud sound of waves crashing on the shore, but it was quietly replaced by a dull roar.

A dark blue light rose from the ground, and the earth trembled.


The roar of the explosion was earth-shattering.

A huge beast walked straight towards Chu Xin, its small eyes narrowed slightly, full of strong hostility.

Its meaning can be translated as: You despicable stranger has woken up.

Here comes the legendary Godzilla, one of the Titans!

Those blue lights emit from its dorsal fin and originate from the biological atomic furnace inside its body.

Ge Pang belongs to the ancient atomic dinosaur family and is one of the original indigenous people of the earth. He is completely different from Chu Xin's Godzilla.


When it saw Chu Xin, it immediately launched a fierce charge like an old enemy.

Chu Xin naturally wouldn't give in and immediately hit him head on.


This fierce collision of flesh and flesh announced that the era of monsters had truly arrived.

Godzilla bit one of Chu Xin's necks and tied Chu Xin's torso with his thick hands.

Because it was shorter than Chu Xin, it could exert more force better, and its fat body made the bottom plate very stable, so Chu Xin couldn't break free for a while.

If that's the case, let's stick close to each other and collide with each other!

Chu Xin's three mouths bit Godzilla's neck, arms and shoulders, and beat him with overwhelming wings, making Godzilla dizzy.


He took advantage of this and jumped up, knocking Godzilla straight to the ground and locking his arms quite skillfully.

Then, not very familiar with using the bioelectricity stored in his body, but with the experience of being Godzilla, he quickly drove it to three necks.

Moving upward, a crazy and restless golden light forms in the mouth.


Immediately, three electric beams hit Godzilla's chest, causing sparks to fly everywhere.

This is Ghidorah's ultimate move, called Gravitation Ray.


Godzilla suffered a big loss and roared with anger and frustration.

Although there were no scars left, the pain of being struck by lightning was very clear.

Chu Xin took advantage of it, and after finishing the spray, he stood up neatly, suddenly threw out his left and right heads, and hit Godzilla hard on the forehead one after the other.

Buzz! Buzz!

Godzilla couldn't bear it anymore, and his dorsal fin gradually lit up with blue light starting from his tail.

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