In the next two days, Chu Xin has been working on developing the shelter and getting it on the right track.

In addition to expanding the scale of mechanical life and protecting the personal safety of the Cursed Children, there is also the need to improve infrastructure and improve their understanding of the world in all aspects.

However, Chu Xin didn't put too much thought into it. He didn't pursue perfection in the configuration, just it was pretty good.

After all, the subway station is only a temporary settlement, and the future shelter will definitely be moved to another place. We cannot let the Cursed Children burrow underground like rats and cockroaches for the rest of their lives.

During this period, Tendo Kisara and Rentaro were also helping, and Aihara Enju got along very well with the children.

Here, they don't need to pretend to be normal people, nor do they need to restrain their nature.

Sunny morning.

Rentaro and Tendo Kisara, who were forced to be teachers, were giving an outdoor class.

The interested girls took the initiative to move tables and chairs outside, bathed in the warm light, and listened to two high school students telling them stories about the world.

They were only high school students, and what they had learned all their lives was fighting and swordsmanship, so naturally they couldn't teach them.

But this is not important. The girls are just peeking into the strange and novel world through their eyes. What is needed is not mathematics and physics, but the gradual piecing together of complete thinking concepts.

"Okay, now let's ask questions." Rentaro said more skillfully.

He glanced at Tendo Musara beside him, both of them were in a good mood.

After all, the salary Chu Xin paid them was enough to eat meat every meal!

And they also let Yanzhu Aihara go to school here for free!


Immediately, more than a dozen fair and tender arms were raised high, vying for the first place like a group of lively chickens.

"Yanzhu said that Teacher Rentaro is her fiancé, and you are living together on the condition of marriage. Is it true?"

"No! That girl was staying at my house!"

The first question made Rentaro fall into silence, staring fiercely at Enju Aihara who was snickering secretly.

"Ahem, kids, please don't ask these adult questions." Tendo Kisara coughed.

"Teacher Kisara, Yanzhu told us that your Oppai is so big that you can't even see your feet. Is it true?" Another little girl asked with a curious look on her face.

"Eh? No, it's not that exaggerated!" Tendong Mugen was so shocked that his face turned red, and he both trembled and took half a step back.

She glanced down subconsciously, as if she really couldn't see.

Seeing that both teachers were speechless by the question, all the students began to talk nonsense.

"Are Kisara-sensei and Rentaro-sensei dating?"

"Will you get married?"

"Are you having a boy or a girl?"

"Are your children like ours?"

They yelled for a while, and even decided on the names of their children.

Mr. Matsuzaki looked at his happy class with great relief and couldn't help but smile.

Although the questions of these little girls are outrageous, it just shows that they are human beings, have strong curiosity, and still maintain a normal attitude towards all kinds of new things.

I'm not afraid of them chattering incessantly, but I'm afraid that their faces are numb and their eyes are dead.

Just when Tendong and Mugen were so ashamed that a tall figure appeared among the wasteland buildings.

Chiju Natsuyo and Aragaki Riho, who had been silently guarding the surroundings, then appeared, like two caring maids, greeting the returning Chu Xin, one on the left and the other on the right.

"Eh? It's the principal!"

"The principal is back!"

In an instant, almost all the little girls were swarming towards Chu Xin with cheerful steps.

Although Chu Xin was not obsessed with the words "Principal" and couldn't even see the joy, anger, sorrow or joy on his face hidden by the mask, the children still surrounded him and expressed their sincere gratitude in the most simple and pure way.

To them, Chu Xin is the blazing light that tears through the moist darkness.

Beautiful things that were once unattainable are now as real as dreams and within reach.

Soft little beds, fragrant food, interesting toys, warm atmosphere, kind adults, etc., rekindle their hope in life and realize that they are worthy of love and compassion.

Chu Xin understands that what touches the children's hearts the most is not the material things, but the attitude of outsiders towards them, which is a subtle sense of identity.

The ultimate goal is to build their confidence, abandon their inferiority complex, and rebuild their spiritual will that is not afraid of the secular world!

The title of principal was first proposed by Mr. Matsuzaki.

Chu Xin has full authority to fund and construct the school, so the position of principal is naturally his.

Whether it's a shelter or a school, it actually doesn't matter, they all have the same nature in his opinion.

Moreover, the children brainstormed and came up with a name - Hope Primary School.

This style has a special sense of hometown. It really wasn't Chu Xin's idea. He was a little surprised when he learned about it.

