All Heavens: I haven’t been a human being since Storm Red

Chapter 172 Conspirators Shelter Chi Country

Although Tokyo has avoided mass extinction, the loss of the central district is like taking away two kidneys of a man.

However, only the Central District was lost, which was a blessing in misfortune.

The death of Scorpio is good news for Neon and even the whole world.

But the key to the problem is that it was not killed by humans, but was annihilated by powerful similar creatures.


A mountain fell, but another, more majestic mountain stood up on it.

Although the Internet is full of joy, for humans with rational cognition, this is really not a happy thing.

Because Cancer, that is, Chu Xin, is too active, and the behavior he showed when he appeared twice was very weird, which was slightly different from the previous level 5s.

He is unpredictable, difficult to control, and his purpose is unclear.

Speaking of ladder weapons, they are indeed strong.

Unfortunately, due to various factors, it did not show its true power.

Anyway, the military promoted it ten years ago that it could reach sublight speed, so that citizens would no longer be afraid of gastrea. However, before the construction was fully completed, Tokyo almost fell, and the project was stranded.

Chu Xin's atomic heat shield also exerted a very significant effect. After all, it has the same composition as the radiation flow.

The beggar's version of the ladder can penetrate the high-heat and high-explosive heat shield with one shot and cripple Chu Xin's right hand, which is already impressive.

What if the hit was not a fist, but the chest covering the atomic furnace?

Then Chu Xin couldn't guarantee that he wouldn't be hit hard.

As for death, he hadn't thought about it. As long as there was one cell left, he would just jump around repeatedly at the door of the Palace of Hell.

In short, the level of human science and technology in this world is different from the earth where Chu Xin is.

Whether it is a new semi-mechanical human being or a sub-light electromagnetic weapon, they are all outstanding.

Why not make more doors?

Because the cost is high.

The only one was built with the efforts of the whole country before Neon split into five countries!

In addition, the ladder weapon is originally a space-to-ground device, and its use on the ground does not comply with the operating mechanism, which is also one of the main reasons for its complete scrapping.

This epoch-making semi-finished product has now truly become a historical heritage.

The next day.

Rescue work in the central district has been carried out in full swing.

As for reconstruction, it is far away.

Resources limited to Tokyo alone are simply not enough to restore Chuo Ward.

Not to mention the various losses overnight, political and business leaders were brutally cut off and bled, and the people in the future will have to tighten their belts to live a better life.

In the past, it was possible to apply for humanitarian aid from other countries, but today, everyone hopes that the other country will die soon, and there will be one less person to share the cake.

If a certain party really comes at this moment, it must have ulterior motives and evil intentions!

Chiyoda Ward, near the Imperial Palace.

The mansion of the Tendo family.

In an empty room near the courtyard, Sataro saw Rentaro and Tendo Kikunochori sitting opposite each other.

The atmosphere was oppressive and filled with gunpowder.

Satomi Rentaro suppressed his anger and asked sternly:

"I don't know where Hiroko Yingyin's body went, but why is his daughter Hiroko Kohina missing?"

"And the news about him leaked, Minister of Defense Hibikida and his men..."

Tendo Kikunochō interrupted, "Just now, Minister Hibikida hanged himself at home."

Rentaro was very shocked, "He must be your confidant!"

Juzhicheng remained silent in an extremely old-fashioned way, showing no joy or sadness.

Rentaro raised his voice, "New Gastrea Law, right? And you are a stubborn discriminator. You announced this morning that the arrival of Scorpio and Cancer is directly related to Hiroko Kohina, in order to arouse people's concern for the cursed The hatred of my son! In order to stop the new method, you did not hesitate to summon Level 5, you are really unforgivable~"

He stood up suddenly, drew his gun and pointed it between the opponent's eyebrows.

"Why can you forget," Tendo Kikunochori said with gloomy eyes, "Ten years ago, my wife and humans were slaughtered by them. Those bugs also took away your hands, feet and parents. You should have taken them away like me. Treat them as old enemies, but want to give human rights to the little bastards with insect blood? Humans? Cursed children? They, no, they are murderous demons."

"I won't kill you because you saved my life and raised me up." After saying this, Rentaro turned and left.

Tendo Kikunochei looked at his back and murmured in a low voice, "The only way for them to atone for their sins is to become human weapons and die together with the gastrea."

The two had intermittent and vague exchanges. A detailed explanation is:

The Holy Emperor is preparing to promulgate the "New Law on Gastrea" to protect the Cursed Son, but Tendo Kikunosei, who hates Gastrea and the Cursed Son, disagrees.

