All Heavens: I haven’t been a human being since Storm Red

Chapter 185 Godzilla graduates and awakens his super skills!


A sudden explosion of brilliant golden light burst out in all directions, filling an area of ​​10,000 meters in an instant.

A circular formation overlapping the inside and outside rotates in opposite directions in the void, gradually expanding its area, as if the great mage is about to cast a forbidden spell of world destruction.

At this moment, it seemed as if the world had stopped.

Clang clang clang!

A sonorous sound like breaking through the clouds and cracking rocks came out.

The violent roar of the beast was mixed with the roar of the engine, and the sound waves gathered together and flowed in all directions.

In the golden light, there was a vaguely huge figure rising from the ground, like a giant tree in the sky breaking through the cage of Aquarius, growing to nearly three hundred meters.

Among the six zodiac signs, only Aquarius and Leo can compare in size.


When the golden light dissipated, the giant shadow moved.

The genetic spiral vines composed of unknown substances were instantly shattered and scattered.

A surging shock wave rippled out.

All high-altitude drones were destroyed.

Capricorn was knocked out of the air, as were Leo and Pisces.


Sagittarius' super beam cannon is approaching.


A blue-purple breath penetrated the billowing smoke and collided with it.


The roaring dragon roars straight into the sky.

The momentum of the breath increased instead of decreasing, and after gradually engulfing the gastrea beam cannon, it flew straight along the track-like trace.

A cannon spanned 100,000 meters and centered on the Sagittarius seat on the river beach.


Sagittarius only has the advantage of long-range, and other qualities are mediocre, ranking at the bottom among the zodiac signs.

Therefore, under this blow, its heavy body was shattered and penetrated, followed by countless dense cracks from head to tail.


Along with its meaningful wail, its whole body shattered into pieces and exploded all over the sky.

Such a shocking change caused the remaining five zodiac figures to retreat one after another, staring in horror at Chu Xin, who slowly revealed his true form.


High-calorie gray-white steam continues to rise, and the condensed heat vortex quickly reaches the sky.

The bloody but cold monster also descended into this world little by little.

The appearance is 70% similar to Godzilla, but the entire body is made of flesh, blood and machinery intertwined to create a formidable creature.

The black skin is like a rock, the dark red armor forms scales, and the silver-gray gears give it changes.

The three are distributed and overlapped in an orderly manner. Under the hollow metal is trembling flesh and blood, and among the torn hard skin is the twitching hydraulic rod.

It smells like Unit 1 after being damaged in the battle!

Because of the addition of steel cables and the absorption of the Tyrannosaurus form, the limbs and torso have become more coordinated and beautiful, very close to the evil dragon in Western mythology.

In addition to the preserved blade dorsal fin on its back, a pair of dark red metal jet wings wrapped in muscles grew out.

Also because the characteristic of the steel cable is deformation, Chu Xin's arms can be transformed into plasma cannon form, claw spiral blade form, sword flame falcon form, and the bones on the shoulders can be expanded into radioactive dragon flame cannons.

Just like the end of the giant mechanical tail of an earthly python, it splits into five petals and can emit five radiation streams at the same time. At the center, a pitch-black sword extends, with purple-red flames lingering on it.

This is Steel Cable’s weapon, the heavy sword Behemoth!

A huge ferocious head was almost completely covered in dark red and silver black, but the eyes and the inside of the mouth did not change much.


Mechanical tearing between eyebrows.

A vertical eye appeared, and the mechanical eyeball glowed with incandescent light.

This is Storm's crimson eye, which can provide auxiliary functions such as ultra-long-distance vision and detail capture.

Of course, the above are just external manifestations.

It’s the inside that matters.

The secondary hearts that originally existed in Godzilla's arms, legs, and abdomen have been transformed into mechanical structures, and every beat can burst out with the force of a steel collision.

The biological atomic furnace in the chest is even more integrated with the storm-red infinite nuclear power engine device and the fire core of the steel cable. The thick metal blood vessels carry the hot energy, and are absorbed, transformed and outputted more efficiently. .

The flesh-and-blood cooling system has also been reshaped and strengthened through deformation gears, which is enough to withstand today's majestic heat.

All in all, the two make up for each other's shortcomings and are constantly improving.

This is the death creation of flesh, blood and machinery, the blood-mechanical dragon that gives judgment to the enemy!


Dragon's breath containing terrifying heat spurted out from the corners of his mouth.

The air around Chu Xin was distorted, and the scorched earth beneath his feet spontaneously ignited for no reason.


He threw back his head again and let out a deafening roar.

The five Level 5s involuntarily retreated again, treating each other with extreme fear.