"Thanks for your hard work."

Chu Xin touched the heads of Qianju Natsuyo and Aragaki Riho with his left and right hands respectively.

Both of them are experienced starters, so they are also responsible for teaching the Cursed Son how to use his own power.

Yes, they are all children under the age of ten, and it is indeed cruel to be exposed to blood and fighting.

But the reality is that they can not participate in the battle, but they cannot not fight. Having a gun but not using it and not having a gun are completely different things.

Even if you can't fight, you still have to have basic escape abilities.

This is the top priority of Chu Xin's instructions. In the next few days, Rentaro plans to be responsible for specific combat teaching.

"It's time for us to leave. Emperor Sheng just called and asked us to come over." Tendo Mugena said.

"Is something wrong?" Rentaro asked.

"I don't know, it sounds like it's not a big deal." Tendo Mugen replied.

Chu Xin speculated that it might be related to his killing of Scorpio.

Tokyo, which instantly became the focus of the world, naturally became the center of a whirlpool with surging undercurrents. As the head of state, the Holy Emperor must have countless guns aimed at his head and fall into a quagmire of no control.

Chu Xin didn't dare to judge what the specific matter was.

Because he became a Cancer, it has affected the original plot to a certain extent, and the subsequent development is unpredictable.

"Mr. Chu, please be more careful. The president's death was probably someone's deliberate act," Rentaro said solemnly, "If there is any danger, please contact us immediately."

The president he mentioned was the organizer of the "Anti-Cursed Sons Association".

Just one day ago, the president died mysteriously at home. His death was extremely miserable, as if he had been torn apart by wild beasts.

The key is that after an hour-long arduous investigation, the police announced that the murderer was a cursed son from the outer area!

Such a sloppy conspiracy could not be seen clearly by the angry people.

In other words, they don't want to know the truth at all, as long as it conforms to what they think in their hearts.

As a result, demonstrations in Tokyo have increased.

Countless people did not hesitate to go on strike to participate, crying and grieving for the wealthy people in the Central District who they usually cursed, taking advantage of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to vent their long-suppressed emotions.

There are many rhythmic beasts among them, and they are crazy and fire-producing, constantly guiding people to the outer area.

"Don't worry, they will be fine." Chu Xin said calmly.

As if his calm tone was full of reassuring magic, Rentaro and Tendogi no longer worried too much, and left the shelter with Enju Aihara.


Ever since Chu Xin released the radiation stream in the city, many people have developed symptoms of nuclear radiation one after another.

Godzilla's new element is extremely corrosive and destructive, exceeding the radioactive material in more than half of the earth.

Therefore, it is almost inevitable that people who have been around the presidential palace are either dead or waiting to die.

Also included was the ambitious President Qi Wu Xuanzong.

But as the president, he will naturally enjoy unique treatment.

The temporary presidential palace is located on a hillside estate overlooking the city.

"The final inspection is completed, you can get out of bed."


"Hahaha, I feel like I can kill a gastrea with my bare hands."

Hidden in the basement of the mountain, Qi Wu Xuanzong was naked from the waist up, with an arrogant smile on his face.

He walked to the mirror and admired his new body.

In the mirror, under a smooth violent bald head, there is two-thirds of black metal!

The holmium metal is tightly connected to the flesh and blood, and most of the internal organs under the skin have been replaced with holmium.

On a piece of skin on his chest, there are five feather tattoos arranged in a circle.

Today's Qi Wu Xuanzong has solved the problem of nuclear radiation and has become a new semi-mechanical human being.

"You'd better get familiar with your body these days, don't run around, and don't rely on me if something goes wrong."

Behind him, an old European and American man with brown hair was arranging surgical instruments.

Although he is old, he has an elegant manner, wears expensive gold-rimmed glasses, and wears a slim casual suit under a white surgical gown.

Although his facial features are handsome and he does not look old, his eyebrows are shadowy and his eyes are dark. At first glance, he looks like a stubborn person who adheres to old-fashioned ways.

"Ayn Rand, it's not like you don't know who I am. I'm no weaker than you when it comes to stubbornness." aspect."

"Tokyo? For Cancer or Scorpio?" Ayn Rand said.

He took off his white coat, and when he dragged it, he exposed the inner side of his forearm, which had the same five-feather tattoo as Xuanzong of Qi Wu.

If Sumire Muroto, who was transformed by Rentaro, was here, she would definitely recognize this person as Ayn Rand, one of the Four Wise Men.