But he couldn't object openly, so he hid behind the scenes and ordered the Minister of Defense Hibikida to go outside the stone monument to find the "Legacy of the Seven Stars", and cooperated with Hiroko Yingyin to stage a bloody drama, each with its own agenda. .

The goal was pure, to rekindle the fear of the people, deepen their hatred of the Cursed Son, and make the "New Gastrea Law" stillborn.

In the end, in order to prevent Tendo Kikunojo from being exposed and for the safety of his family, the informed Minister of Defense Hibiki committed suicide.

Collaborator Hiroko Kageyin was killed by a mysterious gastrea, and Hiroko Hina was also silenced by Tendo Kikunoichi.

From then on, there was no direct connection between this incident and Tendo Kikunochei, and there was not a shred of evidence that he secretly instigated it.

Moreover, his goal has been achieved.

The fear and panic in the hearts of the people are gradually turning into anger, and they are in urgent need of an irresponsible person to vent to. Under deliberate guidance, many people began to criticize the Cursed Son verbally and writtenly.

It can be seen that Satomi Rentaro's IQ is online, and he quickly figured out the dirty truth based on various clues.

"I'm back."

Rentaro opened the door to his house and shouted tiredly.

Not only Aihara Enju was in the house, but Tendou Kisara was also there.

"Hey~ I have good news for you," Tendo Mugeng pouted and smiled, "Because you launched the ladder to repel the Cancer, you also had a huge contribution to the death of Zhizi Yingyin. After the personal approval of Sheng Tianzi, you and Yanzhu The global ranking has been raised to ~3000th place!”

"Eh?" Rentaro looked happy, "Is there a bonus?"

"Of course, but according to the contract, the company has to deduct part of it." Tendo Kisara took out a bundle of banknotes, took a few of them and put them in his pocket.


At this time, Lan Yuan Yanzhu, who had been watching TV, said weakly.

They both looked at her.

"Should we go and see them?" Lan Yuan Yanzhu asked worriedly.

On the TV, a demonstration against the Cursed Sons was being broadcast. The faces that were obviously human but as ferocious as beasts were really intimidating.

Many people clamored to go to the outer areas to kill the Cursed Children so that they could atone for the sins of hundreds of thousands of innocent souls in the central area and be buried with them.

Tendo Kikunochei is indeed a qualified conspirator.

After all the misfortune was diverted to the east, the Cursed Children naturally took the blame, and the Tokyo people's anger towards them has reached an unprecedented level.

"Are they the children in the outer area? With the current situation, their situation is indeed very dangerous." Rentaro pondered.

"By the way, doesn't Enju want to continue going to school? There is an old man Matsuzaki in the outer area who is teaching the Cursed Son. Why don't Enju go there?" Tendou Mugen suggested.

Because Aihara Yanzhu's identity as a cursed child was exposed, the school she originally attended dismissed her, and her former good friends also showed disgust towards her.

"I don't care, the main thing is Yanzhu." Rentaro replied.

"Okay!" Lan Yuan Yanzhu smiled sensibly, "Then let's go?"

As she said this, she jealously squeezed Tendo Kisara away, glanced at her two big ideas with envy, and after a "hum", she took Rentaro's arm and walked out of the room.

39th Peripheral District.

"Um, where are they?" Tendo Mugeng asked doubtfully.

The three of them were standing in the lonely old city, their heads messed up by the cold wind.

"Could it be?" Rentaro asked uneasily.

Lan Yuan Yanzhu also clenched her fists, and her eyes turned red.

They were afraid that the demonstrators would arrive first and vent their anger on the Cursed Sons.

"According to past habits, they should be active outside." Lan Yuan Yanzhu muttered, because she was a member of District 39.

Suddenly, a cute little head popped up from under the manhole cover behind them.

"Is it Yanzhu?" she asked innocently.

"Asuka!" Lan Yuan Yanzhu said in surprise, and immediately asked, "Where has everyone gone?"

"Mr. Chu said you can't tell outsiders casually, but I know Yanzhu and Sister Kigeng. You are good people." Xiao Feiniao climbed up on his hands and knees and patted the dust on his brand new skirt. "We are moving."

"Moving?" The three of them looked at each other.

Half an hour later.

Inside the brand new underground shelter.

"Mr. Chu, a guest is here." Mr. Matsuzaki shouted.

Chu Xin, who was still wearing his armor, looked back and saw three familiar faces that were stunned.

"It turns out it's them." Qian Juxiao on the side also cast his gaze.

Yes, the dolphin girl did not return to Tokyo, but went to Chu Xin to contribute to the shelter.

"What happened here?" Tendo Mugen walked down the subway stairs in shock.

"There are so many children, hundreds of them, right?" Rentaro glanced around in disbelief.