"Although there is no so-called time limit for card fusion, when the damage reaches a certain level or the energy is exhausted, the fusion state will be forcibly released, and the resulting cards will also suffer corresponding trauma," Chu Xin's three eyes scanned They said, "Then I will get you relief as quickly as possible."

at the same time.

Hudu area.

Special operations command center, off-line monitoring station.


A staff member pointed at the screen.

The others gathered around.

"So many gastrea left?"

"Did something happen?"

"Wait a minute, according to the information in the Black Swan Project document, the pupils of the gasterozoans controlled by the Wuxiang Society have a circle of black lines," the director analyzed. "The ones walking at the moment are all normal gastrula. The remaining ones, All are consistent with the characteristics of a black swan plan.”

Because Chiguo deployed in advance, another line of defense was established outside the stone monument line.

Therefore, the gastrula they faced were not only controlled ones, but also many that were already wandering nearby.

This amount is not small!

But now, the pressure on the army and starters is suddenly reduced by half!


"It's the Imperial Capital Region and the Southwest Region. The same situation happened in them as we did."

"So does the South!"

"The number is unpredictable, at least five hundred thousand!"

"What exactly are they going to do?"

The director waved his hand and said, "Contact all regions immediately and make a map of their movement trajectories."

The incident was immediately reported to the command center on the top floor.

After Li Yunhu, the supreme commander of the special forces in the Hudu area, learned about it, he immediately guessed, "It's 100% related to that! Have the new drone groups been dispatched?"

He was referring to the battlefield of the six giant beasts.

The shock wave generated by the explosion just now left them ignorant of the situation at the scene.

"Arrived!" a soldier replied.

Soon, Chu Xin's new attitude was impressed in the eyes of hundreds of people. After repeated transmissions, all the major combat centers in the Red Kingdom witnessed it.

"W-What the hell is this?" Li Yunhu moved his stiff jaw, "I seem to understand."

"Cancer was strengthened for some reason, killing Sagittarius in a short period of time, and even made the five zodiacs who joined forces feel troublesome," said the dean of the Supreme Academy of Science in Shanghai, "So they began to dispatch people from all over the Red Kingdom. Gastrea, trying to increase their own strength."

Li Yunhu stared at Chu Xin, who was nearly 300 meters high, "Is this guy so strong?"

The dean said solemnly, "If you had doubts before, but now after seeing its appearance, I am sure that Cancer is not a primitive animal. It was forced to wear the Cancer hat by humans!"

"So, where is the real Cancer?" someone murmured.

The plain that turned into a scorched earth was shrouded in darkness by dark clouds.

The Zodiacs pulled away from each other. With their extremely high IQs, they were not brainless beasts relying solely on instinct. The aura exuded by Chu Xin and his record of killing Sagittarius in one move made them ten times more cautious.

But Chu Xin would not just stare blankly and immediately spread his huge wings.

boom! !

Flames spurted and soared into the sky.

Capricorn, who thought he was the safest, was dumbfounded on the spot and quickly flapped his wings and flew away.


Chu Xin quickly chased him up and made a surprise attack from the side.

Together they passed through the thick clouds and bathed in the sunshine.

Chu Xin's right hand suddenly split, the metal arm bones extended, the five claws shrank and closed, and a slender red blade exploded from the palm of his hand.

Transformation: Saber Flame Falcon form.


The blade releases fluid energy similar to an atomic heat shield, giving high-heat and high-explosive magic damage blessings.

Chu Xin accelerated violently and attacked from behind.

The magic dragon dances, the sword blasts!

Yan Falcon waved out the afterimage, which looked like cicada wings under the sunlight.

It was precisely this beauty that cut off Capricorn's wings.


Taking advantage of the opportunity for its wings to regenerate, Chu Xin's left arm blasted out boldly, with the withered bone glove attached to the mechanical armor-like claws.


They both fell and crashed into an overgrown gas station.

When Chu Xin stood up, he was holding Capricorn who had been penetrated through the chest in his hand.

It was struggling on the verge of death, but was unable to break away from Chu Xin's body suppressing it. It could only consume its physical energy for no reason, causing it to become increasingly weak.


Chu Xin crushed its heart and head with the dragon claws of the Withered Bone.

Capricorn, death.

Seeing that Chu Xin could fly, the other four also gave up the idea of ​​​​retreating.

There is no way out but to eradicate this alien species!

Teng Teng~

Leo and Pisces rushed towards each other one after the other.

The former's limbs suddenly swelled, and the burst of power was even greater. Each sharp claw could easily cut off a building.

Swish swish swish~

The latter bounced high like a frog accumulating power, opened its upper and lower jaws in mid-air, and endless sharp bone spurs fell like a torrential rain, and its body followed closely behind, jumping towards Chu Xin's back.


The atomic furnace operates at high speed.