He was once the top person in charge of "NEXT", the free country branch of the New Humanity Project. After the mechanization project was abandoned by various countries, he has been working in a simple way and rarely shows his face.

Now appearing in Osaka, he even saved Qi Wu Xuanzong's life.

The two people who were originally incomparable ended up having such a close relationship.

"Of course Cancer must be investigated. That beast almost killed me. Sooner or later I will cut it into pieces," Qi Wu Xuanzong said with a ferocious expression, "But the main target this time is the remains of Scorpio that fell into the sea. .”

Ayn Rand suddenly realized, "So, you want to use the remains of Scorpio to summon the other Zodiac signs."

Qiwu Xuanzong continued, "I will go to Tokyo for the reason of presidential condolences, take this opportunity to divert the attention of Tendo Kikunochori, and then let the members there take the opportunity to salvage and transport it."

"Does anyone else know?" Ayn Rand asked.

"You are the only one who knows about it for the time being. The rest of you will inform me after I finish the matter." Qi Wu Xuanzong replied.

Ayn Rand nodded thoughtfully, "As far as I know, Tendo Kikinochei is a ruthless old fox. If you go, it will definitely arouse his suspicion. This alone is not enough to divert all their attention."

"What do you think?" Qi Wu Xuanzong asked.

Ayn Rand smiled and said, "When you go to Tokyo, assassinate their Holy Emperor."

Qiwu Xuanzong raised his eyebrows, "You still have the nerve to say that Tendo Kikunochei is an old fox~ Shengtianzi is the head of state beloved by the people of Tokyo. That guy Tendo also attaches great importance to her. As long as we pose a threat to her, the whole of Tokyo will pay attention to this matter. There is no direct evidence leading me to the assassination at this time.”

"Real killing or fake killing?" Ayn Rand asked again.

"Of course it's a real killing. Tokyo is already doomed anyway. It's better to be disintegrated and annexed by us as soon as possible." Xuanzong of Qi Wu couldn't help but laugh.

"Then I will help you," Ayn Rand raised the corner of her mouth. "My strongest weapon is Tina, the starter with IP ranking 97. She has the owl gene that moves at night and is a born assassin."

"When I destroy Tendo Kikunojo and take over Tokyo, you will definitely have a share of the credit." Qi Wu Xuanzong patted Ayn Rand on the shoulder.

Ayn Rand answered while packing up the equipment, "This is all for the purpose of creating a new world. As long as it can expand the power of our Wuxiang Society and eradicate all enemies that block it, why does it matter?"

"I have peeked at such a new world in my dreams more than once. It's time for us to speed up the pace." Qi Wu Xuanzong said with great ambition.

The Wuxiang Society is an extremely large world-class behind-the-scenes organization.

Its members range from national leaders to ordinary people, covering the whole world and taking root for a long time.

They have a strict class classification system, which is symbolized by flying feathers, and the ranks increase from one to five.

The five feathers of the five feathers symbolize the most senior members, leaders with great power, such as Osaka President Qiwu Xuanzong and the Four Sages Ayn Rand.

The purpose of the Wuxiang Club is very simple and very middle-of-the-road:

Change the world through bloody means, integrate all countries, end humiliating human history, and guide mankind towards a beautiful new world.

That night.


A manor villa located in Chiyoda District.

The extremely haggard male host sat opposite a man in a suit with scars around his eyes.

"My wife died in the Central District, and my son was brutally murdered by the Cursed Son yesterday. Can you understand my pain?" the male host said in a hoarse voice.

His son is the president of the Anti-Cursed Sons Association.

His wife happened to be eating barbecue in Ginza that night and enjoying steaming.

"I can understand, my family also left me ten years ago." The scar-faced man replied.

His exposed wrists were covered with neat lines of fog, which were obviously Japanese flower arm tattoos.

He is one of the Tokyo underworld bosses.

"Kill them." The male host took out a large box of banknotes. "No matter what method you use, crush all the little beasts in the outer area to ashes!"

The scar-faced man accepted it and said, "Don't worry."

"Wait, what are you going to do?" the male host asked.

Revenge is revenge, but don't expose yourself.

"The people marching now are the best guns. I will make good use of them." The scar-faced man's position as a boss obviously did not rely solely on his muscles.

"Go ahead, I'm going to see them bleeding like rivers within a week." The male host said with a sinister smile.

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