The next day.

When Emperor Xuanzong of Qi Dynasty visited Tokyo, Rentaro was hired by Emperor Sheng to become his personal bodyguard.

He did not tell outsiders about the sanctuary, not even the benevolent and kind-hearted Holy Emperor.

That 20-year-old girl just rushed to the position of national leader. Her fragile body could not support her full ideals and ambitions.

Moreover, everyone knows that changes in the outer zone will be made public sooner or later.

At that time, Chu Xin, who came from a foreign country, would definitely become the target of public criticism, and it was unknown what would happen.

Rentaro and Tendou Bizara can only take one step at a time. As long as those children can enjoy one more day of happiness, they will make a profit.

Living in the apocalypse, we can't help ourselves. Unless a deus ex machina appears and uses absolute power to tear apart the entire ugly and sick society, in order to achieve the effect of scraping bones and healing wounds, it will be difficult to eradicate the root cause of neon and even the world.

Rentaro didn't think that person would be him, because it was too difficult for an individual human being to do it.

Suddenly, Chu Xin's figure popped into his mind.

"Oh, what am I thinking? He is just one person. He can't even deal with the Tendo family, let alone the five neon districts."

"Mr. Satomi, what are you talking about?" Sheng Tianzi asked sideways.

"Ahem, it's nothing." Rentaro hurriedly replied.

"He is coming." Shengtianzi reminded.

The two of them were currently in a window-facing living room of the Imperial Palace, waiting for the arrival of Osaka President Seitake Xuanzong.

The sun was setting outside the window, and a touch of orange sprinkled into the room through the clean glass windows, making the shadows of the two people long.

The two of them had been waiting from the agreed four o'clock in the afternoon to six thirty at this moment.

five minutes later.

"Your Excellency, Lord Shengtianzi, forgive me for being late. I went to see Prime Minister Tendo first and talked with him for a long time and lost track of time."

Qi Wu Xuanzong strode in with a new haircut, his face showing no respect for national leaders of the same level, let alone apology.

"It doesn't matter, Auxiliary Tendo is an old acquaintance of yours, so it makes sense to visit him."

The Holy Emperor's expression remained unchanged, but his heart was sulky.

You must know that she is the head of state in Tokyo, and Tendo Kikunoichi is just an assistant under one person.

Qi Wu Xuanzong's move was tantamount to giving her a slap in the face, but she still had nowhere to complain.

"Oh~ you are the kid picked up by Tendo Kikunoichi, right?" He looked at Rentaro, obviously knowing everything about his old enemy Tendo family.

"It's me." Rentaro was not afraid of the president.

"Hey, a mere policeman, what kind of tone are you talking about?" Qi Wu Xuanzong sneered, "You are the one who damaged our only ladder cannon? In the end, Cancer was not wiped out. It was a waste of resources. What's more, that ladder cannon is It was going to be transported to the moon, and artillery shells were fired from the moon to kill level 5, but tsk~ it was wasted by you."

Rentaro frowned and stopped talking.

"President Qi Wu, please take a seat." Sheng Tianzi said quickly to prevent the two from continuing to fight each other.

"For the sake of His Highness the Holy Emperor, I won't argue with you. My visit to Tokyo this time..."

In this way, Qi Wu Xuanzong began a drunken visit.

The content discussed is nothing more than how to deal with the Zodiac in the future, whether the five regions should join forces to fight against the powerful Cancer, send a rescue team to Tokyo, etc.

All the powerful people in Tokyo have set their sights here, keeping a close eye on everyone who comes with them, for fear that Qi Wu Xuanzong, who has always been ambitious, may make some small moves. After all, Tokyo is currently unable to bear any risks.

Many elite members of the Tendo family are deployed at the Osaka team's residence to monitor and monitor around the clock.

"My ambition is very simple, that is to end the split situation in Neon and restore our lofty status in the world. I hope that the Holy Emperor will help me in the near future." After finishing speaking, Xuanzong of Qi Wu drank the tea. And done, ready to leave.

"This is also my wish, but I don't agree with some of President Qi Wu's ideas." Sheng Tianzi immediately retorted.

Rentaro, who had been standing in the back, had a deep expression on his face. He listened for a full two hours, and his endurance was greatly improved. After all, he was able to resist slapping Qi Wu Xuanzong's big mouth.

Seeing that the meeting was finally over, he bent down and stretched out his hands, preparing to receive the Holy Emperor's rise.

Suddenly, through the window, he caught a glimpse of a vague reflection.

Under the blue night, it instantly aroused his vigilance.

This is the Imperial Palace Castle, and three thousand meters across is the same building in the Imperial Palace. There happens to be a tall tower standing there.

Is there anyone there?

It should be our own sentinel, right?

However, an unknown feeling rose in my heart.

The flickering cold light suddenly turned into fire.

"Enemy attack!"

Rentaro subconsciously took Shengtianzi into his arms and blocked her in front of her with his right arm.