"They are all wearing nice new clothes. There is the smell of barbecue in the air, and the decoration here is so beautiful and clean." Lan Yuan Yanzhu's eyes shined, "It's great, everyone looks very happy."

Tendo Kisara quickly asked Matsuzaki, "Did you expand the size of the school?"

Matsuzaki smiled and waved his hand, "I don't have that ability. I am Mr. Chu from Chi Country."

"Ahem, who is this Mr. Chu?" Tentong Mugen was so excited by the smell of barbecue that his stomach became a little sticky when he spoke.

"It turns out it's him!" Rentaro and Aihara Enju exclaimed in unison.

Chu Xin waved to them and motioned to come down and talk.

A few minutes later.

There are many tables and chairs in the bright and clean restaurant area.

At this moment, there are hundreds of cute little girls eating with joy, enjoying the satisfaction and happiness they have never had before.

The chefs are one of the few kind-hearted people who have now officially joined the shelter and received high wages from Chu Xin.

Not only can you sincerely help poor children, but you can also get unexpected income, why not?

On one of the tables, Aihara Enju and Tendou Mugen also launched a ferocious attack on two large plates of barbecue.

Only Rentaro stared at Chu Xin seriously and asked warily, "Mr. Matsuzaki said you are from the Red Country? What is your goal of setting up a shelter here?"

Living in such an environment, his concerns are normal.

"I'm from the Red Country, it's true. The goal is as you can see, to give them a sheltered home." Chu Xin told the truth, without any lies.

Rentaro thought to himself that he didn't know much about the outside world.

Policies for dealing with Cursed Children vary from country to country, but there are many with such fierce conflicts as in the five Neon Regions.

The most serious ones are Neon, Liberty and Deborah.

He had heard some news about the Red Country, especially that the mainstream trend of society there was to be grateful and respectful to the Cursed Son.

Rentaro was deeply impressed by this, so he made an in-depth inquiry.

Red Country will not adopt a sloppy and inefficient police mechanism, let alone torture the Cursed Son.

At least most people will not discriminate, and a few people will not be able to make waves.

In the Red Kingdom, once a new cursed child is born, they will be uniformly sent to the base, where they will be trained in a targeted manner and given maximum material care.

Moreover, their parents can visit the base every month, which greatly deepens the emotional connection between the Cursed Children and normal humans, forming a network of interconnections from multiple families to the entire society.

This method is very efficient and can create a team with strong combat effectiveness and cohesion, and also improves their survival rate.

Every time a task is performed, professionals will analyze and deploy it.

If unfortunately he dies in battle, he will be remembered as a martyr by society, and his body will not be exposed in the wilderness and no one cares.

There is no way, the Cursed Son is indeed the best plan for dealing with the original intestines at present.

If it weren't for them over the years, humanity would have become extinct long ago.

In fact, few people would take advantage of them unless they had no other choice.

However, the specific treatment methods vary greatly from country to country, and Rentaro is fully aware of this.

Of course, Red Country is not the only country to adopt a soft policy. The deterioration of Neon is closely related to the split into five regions.

In the final analysis, it still depends on how the country guides the people, how to publicize the Cursed Son, and how to improve the corresponding laws.

"I don't need to lie to you. They can leave at any time without any restrictions on their freedom," Chu Xin said calmly. "If they stay here, they can enjoy basic protection and acquire knowledge."

Although Rentaro is not very likable in the anime, Chu Xin has to admit his true feelings for the Cursed Son.

If Chu Xin did this, there was some consideration for completing the task.

Then Rentaro did it completely out of his heart, and even Tendou Kisara, who was traveling with him, had no prejudice against the Cursed Son.

"Let's go, it's time to go to class!"

"What's the class today?"

"Today, Natsuki Senju and Riho Aragaki teach us how to use power correctly!"

"Look, I can make my eyes normal using the method Risu taught me!"

Lunch time passed and the girls rushed to the spacious subway hall.

The two girls, Qianju Natsuyo and Aragaki Riho, one white and one black, were already standing on the big podium, looking serious like little teachers.

Except for the lobby, the remaining areas are divided into dormitories for ten people, recreation rooms, libraries, gymnasiums, etc.

It is still in a somewhat rudimentary prototype stage, but the future is promising.

"Rentaro, it's great here!" Aihara Enju said, almost wanting to cry.

"Can she also go to school here?" Tiantong Mugeng asked Chu Xin.

"Okay." Chu Xin replied.

"Then I'll go too?" Lan Yuan Yanzhu said, but she had already run over.

Rentaro looked at her cheering back, then looked at Chu Xin, and said sincerely, "Thank you."

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