It only took a second for the dorsal fin to bloom with purple light, and dozens of interlaced radiation streams to occupy the sky, intercepting them all.

Pisces got off to a bad start and was directly shot into a hornet's nest of holes.

It fell not far away and lay on the ground to heal itself.


But Leo successfully came to Chu Xin.

It was accompanied by Aries, which swept out countless soft tentacles and entangled it.

Keng Keng~

Chu Xin's shoulder deformed, and four Longyan tracking missiles that turned into radioactive gunpowder circled and hit Aries, exploding it like crazy.


Leo seized the opportunity, and its four claws, which were more than 200 meters high, struck Chu Xin's chest hard.

The remaining two pairs of limbs support the upper body, like a child born from a spider that cheated on the beast.


Chu Xin's left and right hands made a high-speed spinning sound.

I saw that his claws turned into circular saws under the mechanical drive, and withered bones were attached to them.

Magic Dragon Version Thundercloud Formation!


Even if they feel uneasy, Leo has no choice but to shoot.

Puff puff!

There are heart engines in both arms, and the brute force burst out directly pressing Leo to the ground.

With his hand raised and the knife lowered, Chu Xin swiftly cut off all eight limbs.

At the same time, Chu Xin threw out his long tail for Aries who was trying to sneak attack.

After firing a tail cannon, Behemoth and five radiation streams beat it to pieces.

Aries, death.


A few seconds later, the giant Leo followed suit and was cut into pieces by Chu Xin, a maniac with a chainsaw, and was neatly torn into pieces.

Leo, death.

At this point, only Aquarius and Pisces are trembling in the distance.

Driven by gastroviruses, they are not emotionally capable.

But Chu Xin's blood-machine-demon-dragon fusion form frightened them from a viral level.

If you have to explain it scientifically, it's like a wolf meeting a tiger in nature.

Bloodline suppression!

The atomic furnace continues to operate.

The long tail swung hard at Pisces, who had recovered as before, and five rays of radiation bloomed like a chaotic dance of demons.

Pisces, death.

On the other side, Aquarius has begun to moisturize.

A mixture of fungi and microorganisms that changed the environment were left along the way, and the strange things that grew formed obstacles.

Solving this problem is very simple. Chu Xin did not go to land and took off decisively.

Climb thousands of meters into the air.


He folded his wings and opened his jets to maximum.

Change to dive stance.

Appeared, the meteorite collision of the Sky Comet Dragon!


The ground exploded, and troops as far away as the Hudu area faintly heard the loud noise and felt the ground tremble.

With just one blow, Aquarius's body flew into the air along with rocks and soil.

However, these glassy corpses of different sizes actually squirmed and turned into miniature versions of Aquarius!

Instead of concentrating on healing, they wisely scattered in all directions.

"You learned this move from Wu Kai, right?" Chu Xin said calmly.

In this case, he flew high into the sky again.


Curled up into a semi-mechanical ball, the volume expanded rapidly as a large amount of metal spread.

This is the third form [Cybertron Armor] derived from Steel Cable.

The blood weapon dragon is limited by its flesh and blood. Although it cannot become the size of the moon like a steel cable, the diameter of the sphere is comparable to the entire city of Shanghai!

Then, it fell gently without any fancy.



A blazing atomic heat shield appeared on the surface, crushing and melting all the remaining pieces of Aquarius.

Aquarius, die.

Chu Xin returned to the ground, released the fusion, and returned to Godzilla.


Just when he thought he could give it up, there was an earthquake.

I saw densely packed gastrea animals appearing from all directions, forming the most terrifying beast tide in the past ten years.

Chu Xin had no intention of retreating. He moved his limbs and breathed out a breath of purple fire like smoke rings from the corner of his mouth.

bring it on!

It takes far more time to eliminate the beast tide than to kill the Zodiac.

Chu Xin had no idea how many heads he had killed, he only remembered the feast of killing once again bathed in blood and corpses.

The location where he stood was hundreds of meters higher than a few days ago, and the original plain had suddenly turned into a hilly terrain with undulating mountains.

Finally, the card text arrived as promised:

"Needless to say, there was a fierce battle. You worked alone as an army and became the final winner of this war;

After the fusion of cards, you are invincible and destructive, and you gradually understand the path to the peak of combat power in the card system;

After wiping out the Twelve Palaces, he still fights nearly a million enemies alone, constantly hollowing out his body, constantly hitting bottom and rebounding, and constantly becoming stronger;

Proficiency +10%, reaching 100%;

The number of gashapon machines +1;

Earn rewards:

The height increases to 150 meters and the weight increases to 150,000 tons;

Godzilla is fully proficient and has awakened a 100% super skill - [Karma Fire Hell]! "

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