The next second, gunfire rang out.

A large-caliber sniper bullet penetrated the glass and hit Rentaro's metal forearm hard. The powerful impact knocked both of them away.


Another shot.

Thanks to Rentaro's quick movements, he grabbed Shengtianzi, and the bullet grazed her white shoulder and penetrated the wall behind.

Two consecutive extreme rescues showed that it was a wise move for the Holy Emperor to choose him as his bodyguard.


The third shot came in the blink of an eye.

The target is no longer the Holy Emperor, but the panicked Qi Wu Xuanzong.


The bullet hit his right arm and embedded itself firmly in the holmium metal.

"Who is going to kill us!" Qiwu Xuanzong roared while covering his wound, "Is it the old thief Kikunochori who wants to monopolize Tokyo and Osaka? So he takes this opportunity to kill us all?"

"You protect the Holy Emperor." Rentaro handed it to the escort, called Aihara Enju outside, and rushed to the sniper's location very quickly.

When they arrived, there were already corpses all over the place, and the assassin obviously had extremely strong fighting skills.

"Over there!"

Aihara Enju pointed at the wall of the imperial palace, and immediately carried Rentaro on his back. His eyes turned red, and the power of his original intestine was released, taking him to leap dozens of meters away.

The running and jumping brought about by the rabbit-type genes allowed them to quickly shorten the distance.

Gradually, they saw the assassin.

It was a little white girl with blond hair.

at the same time.

Chuo Ward, Tokyo Bay.

Industrial ships floated on the sea, and the sound of heavy equipment operating rumbled.

This is the Scorpio salvage team, directly under the jurisdiction of the police and the Tendo family.

"Everyone, please tell us to go back immediately. I'm afraid the Osaka group is coming in a menacing way."

"It seems that something happened. I didn't expect that someone would dare to attack the Holy Emperor and Qi Wu Xuanzong in the imperial palace."

"Can that old beast Qi Wu direct and act on his own?"

"It's very possible. I guess everyone is worried about this, so they asked us to go back."

More than a dozen members of the Tendo family were talking about it.

"You go back, just leave this place to me." said a middle-aged man with an upright appearance. He is Ichiro Kakinama, who serves as the Tokyo Police Director and is the head of the police in Tokyo.

"Then please excuse me, Mr. Cabinet." The leader thanked him immediately and took the people back to Chiyoda District without saying a word.

After there were no members of the Tendo family, Ichiro Shokuma immediately ordered his subordinates.

Soon, a large piece of the incomplete Scorpio skull was fished out, put into a sealed box, mounted on a helicopter, and flew towards the outside of the stone monument.

In fact, this skull was found underwater half a day ago. However, members of the Tendo family were present, so they have not been fished out for a long time.

"Father, where are you going to send that thing?" a young man asked.

His name is Atsuro Akinama, he is the son of Ichiro Akinama and serves as a leader in the Metropolitan Police Department.

"Hakata area." Ichiro Shokuma answered.

"Hakata? How many big shots are there in our organization?" Atsuro asked in a low voice.

"Actually, I don't know much, but within the scope of Neon, except for Tokyo and Sendai, the other three presidents are all five-feather-level leaders." Ichiro Shouma also whispered.

"Where's the Tokyo area?" Atsuro Kurama asked again.

"I only know the lair that communicates with us, and I don't know anything about the rest, but I am very sure that there is a high-ranking Gomeyu in the Tokyo area." Ichiro Cabinet said helplessly.

"Could it be Tendo Kiku no Cheng?" Atsuro speculated in the closet.

"No, Tendo Kikunojo is obsessed with revenge, and his philosophy is inconsistent with the Gosho Society," Ichiro Shokuma said. "Besides, if it's really him, do we need to be sneaky?"

The father and son have two feathers and one feather tattoos on their bodies respectively, and they are both members of the Wuxiang Club.

the other side.

As soon as Qi Wu Xuanzong returned to the hotel, Tendo Kiku no Cheng personally led dozens of family elites to arrive.

"What? We have been sworn enemies for decades, and yet you still care about me?" Qi Wu Xuanzong sneered.

"The dignified President of Osaka was assassinated on my territory. Naturally, I have to personally protect you to prevent unforeseen consequences." Tendo Kikunomagi closed the door.

There were only the two of them in the presidential suite on the top floor, but there were thousands of special police stationed outside, as well as nearly a hundred martial arts masters from the Tendo family, and of course the Osaka team consisting of a dozen people.

"Oh, don't act like you are in front of me," Qi Wu Xuanzong mocked, "Aren't you just afraid that I will be my mastermind? You will try different ways to guard me, and use me as a hostage."

"If you don't have any problems, you can go and get some sleep. I'll take you to the plane tomorrow morning." Tendo Kikunochō said coldly and proudly.

"You bring a sword over here, do I dare to close my eyes?" Qiwu Xuanzong stared at the katana on the waist of Tendo Kikunojo in fear.

Tendo Kikunochei has been able to dominate for many years. There is no need to mention his family's power, but his own combat power is also extremely outstanding.

With a mortal body, he has practiced Tendo's ancient swordsmanship to the point where he is unpredictable and can kill level 4 gastrea animals with just one sword!

"You are different from usual." Tendo Kikunouchi stared at Qiwu Xuanzong with wandering eyes.

"Oh?" Qi Wu Xuanzong hummed with interest.

"Your breathing and movements are completely different. Especially in your eyes, there is a hint of wantonness, like a lion trying to challenge a tiger." Tendo Kikunomagi slowly held the handle of the knife, "And, your so-called gun The injury doesn’t seem serious.”

"You are as difficult as ever." Qi Wu Xuanzong stood up slowly, his fierce look revealed.

The atmosphere suddenly became tense.

"It seems that you have indeed been exposed to severe nuclear radiation," Tendo Kikunochei said calmly, "You did not hesitate to transform yourself into a cyborg."

"But it also gives me the power to rival you." Qi Wu Xuanzong said proudly.

"Really?" Tendo Kikinochei bowed slightly, holding the sheath in his left hand and the sword in his right hand.


Tendo's ancient sword-fighting technique!

Tendo Kiku no Cheng turned into an afterimage and galloped away.

There was a sharp flash of cold light, and the invisible sword energy seemed to split Qi Wu Xuanzong in two.


However, Qi Wu Xuanzong blocked it with crossed arms.

The blade collided with the arm, making a crisp metallic sound.

Tendo Kikunosho missed the attack and jumped back steadily to keep the distance.


At this time, the tables, chairs, and sofas between the two people were neatly split apart, and they were killed by the samurai sword.

"Do you really want to kill me?" Qi Wu Xuanzong kept laughing ferociously.

"I have to seize such a good opportunity. Tomorrow morning I can announce to the outside world that you were killed in a shooting assassination." Tendo Kikinochei said calmly.

"That's what I have in mind. If I kill you and take down the Holy Emperor, I can take a step closer to my great cause of unification." Qi Wu Xuanzong took off his shirt, revealing his metal body.

After saying this, the two immediately fought fiercely again.

As expected from the hands of the Four Sages, Qi Wu Xuanzong's whole body can be turned into dangerous hot and cold weapons. In addition, he has a fighting foundation, and his combat power is not weaker than that of starters ranked within 100.

Facing the troublesome Qi Wu Xuanzong, Tendo Kikunochei was calm and deadly with his sword.

In just two minutes, the expensively decorated suite was filled with ravines caused by the sword's edge, and one of the walls was blown apart by a single blow of the sword.

That's right, when the blade touched the wall, it was like a cannonball that escaped from the barrel, and all the steel and concrete exploded.

How can such expressiveness be explained by the so-called ancient swordsmanship?

This is clearly a low-martial world setting!

"To this extent, it has been separated from the normal world. No wonder Tendougi in the anime can wield sonic slash."

In the corner, Chu Xin watched very enthusiastically.

If Tendo Kikunojo is put into the Iron-blooded hunting ground, he will definitely kill most of the Predator-blooded warriors.

After admiring it enough, I can be sure that these two people are stronger and more suitable sparring partners than Zhizi Yingyin.

As a result, Chu Xin lifted the Predator's invisibility.


In an instant, Tendo Kikunochori's sword swung at him.

At the same time, Qi Wu Xuanzong's iron fist also came towards him.

These two old foxes are obviously a lot older, but their reflexes are simply outrageous.

Bang bang!

Chu Xin's left and right hands reached out and grabbed the knife and fist respectively.

Neither the blade of unknown material nor the holmium metal can penetrate the Terminator Armor.

He sprayed under his feet, levitated and then pressed down hard.


The two were immediately knocked out and immediately joined forces after looking at each other.

"Who are you?" Tendo Kikinochei asked with great fear.

"Didn't you arrange it?" Qi Wu Xuanzong did not forget to ridicule.

"If I wanted to assassinate you, your plane would have exploded in the sky." Tendo Kikunoichi responded.

Chu Xin was too lazy to answer and immediately switched cards.


Thunder and lightning surged, and golden light illuminated the room where the bulb had been blown out.

"That's it!" Tendo Kiku no Cheng said in astonishment.

"Do you know him?" Qi Wu Xuanzong said in disbelief, "How can a human become a gastrea?"

"Work together to kill it and share the research results?" Qi Wu Xuanzong became interested.

"Okay." Tendo Kikuchichen couldn't help but rush to Chu Xin.

Tokyo is extremely lively tonight.

In addition to Rentaro's urban chase, the chaotic Imperial Palace, the secretly hidden Tokyo Bay, and the hotel suites where humans and animals fight fiercely, uninvited guests are also welcomed in the outer areas.

A demonstration team consisting of thousands of people marched in with weapons under the fire of the gangsters who were mixed in.

Thugs invade, danger!

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